30 -
Opps, I may need to drop out
Just worked out tha time diff and this will end up being Monday morning for me.
Unless y'all wanna jump tha date back one day for me, lol... dont expect y'all to do that for one person.
Cheers all -
I have Kouple of toons sitting in freedumb
I'd be keen to kome bash some bodies wit y'all -
Add me if you like
Global: @HatchetKill
I am also Kiwi but live in Aus. -
Champ FFA used to be great... Not enuff peeps no more sadly
I hate peeps that tell I shood learn to spell English,
Tha "english" spelling is lost via tha abbreviation of most words.
...formin a sLam trial pst fo inv...
Soo formin suppose to have a g, what tha hell is a sLam, what does pst, fo has a r at tha end, inv is not invincible...stupid waste of time tells.
Spellin don't need to be exact all tha time.. And those tells that come thru tellin me I need to learn English cause they cant work out what's typed... Obviously they ain't that bright to be tellin peeps how to spell when they can't read -
BTM Redside
Althou should be BSM Reside really...
This channel seems to have jump onto otha serverz also, kausin a little konfuzion when startin up SFs an kant add tha player -
I have re-build my WM/SD 6 times...
Why, cause its so endo heavy I cant use him
He's a powerful beast, but shelved tha endo hog
Last build I only skipped -
Whirling Mace
Grant Cover -
Quote:Basically 1st person willin to come get an pay for itHere's a few questions to help you start the negotiations of this deal.
1 - Is the IO Crafted or is it a Recipe? Recipe
2 - Is this a straight up sale or do you want a bidding war with IO to highest bidder? Straight
3 - If it's a straight sale, what's the sticker price you're looking for? 1.5
4 - If it's an auction, What's the starting bid, and are bids handled through sending you a PM here on these forums or through ingame tells? replies to tis thread
5 - What is your @Global Handle so we can contact you about this sale? @HatchetKill
6 - Are you willing to transfer servers to deliver, or will that be the buyers responsibility? Buyer responsibily
I'm sure that if you provide a more detailed sale post, answering these questions, you may see better results.
As far as my interest, I'm not on Champion, so it would cost me $9.99 US Dollars to transfer an alt to my home server. That would hold true for many of us. It really depends on how badly someone wants that IO.
Good Luck in your sale. -
Enyone Interestd?
Ummm, wat waz tha prob wit Auzziez???
Ya I one of em too... well I live there enywayz
An nope me spellin aint Auzzie, me Kiwi
Yes Bud, YO worst knightmare haha -
Aight... I'll start tha bidding... at....
50Mil!!!, hehe
Gotta start sumwhere aye -
AHHHH. y'all want non da speaka da englishy
datz where I kum in....
I use "Redside Channel" 99% of tha time I play
befor every strikeforce, from lrsf to respec to killin yo mamma
BTM of Champ iz like a side channel ta meh
I have it in meh global part, gust keep eye out fo itf datz bout it
tha "Redside Channel" iz meh main
I mean gust face it BTM of Champ iz mainly Heroes yellin out
& it getz flooded **** read team chat half da time if in main chat window
BTW.... DarkSide fo life yo (oppps I mean Redside, haha) -
Bahhh... I Got PWND
Use SF toon for PvP but only toon thats not set up as "farmer" an is complete wit setz
All gd fun thou
Would luv to see a 1v1 show down type comp, but that would take sum time to get thru I suppose -
Sat Feb 13 7.30pm cst
Sat Feb 20 7.30pm cst
Sry short notice for tomorr event so just see how it goes, other anotha attempt in a week -
Quote:Do as I do.... Tune outMy oldest son just turned 9 on the 1st. But he hasn't had a sleep over yet. I don't know if I want 4 or 5 8 and 9 yr olds running through my little house. Bad enough I have 4 of my own.. adding 4 more? I'd rather eat SPAM....with a spork... on a splate.