Summer PvP League: Fat Kids Recruitment
I have a variety of terrible characters and I couldn't PVP the broad side of a barn on a good day, but I'm interested.
I'll take all the credit for holding us back.
@Dark Epitaph
I have heard of this PvP thing.... I think I may want to try my hand at it if Im allowed, needed, or not banned....
And which server is this taking place on?

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
We would be more than willing to let you join our team Bud as long as it is clear that we know we are bad and do not expect to be play-off material.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
If we're looking to need incarnates by Sep 2, then @Dark Epitaph is going to be a stone/stone brute. Because when I think PVP, I think "I'm going to slowly lumber around and punch things that I'm sure will enter into melee with me."
It's possible that my Thugs/Dark Mastermind will be available too, that'll be great because Gang War sometimes has a lag cannon effect on people. Our secret weapon.
In seriousness, the few times I've PVP'ed my stone/stone was not nearly as bad as I thought he would be. His player was atrocious, though. I look forward to just getting my feet wet in this and trying out PVP, and I'm glad that it won't be For Blood.
Depending on what we scrap together will really depend on what will be needed. I just hope that all will be willing to make new toons if needed for Freedom.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
I can do that, but I level on the really really slow side. I'm no Bud.
I can do that, but I level on the really really slow side. I'm no Bud.
I currently have a farmer on Freedom and my own farm to take care of anyone that needs to get to 50 quickly so that we may accolade/ build/ and incarnate out our toons especially since all are allowed except Lores currently.
Judging by what we have currently you may have to roll a damage dealer in terms of a blaster or stalker, but I currently need to get with Artic to see what we have and what we need.
In terms of build building, I would be willing to lend a hand if needed and provide crafted IOs for the cause.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
If we're looking to need incarnates by Sep 2, then @Dark Epitaph is going to be a stone/stone brute. Because when I think PVP, I think "I'm going to slowly lumber around and punch things that I'm sure will enter into melee with me."
It's possible that my Thugs/Dark Mastermind will be available too, that'll be great because Gang War sometimes has a lag cannon effect on people. Our secret weapon. In seriousness, the few times I've PVP'ed my stone/stone was not nearly as bad as I thought he would be. His player was atrocious, though. I look forward to just getting my feet wet in this and trying out PVP, and I'm glad that it won't be For Blood. |

I made a kin melee/ice armor stalker on Freedom and am working on it as I can...I initially thought I'd be able to work on it a lot today but then my day totally fell through and I probably can't get on until late, if then.
I'd appreciate any advice on how to build it. I'm bad with the numbers part of the game, but could easily give it any enhancements necessary with the exception of purples or PVP IO's.
Also, I just realized that I have a 50 DB/SR Scrapper that I could switch to Freedom and have no need to switch away from Freedom at any point, but it is not incarnate nor is it very well built. I haven't touched it in like...2 years, maybe more. It's not spectacular, but it's a better "worst case scenario" than stone/stone.
It is all up to you if you want to bring your original SR stalker to Freedom and not worry about leveling one up, but I can assure you that I will get you to 50 in close to two/three days depending on your schedule and there seems to be Trials constantly on Freedom so that should be a breeze. Even I may end of dusting off my usual two so that I don't have to worry about Fat Arsenal farming them up as well.
Also, once we finalize the team I want to get a schedule going to know when and when not the team can group together or even a good chunk of it for practices since many will seem new to this form, also gives you a chance to work on spikes/evades/making bad jokes at Keebler.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
Oh, and please make your new toon a villain so it may get the Patron arc, kthnks.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
I usually don't PvP that much, but since some charas of mine just migrated to Champion, I'd be interested in joining you.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
Current update: this league is now Alpha only.
Carry on.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
The good news: I got Demonic.
The bad news: Tonight, my time online is likely going to be spent trying to figure out what the Mako event is about on Champion, and my daytime time is going to be limited the rest of the week. I still think I should be able to hit 50 with Alpha within the week given how it's going so far.
Two weeks should be enough to time get that all together anyhow, there is no need for your playtime to be strictly League business.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
I have Kouple of toons sitting in freedumb
I'd be keen to kome bash some bodies wit y'all

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
Have 2 more to add to the roster Sep
@Heavenly Perverse
@High Voltz
I think Hatch wont be able to make the matches so he might be out.
So as it stands should look like this
@Sepultura Stalker/Corr
@Artic Keeper Dom/Others
@Dark Epitaph Stalker
@Craz Dragoon Blaster
@Heavenly Perverse
@High Voltz
Hello boys and girls,
Currently Team Royale with Cheese needs able bodies for this Summer's PvP League (Lvl50).
Yes we are bad, we know we are bad, but we do try in the pvp sense and have fun with it all.
If you have any questions or would like to enter yourself into the blood bath, send either a Forum PM, game email, or in-game PM.
Current Roster (10/10):
@Sepultura Stalker/Corr
@Artic Keeper Dom/Others
@Neuronia / @Neuronium
@Heavenly Perverse
@High Voltz
@Tenjoy Def
@Taunting Monk Controller
@Craz Dragoon Blaster
Practice Fatties (More than welcome to join us for practices and will be invited and notified):
@Dark Epitaph
@Water Muse
Target Start Date: Sept. 9th
Fat Kids Site
Rules Discussion
Have fun, good luck!
Current Rules:
The setup:
This will be a 5v5 PvP League.
Travel suppression and heal decay will be turned off. Small inspirations only.
Power and AT limitations:
No TK.
Only 2 stalkers per lineup
Only 3 masterminds
No Steamjump/jump pack
Dark Control Set Holds
Arachnos ATO %100 Chance for Fear
Electric Control Set Holds
Roster setup:
Teams will be limited to a roster of 10 members. This will be the maximum size of slot alloted to teams for the roster posting.
Match times and ranking setup:
Officials will be held on Sundays @ 9 eastern. Teams must be in listed arena event 15 min after start time of their scheduled match. If that same team has still not showed up after 30min have elapsed from the time of the scheduled match then the absent team will be disqualified. If both teams agree to have the match a little later than normal schedule, that's fine. A Print Screen copy of the agreement from the two teams with approve this. Like everything else, this is also up for discussion (the official match times). If most people feel 10 pm eastern is better, that can be adjusted; but it's probably unlikely considering many people have to work Monday morning. Regular practices between teams can be worked out between each other. Our hope is that each team will battle each other two times during the regular season. So if we get seven teams then there will be fourteen weeks of regular season matches. If there are eight teams then sixteen weeks of regular season matches; pretty awesome!! Rankings will be simple. Each two out of the three Sunday night matches won, is one win. Teams with the most wins at the end of the season will get the playoff spots. Playoffs will consist of semi-finals and then the finals.
Match Dates:
Officials will be poushed back 1 week(meaning Sept 9) to allow some of our teams to return to the game from trips and work situations. this will also give you time to perfect your team into the way you wish to have it for the tourn. Practices are expected to be held weekly. we will also be meeting with the Team Leads to discuss any matters that need discussing and to give updates on Tourn matters so that they may relay that to there teammates.
Your Official Rosters are to be posted by the 5th to unsure a spot for your team in the bracket.
A posted Fight list for all teams will be posted by Sept 8th so that everyone can see who they will be fighting and when.
The Fight:
Each team will fight Twice. Each team will also select their own map pick. There will be no scoring system straight up wins and loses. if the teams Draw within those two matches they may choose to fight for a tiebreaker and seal the deal. Scoring will be in 0w-0l-0d for this reason.
The rewards for the winning team are TBA. Stay tuned for that one!(working hard on these)
If any other questions or concerns pop up, or if you feel we may have missed a power to ban or included that would make the tournment more fun, you know where to find us.
'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'