699 -
- 23 second Pylon time.
- Solo pylon run then holding off Rikti in the middle of the bowl all by myself.
Crab spider completely broke the game for me. Ridiculous damage, awesome support, and superb survivability just made all my other characters look like zeroes.
I'll never forget the awesomeness of the Jinrazuo spider. -
This reminds me of the debacle behind the store bought Performance Shifter proc. Paragon decided to change how it worked and offered no compensation to early adopters, basically giving them the big "f u". Well, now we have this.
GW2 is a great game and I find myself enjoying it a lot. I understand we're all hurt over the CoH fiasco, but you can't fault the good people at ArenaNet for that. Eventhough CoH will always be dear to me, honestly, it was getting pretty stale and I just wasn't finding myself excited for it in these past few months. I continued subbing mainly because I just felt so invested in it, but not a whole lot of motivation beyond that.
GW2 is a refreshing change to the MMO and leaves you scratching your head as to why it's taken so long to get things right. The combat requires a more twitchy approach as opposed to just standing there cycling the same power chain over and over. The questing is seamless and not annoying. Exploring areas actually serve a purpose unlike something like Shadow Shard where you have giant zones of nothing for no real reason. The world itself actually feels immersive as you travel through towns and listen to all the city banter which sometimes even leads to events. As much as I love CoH I've just never really felt that level of immersion to the actual world and lore as I feel in something like GW2.
Anyway, kinda feel like I'm just rambling now as I approach the end of my graveyard shift, but bottom line is that GW2 is a fun game and you're doing yourself a disservice by avoiding it because of CoH's unfortunate demise. -
Agreed. It was fun dominating with THE BEST archetype in the game. You guys rock.
I like putting it in Gale or the Dark blast cone. Quick recharge, wide area, 100% knockdown, great mitigation.
Quote:You think power pool customization would have ever happened if people didn't complain about it for years? Paragon was perfectly happy with primary/secondary customization, but now that power pool customization is up and running on beta I find myself thinking "how did we manage so long without this?!"People are just upset because they can't complain anymore about not being able to customize Hasten.
Players expressing concerns and feedback is welcomed by the game developers as it gives them ideas on how to continue improving their game. I think OP's feedback is valid and may one day be incorporated in some form, at which point we'll be saying "how did we manage so long without this?!" -
My biggest gripe with Trip Mine is the procs IOs don't work in this power. With the PPM changes there's a lot of lost potential here.
I believe certain powers don't seem to benefit from Control Hybrid. For example, I sat on a Pylon spamming Web Envelope from Mace Mastery while monitoring combat attributes and not once did I see a +1 mag bonus. My guess is that it doesn't affect APP/PPP powers and not many have noticed. I've reported this several times but I guess it's still bugged, like other aspects of Hybrid.
They've been there before when they really didn't have any big announcements. PAX is pretty much THE con for the gaming community so it's odd to see Paragon not making a presence at all after so many years of attending. Guess I should've seen it coming since they didn't do New York Comicon or PAX East this year either. Bummer.
They confirmed no incoming buffs for Crab Spiders. =(
Quote:The new leadership power is Victory Rush. Grants a + recovery and end discount buff to yourself and the team. The potency of the buff is dependent on the enemy rank you activate the power on. I'll definitely be making room for this on my crab.Real quick from what I remember...
- New Leadership power is like an inverse Vengence. It gives +end and +damge I think you use it on a defeated mob's body.
- Medical pool reworked but I missed most of the changes due to lag. Their is a new power called Feild Medic.
- Concealment pool has an AOE placate power that also has -res.
- Min FX on Hasten/SS. Coloerable Leadership but they did not say/show a min FX for it.
Well I hope there's SOME new content. I know we don't have all the info yet, but so far i24 is just power changes. I think power changes are great, but I'd like some new content to enjoy while using them.
Quote:I agree with this for the most part. My crab uses gun attacks mainly for this reason. The secondaries granted with crab are the main reason to go that route. The only real attack I take from crab is Suppression because it's just really good.What value is served by taking the crab attacks?
Crab seems to do the same things that solider does, but worse.
The only reasons I would recommend taking the crab attacks is theme or if your aim is to be tanky and taking the melee attacks and mixing in some range. To avoid too much redraw it may be best to just take the crab ranged attacks.
But yeah, from a standalone performance perspective, gun blasts top crab blasts. -
I've got many people in to this game through Steam sales of CoH when it used to be on the service. It was great.
Steam as a whole is excellent for me. Awesome sales, ease of use, very convenient, friends list, voice chat, and so on. Their digital distribution gaming platform does it right.
Of course, if you're a tin-foil hat wearing type then you're gonna hate every single service that gives you the slightest funny look (Facebook, Steam, etc..). So, honestly, if you're that person then you'll hate it and you're probably just kinda miserable in general. -
You like crabs? Well then, you're okay in my book!
Quote:With my testing (Crab spider and spider pets), they only receive the buff if you summon while Assault is active. Once Assault expires the buff on pets expires...Ah yes, I hope this gets fixed down the line, because that's ridiculous for Masterminds. For a two min boost, you want us to resummon and retrain everything? um... no.
So pets can take advantage of Control Radial's control abilities for about a minute and a half, at a diminished level? We need to have the numbers for this stuff - this is rather disappointing.
...once Assault comes back and you toggle it on, it will affect pets again if its the same ones you spawned while Assault was active. So it seems to me that when you spawn pets during Assault it gives them some sort of tag to be eligible for the buff if its up. With MMs, as long as you keep your pets alive this shouldn't be as big of an issue.
But yes, a fix to this wonky mechanice will definitely be welcomed. -
This one, in particular, is the coolest.
Quote:Been on a D3 break from CoH... is Spider Bite actually out yet? I was assuming the new ATOs would bet out with Super Packs 2. Any word on this?No No. Dominion of Arachnos & Spider's Bite are called ATOs http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/ATO . Here is some more info: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Dominion_of_Arachnos. & http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=287577. Both of these links will give you the information that you need to know about each set of ATOs.
Hope this helps you out a bit. -
I can confirm the same. I tested this long ago with my Crab and it's spider pets and was disappointed at the results.
My thinking on this is that pets are a power of the player character so if the character is 51 it's using level 51 powers. In other words, if I'm a fire/fire dom I don't understand why my Blaze has level 51 values but Fire Imps have a level 50 value. It just doesn't seem right. A level shift, is a level shift regardless of how it's obtained. On magi, trial, if I'm +9 and spawn my pets, they come out as +9.
The common rebuttal to this is as you've heard "lol, pets shouldn't get insps!". I honestly believe, however, that this is more of a technical hurdle Paragon just doesn't have time/care to address so it's just left as "oh well... WAI I guess *shrug*". -
If you're going pet heavy go Assault Core. It's currently granting 34% dmg on each stack on pets instead of 15%. Devs don't seem to be in a huge rush to fix this as I've reported this 2 months ago in beta testing. Once/If it's ever fixed, Radial may be better but it's hard to say with the upcoming PPM formula nerf in I24.
Support Core sounds great on paper with a potential double buff to pets coming up to 24%, but this is also not working properly. Pets get 12% and player characters get 6%. I reported this at the same time I did the Assault bug so who knows when they'll bother to fix this.
I recommend you just take Assault Core and melt enemies. I can take down a Pylon in 22 seconds now with Assault Core so I'm not going to bother screwing around with anything else.
Good luck. -
For my spider's big game hunts I go either radial degen or reactive. Degen seems to slightly outperform reactive for me but not by much. You'd be fine with either of those.