Soldiers - You were great
Agreed. It was fun dominating with THE BEST archetype in the game. You guys rock.
Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider
RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run
Though I pretty much worked my VEATs out before the forum merge I think I should pay homage to the best designed AT.
I have 6 of these little buggers which is pretty mad I know but I did infact love them. To my Crab, Huntress, Bane, Widow, Fortunata and Blastermind or what ever ya call the one which taunts with pets, I wish I had more time.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I always loved playing VEATS, and playing teams of VEATS was an experience beyond compare in this game.
I am going to miss my Crab that could take whatever the game wanted to throw at her and dish it right back out.
I am going to miss my Fortunata so. I finally got the super spy concept I wanted just right.
My one regret is I will never get the Crab without the backpack
As my Hunts(wo)man, Leggs, likes to say on teams on Virtue (redside) ...
"Hot Lead! Get your Hot Lead! All you can eat! Get it while supplies last!" |

About six months ago, I got interested in VEATs.
The first one I rolled was a Fortunata. Because I was bored with melee and wanted to play someone who could do "pew pew" from far away. With solid status protection and decent personal safety.
The fortunata was a hit in each and every category except versus robots (psi, d'oh) and she wasn't an AoE monster. While every +3x8 I encountered was doable (stealth + confuse + patience if necessary), taking down a couple of bosses one by one took some time.
So I tried a crab ... and wow, this one hit it all. Pets, AoE, status protection, defense, resists, a heal, more AoE ... YAY !
Around six weeks ago, I decided to become "a badger" with that crab. For the first time in eight years, I decided to care about my badge count because I felt this was the char I would spent a long time with.
Turns out "long time" = "for the rest of CoH"
So, dear soldiers and widows, thanks for being as awesome as you are and sorry I didn't get to know you earlier.
My widow was pretty much my "main" toon since they went live in i12. It was the perfect character: a sort of stalker/brute hybrid that could not only dish out the pain but also buff my team members. I kept the toon as a villain this whole time just to keep in character.
I was really stoked about i24. Psy wail was getting its recharge cut in half and its damamge bumped 25%. New costumes, new IOs, new arcs. I ran the widow on the St. Martial arc on beta not knowing one of the misions would have 7 AVs waiting outside a door for me, and although I died a few times I was able to take them all on at once and come out on top! (thank you slightly OPed talons of vengeance lore pets for allowing me to do this lol).
It's been a lot of fun, hopefully some other entity is able to take over the game and let us continue on. I've already run my widow over to GV and have him standing beside Lord Recluse for the server shut down, as I am no longer interested in playing a game that has been pretty much abandoned by it's parent company.
Its been a blast guys, a farewell /salute to what was IMO the best all around AT in the game.
dual build, and you get two character types
tank magery
Way lots of fun.
/pours a drink for the lost crab legs
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):