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  1. Man that IS epic! Makes me want to try it.

    I'm gonna miss this game...
  2. My widow was pretty much my "main" toon since they went live in i12. It was the perfect character: a sort of stalker/brute hybrid that could not only dish out the pain but also buff my team members. I kept the toon as a villain this whole time just to keep in character.

    I was really stoked about i24. Psy wail was getting its recharge cut in half and its damamge bumped 25%. New costumes, new IOs, new arcs. I ran the widow on the St. Martial arc on beta not knowing one of the misions would have 7 AVs waiting outside a door for me, and although I died a few times I was able to take them all on at once and come out on top! (thank you slightly OPed talons of vengeance lore pets for allowing me to do this lol).

    It's been a lot of fun, hopefully some other entity is able to take over the game and let us continue on. I've already run my widow over to GV and have him standing beside Lord Recluse for the server shut down, as I am no longer interested in playing a game that has been pretty much abandoned by it's parent company.

    Its been a blast guys, a farewell /salute to what was IMO the best all around AT in the game.
  3. I don't know if there's a "next best", as ppl are pointing out CoX is sort of unique in that there isn't gear you have to acquire. Well, I suppose IOs are gear, but they can be traded/sold/gotten through other means than critter defeat, which IMO is one of the GREAT things about this game: you can outfit your toons with the best stuff without really worrying about farming or raiding (outside of incarnates anyways).

    This is my first post since thier announcement and I'm pretty upset about the whole ordeal. This is the only game I've played where I could just log on and spend 15-20 minutes online and get something accomplished. Other games I have accounts with (EQ1, STO, secret world) it sometimes takes that long just to set up and get to your zone, etc. I had -just- finnished tweaking my main last week on beta was really excited about all the new power tweaks, IO sets and costumes (I was going to use all three when i24 went live).

    Anyway, secret world is a lot of fun IMO. It has some of the best arcs and NPC dialog I've seen, and you can unlock all the powers available and just swap around abilities on the fly for different roles. It's a bit on the dark side though, so if you have kids that play it may not be a suitable option...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    I seriously doubt it.. First off these changes are mostly to nukes that have crashes and they are focusing on Blast sets ( which affects Blasters Corruptors and Defenders). Kheldians which also have nukes are not having their nukes changed in Issue 24.
    They said all nukes were being looked at, even the current crashless ones:

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post

    Current crashless nuke recharge time is going down as well:

    Original Geyser: 205s
    New Geyser: 120s

    Overcharge: 180s
    New Overcharge: 120s

    But again no specific reference to VEATS, but since the focus here is on lowering their recharge I'd be surprised if VEATs were excluded.
  5. Any idea if the two VEAT nukes (omega maneuver and psy wail) will be affected? I'd love to see a 45ish sec nuke on my fort, would change its whole playstyle.

    I'm guessing they will be tweaked, since their recharge is at 360 seconds, but haven't found any references to it. Any ideas?
  6. Everyone has to do the arcs to unlock them, part of the lore of going redside. Just run through black scorpions, it's the fastest IIRC. Usually takes me around 60-90 minutes to unlock it this way if I just keep to the mission goals.
  7. Yeah, water/storm corr looks wild. Also, since it is so easy to color the efftects look like lava, a water/fire blaster might be in the works as well.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Expeditor View Post
    How about Rise of the Phoenix? If I recall it does 3 ticks of damage, each with high mag knockback attached - if all 3 landed it'd be around blaster nuke levels of damage, alongside the stun and knockdown.
    This is where I had it before bonfire, and it works exactly like that: the mobs just bounce around and take 3 big ticks of damage (most I saw was 230ish/tick). If bonfire gets adjusted this is where it'll go back to.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Crane Kick from MA might also be a good spot for it.
    Oh man, good point! I always loved crane kick's animation but hated the KB. Damn, yet -another- alt I have to make now because of one single IO...
  10. I didn't read through all the pages, but here's my opinion of bonfire with the new proc: it's an absolute "I win" power to the extreme.

    If you are a blaster, don't fret about having no defense or status protection if you have bonfire and this proc, as there is only one critter I have seen that can avoid its effects (boss malta zeus titans), and when that's your only concern out of a pull containing 10-12 critters then you have no worries at all. Everything else just helplessly and repeatedly flops around in the patch for 45 seconds: they don't get a chance to return fire/ TP away (gunslingers)/or really do much at all. It's one of those things you see and think "how the eff did this make it through beta???".

    And this is just on a blaster, who can perma it with high enough recharge, where doms and trollers can have -two- of these out permanently. IMO when one single IO can allow a vanilla level 50 blaster to blaze through a x8 malta map without being mezzed or taking damage (this is not an exaggeration, my blaster waltzed unscathed through a malta map with this power as his only "defense") it should, for that application anyways, prob be looked at.

    For those who have seen this power+proc in action, even if you don't agree it should be looked at, you have to agree that it is broken powerful in its current state.

    EDIT: it's pretty wicked in RotP too, but at least for that you have to die for it to work =D
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    I basically want to kill off the highest pet to use soul extraction on him during the down times. But all I know how to do is kill ALL my pets. Dismissing a single pet prevents me from using this power.

    So whats the secret.
    There is a macro for this, I just cannot remember it offhand - it sticks out because I can remember how crazy awesome it was to just hit a button and the lich would die, then I could extract the new ghost and resummon the lich.

    I just can't remember it for the life of me though (its been like 3 years since I played the toon, and hes long since been deleted) - maybe Zombie Man or someone who plays a necro knows more. I'll see if I can find the info, it was on these boards that I discovered it.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    As [url=]

    Q: What protects players from Psionic damage?

    As a rule of thumb, not a lot will protect players from Psionic damage. By design, it's supposed to be a dangerous weakness that only some players may be able to withstand. As such, many defensive sets will protect from everything except psionic.

    However, some Power Sets are nonetheless good protection from Psionic attacks:
    • Bio Armor
    • Dark Armor - This has the highest Psionic resistance of any set
    • Electric Armor
    • Ninjitsu - Provides Defense to positions and Resistance to Psionic (and Toxic, FYI)
    • Shield Defense - Can block attacks regardless of damage type
    • Super Reflexes - Can dodge attacks regardless of damage type
    • Umbral Aura - Eclipse is situational, but provides substantial resistance
    • Willpower
    You forgot to mention the one set that completely laughs off psi damage: widows. With just generic lvl 50 IOs 3-slotted in forsight, indomitable will, mind link, and TT:maneuvers a widow will have 23.8% typed psi defense and 77.5% psi resist. Both are easily pushed to 45% typed defense and the SoA's resist cap of 85% with a few tweaks.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thoran_EU View Post
    With I23 coming out in a few hours, what is everybody gonna slot into their hybrid slot?
    I'm in doubt between Assault (and there between Core and Radial) for it's obvious benefit of more damage, and Melee Core for extra survivability in the form of regen and resists.

    So, any opinions?
    Just spent a few hours unlocking the slot, didn't know what to make at first so went with assault radial flawless (the doublehit one): it adds a passive +10 to your damage and is a toggle that adds a +energy damage proc to your attacks for two minutes (ala fiery embrace).

    Then ran a quick pylon run and clocked 2:26 for around 390 DPS, or about 43 DPS better than my previous best attempt. In a few weeks I'll unlock the other tree and compare the two.

    EDIT: this is on a night widow.
  14. For a NW I'd go core muscular and ageless for the +recovery/+rech, and I use reactive and degenerative interfaces (one for soloing, one for trials). The great thing about ageless is when it's active you can completely abandon all endurance slotting and build for procs and HPs while still maintaining permahasten.

    Relying on ageless for endurance sucks if you level down and lose your ncarnate abilities, but a second build for lower level content solves that issue.

    My personal view on elude is it isn't necessary at all. Before destiny was available I had it for the endurance recovery on AV fights, but it hasn't been on my build in a while and I don't miss it.

    Also I never understood the melee fort: why do folks like them so much? All it does is encourage redraw and it doesn't perform on the melee front like a NW does. I'm gonna guess psy wail has something to do with player's decisions?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
    Just wondering, with the new stalker changes, how are widows, forts and banes on the critting front? Good? Needs improvement? Bad?

    I'm looking at them and way I see it, their crits look a little lacking, but I want to hear from others who might play banes/widows/forts more than me.
    Stalkers needed the buff badly, it now solidifies thier role as a burst damage AT. If you want to have that kind of burst then roll a stalker, but if you want good melee damage with a good assortment of support buffs/debuffs then banes/NWs are the way to go.

    Honestly I never thought the crits were that big a deal anyways: on my NW I use slash crits to one-shot pesky minions (sappers, etc), on my bane I use resist debuffs with crit shatter to soften up bosses... and that's really the limit of their use IMO (man I wish they'd replace shatter with clobber...).

    But fear not: my NW has hit 345 DPS vs pylons (that's the highest I've been able to achieve because procs are so random, most of the time it averages 3:10 or so), so on the DPS front a correctly built NW can hang with the best stalker combos.
  16. Thoran - There's alot of ways to slot followup, I ended up frankenslotting with mako's bite x3/ ToD x3 (with procs from both) and using enhancement boosters to get the required dmg/acc/rech. I mainly did this for the hit points bonuses (+32 all together). I used to use 5x crushing impacts and the guassian BU proc, but the proc's chance of firing is only 5% and I didn't get much milage out of it.

    Droid76a - IMO widows can never have enough defense, which is why I always use weave and would urge every widow to do the same. My NW is currently running 70% melee defense and 55% ranged/AE with MP supressed. That -sounds- like overkill, until you meet opponents with defense debuffs --- yes the softcap outside of incarnate content is 45%, but running those numbers and that defense is basically useless after you get hit even once with a defense debuff. Go run a x8 PI bank map solo (or even a roman map) and see how long the base 45% defense keeps you alive.

    Since widows only have about 27% DDR (and raw defense is the only thing they have) it makes sense to me to have as large a buffer as possible. With my numbers I can withstand 2 -defense hits before ranged defenses are compromised and 4 hits for melee. And sometimes that isn't even enough.
  17. I'm not an "expert", but I'm currently running a 1698 hp NW that is hovering around the 330 DPS mark (3:11 was my last pylon time, I expect this to dip quite a bit lower with hybrid assault and the new global ATIO proc coming out), your build looks similiar to the one I used before my last big overhaul... so in my eyes you're on the right track. Also I like how you took tough, it's a hugely underestimated power on ATs with scaling resists.

    There's a few tweaks I'd make off the bat to your build:

    -- drop the extra slots in CT: D and just plug in a kismet + accuracy unique in that spot, you'll still be pushing just over 62% melee def with MP toggled on.

    -- use those two extra spots for two new LotG rech IOs (on weave/ MP, etc)

    -- free up a slot by switching around the spin and slash slottings, with 5 CUs now going into slash, and consolidate those spin ATIOs into 5 for the bonuses instead of having a loose 6th ATIO floating around---> drop that second slot from TT:assault as well. Now you have two free slots to play with.

    -- now drop placate (or SS, as I think ninja run can easily replace it) and grab hasten. Add these two slots to that for 3 lvl 50 rech IOs.

    -- swap the ToD procs for makos, they fire more often (or for gladiator strike procs, same 20% fire rate but smashing instead of lethal dmg).

    --Save up for a pvp +3 def unique (there's a few ways to get them now) and drop maneuvers for combat jumping. Then just plug in one LotG rech IO in there and leave it be, you will have the equivelent def between the IO and CJing as you did with your 5 slot maneuvers. Now you have 4 extra slots floating around for...

    -- dropping BU and replacing with followup. Your build should be now running about 5 seconds off of perma-hasten and you'll have almost all the tools for 250-260 dps. The only real problem now is end use, but elude is great for a fast burn (again you cold drop placate or SS for this, but by this time if you've followed my advice both will have be already replaced), or you could go either cardiac (go muscular instead IMO) or ageless (my personal choice).

    -- get catalysts and purplize those 5 ATIOs.

    -- place a LotG rech IO in ML

    -- get your other passive +hp/+end accolades knocked out ASAP

    There's a -ton- of other stuff I would do, but would involve lots of purples/PVPs/hami-o's. If you can stomach ageless destiny instead of rebirth you could drop a lot of the end slots in your toggles and powers and pave the road for a whole new killer dps build (TY ageless for letting me see this). These are the changes I would make, there exists probably 100 ways to build an effective NW so even if you decide my approach is garbage you might find one or two pieces of useful info. GL!

    EDIT: here's the data chunk of my changes, I ended up replacing my crushing impacts in slash with makos bites to avoid the rule of 5 for 5% recharges.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
    So which is to be?

    Night Widow?
    Personally I prefer NWs - but I like the higher DPS melee toons. Forts are fun and all (I esp like Psy Wail) but their single target DPS just doens't cut the mustard for me. I tried really hard to like the fort, I even experimented with the dreaded "melee fortunata" everyone seems to rave about, but despite extensive pylon testing and a similiar "melee build" the fort cannot keep up with my NW's single target output: best I've managed on the fort is a 7ish minute pylon run with T4 muscular and T4 reactive whereas my NW is doing it in 3:52 with the same incarnates slotted. I would even argue a NW does better AE damage with the FU/spin/evis cycled routine, but it's murder on the endurance bar...

    Don't get me wrong, the fort has some great stuff going for it and you won't be dissapointed if you enjoy playing a highly survivable controller-type. It just wasn't my cup of tea is all. It's win/win regardless of your decision.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Nitpick: Procs don't shut off as long as you have the power; set bonuses do. This means that no damage proc shuts off for examplaring.
    Ahhh I never knew that, thanks for the nitpick!

    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I have been planning my SJ/Ice and I see the potential of /Ice much better than /Nin. I can't wait to try Ice Bastion.
    Yeah Icy Bastion has to be experienced to understand just how powerful it is. You activate it and you regenerate back to full health and endurance, regardless of incoming damage or debuffs. It is like a mobile hibernate that allows you to attack while at full recovery. It's crazy.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    Oh my, your build looks very expensive with several PvP and purple sets and Shield Wall and Gladiator's +3% unique? How do you afford all that? None of my toons are slotted with full or almost full purple sets. LOL The most I've done is to put two chance for smashing and negative in Fortunata's hold attack. She does have one full set of purple confuse set but that set is like 10% price of melee, range and pbaoe purple sets' price.

    By the way, I see you put chance for smashing from Gladiator. Isn't that just 20% minor damage proc in pve like Mako's chance for lethal? I mean if all you want is a damage proc, isn't Gladiator like 100x more expensive than Mako's proc?
    I try and build with the mindset of "how far can I push this build", which sadly means I have to incorporate pvps and purples. It doesn't mean that is how the build will end up, I just like to see what IMO the toon is ultimately capable of with the top IOs. Purples obviously have the best stats, shield walls have a large regen and huge hp bonus with just 3 pieces. The two pvp uniques are in there because the GA 3% defense = not having to slot 3 powers with IOs for +melee/ranged/AE defense; I can slot for hps instead. The SW 3% resist is because I always like to see how much S/L resists I can push, esp on toons with no inherent resists. Nothing sucks more than having your "killer toon" almost one-shotted because of zero resists...

    I like the chance for smashing because of all the melee procs (excluding Hecatomb) only Gladiator's and Mako's have the 20% fire rate; ToD's is only 15%. Also I think smashing is a good choice because robots, who largely resists lethal damage, take extra from smashing. Another plus is this proc never shut off due to exemplaring more than three levels lower than the level of the IOs, similiar to a purple.

    Of all my level 50s only one has a build that looks similiar to this and that's my NW - but it took me a long time to put that build together and a ton of respecs, but I can see the benefits of the investment - it can do a lot of things my other 50s need teams to pull off. Plainguy has a much more realistic build IMO.

    EDIT: been experimenting with the DB/Nin on beta and having created all T4 destinys and experimenting in the new DA I have come to this decision: I think I need to rebuild the toon as /ice. Ninjitsu is nice and has a lot of toys, but ice has tools that I think that better suit my playstyle (energy absorbtion means never any end issues and icy bastion simply owns!). Thanks for the feedback guys.
  21. Yeah the highest hps I could ever manage on my NW was 1620, but I needed to make some big sacrifices for those additional +80 hps. I'm currently at what I consider a good "balance" at 1544 hps, 69% melee def, 59% ranged/AE, 177.5% rech (w/ hasten running), 71% psi resist, 31% S/L resists and 4.05% end/sec recovery. Just simply pushing for another 10-12 hps will affect a good portion of the stats I just listed in some way or another.

    What's funny though is even at a lowly 1544 hps that widow can survive just about any faction at +4/x8 setting (outside of the crazy stuff like things that are autohit, etc).
  22. Been testing ageless and watching DDR shoot to 95% for 30 seconds is nice. Still testing, but it is a lot more handy then I imagined it would be... esp with the game changing new AS strike that's on the horizon. Bosses just get ripped apart now. I'm gonna do a run in RWZ later on beta and see how the DPS is on a +3 DB/Nin. I'm going to guess it'll be around 230-240 mark... the new AS rocks but the rest of DB's attacks are middle of the road.
  23. Thanks for the responses everyone - ageless huh? I have a 50 DB/Nin and DM/Nin on beta ATM so will build a T4 and see how it performs. That's an interesting suggestion, I've been spoiled by my NW's crazy high defenses and have panic attacks when I do anything that involves PDD or incarnate critters with other toons... yet the only thing in the revamped DA that is giving me a rough time is the constant endurance draining. Off to beta I go!

    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    By the way, how do you soft-cap Ninjitsu? Do you mostly soft-cap melee or range or both?

    Here's the build my DB/Nin is currently using and it's at 45.1/46.4/44.5 before hide is toggled on. Assassin's blades is currently empty because it is reserved for the ATIO's - I'm seeing on beta that slotted in AS can make for a wicked 1-2 punch when it fires. With sweep now a viable combo it has become on of my favorite stalkers.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DA6593DB4E13511486F76EA7D69696521068A5056C39945 6A7544D341E6282880|
    |A1411123546AD23DD4075326D3A25914B4F516F3DBE80C71B 9FC857F070EFA12E66|
    |FDA535D3C07C7BFEBDFEB5D6EC3553BC3F1BFA72FEC11921C 3674DC3B64BAB0DC3B|
    |CA7EAFE25A3B155374CAF1022B052B52AD6BA616DF8E92E8E 885251994AE9B35B86|
    |599A318DB2B263AD9D59B5AE2C5BE94B15EB6EA5616F452F5 A9BAAAEAC86DE5A849|
    |7AB55539FAB6C6C362AD646D0B95BAD29558E38CB4545F9EA F666A5166ADDD7282E|
    |7EAE5659D367AAE5ED52D1B01BAABEDD6A37468D65E9FF614 0E0D7F4098350D0C49|
    |E3BE01A736F9939A098C319AFC385B6578A7EE968A30BBCF7 88F624F2CA490FE7C9|
    |308353609619CA312777F2F6696291BC5EC95E6F90F386BA9 8DD61B09B3916614EA|
    |07E91BC3E787DF0F6C0DB036F2FBC13F0E6E17D4C5E3FF7AC F99BF413BDCE755FC7|
    |75D8B93EA1C8009E2EF08EBB4FBC671EFC007E641EFA047E6 62E91B18BBDA2EB186|
    |B92CA86A1859D0A97282A022592E3737F4A5A1455A3C6FFB3 388099A531B3346696|
    |C6CC96C9DB8767EB4BB06734090E23C70838CAF45257FD7C9 6DEFE415A2435113BC|
    |C7BFB0BCCB13C53A3D8418EF50CCE21E6023331CF7C463DC4 D17FFC174EE53733FF|
    |8759F80B3641C1DE14E51FE2FC72C8398F801803A3B49744E D246A4FA0761EB59F5|
    |3ED113CFFC871BC6F27C093CCA953E069E60A7952E8377503 7B3799D95B6009BC8D|
    |A91BCC01EA699C7B12E378BF341A5E065AE62DC7F949CB41C B414B9357C7ECF5AFA|
    |CAD522FD3D0A6912FA1ED7E7FF4B7F3D62CBA94656DF73B14 D25186DA31CD408FD8|
    |395F677D39E87CC7CEFA6AC7FA5AC7FA7AC73AEBAA35ED520 A2EE5884B39EA52BE5|
    |115293B7BFED156A4BCC24FEF99274E6AE2BB2BFA675BF1C9 177C7E9E974CED15F8|
  24. Trying to decide what the best path for my /ninjitsu stalkers will be for survivability, the t4 regen rebirth or the t4 barrier.

    - On one hand having rebirth's heal + massive regen has spoiled me on other melees, but /nin has a great heal available at lvl 20 in Kuji-In Sha. Sha is nice, but I've seen that when fighting critters with high tohit or defense debuffs it only buys you seconds before your defenses begins to falter. Rebirth would allow for a little more reckless play but it probably wouldn't allow me to "up my game" as much as barrier.

    - /Nin lacks any resistances outside of psi (I usually add about 15-20% S/L at with tough and bonuses), so barrier would also be a nice choice for burst survival - my nin builds usually hover around only around 46-48% defenses. Yes, demoralize adds -7.5% tohit for 8 seconds, blinding power adds another -7.5% for 15 seconds and there is also caltrops but the concern here is the resistances and preventing cascading failures mainly.

    Ninjitsu is so well rounded that it has become a really tough choice, is there a clear winner here and I am just overlooking something? Or would it just balance out in the end between the two? Any opinions appreciated!
  25. Ahhhh, so that's why those arachnos bank maps keep stomping me. I knew the lts had a killer power, didn't realize that was it. Thanks for the info.