An epic sendoff for what the EPIC AT




First thanks to Miracle Kat, That was the most fun I have had in the game in I can't say when.

We just duoed the mothership. It was a blast took two tries and we had no idea if we could manage it.

Here is a shot of the two of us in the bowl

Here is a better shot, we were both just a little distracted by the rikti.

And here we are at a bomb grate

Im going to miss my soldiers. They really hit the human super soldier perfectly, my only regret is we never got Crabs without the pack.

Lol: Tired from the two runs the title should read an Epic send off for an Epic AT

Edit: really was tired had two of the same shots there



Man that IS epic! Makes me want to try it.

I'm gonna miss this game...



Holy crap, I knew SoAs were awesome, but duo-ing the mothership? Way to go!

My personal moment of SoA awesome was soloing a 8x4 paper mission with my psi Fort, before Incarnate. No temps.



SoA superteam event kgo.