whats the next best?
In Champions Online the character customization is very similar to City of Heroes (it's from Cryptic). In some cases better (left/right hand/arm/leg/foot can be customized individually, I always wanted that for CoX), in some cases it's not so good (structure of the GUI and intuitive handling). But I don't know how rich the pool of available costume pieces is without subscription or extra purchasable costume packs (I think CoX is superior in variety of choices ... to any other MMO).
Lieber eine Freundschaft riskieren, als einen guten Spruch auslassen.
Champions Online and DC Online both suffer from the same fault. Gear drops.
It's the MMO mentality that outfitting your character from looting enemies is the only way to go. As if Spiderman picked the webbing on his costume by stealing someone's clothes.
DC allows for (in my opinion) better customization options in color coordination of pieces but the reality is that none of them come close to City of Heroes.
As long as you're playing a game where you are trying to loot your enemies for weapon and ability upgrades, and those options are reflected in changes to your avatar in the game, then you are not going to come close to CoH.
"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"
I agree with Rough, I just tried both Champions and DCOL and neither had the feel nor the character creation/ability that you have with COH. I have always loved that your look is not tied to what you find or build. Unless it's been on purpose I don't remember anyone looking exactly like anyone else.
Big Jim Walker 50 Staff / Regen
Enigma Man 50 fire / Kin
Hope Of Hand 50 Emp / Rad
StoneRook 36 Earth /Kin
Altoholic It's a wonderful thing
Plus as I tried both as well, CO content is HORRIBLY limited!! When I tried it, they only had a few zones and I kept doing the same thing over and over again to grind just to get somewhere.
Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!
IMO there will be no replacement for coh
even the closest...proxy (prolly CO) fails miserably in everything aside from the costume creation
99% of other MMOs out there are not even superhero themed, just medieval/fantasy themed

To answer your question, SWTOR has great gameplay and story, but is tied to the gear drops problem of most MMOs; your character's look is determined by your gear.
DCUO gives you the option however to pick and choose armor pieces for your character's look. For example, my character looks like he's wearing the Robin PvP armor set, when in reality he's wearing a mix of the Fortress of Solitude armor and the magic pve armor for level 30. (30 is the cap there). You can pick and choose which items appear in your costume and lock them so even if you switch armor or weapons your character's look remains unchanged. The color customizer isn't anywhere near CoH's however.
The only other two MMOs i've played seriously are Star Trek Online and Lord of the Rings Online, both allow you to customize your character's appearance and pick and choose items for their 'costume' that allows you to hide ugly armor pieces under an aesthetically pleasing wardrobe.
from what I hear Secret World would be a strong contender, but discovered the hard way my poor 1 1/2 yr old med range lap top can't handle it after downloading the three day trial( although the next time I get a new one, i'll try it again)
So I am still shoping for a new home
-what burned me on CO and DCOU was how both games were developed for console, and seemed to make some sacrifices of PC functionality doing so, but of the two, DCOU is better done( but still not CoX)
Things I'm looking for
-Instanced missions, CoX has a great mix and variety here, I hate go hunt 20 x in zone y missions
-PUG friendly
-good variety of possible builds
-Not much if any sacrifices made for console functionality
I'm rocking STO on a Lifetime Sub.
- F2P w/ monthly subscription/Lifetime Member perks
- One big server, never problems teaming with firends
- Easy to find pickup groups
- Easy to find a fleet
- With exceptions of Task Forces, can be solo played
- Can auto-group for Task Force of Fleet Action play with other players
- PvP optional
- Decent market system
There is microtrans, but you don't have to make purchases at all if you can get enough Dilithium and convert it to Zen.
There's also a small CoH-created fleet there.
from what I hear Secret World would be a strong contender, but discovered the hard way my poor 1 1/2 yr old med range lap top can't handle it after downloading the three day trial( although the next time I get a new one, i'll try it again)
So I am still shoping for a new home -what burned me on CO and DCOU was how both games were developed for console, and seemed to make some sacrifices of PC functionality doing so, but of the two, DCOU is better done( but still not CoX) Things I'm looking for -Instanced missions, CoX has a great mix and variety here, I hate go hunt 20 x in zone y missions -PUG friendly -good variety of possible builds -Not much if any sacrifices made for console functionality |
The friendly player base of CoH

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman
I don't know if there's a "next best", as ppl are pointing out CoX is sort of unique in that there isn't gear you have to acquire. Well, I suppose IOs are gear, but they can be traded/sold/gotten through other means than critter defeat, which IMO is one of the GREAT things about this game: you can outfit your toons with the best stuff without really worrying about farming or raiding (outside of incarnates anyways).
This is my first post since thier announcement and I'm pretty upset about the whole ordeal. This is the only game I've played where I could just log on and spend 15-20 minutes online and get something accomplished. Other games I have accounts with (EQ1, STO, secret world) it sometimes takes that long just to set up and get to your zone, etc. I had -just- finnished tweaking my main last week on beta was really excited about all the new power tweaks, IO sets and costumes (I was going to use all three when i24 went live).
Anyway, secret world is a lot of fun IMO. It has some of the best arcs and NPC dialog I've seen, and you can unlock all the powers available and just swap around abilities on the fly for different roles. It's a bit on the dark side though, so if you have kids that play it may not be a suitable option...
I agree with Rough, I just tried both Champions and DCOL and neither had the feel nor the character creation/ability that you have with COH. I have always loved that your look is not tied to what you find or build. Unless it's been on purpose I don't remember anyone looking exactly like anyone else.
On topic, Champions is the next best thing. It isn't the SAME thing though. But you can still try it and a number of archetypes for free, so if you don't like it then no harm no foul. That being said, I feel that the real fun comes from freeform, which you do have to pay for.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
from what I hear Secret World would be a strong contender, but discovered the hard way my poor 1 1/2 yr old med range lap top can't handle it after downloading the three day trial( although the next time I get a new one, i'll try it again)
So I am still shoping for a new home -what burned me on CO and DCOU was how both games were developed for console, and seemed to make some sacrifices of PC functionality doing so, but of the two, DCOU is better done( but still not CoX) Things I'm looking for -Instanced missions, CoX has a great mix and variety here, I hate go hunt 20 x in zone y missions -PUG friendly -good variety of possible builds -Not much if any sacrifices made for console functionality |
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
I'm a Supers only kinda guy when it comes to MMOs. I tried some fantasy... just didn't do it for me.
Champions online looks like it was drawn by a 10 year old. A gifted 10 year old, but still.
DCUO looks slick, but the costume creator is so limited, and the game engine so non-intuitive that it lost me.
Marvels new one?
Have to wait and see. I'll probably give it a whirl, unless lightning strikes and some how CoH get saved.
I'm a Supers only kinda guy when it comes to MMOs. I tried some fantasy... just didn't do it for me.
Champions online looks like it was drawn by a 10 year old. A gifted 10 year old, but still. DCUO looks slick, but the costume creator is so limited, and the game engine so non-intuitive that it lost me. Marvels new one? https://www.marvelheroes.com Have to wait and see. I'll probably give it a whirl, unless lightning strikes and some how CoH get saved. |
I'm a Supers only kinda guy when it comes to MMOs. I tried some fantasy... just didn't do it for me.
Played Issue #1 through Issue #12. Occasional play for a couple more issues, then gone.
Back now till the end. One 50: Ella Tundra, Earth/Ice Tank.
The other MMO that's held my attention is Age of Conan. I played it at launch; there was a content drought in the higher levels. Came back with the medieval China expansion and have played since.
It is of course based on Conan the Barbarian, and as such it's the closest thing to a sword and sandal MMO out there, and that's always been where my characters have come from. At least there are no elves, dwarves, or twi'leks.
It doesn't have all that good a community; PvP was important to the game from the start and causes the usual problems. But it doesn't have annoyances of other games like gear repair costs either. Melee combat is quite engaging. There is a good multipet class if that interests you. 6 person instances and 24-person raids.
If you hated Dual Blades or masterminds you probably won't like it.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
-what burned me on CO and DCOU was how both games were developed for console, and seemed to make some sacrifices of PC functionality doing so, but of the two, DCOU is better done( but still not CoX)
Things I'm looking for -Instanced missions, CoX has a great mix and variety here, I hate go hunt 20 x in zone y missions -PUG friendly -good variety of possible builds -Not much if any sacrifices made for console functionality |
As for builds, every Powerset has two different 'trees' to it so there's a nice variety of powers to choose from in each Powerset. You can get three players who use Gadgets and they may only have one or two powers in common.
Here's a question for people: excluding WoW, what is the "next-best" if you're on a Mac? Yes, yes, I know about things like Bootcamp, Crossover, and Wine, but I mean games that run natively in MacOS.
None of the games i'd recommend (LOTRO, STO, DCUO, SWTOR) run on Mac as far as I know. You can always install Steam and play Team Fortress 2 since it's free and now on Macs. The new Co-Op mode is crazy hard but crazy fun at the same time.
There's a few options listed in this thread (along with the non-native options).
Personally, I'll fiddle with Crossover and Wine a bit, but I won't install Windows. However, for pure native, I am waiting eagerly for the native LoTRO client that was announced (due this fall, allegedly).
Quote of the moment: This, too, shall pass.
Justice superteamers: We have a website now, in case the forums get closed early. If you've ever run with us, come visit us again before the curtain falls. We're running bucket list characters--anything you've always wanted to play but never got around to.
I want to maybe try another mmorg, but does any even come close to the charactrer customization of COH? If so which 1. ty