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  1. If it keeps the game going I am up for giving up my Dearest names, paying a bit more, Freezing content where it is right now.

    I haven't seen any other game with content, customizable characters, community like this one. We're willing to lose it because We can't keep our favorite name?

    But without the Devs and the crew at Paragon what would the game become? I wouldn't grow, and NCsoft has already shown no interest in keeping it going is the change would have been different.

    Maybe the question should be How do we make the game more enticing to another company who may want to bargian with NCsoft and keep it going?

    My answer to that is show them a fantastic development team, a dedicated community and people willing to give it their all to keep their dream and game alive.
  2. If only I had a Fez, because Fezs are cool!

    I will be there ... hmm maybe all Kirby'd up with the last give a way...
  3. Right now I have two accounts, (three at one time but the wife stopped playing) I have been dropping market money too. I would pay $20 or $25 a month to keep it going, as it is, and let everyone catch their breathes and decide on how to move it forward.

    Heck I would even consider a lump sum "Keep it Going" fee if there was a commitment to keep the servers running for X amount of time. I already shelled out money for:

    COH Standard CD-ROM X2
    COH Special Edition DVD
    COV Special Edition DVD X3
    Good VS Evil X3
    COH Mac Edition
    Going Rouge X2
    To many costume, and power sets to think about
    to many points sets to think about

    What would another hundered bucks or so for the "COH Keep the lights on" Edition matter?
  4. I agree with Rough, I just tried both Champions and DCOL and neither had the feel nor the character creation/ability that you have with COH. I have always loved that your look is not tied to what you find or build. Unless it's been on purpose I don't remember anyone looking exactly like anyone else.
  5. First I want to say thank you all! 2005 seems like such a long time ago, and with all the changes and updates COX grew into a fine game that I hope and pray somehow will continue.

    Exalted became my home. I played often and found my niche finally as a Staff Scrapper

    Big Jim Walker.

    I hit 50 with him and even placed in a couple of costume contests. Found a few people who I enjoyed running missions with and teamed up every chance I could.

    Please everyone sign the petition, Go to Titan network and join the dicussions. Let's go down fighting.

    There's nothing like COX for me, it's a place in time and space that can't be recreated.

    Paragon Refugee at Titan
    @oneway2rock Global

    Give em Hell!
  6. Thank you for everything, I've played a long time and been part of this family by lurking on the Forums and playing on Freedom. I will miss it all.

    Good luck with all you do!

    Give em Hell!