Control Hybrid

Agent White



I heard this sucks..made it anyway The tier 3 40% hold mag and lethal damage. Now..40% doesnt sound shabby.
I was testing it vs 40-50 mobs in te RWZ and all I saw was a Waylay text, for teh damage. No text for +1 mag controls..I thought it just didnt show, but I could not see it in the combat logs.
Then, I was bashing on the practice dummies and saw a COntrol text. The +1 mag! But..there was no way in hell it was going of as much as the Waylay..odd since I was constantly use my hold!

So my question the +1 mag for controls ONLY to already controlled enemies? The info text seems to say that..and if true, it would be utterly stupid!



The control that pops up is the +1 mez. Waylay is plus damage against targets that are already mezed. The +1 mez thing only applies to mez powers, but Waylay can activate on any attack as long as the target is mezed.



No it works like the Controller's Overpower. While it's running you'll just randomly have your mezz be more effective. The 'to mezzed opponents' thing only applies to the waylay damage proc



Mmm. STill seems..odd?

This dom, fire/earth, I was running mudpots, which has a 2 mag immob. Since it tics quite fast, does each tic have a chance to do Control/Waylay? Or is it every 10 secs like other procs?
And why, since MP is the constant immo, was I seeing a LOT more waylay that controls going off? I think I saw less than 5 +1 controls in a few mins, and a huge amount of waylays.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Mmm. STill seems..odd?

This dom, fire/earth, I was running mudpots, which has a 2 mag immob. Since it tics quite fast, does each tic have a chance to do Control/Waylay? Or is it every 10 secs like other procs?
And why, since MP is the constant immo, was I seeing a LOT more waylay that controls going off? I think I saw less than 5 +1 controls in a few mins, and a huge amount of waylays.
Pretty sure it follows the PPM formula:

PPM * ((Activate Period) / (60 * Area Factor))

In other words the chance to proc in a toggle is VERY low. (Same with the other hybrids)



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Pretty sure it follows the PPM formula:

PPM * ((Activate Period) / (60 * Area Factor))

In other words the chance to proc in a toggle is VERY low. (Same with the other hybrids)
Ok that makes sense. BUT (I bet you are sick of me using that word) ..if the proc chance in a toggle, mudpots is so low..why was I see so many Waylay hits, compared to Control hits?\ it something even more it ONE chance for both? ie, if waylay hits (maybe that rolls first?) does it then lock out the control chance, cause its already had a chance per the time period?

very subjective observation too..I seemed to see waylay go off a LOT more in the toggle vs a single target, than spamming my hold on that same single target. Yet..its meant to be the same chance? (or less, given what you just said)



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Pretty sure it follows the PPM formula:

PPM * ((Activate Period) / (60 * Area Factor))

In other words the chance to proc in a toggle is VERY low. (Same with the other hybrids)
Control Hybrid powers are not PPM, according to their own text descriptions and also City of Data. Doublehit is the only Hybrid power that uses PPM, as far as I'm aware.

I've got a character with Control Core Embodiment, lemme go test this and see if the message pops up and/or if I'm actually getting the bonus magnitude in Combat Attributes.



Yay thanks Hope. Again..wasnt seeing a combat msg for +1, just Control. And see if you are getting waylay at a much greater rate than control



I believe certain powers don't seem to benefit from Control Hybrid. For example, I sat on a Pylon spamming Web Envelope from Mace Mastery while monitoring combat attributes and not once did I see a +1 mag bonus. My guess is that it doesn't affect APP/PPP powers and not many have noticed. I've reported this several times but I guess it's still bugged, like other aspects of Hybrid.

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I tested with a Fortunata against a Fake Nemesis, and the +1 mag showed up pretty consistently on a Power Analyzer (but more on that in a moment), but the Control message overhead appeared only sporadically, frequently not showing even though the extra mag was clearly present in Combat Attributes and the Fake was clutching its head Held from a single Dominate.

However, the extra magnitude from Control seems to not proc if the target is already affected by a mez of that type. I was unable to get the +1 mag Hold if I already had a Dominate on the target, whether the target was actually held or not. Similar for immobilize from Subdue and Stun from Psychic Wail.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I tested with a Fortunata against a Fake Nemesis, and the +1 mag showed up pretty consistently on a Power Analyzer (but more on that in a moment), but the Control message overhead appeared only sporadically, frequently not showing even though the extra mag was clearly present in Combat Attributes and the Fake was clutching its head Held from a single Dominate.

However, the extra magnitude from Control seems to not proc if the target is already affected by a mez of that type. I was unable to get the +1 mag Hold if I already had a Dominate on the target, whether the target was actually held or not. Similar for immobilize from Subdue and Stun from Psychic Wail.
Your first bit.thats GREAT. I did not test it with the PA, so too hear it is actually working, and not saying good. Well..until I consider that know..not showing a bug and annoying as hell, because you dont know when its working!

2nd..Also..dodgy as all hell. Not what your saying, but if thats how it works. That is really dumb, if you can use the same mez and +1 it. Also makes it even less useful vs ebs and avs.

Overall..I am thinking..Control is just..buggy, dodgy and/or plain stupid. I think I am going back to Assault!



I'm pretty sure Arbiter Hawk explained that control would work in that it would only apply +1 mag to an effect once on a target and would not apply to the same effect as long as the first one was in place. So essentially if your first hold places a hold+1 on a critter, no other holds will get the +1 until the first wears off.

It was designed that way. Not really all that fun, but it seems like the devs are scared of the ability to increase mag. I guess the +1 would be good on things that have mag 2 status effects. I was going to get control hybrid on my troller but now that I've been reminded it was designed this way I may have to reconsider.



He explained that? In game, in the power description perhaps? If not, and I am very sure it isnt there..his explanation is about as good as the power itself would appear to be.

Almost in teh same way Assault double hit is SUCH a weird formula, and Hopeling did his spreadsheet. Before I looked at that, I had no idea if it would do anything with various sets. At least Assault core the general rule is (fast quick attacks, high damage mod) go core. Easy, done. But no..cant do that for assault radial. Or Control it seems.

The 40% (or whatever) just gives no hint of all these other conditions, and makes it seem more like a rip off to me. Surely the stacking ability would have been great, especially for trollers. How many builds have TWO powers with the same status effect, than they could +1 stack, since it wont +1 from the same power!
(Maybe things like Energy Melee...but even then, those stuns are a chance to occur, so it wouldnt be worth it)



It's nice for mag 3 effects, too. I haven't used it enough yet to say how well it stacks up to the other powers, but I like being able to hold/stun/confuse bosses in one shot with my Fortunata.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
It's nice for mag 3 effects, too. I haven't used it enough yet to say how well it stacks up to the other powers, but I like being able to hold/stun/confuse bosses in one shot with my Fortunata.
True. Guess I didnt consider that since my troller has two mag 3 holds.



I have the Control Hybrid on my main. At first I wanted to go Core, until I noticed that the Radial branch looked like it was made specifically for me.

I'm a Broadsword/Dark Armor/Darkness Mastery Scrapper. The Radial branch adds chances to mez to all of my attacks. Specifically, the T4 grants a 70% chance to Fear, a 70% chance to Immobilize, and on foes affected by both, a 100% chance to Stun (effectively a Hold, since the target will already be Immobilized). I don't know exactly what the magnitude on those is, but they all stack with powers I already have (Cloak of Fear, Tenebrous Tentacles and Spectral Interface, and Oppressive Gloom, respectively), which I was never able to do previously, and I can now reliably mez bosses with it active.

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Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.