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  1. I liked this system overall. There were obvious things that showed age though.

    1.Fight more then two enemies at once!! ZOMG this is so beyond most games it is crazy.
    2.Lots of effects, dmg types, secondary effects, etc. Some were more important then others, but thats ok anyway. In the end, IMO, the devs for the most part had figured out how to make powers with potent secondary effects balanced with those without. For the most part.
    3. Escape! Holy crap, most MMO's, you cant run away. At least, your odds are really bad that you will survive a retreat. I have never understood this, especially when leaving foes usually resets their health. In CoH, you could flip on a travel power, or even TP right out of the hot zone if you needed to, and most of the time had a good chance to survive and recoup.
    4. masterminds. havent really come across anything quite like them elsewhere.
    5. Force multipliers. Sure, there are buffers/healzorz in other games, but I havent come across any other game where you had the freedom to totally neuter your foes and make your team into gods at the same time like in CoH. Inother games, it is too unpredictable, meses with the formulas too much, might make pvp issues, whatever. CoH? Who cares, it's fun, let's do it.
    6. Difficulty system. Evenas somewhat limited as it is here, I havent found anything like it elsewhere. probably closely tied to that "you can only fight one ravenous racoon at a time" rule.
    7. and finally, the enemies here. I like fighting thugs, mutants etc. I dont like fighting for my life, in a 2 minute epic battle against a ravenous racoon. I mean c'mon. IRL I am 6 foot 260 lbs, and i could kill a racoon with a stick. Why my Conan sized warrior almost dies in a drawn out epic fight when he has a razor edged sword and armor on I will never understand.

    The cons:
    1. mez is binary. I think this was an engine/system limitation. I think a newer game with better system code could have made mez effective and totally not binary.
    2. rooting. again, likely could be removed with an updated code.
    3. binary accuracy. They masked this well, or as well as could be done I suppose. Really though there should have been a middle ground, where blows could be partially deflected and whatnot. Damage would have varied, which would have totally eliminated the 1-2-3-1-4-1-etc attack chain monotony. the system they had wasnt really awful though.
    4.endo bar. dont think there was a way to really improve it within the current system. but newer games did it better in some ways. IMO, I think this might be the one thing CO did better at, at least in the after battle recovery style- there is a lot less downtime in that game.

    The only other thing I thought CoH ever lacked were enemies that used buff/debuff sets effectively. It would be really tricky to stick them in at this point, but if there were tsoo sorcerers of a type more often in fights, it would have really mixed things up more. Again, not really a con.

    Overall, I dont think a pure port over of this system would be the right way to go for any game. BUT, man, there is a lot other games could learn from CoH. I sure will miss this game.
  2. Names:
    Pecuniary Protector-defender, or controler
    Shrewd Samaritan-scrapper
    Adventure Capitalist-somthing with high offense with risk to it's playstyle- blaster maybe
    Tabulating Templar-tanker

    Off the top of my head. I tend to use alliteration when making characters with very specific themes.
    Not sure on costume, though one slot should be reserved for the mandatory brown plain suit with a hat and thick black glasses a la accountant(day job). Maybe low levels use the suit, and then as level progresses make something with more flare as the character would be taking on bigger foes in locations more exotic then the street in King's Row.

    Also, fly. The shortest distance is a straight line, and fly is the most adaptable to terrain.

    As for power sets, I think it depends on the name you choose, and an AT that fits with that name. I tend to think precision would be an important aspect, so probably not anything fire as it is messy and unpredictable. Dual blades? LOL at brown suit accountant putting his phone in his coat pocket and busting out two huge swords to go stop a mugging. Really though for powers, I would go with whatever your favorite is, after all its probably the last go round
  3. I tried Co for about a month, FTP only, so no free forms. I decided randomly one night to download and try it, just to see, and it just happened to coincide with the release of the alert system, or roughly a day or two after release. So there was a fairly large in game population going also.

    What was fun: Ranged toon AT, the one with the machine gun. Yes, machine gun isnt really golden age comics, but you can run while you shoot. Also, there are a few attacks that continue to fire as long as the button is pressed. Not realistic per se, but better then the assault rifle in CoH i thought, even if it was more liimted in functionality. The guy was made of wet paper, but he poored out a lot of AOE at a long distance, which made him much easier even to play then.......

    Melee anything. OMG clunky and annoying. While machine gun guy would approach a spawn and position and blast the whole lot of them to smithereens, melee guy? has to close the gap, which aggroed the spawn, and basically removed the surprise attack completely from his methods. His reward for increased danger, fight times, and loss of mobility? No aoe hardly, and only enough increased defenses to be noticable against a one on one fight with a boss. Which, in most caeses, I found to be much more difficult to handle do to the loss of kiting ability.

    Overall, if you want to try the game, either make a machine gun guy and go shoot the robot cowboys(a refreshing zone i thought) and stick with that type of play, or avoid that altogether so you dont get spoiled on the kiting mobility. I havent myself played it in months now. been on Star Wars most recently, really enjoy it so far but then I always was a story guy first, mash buttons second so your mileage may vary.
  4. I must say the last page of this thread adds a lot of value to the topic.

    My take on the statement:

    The way it is worded I am inclined to believe that the IP and physical studio were being sold as a single item- that NC soft was adamant that they would not sell them individually. As such, smaller firms looking at the IP were turned off from the deal, as they did not have a need for a new physical studio in california, nor the funds to aquire a high priced piece of real estate.

    This lumping of the property, both the physical and IP, is likely due to NC Soft book keeping for tax purposes etc. I for one believe there would still be an opening to purchse the IP, but not this fiscal year, and not while the studio stands empty for sale because the "lump property" of studio and IP has more value to write off then what they could do individually. Once the building is out of the picture, NC may be more open to selling the IP, because at that time they would need to revalue it, and likely could not write it off anymore, or if they could it would be severely devalued as it would be left as cyber fluff of an IP that is not in service anymore.

    The short of it:
    Currently- NC has the physical studio, IP, previously employed developers salary etc lumped all together to make as big a sum as possible for book keeping purposes.
    In the future- next year there will be no employee costs(or very little), possibly no physical building(sold) and so the value will be greatly diminished for book keeping purposes.

    So, IMO, the best bet is to keep interest up, keep some kind of contact with NC going in regards to this IP, and wait for the realtor sign in front of NC Norcal to have the "SOLD" attached to it- and then see about getting the IP into another publishers hands.

    Do not despair. In buisness, any kind of buisness, even the most common sense basic idea takes weeks, months, or longer to come about. Right now, chairman of CoH disbanding cant go back on his plan for risk of looking foolish for not pursuing ideas the community has put forth. Several months from now, when his cohorts and superiors have put this fiasco out of mind for a time, and the situation regarding the property has changed(sold the building etc) chairman CoH disbanding will then be free to propose "his new idea" to sell the remainder of the property(the IP and cyber fluff) because enough time has passed for him to claim ownership of the ideas proposed here at this time, thus enabling him to be the corporate money hero for a second time and maintain his prominence and reason for employment for an additional 6 months.

    So I would say, serious talks next April? Best guess, though admittedly I have no knowledge of the real estate market in California specifically as i live in the midwest.

    Also, I will no longer purchase any NC soft items like many others.
  5. Eldagore

    Where to now?

    Originally Posted by NoireLune View Post
    I think I can comment on LOTRO, since I played it non-stop from 2007 to 2011, and I have two lifetime subscriptions.

    The weapon crafting bit you mention, they call it "legendary weapons" is one of the couple things I disliked in this game. I would say it was a brilliant idea, but poorly implemented.
    First, it is a grind to level these weapons. Second, they become obsolete every time the level cap is raised, so you have to find a new one and start the grind again. Not to mention that the best only drop in end-game raids, so you have to raid if you want one.
    Thats unfortunate. It was not intended to be a grind, the weapon itself was supposed to grow at a fair pace to keep up with your character. It wasnt supposed to be a job of itself. I based it on Tolkien style lore when I proposed it, the weapons in the books were obviously of high quality, and some had some hint of magical ability. However, the swords and such were named and famous because of the deeds that were done with them, the feats performed by the wielder. hence the weapon XP, though I havent played yet to see how that was put in. It almost sounds like they put it in and made it a new timesink instead of being a system woven into normal gameplay.

    Also, there was not supposed to be a lvl cap, at least not so much as one coded onto the weapon. There were just supposed to be a general set of max stats, high enough to put them above drop stuff easily, and in this case when a lvl cap was raised the max stats could have simply been adjusted accordingly and the weapons could have gained more room to grow. Maybe the system got put in as it is to allow for some kind of allowance for the trade system, which would be nonsense also- as if Gimli would trade his ax.

    I downloaded it last night, I think I will at least go check out the current form of the game before i judge it to harshly, as I said last I played was in early closed beta.
  6. Eldagore

    Where to now?

    I will put in 2 cents-

    Star wars TOR is offering a free play, to lvl 15. No time limit, no character limit. This allows you to make one of every class, go through the begining story for each class, and venture on into the rest of thegame just a bit. It is not like CoH, but, I found the change of pace to be a way to take my mind off of the **** situation here. it is very solo friendly(at least to lvl 15) and offers group only content too. Some of the negatives people listed here from playing at the games release(weak group stuff) appear to be addressed more recently. IMO, it is a solid game, but will not have the longevity CoH does(did) at all unless you are a PvP fanatic. Worth trying for free for sure though.

    Option 2: Skyrim. Yeah its not an MMO. but they released some DLC expansions recently, and that game is awesome. When my interest in TOR fades, I will be playing Skyrim.

    I am also going to try LOTRO. I was in early beta on that game. I stopped playing it in late beta when they changed it from a blended offensive(all types could solo and hold there own on dmg output) to an extreme triforce style because tank/mage/healer just was terrible out of place in tolkien. I was however very involved in the early beta stuff- In fact, (if they still are using it) the weopon crafting bit where you make your own legacy sword or whatever(I forget what they called it officially) was 100% my idea. I should probably go try the system out to see if they implemented it correctly or not at the least. The wording in the announcement they used when introduced with the Moria expansion was almost word for word from my beta post, but I guess that doesnt mean it got put into the game right. Now my interest is peaked.

    Anyway, there is a life outside of CoH, it just isnt as long or fun. I really hope someone picks this title up and re-opens it.
  7. to champions online people....

    I read on this forum about speculation that the perfect world/cryptic or whoever it is that owns champions online also owned the game engine for CoH. It was speculated that a new lease agreement for the engine could not be reached between them and NC soft, hence the abrupt closure of CoH.

    I am not sure what the reason is that a lease could not be agreed on, however, CoH closing down will not push me to a failing champions online.

    I tried Champions online a few months ago, and it sucks. I mean that, I found about 10% of the game to be interesting or entertaining, and the rest to be backwards, clunky and boring. SO, champions online people, if you read this, know that your part in closing down CoH will not net you a cent of my cash, and it will not make Champions suddenly turn a profit due to some influx of new players, because, that game sux.

    If I am mistaken in your part of this lease agreement garbage, it would probably be best to make some kind of public announcement because right now, that is the most logical explanation as to why a profitable MMO would be insta-killed at the end of the month.
  8. The Legion of Smash was founded by my namesake and my cohort Galactico years ago. We would like to thank all the wonderful players we met and shared adventures with over these last years. The community in game has always been top notch. I hope I run into some of you down the road again for more adventures.
  9. Well, I am sure glad I hesitated yesterday to buy some points. "I'll wait till next payday" I thought. Pffft. I hope they set all prices to zero for the remainder of time.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    On Guardian, I've gotten:

    Quantum Cat

    Spiral Dance

    and Liquid Plumber (note, this is spelled with a 'b' unlike the product)

    And, on Defiant, I really scored, with 'The Spanish Inquisition' - totally didn't expect that!

    Be Well!
    Please tell me your Spanish Inquisition character is a stalker. ASSASSIN STRIKE!!!! "(F10)Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    I'm grateful you finally admit that your arguing so strenuously that Blasters don't deserve a single-target damage increase is a pointless endeavor.

    You didn't read my argument. You latched onto my sarcastic remark about Energy Transfer and totally glossed over the real point, which is that you can't simultaneously argue on the one hand that single-target damage doesn't matter, and on the other hand that Blasters don't deserve a single-target-damage buff, or alternatively that the single-target buff to Defenders/Corrupters is important.

    Regardless of rewards/time, you honestly believe that the developers don't care about the relation between different ATs' single-target damage? I guess that must be why they gave every set in the game copious AoE damage. Oh wait.

    (Whether you think it's important or not, if Blasters are to be the damage specialists, then they should be great at both AoE and single-target damage. And they're not obviously great at single-target damage, across the board. Fire's performance should probably be the baseline. And yes, any buffs that would bring other blast sets up to Fire's single-target-damage potential would naturally have to be proliferated to other blast-set users. Ranged attack sets as a whole class have been unfairly penalized in this game since day one; it's just that the non-Blaster ranged ATs happen to have other perks that diminish the practical influence of that penalty.)

    If you say so, it must be true. I'm glad you're here to preserve me from the idiotic ramblings of forum posters, though. Thanks!

    I simply posed the logical extension of your argument, which is that Blasters definitively don't deserve a damage buff (even a single-target-damage buff, even though single-target damage doesn't matter) because Blasters are getting a defensive buff in I-24. My point was that Blasters are vastly outclassed defensively right now, and only have a marginal damage advantage, which means that clearly you expect the defensive buff in Issue 24 to be massive.

    But now you assure me that Blasters have a massive and unconditional kill-speed advantage over every AT in the game. Good to know! Oh wait. You said, "outside of a few select builds?" Bummer. I guess some ATs do deserve Scrapper/Brute/Dominator-level survivability along with Blaster-comparable damage after all.

    Do I really have to go back and requote my list earlier of Defender/Corrupter powers that boost damage and/or debuff resistance? To say that support ATs' lack of Build Up is the definitive factor in the Snipe changes is to admit that the snipe changes are short-sighted.

    Also, Energy Manipulation: it has Build Up, and it can achieve perma-fast snipe.

    And now I really am done. Feel free to take the last word.
    I dont really want the last word, but a few things you say put words in my mouth so I feel obligated to correct them. First, "doesnt deserve" and "doesnt need" are not the same thing, and one is what I said and one is what you twisted my words to say to try to help you weak arguments. I have no issue with blasters getting more ST DPS, but i do not feel they need it. That is hardly the same as "Blasters should not get a ST DPS increase". Again, one I said oand one is what you twisted my words to say. So, i admit nothing, at least not in the context you are trying to shroud around my statements.

    Speaking of admitting, I am glad you have decided to basically retract your off topic argument about ST dmg you made using Energy Transfer. How you made the jump from my statement about St vs AOE in a reward/time balance metric to a power that was changed to fit into inter-powerset balance(totally unrelated to what i was saying in the first place) i will never know. Write it off as "scarcastic comment" or whatever, you went on to try to save it in later posts. I never took it seriously anyway as it was apples to oranges.

    Blasters are the dmg specialists? I do not think anyone has ever found a quote to back that up from a dev anywhere. i think it is the perception players have of the AT, and maybe even what most players want out of the AT. If the devs agree or not, I dont know. If they will make changes to pursue that end, i also do not know. Right now I think they are happy to work on making blasters not die so freegin much.

    "I simply posed the logical extension of your argument, which is that Blasters definitively don't deserve a damage buff (even a single-target-damage buff, even though single-target damage doesn't matter) because Blasters are getting a defensive buff in I-24. My point was that Blasters are vastly outclassed defensively right now, and only have a marginal damage advantage, which means that clearly you expect the defensive buff in Issue 24 to be massive."

    that quote there is exactly why I wrote my first sentence. That was never my argument, it is the one you have been trying so hard to make my argument. My argument, as from my very first post here, is that the two items SHOULD NOT BE TIED TOGETHER because snipes are for all AT's, and blaster changes are for blasters only. You, and others of a like mind irrationally railing against this snipe change as though it creates the grand injustice of this generation simply refuse to look at the snipe change apart from the blaster buffs.

    Certain builds was a reference to certain high end IO builds, typically farming builds. I should never have posted that, as the game is not balanced around them anyway. Average Joe blaster vs Average John brute, On SO's or even partial IO builds, the blaster will wipe a spawn faster, by a good amount.

    As for your list of build up replacements, I think you are in short company when it comes to that idea. Go pole the blaster forum, with the suggestion of "replace all versions of build up with freezing rain" and see what kind of response you get. The utility of what you are trying to compare, is not even something you can try to compare.

    Also, energy manipulation gets build up. And has to use power boost, and very, very high recharge IO bonuses to get what people keep trying to call perma fast snipe. Clicking aim, build up, and power boost in sequence, intermittently, would be mildly disruptive to an attack chain anyway, and rather annoying to boot, all to try to leverage a 20% increase in ST DPS. You can also do this with enough targets in Soul Drain I hear. Either way, sounds like a "cost" of its own. Bottom line, devices is the only blaster secondary that gets the snipe mechanic without specific efforts to achieve it, or a not-insignificant amount of IO's, or both.

    SO, anyway, I am sure I "misunderstood" your malaise shrouded arguments yet again, so feel free to point out how and where by changing your point of perspective on your own statements once again.
  12. I think thats the best one could hope for, as there is an inherent problem with "co-op" zones to begin with. See, a villain may be coerced into saving the world "so theres a world to rule after!! HAHAHAHA HAAA!!!" but you would be hard pressed, i think, to coerce a hero into robbing people, destroying the world, building super weopons to hold people ransom, you know all that stuff they are sworn to fight.

    Which is why I would love to see alternative mission completion things, like steeling the rikti tech. Vangard sends you to save Srgt. Cliche of Longbow. Instead you go in there and steel a rikti portal gun. From Vangard's perspective, "well, we will have to send someone else to save Srgt. Cliche, but at least Villain X busted up like 100 Rikti soldiers, should be hard for Captain Weaksauce to go in behind him now and save the day." So, I could see that kind of thing being workable in lore.
    A villain side coop zone- hard to rationalize why Captian Amazing would want to help Villain X steel that Rikti Hyperlaser schematic to hold city hall ransom.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Just gonna reply to this, and then I'm done with Eldagore:

    First, your feelings are irrelevant. You are not the arbiter of truth or a moderator on this forum. Your assertions, based on nothing more than your subjective impressions, are not facts.

    (I'd be a little less critical of your arguments, though, if you were less pompous and abrasive in expressing them.)

    And no, I'm saying that if a Blaster can't get perma-fast snipe by using the same team-based pool power that the Corrupter/Defender uses, a power that the Blaster is less likely to want to take in the first place than the Corrupter/Defender, then the Corrupter/Defender shouldn't be able to achieve perma-Fast snipes either.

    There is no obvious reason for that disparity. If the developers explain their reasoning, then I'm open to correction, but your simply saying things like, "IMO Blasters don't need damage," or the classic, "Corrupters/Defenders are team ATs and therefore they should get better solo performance out of team powers," isn't a rationale for the snipe changes as they've been proposed so far.
    Blasters cant get fast snipe from tactics because: Build up.
    Lets say we turned the tables. Lets say blasters could get it from tactics too. Would people be on here gnashing teeth because def/cor dont have build up to go along with fast snipe like blasters get? "And they get build up/nuke too!!" just curious on your stance on that one.

    Because, if you say "no, because blasters need the buff" then you are ignoring the potential of the defensive changes and placeing more importance/result on a ST DPS increase of 20% or so above new powers that give recovery better then slotted stamina, significant regen buffs, etc. If you say "yes" then I do not understand what the problem is.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    We are discussing inter-AT balance.

    If a support AT is already unrivaled in a team setting, then why the hell would the support AT need a single-target damage boost in that setting? I'm doing you a favor by ignoring the team setting; the team setting argument is deleterious to your case.
    Err, because said support AT will, by design, pass the snipe buff along to every person on the team, even if they do not build for the snipe change? Blasters wont. Sure appears to be a notable difference.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    We are discussing inter-AT balance. Why the hell wouldn't single-target damage be relevant in a discussion about a buff to single-target damage, shared among different ATs?

    Seriously, you either need to think more carefully before you make your arguments (and I use the term loosely), or you really need to reign in your condescending attitude.

    If a support AT is already unrivaled in a team setting, then why the hell would the support AT need a single-target damage boost in that setting? I'm doing you a favor by ignoring the team setting; the team setting argument is deleterious to your case.
    LOL, again. Do you not remember your own argument? Its only a page back. You brought up a single power that was changed to conform to the then new DPA formula(alongside a lot of other animation changes because weopon redraw was removed, etc) as an argument to my statement that ST dmg is not nearly as important under the new reward/time balance metric the devs favor as the overall governer to the game.
    So yeah, it got changed, so that it would compare to powers in other sets. Are we comparing moonbeam to psi lance or somthing? How does anything about ST DPS really become supremely important here when AOE dmg totally trumps anything we could discuss when it comes to reward/time? Even between AT's? Is fast snipe fire/time corruptor going to break the rewards/time metric because of a 20% ST DPS increase, when compared alongside a claws/elec brute in AE? So, again, I am not sure why you brought up Energy Transfer in relation to this.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Do you expect the new defensive powers in Blaster Secondaries to be competitive with the defensive powers in Scrapper or Brute secondaries? Do you expect those Blaster defensive powers to rival the damage-mitigation potential of a Dominator's Control Primary? Will we perhaps see some comprehensive status protection added to Blasters, according to your crystal ball?

    Just curious, cause, you know, it's not unambiguously true that Blasters have a marked damage advantage over those ATs. It is unambiguously true that those ATs have a freaking enormous survivability advantage over Blasters.

    So clearly, if you believe so strongly that Blasters don't deserve an offensive buff, you must also believe that Blasters will be given a bleeping ton of survivability improvement in I-24. Of course, the statements I've seen from Arbiter Hawk point to only a moderate survivability boost, but surely you know better.
    Hyperbole. Blasters dont need to have defenses on par with scrappers or brutes. because they can kill faster. They just need enough of a boost to not eat carpet so often, so that they can keep rampaging through spawns. They will still die more then the others, but they will also defeat spawns faster, and have the advantage on teams of not being in the fray getting pounded unless they want to. Despite the hyperbolic ramblings of many on the forums, scrappers and brutes do not dish out AOE destruction(outside of a very select few builds) like a blaster can.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Aside from some of the other points made (and, honestly, I agree redside needs more zones - more *specific* redside zones - just to break the railroad feel it has now,) I think one other thing needs to be pointed out.

    When you run redside - how often are you a *villain* as opposed to, essentially, a thug or a lackey? "Go rob this casino," meh. "Hey, steal this for me just to be foiled!" Eh. There are *very* few arcs that make you feel like "The Villain." It's something that's been complained about for quite some time, and is one of the things that pushed people away from redside.

    However, aside from AE... it's *really* hard to write a "Universal You're The Villain" arc without making assumptions. Browse through some of the various threads about redside - and co-op - arcs. Even back in I9 with the Rikti invasion, where we got our first major co-op zone revamp... it was less co-op and really not all that fitting to a villain trying to get some sort of advantage. Sure, we had the whole "save the world" bit... but there was no option to "....and get ahead while you're at it," or even "... Or help the other side and watch the world burn." Heck, first RWZ arc even puts down redside with the "The rikti have sent an invasion force. I know the Rogue Isles don't seem like a place worth saving..." line.

    Basically, if you want to be a villain, being the proactive driver of the world, forcing heroes to react to you... you can't play redside arcs, for the most part. You have to write your own way through AE with your own character's motivations.

    For many people, that's just a dealbreaker.
    I would agree with this. The "contacts" system was basically directly ported from hero side and unfortunatly did not get enough attention when CoV beta was going on, as most players were concerned about the new AT's. Really, "contacts" should have been almost exclusively unlocked by saving them in missions, or buying their services. in a way, sort of like the brokers, but they ALL should have worked that way.

    for instance, instead of having to go run some errend, you could be rolling through town, and pick a random door to find random guys to fight inside, or none at all even, and random loot to gain. be it money, or componants or shematcis for some device(that you could sell if you didnt want to use it) and occasionally some guy you would have an option of saving(or disposing of).
    This way, you are doing your own thing for your own gains. and that guy you (maybe) saved? He will show up on your map, and you can go to him for information. not"hey thanks for saving my bacon, now go bust up that casino" but more, " I hear there is going to be a pricey jewel in xxxxx warehouse until 4 ocklock" and then you can go there, or not. Or maybe that guy is a traitor and when you go there you get ambushed. Maybe if you tipped him for the info he would be more reliable.

    There should be the normal story arcs, but they needed to have some rewards not tied to "being a good guy" like a lot of them feel now. Like rikti war zone. I would love it if you could go into a rikti cave/base, and instead of saving some longbow or fighting the boss, you could steel some rikti tech and leave. And then sell it. or use it to build a ray gun. or use it to build a portal generator, and then summon a portal full of hostile rikti wherever you want, like say, in the longbow base, or next to Seer Marino, or in that warehouse with the jewel so the guards are distracted.

    See, thats a villain. You do it for money, or to further some plot, or just for fame. "Did you hear Villain X let a bunch of Rikti loose inside the university and then punched the Dean in the nose and robbed the storehouse of it's Impervium?!!" You know, that kind of thing.

    Those story arcs about "that'd be bad for buisness", even in the morality tip missions- they would mean a lot more if there was actually "buisness" going on.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    No, I said that Corrupters and Defenders are the best teamers, and that they solo more safely than Blasters. At the high end, they can arguably solo more difficult stuff. To say that Corrupters and Defenders are unreservedly better soloists would be an oversimplification, because a Blaster has a higher kill speed. Assuming the Blaster doesn't die, s/he will tend to progress faster than a support AT.

    But the support AT has an undeniable and unrivaled specialty. The Blaster is unique, because it simultaneously pays the highest price for a presumed specialty (damage), but in fact the Blaster doesn't have a specialty worth mentioning; Blaster damage isn't unambiguously the best in the game, and in any case, everyone is capable of doing damage. In a team scenario, a Blaster can certainly be useful, but it needs team support way more than the team needs a Blaster, or really any damage specialist.

    Your point about ST damage scarcely deserved a rebuttal, frankly. You said, basically, that "IMO" the developers don't think single-target damage is a major issue. Whether your statement has or hasn't any truth to it, it's not a point you made any attempt to support. I'm not terribly impressed by your vague attempt to read the developers' minds, given that their actions in the past tend to contradict your ESP-derived assertion. The developers do go to some lengths to balance single-target attack powers.

    The snipe change is clearly a single-target-slanted change.

    So you say. It must therefore be true.

    It is only illogical if you assume that the Snipe change is not intended to buff Blasters as much as it buffs Defenders and Corrupters. We've been over this. If the devs came out and said, "Hey, we think support ATs deserve more damage from snipes," then that would be one thing. If the devs came out and said, "We think it's important to put the snipe changes through as-is, but we're also going to add something else to aid Blaster single-target offense," I'd be cool with that too. There are any number of things the developers could do or say that would be great.

    But proposing, sans reasoning, a supposedly generalized snipe buff that arbitrarily benefits buff/debuff ATs most when Blasters are the red-headed step child of both blast-set constituents and the game in general? Not so much.

    A lot of us got by just fine for years without even taking those powers. In principle, sure; it'd be nice if all powers were attractive -- but if the proximate problem is the performance of blast-set ATs, and especially one blast-set AT, then it doesn't make any practical difference how you go about buffing those ATs.

    Teaming is irrelevant for the purpose of this conversation. The support ATs in question are already miles and miles ahead. Who gives a crap if the Defender can do 20% more single-target damage on a team? Or even the Blaster, for that matter? This is, and always has been, a discussion about self-contained performance.
    meh, i am not going to rehash countless threads of discussions already had about balance metrics and St dmg. ST attacks are balanced against themselves, so that sets compare well. that itself has no relevence to reward/time or anything else really in this thread, so i wonder why you brought it up anyway, hence my LOL.

    Self contained performance is your stance then?

    OK, so the blaster can get the fast snipe sometimes, more often if they build for it. Devices, the black sheep of the family, can get it easily to make up for no build up. Because blasters do not need massive increases in DPS, this should all be dandy. Snipes are given a perk that makes them interesting, and a way to use it if you want to build for it.

    The def/cor can get snipes, if they build for it, using TEAM BASED POWERS. So, their self contained performace will increase, by cost of power choice, and endo costs of team based powers. Still seems dandy to me. Or they could ignore snipes, not have to take the leadership pool(which has costs balanced around team benefit, not solo benefit) and not have to spend the endo running tactics. Without tactics, you have Time, which may or may not deserve the perk of "easy" fast snipes. To me, this may be the one single point of contention you have a leg to stand on, and honestly i do not see it as a deal breaker under any light. If you think Time does not deserve this ability of its own merits, then go argue somewhere to have it changed so its to hit does not stack with other sources. Wont hurt my feelings. Otherwise you are saying solo cor/def should not be able to get fast snipe by choosing a pool power toggle designed and balanced around team use.

    I dont much agree with anything you are saying at this point. Especially how team performance is irrelevent. Really? the new mechanics and how they perform on a support AT in a team setting dont matter? K.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    Small flaw in the reasoning. If I can't achieve perma-fast snipe reasonably while solo I'm unlikely to have snipe in my build at all, meaning that while teamed I won't have access to it because I didn't select the power in the first place. Teams don't really need the help, its the solo blaster that needs the consideration.
    Indeed. And solo, blasters dont need anything offensively IMO. They need defense. And they will be getting some in the changes to the secondaries. Blasters kill stuff plenty fast. they just eat carpet plenty fast too.

    And so we are back to changing snipes, you know, without considerations about survivability to muddy the waters. Because that part of it will be taken care of elsewhere. If you choose not to take a snipe for whatever reason, that is your choice. In this regard, I think the dev team hit the nail on the head. If it was easier to get, then they might as well have just thrown out the power all together and made tier 4 blasts and said "yay! swords for everyone!!". If they make it much harder, people will just ignore the powers and write them off as too situational, just like they do now. I think giving it to support AT's "easier"(through the use of team based powers) was a brilliant move, because it puts snipes right in the middle- some solo builds will make good use of it, and some team builds will make good use of it while at the same time passing it along to others too. In this way, the snipes will see enough fast snipe to feel worth it, but not so much as to suddenly become the uber ultimate attack power for everyone.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    What difference does it make that Tactics is a team-based power? I could just as easily say that the putative damage-specialist AT should get perma-fast snipes from solo-based powers. Whether you realize it or not, you are only reinforcing the idea that Support ATs are getting fast snipes by using a pool power (Tactics) that they're likely to have already.

    What you're really saying is that Corrupters and Defenders should get a solo benefit that Blasters do not, even though Corrupters and Defenders are already markedly better (the best) in teams, and already capable, on average, of soloing more difficult challenges in greater safety than the average Blaster. You're saying that Corrupters and Defenders should get that extra solo benefit as a natural consequence of using a team-biased build, too. Your tone suggests that you've just found some sort of trump card in this discussion, but if you had a convincing point to make, I'm afraid it got lost somewhere in the translation.

    Energy Transfer would like a word with you.

    More to the point, you can't have it both ways: either the buff to single-target DPS is insignificant (either in magnitude or simply by virtue of its single-targeted-ness), in which case you shouldn't be arguing so strenuously that Blasters don't deserve it, or the buff is significant, in which case you can't argue that it's an unimportant addition to support ATs.

    With all due respect to the current development team, which I believe to be comprised of earnest and hard-working people, vague assurances of future buffage might carry more weight if the balance problem we're discussing weren't eight years old. A lot of players have understandably looked forward to a balance pass of Blasters, and we (also understandably) would like to see it done right (or as close to right as is reasonably possible) in I-24.

    We've had enough of long-term half measures like Defiance and Defiance 2.0. How long ago were those again? I honestly can't remember.

    You keep using the word, "Objectively," as if your invoking the concept of objectivity automatically renders any disagreement subjective. That's not how it works. You brought up a point that is only tenuously relevant to the topic at hand -- namely, that the snipe changes are not explicitly targeted at Blasters in particular -- and then declared everyone who doesn't like the Snipe changes an irrational fool for not understanding the blindingly obvious. The problem? Your point does nothing to address the appropriateness of the Snipe buff. And even now, you seem to be arguing from the almost laughably tenuous position that the developers' thought process is unassailable by default

    My disagreeing with your argument by assertion doesn't necessitate that I'm not objective. If anything, my prodding you to refine your argument into something resembling relevance is the very opposite of unreasoned subjectivity.

    The remainder of your post rests on the assumption that the proposed buffs to Blasters and blast ATs will be subject to revision going forward, in Beta and whatnot. All of that is true, but it's worth pointing out any flaws we see now, if for no other reason than to refine our own reasoning before the upcoming testing phase. Or, you know, maybe we'll even give the devs food for thought. Kinda like that giant proc changes thread.
    Corruptors and defenders can have that solo benefit because they are a team AT. You say they solo better, possibly, then blasters. Maybe thats why we are getting blaster buffs in I24?

    LOL, at your rebuttle to my ST dmg point. A change made to one power, BEFORE there were even any rewards to gain? Well, unless you count PvP kills i suppose. Pretty sure IO's have changed the reward/time balance tool since issue 7. We can revisit this again if you can, say, find something to point out to me changed from incarnates forward.

    Blasters dont need the ST DPS buff. They can get it anyway, intermittently, and also any time they get onto a team with support AT's that provide it. besides, solo, they already have an advantage to dmg output: build up. the one set without build up will get the St DPS buff through target drone and fast snipe anyway. Seems like a pretty good starting point for balance to me, blasters can sometimes get it, but they get build up, support AT's can get it more easily, but dont have build up and will pass the buff along to blasters on teams to boot. The defensive disparity will be taken care of with upcoming changes to secondaries, which is the real change blasters need as an AT.

    As for objectivity, you bring up blaster changes like defiance, which points to the changes coming to the secondaries, and then say snipes, which is a change to all AT's, is relevant to be considered in an objective view of blaster survivability because support AT's can get it easier. And so we return to my first post. You see, you keep saying how you hold no hope for the blaster changes, hence, it is very important that the snipe stuff is done right. I find that to be an illogical transition. Blasters need to be propped up defensively, which is the goal of the coming changes to the AT.

    Snipes, and yes nukes, need to be changed, because the current versions are simply clunky and not fun. IMO, the proposed changes will be fun, and remain balanced. They are not being changed because blasters need a defensive pass as an AT. def/cor getting to fast snipe easier is not somehow going to be detrimental to blasters survivability. It is also not going to give those two AT's a megaton advantage in dmg output, and will give no advantage when teamed.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    One would still be prompted to wonder why the Snipe changes are practically tailor-made to benefit Corrupters and Defenders more than Blasters, when the former ATs are notoriously too good (per Developer statements over the years), and the latter AT has been riding the short bus for lo these many years.

    Unless you can explain why the Snipe changes should benefit support ATs more than Blasters, your point is irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether the change is explicitly aimed at Blasters or not; the change should still make sense within the context of the existing balance framework.

    The Blaster Secondary buffs are a welcome change, but we have no reasonable expectation that they will be sufficient, in and of themselves, to correct the existing balance problem, which is that Blast sets (yes, sets) have been unduly penalized since day one, relative to their melee counterparts. The reason that Blasters are particularly injured by that design flaw is that Blasters don't have the supplemental resources of other blasting ATs. Blasters deserve special attention, and an Energize-style regeneration buff ain't gonna do the job by itself.

    You correctly identified the nuke changes as a general buff for blast sets, not particular to Blasters. So if the rest of us really are just too stupid to understand the difference between a blast-set buff and a Blaster-specific buff, then why aren't people complaining about the nuke changes? I'll tell you: because in the case of nukes, the general buff is generally and evenly applied to all relevant ATs. Huh. Maybe people not named Eldagore can identify the blindingly obvious, after all.

    Baseless insults are an excellent way to emphasize your intellectual superiority. Bonus points if you make an unsupportable, doom-crying prediction after accusing other people of irrationality.
    The idea snipes benefit support AT's more then blasters is your opinion. I do not share that opinion, mostly because the route they take to achieve this state comes almost entirely from powers that affect the whole team. So, the real benefit then is when considering solo play. IMO, if you choose to solo an AT designed for team play, it is OK to have a fast snipe. if you team up with your fast snipe, then the people you team with will also have fast snipe, EVEN IF THEY DO NOT BUILD FOR IT. Blasters on the other hand, will not benefit their team mates, likely because they are not viewed as a purpose built team AT as defenders are. Thats why one is called "support AT" and the other isnt.
    I also do not share the opinion that support AT's would be somehow broken by adding this bit of ST DPS. Because, again, it is for solo play only that this is even a consideration. because after all, again, on a team that same route to perma snipes will grant it to every blaster on the team.

    I have stated in other threads that IMO, the devs do not consider a boost to ST DPS to be a major event. The game is balanced around rewards/time. ST dps is largely irrelevent to this metric, as shown by the big brother is watching code put in place for AE. ST attacks were not the ones triggering reward reductions. So, the idea ST dps on a support AT is somehow going to throw the game off it's axis is, to me, laughable. Especially when, again, as soon as that support AT invites another snipe user to the team, the "advantage" becomes moot.

    Funny that isnt it, how a support AT would have an easier time getting perma snipes, USING TEAM BASED POWERS, so you know, they would have an easy way to grant that same bonus to every snipe user on the team, thus, supporting the team. Crazy stuff.

    As for the blaster changes, the dev team has already stated if the proposed changes end up falling short, then they will add more buffage until they do not fall short any longer. This is why they should be considered objectively, not as some kind of tag along to crashless nukes and snipe changes. Because, they will be altered until they are sufficient on their own merits to keep a blaster upright in the same situations other AT's can also remain upright, to the point where blasters do not fall behind the average leveling speed anymore. It is likely the changes will get tweeked in beta, and then datamined on live for a good amount of time, and possibly revisited if the AT still warrants it. It is then a rather good thing the changes to the blast sets are happening at the same time, so that when the data mine begins, the devs know there wont be any notable changes in the future on the offensive side of the equation, allowing them to focus on the defensive side down the road if the need arises.

    Its all pretty crazy right? Almost like the dev team thought about this for a while before announcing it to players, as opposed to having a brain blast in the shower in the morning and then blurting it out on a dev chat two hours later as many here feel must be the case.
  22. Snipe changes: For blast sets. AT be damned, if this change was separated by 6 issues from the other blaster changes, and the devs had never mentioned blaster AT improvments, maybe then there would be a chance people could look at this objectively instead of constantly muddying the waters.

    Blaster AT survivability changes: For blasters. These are the changes being made because blasters die. Not fast snipes. Repeat: Fast snipes are not being created to assist blasters in surviving. Fast snipes are not being made for "just blasters" in any way shape or form. They are being made for all blast set users, and as such, all changes to snipes are being considered ENTIRELY outside of the realm of blaster survivability changes, because: Fast snipes are for all AT's that use blast sets and are given balance considerations as such.

    Crashless nukes: A welcome change for blast sets, being done because players do not like the function of relic designed blast powers. Newer nukes have been designed without a crash, old ones are getting converted into the new. Note: Crashless nukes are not being done for blaster survivability. They are also not being done "just because of blasters". It is a blast set change, for all AT's that use a blast set, so it will be balanced in this fashion.

    To summarize:

    Snipes and nukes are changes to blast sets, COMPLETELY SEPERATE to other I24 changes.
    Blaster AT changes are changes to JUST blasters, because they die a lot.

    I am so sick of "blasters should get perma fast snipe cause they need more help" mindless drivel. You are correct!! They do need help!! THATS WHY THEY ARE GETTING CHANGES TO THEIR SECONDARIES!!! man i hope the dev team can take all this illogical, non- objective feedback being spewed on the forums and sift it out, otherwise we are going to get a watered down meh change that leaves snipes, blasters, and nukes in the same uninspired rut they are in now.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I'll agree there. Visually it's stunning. Though practically, it's kind of a pain in the ***. It's worth checking out once or twice, but contentwise there's no real reason to go there unless you're a total masochist.
    I am fairly certain the shard will see a revamp similar to dark astoria(though possibly not with solo content in mind) as a place to work on things like omega slot. Whats scarier then Tyrant? How bout Rularuu. Incarnate level eyeball enemies....shiver.... take that defense bonus IO builds!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Guinefort View Post
    It's also worth noting that some of the lack of content redside is a product of responding to lessons learned in blueside content.

    When they realized that people weren't interested in hazard zones, they largely left them out of redside; thus the absence of a villain equivalent to the gorgeous but usually empty Perez Park, or the incredibly dull and almost always empty Boomtown.
    I must correct you on this. It was not that players didnt want hazard zones, it was that the dev team running the game way back then decided they wanted players to do missions. So they ramped up mission completion XP. I know currently mission completion XP doesnt feel really all that great compared to the amount you get from critters now, especially bosses, but thats because they changed the XP for them too, a while later. At the time of the original mission XP change, it was rather significant. This was combined with a "half debt while in a mission" change, again, significant when the leveling XP curve was outrageous and debt was actually potent enough to be a real detriment.

    Prior to those changes, the player base was more then happy to street sweep both city zones and hazard zones, in fact especially hazard zones(carny town comes to mind) because you could find huge spawns on a smaller team which increased challenge and also reward rate for skilled players.

    And so I must correct you- the hazard zones are ghost towns by the dev's own design.

    When critter XP was changed again, there was a very brief revival of zone sweeps with small teams, but soon after they snuck in some code that made the hazard zone spawns react to team size(they used to just be huge spawns. i mean huge like 15-20 minions with a liut or two and a boss in there) so now a small team gets to face mid size or even smaller spawns. That was basically the cement shoes for the zones, and no one has looked back since.

    The reason for the dev's desire to corral people into missions? "We spend all this time making these cool stories and maps, and nobody goes in them because they would rather run around on the streets blasting bad guys". Or something akin to that anyway. I actually miss making a new hero, entering Galaxy City and patroling the streets near the hospitol, rescuing citizens from thug activity like muggings. Saving that lady who was getting assaulted by some purse snatcher, and then having her run up to me to thank me after just never got old. I would save people while traveling between missions, against grey cons, just because it was the right thing to do, even if it is just a silly game. It was HEROIC. It was what originally made my wife start playing the game, she watched me save a few helpless ladies and wanted to "save people too". There's still a few legacy spawns around town that you can still do that in, but really those types of little things have gotten left behind in favor of stopping the aliens from destroying the multiverse. But I suppose I am just being nostalgic.

    So, TLDR: the devs made a conscious decision to push players from one content type to another. It was not a change brought about by the players. The dev team is responsible for players abandoning the zones they created through the changes they made.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Silly rabbit. Fight with your army IN FRONT of you
    No way!! Bodyguard mode and provoke FTW!