1665 -
Quote:I'm just glad I can have my captain and bridge officers all wear =my= same uniform. Now if only there was a way to make it a ship standard so that all the milling officers below decks had the same one...As for the uniforms, that doesn't bother me that much. I'd rather have the mishmash of uniforms than be forced to wear the crappy uniform that starbase NPCs wear, or the ugly uniform from All Good Things.
--NT -
I didn't read the whole thread, but I agree that "..." should be inherent. Sadly, now nothing new can be inherent. But it still should be!
--NT -
Quote:I remember the bug when you could get under the map in Steel Canyon. I would fly around under the map and kill street thugs with impunity, building up a collection of saved civilians who needed to thank me. I would then drag the group over to the street in front of Icon, and fly up and down the street making the civilians run back and forth, or fly in a circle or figure-8 making them run the same pattern, laughing hysterically as the confused heroes above tried to figure why the crazy civilians were doing what they were doing.You can get under the map on the Mary MacComber mission (and all missions that use that Croatoa map) of Katie Hannon's Task Force. While under the map, you can attack enemies, but they cannot attack you.
My all-time favorite bug in the game. I would sometimes spend 2 or 3 hours a night doing this.
--NT -
Quote:You say you've got a revolution?Anyone know this one?
Number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine
--NT -
Quote:What ARE these fleet things? I'll admit to not looking around too much, but I've heard about fleet starbases. Because I'm the only active player in our large fleet, I haven't bothered to find out, because I'd have to do it on my own.Yeah, I know what you mean. For a while, Paragon Expeditionary Fleet had maybe four regularly active members. We made pretty good progress on unlocking tier 1 of all the starbase stuff, but slowed down at tier 2. We've had an uptick in activity since the Paragon closure announcement, though, and things are moving faster. We're close to filling out tier 2 of military and science, and once we get the T2 shipyard or comm array built (I'm hoping for the shipyard first) we'll get started on the T2 starbase.
I try not to even think about tier 3. Have you seen the requirements for those projects? I mean, good lord.
--NT -
This was a feature I took regular advantage of... before the advent of Pocket D teleporter and Ouroboros teleporter and base teleporters. We'd leave a mission in Portal Corp and need to zone, and while the rest of my teammates headed for the ferry, I'd go straight east or west, depending which side of the map I was on, and end up in Talos before they did.
I haven't used this feature in a looong time.
--NT -
Quote:This is why I'll use CO for my superhero fix once COH goes dark.It simply isn't a very good game, but it's a thousand times better than DCUO so I'm sticking with it for now.
I have lifetime subs to both CO and STO, both from day one. That being said, my highest CO character is level 23. I just haven't played it that much. I will starting in December.
STO is a better game (and hits me in my nerd sweet spot), so I love playing my one and only "main" in that space. (Pun intended.)
Find me in both games as @nucleartoast.
--NT -
Video: gutpunch. Also, awesome.
VG's description of her process: total nerdgasm.
--NT -
Quote:Because it doesn't work 100% of the time. Which is why the DBA is on-call for when it doesn't. Huge complicated systems aren't as simple as some people tend to assume they are. When things go wrong, and they always do, it takes time and effort to bring them back to "right".The code is already there and it is working, so I don't get your point at all.
--NT -
I read the whole thread.
Quote:Because that's what they say.I doubt it'll help, but I think I'll go edit that in to my original post in big, bold letters. Why do people assume that someone wants everything handed to them for free when they have any sort of issue related to the current payment model?
Quote:Let me ask you, as a (I assume) long time subscriber, how does being a bit more inviting to Premium players, former subscribers who may or may not have invested just as much or more time and money into the game as you have, harm you in any way shape or form?
Quote:So I really have no sympathy at all with people that say "when I subscribed I had all this stuff, and now I have to resubscribe to get it back". That kind of attitude really does beggar belief, quite frankly.
--NT -
Quote:As someone who works at an online gaming provider, I can tell you that people hold their breaths every night when these scripts run. Edge cases and database deadlocks at just the wrong time can spawn cascading failures, even in scripts that run fine on a regular basis. The Job Failure alert causes a weary DBA to request the step/line number of the failure, and the diagnosis/cleanup begins...It would be interesting to see the breakdown for cost people try to factor in with these kinds of arguments. Create a script that is proven to work, and there is no longer additional costs.
--NT -
One thing I thought of that's not considered by the "it's only data" people is to remember we're dealing with a software system created a decade or so ago. I imagine it originally had to do with the character's name being the database key for the character record. When you change keys, the database recalculation and replication is affected. Especially when you factor in cached data and server farms. Changing data is simple, but not always without implications or impact.
--NT -
Quote:I couldn't have said it better or more succinctly myself. I hate the superpacks, and just knew I'd never have this costume set. I have more than enough other choices that I can live without them (and all the trash I'd have to endure trying to get them). No thanks.Completely unsurprising. Too many people spent money on the packs solely for the costume pieces for them to even consider putting them up for sale separately. There's no way offering them now wouldn't result in a demand for refunds and a general customer service nightmare.
As someone who hasn't bought a single pack and would leap at the chance to buy the Elemental Order costume in a heartbeat I find it disappointing that it's something I'll never have. But it's a disappointment I was resigned to as soon as they started discussing the Super Packs. The vaunted advertisement of only buying the parts of the game you want hasn't been applicable in a long time. I can't really fault Paragon Studios for going where the money is, I just wish I wasn't on the losing end of their business plan.
--NT -
This this this. The hideous contortions those poor mobs go through is exponentially worse than being forced there by whatever powers or abilities I heap on their heads. And when mobs get "stuck" and can't get up, I relish whittling them down to nothing even while I feel guilty about cheating while doing it.
Quote:What I'd say has gotten worse is the way Incarnate content is almost all trial-trial-trial. We finally get a LITTLE small team/solo content, then we get a brand new type of iXP for the next slot up and... trial trial farm the trial again, like they didn't learn anything from it. That, *to me,* is a step backward.
Quote:Escorts are still horrid, and made even worse when you are on a Stalker and every few steps they say:
"$name, where are you?" "$name, I need help!"
--NT -
I frequently play COH on my laptop. Sometimes I even use the trackpad. Is it as awesome as playing on my desktop gaming system? No. But it allows me to play.
If the Surface Pro lets me do that on an even more portable system, I'll be all over it. (My current laptop is running the Win8 Preview and plays COH just fine.) Will it ever replace my desktop gaming system? No. But it gives me another option when traveling or hanging out in Starbucks while my girlfriend writes.
It's all about options, people.
--NT -
Quote:I'd offer to run it with you, but I have the sneaking suspicion I'd get burned.I have never ran Doc Q. Sadly I have yet to see it being advertised in any of my global channels. I would like to just run it for the badge and experience of saying I did it LOL!
--NT -
<stupid forums and double post>
--NT -
Games have provided me with countless hours of entertainment, stress relief (although screaming at FPSs might seem to indicate otherwise), camaraderie and friendship, and pure enjoyment of the medium (storytelling, graphics, sound and music). They have helped me get through hard times in my life, and have taught me things about myself and my happiness. I think I've got those top five regrets covered.
--NT -
Quote:Just let me say that, whether you agree with it or not, Sam puts a lot of effort into his character concepts, and adheres to those concepts with tenacity. Sam puts more thought into his concepts than most people do for, um... well, things they put a lot of thought into.
Judgement power for a brutish non-magical Troll woman?
And I say all this with amazement and admiration. He never fails to surprise and delight me.
--NT -
You kids today and your revamped TFs. I did Positron the old way, on my badger, AFTER bypassing it earlier (I was new to badging). This was when they introduced exemplaring and you had to be connected to your exemplar for the entire TF. If either you or your exemplar disconnected during the TF, your exemplar connection was also broken and you were booted from the TF.
I finally got the badge on the fourth run.