Has how you play changed in the past year?
With Perma-Light Form and Inner Light, the way I play my PB has changed a good bit. Every other AT; not that much, save that I incorporate Incarnated powers a good bit.
Just as reckless as ever. If you don't take melee attacks from your epic Defender sets, you're doing it wrong!
Yes. Kinda. its rebounding.
I used to be an alt-aholic.
My play time is rather limited, but it generally was spread (thinly) among a bunch of alts.
Over the past year, most of that time instead went to "leveling up" 2 of my 50's with T3 incarnate slots rather than my preferred alting playstyle. I also found myself logging in considerably less and playing for shorter periods. It isn't that Incarnate content is bad, it just means more time concentrated on fewer characters, and I was left with too little time or motivation for anything else.
With the release of the last issue, I decided to opt out of Incarnate play and focus on alting again. Its early, but I'm enjoying the game more, logging in more frequently, and coming up with so many alt stories that I'm tempted to get back into doing fancomics (which, ironically, will result in even LESS time playing the game than I had with Incarnate leveling, but I guess I just swing between the extremes, eh?).

Nope, not really. I rarely get to play (a few hours a week), and most of my play time is spent soloing story arcs, same as it has been since I6.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Overall my game play is still the same.
In the past year, I have used Mids more and more, to the point that it almost seems that Mids is required for me to play the game. I try to avoid needing to respec my characters.
I didn't learn to use the program till mid summer last year. I did take a long break from the game and returned last June.
In the past I would hit 50 and that was it. Now, as soon as I hit 50, I do the Alpha arc and then try to join a trial.
And the changes to the PB are awesome.
In the past year, I have created more alts than at any other time in my history of this game.
I made my first Corrupter and Dom in the past year.
In the past year, I became more of a brute person than a scrapper.
Mine's changed drastically. I do the iTrials, I PUG, I randomly just hop into someones team for a couple of missions then take off again.
I still generally shelve my toons when they hit 50 unless I really enjoy them consistently. If I do enjoy them, then they get the full Tier 4 incarnate experience. Thus far that's only 4 out of 60-ish.
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
I've spent more and more time logged out since I don't want all my characters to unlock every Incarnate slot, grind for salvage and then wait until the next Incarnate slot occurs.
My most recent fun has been duoing stuff like LRSF, LGTF, ITF and so on with a longtime friend. Right amount of challenge and right amount of power level without all the frustration of bad drops at the end.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I've run more Incarnate Trials in the last 12 months than in the previous 12 months.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
My biggest change is more soloing. I used to play my 50s with new players. But Freedom's influx of new players have been channeled through the lowbie arcs or endlessly running Death From Below.
And I've run some TFs and iTrials.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
My main change has been leading more teams this year.
Got bored of blueside and decided to play red, but you have to be proactive to get teams there, so I did.
Another change has been avoiding content. As much as I like the Wards, not playing them outside of soloing them for story. The whole "every team member has to have access to the content to do the mission" killed the zones for me. I'm not going to recruit based on whether you are VIP or not.

Odd enough although my build went big changes (especially with ATO, enhacement boosters and enhancement coverters to a degree) my play style didn't changed much. That is probably becuase my main is a kat/SR scrapper and my way of playing was toggle up, use attack chain, press hasten, build up, practice brawler, conserve power when they are ready. That is about all most of my build changes were about toggles, global bonuses and procs for my attacks.
I rarely use any click incarnate power and it is usually when I remember thier existance rather than when it is convenient.
I rarely use any click incarnate power and it is usually when I remember thier existance rather than when it is convenient.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
Since I came back? I guess, kinda.
I loved Willpower before I left. I couldn't make a character without ending up with it. Now? I hate it. I loathe it. Words cannot describe how much it infuriates me. It gets ****ed in the face by spike damage and has no way to deal with it....in a game stuffed with spike damage, which is getting ever more prevalent as the new game balance philosophy of "LOL WUTS BALANCE!?" rolls ever onward. And enemies just looooove turning into a spread out cluster**** these days, so the Regen takes an even bigger hit. And I was only running 0/+1.
I also loved Superstrength. Now I hate that too. That's entirely down to the mechanics of Rage and its crash, which just feels badly implemented and dated. All in all, the SS/WP Brute I came back to is now a vomitous mass of filth.
With inherent Fitness more defense primaries have gotten a look in. Never used to use Super Reflexes because it looked like a pain in the anal region. Still is a bit: click mez protection can go perform explicit acts with animals, but as a 'set it and leave' secondary it's so very much more effective than the Willpower I used to run with.
Of course, this all also means I'm way more tolerant of working with endurance. Used to be that I'd have a brain haemorrhage if I tried thinking about a world without Quick Recovery, but now I work a lot more with giving up some of my other percentages for the sake of a more endurance intensive primary or secondary. Which is nice, because mother of God is battleaxe hilarious when you've got the slots to get rolling with it.
Come to think of it, did they change any of the redraw problems? Hmmm. I haven't checked. They probably haven't, incredibly simple stuff like that isn't Paragon Studios' style. I guess my new favourite, Electric Armour, is going to irritate me with redraw after Power Sink and Energize.....
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
I've started soloing a LOT more. I used to be afraid of playing alone, like, any sudden noises or enemy attacks would make me jump out of my skin but I'm a lot less nervous now.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
I barely play. They redid Atlas and I even re-rolled my main from 8 years ago. But I stopped playing him. I'm about to hit content I've already played and I hear there are going to be more zone updates like Atlas.
So since I don't want to play content I already have played, just to level up another toon and then roll another, I have him in limbo until new content at his level shows up.
So right now I barely play at all. I just use the game regularly to work on my comics. Comics you can read at www.jkcomics.com :P
After 8 years, I need new content so that's all I'll play for now anyways.
Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at cohcomicindex.com
www.jkcomics.com for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,
My gameplay has changed in a few ways this year:
- Ran out of character slots on Pinn (altaholic) so I've started focusing on setting goals and milestones for each character I play each session.
-Stopped writing bios for most characters. Don't know why, they all still have a story in my head.
-Being more active in teams, playing support roles. I've soloed for most of the 7 years I've played and am trying to step out more.
-Rounded out my character mix, less brutes, corrupters and scrappers, more of everything else.
-Started playing with the difficulty sliders more, Especially the mob multiplier.
-Craft more. I was sitting on billions of inf, so started investing that into my favorite characters.
-Started posting in the forums. I've lurked for years, but rarely commented.
@Sylver Bayne
Pinnacle Server
I go through stages. For a long while last year I was playing my 50's and hardly ever gaining new levels on my lower-level characters. In the past 4-6 months, I've been making new characters and leveling characters up like mad, and pretty much not running ANY of the incarnate content. I literally ran like 1 MoLambda (3 runs) and maybe a couple of BAFs since Januaray or February, and about a month ago I was on a MoUG which was my first ever (and only, so far) UG run. I had never run TPN, MoM, DD, or the new MAG trials. I'm often afraid to even admit to that because the people I run with are mostly very familiar with these trials and often doing master or badge runs. So in the last week I've done several trials -- a couple of BAF/Keyes/TPN runs, two MAG badge runs -- still haven't tried MoM or DD, but I at least feel not so in the dark about newer trials now, and I'm more interested in working on my 50's again.
(Working on some of my 50's... I counted, I have 40 now. )

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I finally got a third 50, no particular reason why, it just happened.
With the way the Help channel became a default LFG channel and then the introduction of the new actual LFG channel, I've finally been able to find and create teams much more easily, and to actaully run some of the SFs. Separate channels are fine and all, I suppose, and have their place but segregating the population of an aging game was a really bad idea. It's really a shame they didn't have the LFG when they went F2P, I think they might have retained more of that initial surge of interest, which seems to have really dropped.
I've very much slowed down in creating new arcs in the MA system as it's become apparent that the devs are dealing with it as little as they possibly can. I still like doing work in it, but... it feels kind of pointless these days. Plus there's so much new stuff to do, so many new alts.
this year and most of last year had a lot of really good games come out, so my play time has decreased some. kind of the perfect storm of good single player action rpgs. also my work schedule has kind of fluctuated, but as for what i play, since i have most of the characters within reasonable distance of incarnates started on the path, i have been trying to go back and run lowbies, particularly ones with the new powersets.
Not sure it changed much this year besides going more solo/duo based characters.
But looking back to when i joined and how i play now it's a BIG gap. I could derail the thread and go on how the old days of i9 lol. How i did't even know how to use enchantments for 3 months.
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
But that's only because I've run low on AT/Power combinations I'm interested in trying.
"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.
Not sure it changed much this year besides going more solo/duo based characters.
But looking back to when i joined and how i play now it's a BIG gap. I could derail the thread and go on how the old days of i9 lol. How i did't even know how to use enchantments for 3 months. |
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
Lots of changes to the game in the past year. From F2P to incarnates, First Ward, etc.
With all of the changes to the game has how you play changed?
I still play basically the same way. The only big changes that affect me are ease of teaming - the auto-sidekick which made teaming easy years ago meant I could team most of the time.
New content, villain AT's on smurf side, new powersets, those flavor how I play but it is still log-in, find a team and play whatever they are playing.