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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post

    Felt great to type, felt responsible to delete.

    I WILL say this. It's just not the time or place to be pushing that crap in people's faces. Not here, given the circumstances.

    Show some restraint and tact, if you have any. Some of us aren't ready and willing to throw our arms around the publisher who nuked the best studio ever without warning. Don't tell me about other studios. You can't give your money to ArenaNet without also giving it to NCSoft.
    Players were given the greenlight to discuss other games. Some have chosen to move on. Others have not.

    The OP opted to give another game shot and gave his feedback, again, which has been approved by the remaining moderators. Whether you, or the community at large, feels it's appropriate is of little matter.

    Your behavior in this thread is a text book definition on how to not galvanize a community around common goal. Even with cutesy garbage like "redacted" statements

    The City community is better than this.
  2. For some reason, I couldn't keep away from FFXI. And I actually hated the game. But every time an expansion came out, I found myself in line with it at some store.

    The missus and I tried out Everquest 2 over the Labor day weekend. It had been years since I played the game (I actually cancelled it to start playing CoH - sunrise, sunset I guess).

    I was not having it. I just couldn't get into it. I even started to download the original Everquest, but I fear that is more nostalgia than actual desire to play.

    I still maintain a freebie DCUO account on the PS3. I really dug playing the game. It felt easy enough on a controller and I was leveling up fantastically. Add in the ability to run around Gotham's East End and I'm sold. I haven't really played it much since I moved in July but I guess it's better time than ever.

    And I'm still looking at a stack of PS3 titles. Mass Effect 2 and 3, Jak and Daxter Collection, unplayed copy of Starhawk. Among others. Lots of do.

    But as for my MMO fix, I finally decided to give WoW a real chance. Maybe it's the sting of losing CoH, but I didn't want to pick up another game that has a remote chance of being canned in the next year.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CarminaGadelica View Post
    I like the set so far, but I do have a question-

    Any particular reason we have to be on the ground to cast Lifegiving Spores? It's not like you even have to cast it on yourself.

    Why the flyer-hate?
    Being changed in an upcoming patch.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Doesn't the monthly spending limit cap at $200? Or is that per card, so you could still spend the full $900 all at once by cycling multiple CCs?
    Max is $400 and it's per account. I use the same card for four accounts and was able to push past $500 one billing cycle to get all the Celestial pieces for the accounts.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    And what promise would that be? Please link it so we know what you are referring to. No game has the budget or the staff to be able to add new items each and every week.
    Not a promise, per se, but when statements like..

    Originally Posted by Positron
    The Paragon Market will have new items on it all the way to the end of the year, including new Halloween themed costume parts (as well as bringing back last year’s Halloween parts).
    ...are thrown around, the fan base expects something. Not just re-issues of content that should have never been "limited" to begin with.

    But it's a moot point I suppose. Theree are two new permanent costume powers this week. Fish pieces are back (Until the 20th). And Mako's bite and the Chainmail/Leather set is on sale.

    As for Guild Wars 2? Pass. Never liked the original or any of its expansions

    I don't think NCSoft is interested (or concerned) about it's own products competing against themselves. I'm betting that most of the goodies are being saved up to combat the titan coming out in September.

    edit: source of the quote: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/3/feature/6634
  6. Tomorrow's the big day folks!
  7. Well, it is the Anger Management post from that Friday.

    And it's Owen Good.

    So, two strikes before I'd even have to read it.
  8. fingers crossed for allowing Praetorian alignments out of Praetoria.
  9. Was a little disappointed to see Superpack 2 was added to the collect tab, but not appeared.

    Issue with the planned maintenance?
  10. Howard also has a few Lineage 2 posters in his room (Obvious in the episode where Penny verbally castrates him)
  11. My first thought went to "oh cool, I wonder if this means Praetorian alignments can visit Hero/Villain zones now"
  12. A couple of quick scheduling notes...

    It appears I will be available nearly all day Friday. As a result, we'll be adding in a sewer runs, map runs, whatever else we can run till the planned activities that evening. So keep an eye on the global channel and I'll be announcing what is to be run there.

    Edit: We'll also be running a ventrilo server again. There won't be anything ventrilo specific during the Fun Faire, but it'll be available. PM me or Cami for the info.

    See everyone there!
  13. A small-ish update regarding Cami's fun faire.

    Here's the tentative plan for Cami's Fun Faire Fall 2012. As I mentioned earlier, we won't be able to devote as much time as we would like but we figure it'll still be some fun.

    The planned events start in the afternoon. Cami and I will be working on Friday morning, but she'll be doing things out of the channel on Saturday and Sunday starting morning-ish (EST), whether it be random sketches or sewer runs. And during downtime (after the planned events more than likely), I'll be doing runs through Praetorian, Nemesis, Clockwork maps (majority rules on what we run) to help out folks.

    5:30 PM (EST) - ITF - The first of many.
    Afterwards - Sewer runs. More than likely blueside. Bring out your lowbies and we'll make sure to get everyone to 20 because....

    5:30 PM (EST) - Penelope TF - Blueside.
    Followed by - Admiral Sutter TF - Blueside (Both are 20+)
    Followed by - ITF

    5:30 PM (EST) ITF
    Followed by a very kill heavy (Cami's Patron Saint) Synapse TF.

    This is the tentative plan. Subject to change (I personally would like to a Mort Kal but we do this for you guys, not us). We weren't sure about hosting a costume contest again, it'll depend on demand. If not, I'm sure Cami has a method for handing out the finished art prize and I'll figure some method to distribute the 500 million influence.

    For those who weren't present last time, we aim for kill heavy runs. And this is designed to be enjoyable, so we ask that everyone have fun with it!

    For details, please join Cami's art channel (/chanjoin mvmarcz art) or send one of us (@terribledeli or @mvmarcz) a message and we'll get you invite!

    And oh yes, I have seen the rough sketch of this Faire's poster. Stay tuned!
  14. With the double exp weekend coming up, we'll be hosting another fun faire. It won't be as extensive as last time's kill heavy TF commander run (Cami has to spend that friday in teacher meetings and I'm out of vacation days), but we'll still cook up something fun.

    Expect ITF runs at least. Maybe some runs through the Night Ward arcs since I've got Praetorians to level.
  15. Since Darabont and his slow burn style is completely gone, I'd expect a more rapid pace.

    It was odd to see the dynamic that Rick is the bigger psychopath than The Governor, though I'm sure it'll turn out the be the reverse when it comes to it

    Woodbury also appeared more like the Safe Zone than Woodbury in the comic, though I'm sure they're going for a "darkness hides behind the surface beauty" angle.

    I'm almost certain the more emphasis on the Governor has to do with merchandising than regaining the pure comic book fan since RoTG went paperback recently, and the Road to Woodbury is due out soon-ish. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if the television Governor even picked up a few Negan-isms, just to help cross promote TB17 due out around the season premiere.

    Speaking of the comic, been a little disappointed with Something to Fear. The "gasp moment" in Issue 100 was predictable as sin. Even Adlard's art couldn't save me from putting down the book.

    Mad Max with zombies is bad writing and Kirkman should feel bad.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
    See thar?

    Now it'll appear alongside the black wolf, elemental order costume set, facepalm emote, Cape of the Four Winds and various other items that we're told may, one day, probably, possibly, perhaps will show up on the market.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    entire post about the benefits of social media
    So your research and data indicates that Facebook is an effective tool to reach outside of your regular community, so then you decide to make a promotion only on Twitter?

    You've been able to use a code generator app on Facebook in the past, as evidenced with the Facepalm emote giveaway.

    So why not use that again? I mean, your research and data clearly shows that people visit/join the CoH community on there. You have a mechanism in place to deliver the codes to nearly anyone would want to use the service (And again, if things have changed and you can no longer use that app, tell us so we can drop the CoH page from our Facebook pages)

    To use an extremely crude delivery service of either a picture containing codes or one code just seems dumb.

    Give everyone a chance to get the code like the facepalm emote and I'm sure some of us would back down.
  18. Till the code generator is brought out like for the facepalm emotes, I'll just do without.

    It was posted on the facebook account that there may have been legal issues from not doing it on there. Have things changed so dramatically in a year regarding giveaways? Not a sarcastic question, I just don't follow the facebook dealings enough to know.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    The codes we have are one-time use.
    Will the codes be just posted on the twitter account? Or will it be like the facepalm emote and we'll be able to use a code generation page to get the one-time use codes?
  20. terrible_deli

    Jon Benjamin....

    Better as Jon McGuirk.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    I officially no longer need my Saturn.
    Till they officially confirm Christmas Nights is coming as well, I'll keep mine.

    Oh, and Fighters MegaMix.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Any particular reason you decided to lock it?
    My guess is the revised forum rules posted in May. Which defined "necro'd threads" clearer.


    On the upside (per their rules),

    "..If you wish to discuss a considerably older topic, create a new post and link to the older discussion."
  23. So I wonder if this is where the Winter wolf will end up. I was hoping for a Winter wolf/Black wolf two'fer like the jungle cats one but I guess not.