Hey, Mod09? Unlock that Pet Peeves thread.

Agent White



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Any particular reason you decided to lock it?
My guess is the revised forum rules posted in May. Which defined "necro'd threads" clearer.


On the upside (per their rules),

"..If you wish to discuss a considerably older topic, create a new post and link to the older discussion."

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



So ... I generally don't frequent these forums, but I spotted this upon perusal today and gotta throw my 2 inf in...

Are you bleeping kidding me?!?! So not only do we pay $15 a month as VIPs, and get gauged for the latest and greats on the market, nickel and dimed. But NOW we're being told that we, as players and poster, can't post to an old thread that one of us created ..... just cuz?

Please tell me there's a logical reason for this .....



Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
Are you bleeping kidding me?!?! So not only do we pay $15 a month as VIPs, and get gauged for the latest and greats on the market, nickel and dimed.
We're getting way more content, powers, costumes, and really everything else now than we ever got before. The money gained from the market gets funneled right back into things like Staff Fighting, Dark Control, or Water Blast, which would have taken years to design in the past. And the Rocket Board, Beast Mastery, extra costume slots, and a lot of other things people love would have never made it off the drawing board. Plus a subscription gets you 400 free points every month to get stuff on the market. 550 points if you're a tier 9 VIP. And VIPs still get free powers and costumes, as well. Personally, I love the free server transfers we get, since if you stack two you can use 'em as a free rename.

There's always the option of playing the game for absolutely free, if you can't/don't want to pay the sub or just sick of the game, though.

But NOW we're being told that we, as players and poster, can't post to an old thread that one of us created ..... just cuz?

Please tell me there's a logical reason for this .....
New forums rules define thread necroing as posting in a thread about a month or so old. If you necro, the thread gets locked. This is because info changes over time, and what was relevant in a thread a few months back may not be relevant now or may have been updated since then.

If the Pet Peeves thread was that important, it should've been stickied. That would protect it. But it's just a thread about complaining, and really shouldn't be the first thing anyone visiting our server's forums should see, tbh.



or... just open a new thread for it?



Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
So ... I generally don't frequent these forums, but I spotted this upon perusal today and gotta throw my 2 inf in...

Are you bleeping kidding me?!?! So not only do we pay $15 a month as VIPs, and get gauged for the latest and greats on the market, nickel and dimed. But NOW we're being told that we, as players and poster, can't post to an old thread that one of us created ..... just cuz?

Please tell me there's a logical reason for this .....
There is, and has been said.

Keep posting in it, and you don't lose your thread. Simple. Effective. Rule abiding.

/If they get old, there's a pretty good reason it's not being posted in. Unless it's a sticky, it's time to die, thread. *whips out chainsaw*

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012