Has how you play changed in the past year?




I quit playing. Various changes made me less interested and I didn't want to pay for a sub but didn't want to play a gimped F2P account after having the "real" account experience either. So I just moved on to other things.

By coincidence, I saw my bookmark to the forums and clicked on it tonight wondering what was new and exciting in CoH-land.



It hasn't changed much, really. I have one character that I occasionally do Incarnate stuff with. Otherwise, I pretty much play the way I always have: Roll a new alt, play them to 50, then retire them and start a new one.

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191775: How the Other Half Lives
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As an altoholic, my play has changed for the better. I tend to solo a lot because I am such a night owl. Travel has become more fun, my fifties can now aquire specialized 'goodies' that once were only acheived through team tfs, and new areas/powersets add more fun. CoH and wine really do improve with age..lol

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Nope. I still tend to play every single alt I have like a Scrapper. Regardless of AT.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I still absorb damage with my face as much as possible. I just do it with Brutes instead of Corruptors.

I'd say that over the past year, with the Incarnate and Freedom hullabaloo, I've become more cynical. It's the game I've always loved, but it has a bitter taste to it now. Things are...messy. I don't feel the loving attention to detail the Devs used to put into the game. Now it's like "What? New enemy group? Give them that new powerset we just made. Balance? Pffft, it's fine." I feel like I'm not gettin gmy $15 a month's worth of stuff, either. Costumes and powersets used to be part of the subscription, nowadays there's no way to get the same amount of stuff with 400 PP a month.

So yeah, the way I play the game hasn't changed much. The way I view it has changed immensely.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I team a lot more, and as a result I'm willing to try things I've avoided...like Defenders.



I guess the biggest change for me has been how I handle the lower levels. With the DFB and the DIB available now once I leave the tutorial I run 4 to 5 DFBs to get to level 15 and then do at least 4 DIBs. This allows me to acquire a bunch of SO enhancements that greatly increase their abilities. Between those SOs and the bonuses to my Damage, Accuracy, Defense and Recovery when I do finally leave Atlas Park my characters are much stronger. I've also saved a considerable amount of INF since I never really btohered to purchase Training Origin enhancers and now rarely even bother with Dual Origin.. I usually make do with the SO that drop along with some IOs I craft until I hit 22 and can slot Single Origins in everything.

Lets see .. Since they increased the number of exploration badges to 8 per zone and offered up an accolade (with 5 merit reward) I am much more willing to spend time exploring. Hero side alone I think you can acquire 25 or more accolades and thats 125 merits and since its now possible to go Vigilante or Rogue and (if hero) get an additional 8 from the villain side for another 40. When you add in the ones you can pick up in Praetoria you can get close to 200 merits without fighting anyone and that's half of what you need to purchase one of the new ATOs.

I tend to focus much more on the TFS now than before. If my incarnates have shown me anything is that there is no such thing as TOO much when it comes to bonuses .. I have a lot more characters out there now that I have worked to get the Atlas Medallion, Freedom Phalanx Medal, TF Commander and Portal Jockey so they can increase their health by 20% and end by 10%.

Of course with all the new trials and added powers I spend a LOT more time playing my 50 levels. I've really enjoyed having something to do with them and its been fun teaming with as many as 23 other players.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Generally I'm seeing people in the thread saying that they're teaming more, which makes sense.

Last night I popped into my vent server and said "Okay, who wants to go on a Penny TF?" I ended up with 3 others plus myself so I planted myself at Penny and hit LFG. Within 15 minutes we had a full team (tanks, brutes, a blaster, couple of doms and a 'troller). Beat the crap out of things for a bit and completed the TF. During that time The Notorious AFK joined vent and expressed interest in it if we ever ran another. I trained up my Dom that had just done the TF and grabbed my blaster (Lt Ace Danger) and formed up another PTF in less than 15 minutes and we rolled through that one (1 stalker, blasters, corrs) in 30:29.
I hate forming and running teams. No, hate might not be strong enough. I loathe it. Now with the advent of LFG I still don't form teams often, but I do have it in a tab where I can look and see if something's going and send a TTL and hop on. I never used to do that. I ignored broadcast. I ignored global channels for anything other than TF or iTrials.

Because of the ease of finding and forming teams now I don't do my own content most of the time. I might hop on and just smash out 5 tips on 3 or 4 characters, but mostly I hop on and either watch my iTrial channels or LFG in general and dive into whatever. New characters will be put through DFB 3-4 times for the buffs and levels then hop into any other teams. I don't DFB to 30 then ITF or whatever. After I get my 3-4 DFB buffs I do whatever. At 20 I start giving preference to the grey tip teams.

Where the hell did all these people come from in my game?

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



These days, I do a lot more playing than filming.


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Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Generally I'm seeing people in the thread saying that they're teaming more, which makes sense.
which makes my other thread really odd because almost everyone on that thread says that they spend their time soloing.

it's as if self selecting responders to polls do not give accurate data on the whole group



hmm My play has changed a lot over the past year. I've spent more time working on a singular character then I do bouncing around between characters.

I instilled some rules now that we have the paragon market in place.. so it changed things in how I play.

Rule 1. Only buy new powersets when they go on sale.
Rule 2. You can not purchase a new set until you have at least 1 level 50 using the previously purchased set.
Rule 3. Purchased character slots can only be used if you get the character in the previous new slot has gotten to 50.. otherwise new character replaces an old character or new character must be made on another server. (forces me to use up transfers or delete characters made when I first started playing that have yet to get out of the 30's)

I run some TFs each week, I team more, I am playing way more melee then I did in the past (mostly I played controllers, defenders and blasters) these days I am more brute, scrapper, tankers.