1991 -
I bought it and paid the free month but I'm canceling my sub before it bills me. As others said, it's pretty much a single player game where someone else runs by once in a while. The chat window is messed up where it won't save any of my settings and constantly clears itself when I zone and, even when they're on, the only place I see anyone speaking is in Agatha (sp - whatever) looking for end game dungeon groups.
I bought it on sale for $25 and maybe the single-player experience would be worth $25 front to back but it's not worth $25+$15+$15+15+$15....
To tie into an earlier conversation, I went Shotgun/Blood pretty much at random (I liked the 'real life' idea of a shotgun without knowing the game mechanics and found a Blood focus early on). My build mainly centers around the Weakness/Penetration synergies between the two but I don't know the skill names well enough to define it right now. -
From an old, defunct web account, I don't know exactly how old these are but they're old enough that the female models still had nipples. Some of my first costumes from waaaaaayyyy back in the day.
http://my.inil.com/CF/C8/edamoth/COH/ -
I quit playing. Various changes made me less interested and I didn't want to pay for a sub but didn't want to play a gimped F2P account after having the "real" account experience either. So I just moved on to other things.
By coincidence, I saw my bookmark to the forums and clicked on it tonight wondering what was new and exciting in CoH-land. -
Hanging around Atlas Park and seeing the female models, I think "shiny, scanty, cutout" would be a definite profit victory.
No, Bikini 1 didn't come with the set. It is, however, the default bottom option (top of the list) and the least visible when you don't want to step on the new set pieces.
Quote:Off the cuff, my guess would be because they want to restrict showing the set parts to purely the set parts as much as possible. A long "gunslinger" skirt would have been nice but, in its absence, they'd rather remove the visual bottom entirely than add in parts from other sets while showcasing this one.My concern is for how the creators may envision some of these outfits. Choose the female "Gunslinger" set and you find a woman wearing bikini bottoms under the bustle and train (or buttcape, if you prefer). Why no skirt?
Obviously this doesn't preclude you from adding in your own skirt, leggings, etc. -
Quote:No. I have no idea where you got that from so color us both confused.So you're saying it's ok to pick what female models wear, but NOT certain options like baron jackets, chaps and gunslinger jackets?
I've said before that I have no issue with giving female models various parts (jackets, etc) but that I'd hate to see it deter the artists from the exceptional work they've done on some of the uniquely feminine bits.
What I object to is people acting as though those bits are somehow forcing themselves onto their models or something. If you think Part A looks like prosititute-wear, throw a shirt or pants on under it.
Edit: Really? The casual "h-word" for prostitute is censored? -
Quote:Ask me when she can throw fire and/or command legions of robots.Gentlemen, I presume many of you have wives... daughters... mothers. Would you enjoy it if these important women in your life be out doing their daily tasks with plumber's butt? Do you think your daughter should be wearing netting and a heart over her vagina to some special occasion... her prom, maybe? No? Really?
Quote:So, this is the situation we women (who are someone's mother, daughter, wife) face when looking at our CoX wardrobe selections. -
Quote:I think the last time anyone actually cared about using it in that manner was in ancient RomeDecimate: A Roman punishment for cowardice in the legions. Every tenth man in the unit of the man who showed cowardice was killed.
Ok, so Zwill's link says it was first used in 1660 but you get the jist. -
Quote:I referenced this briefly before, but I think the amount of detail and variance of designs may make the set feel more limiting in some ways. If I'm making a guy with a sword, there's a number of swords to choose from and they're all "swords" for most purposes. Especially if I'm just looking for a sharp bit of metal and not some tech blade, you could remove any particular sword and I could find another "close enough" for my concept.Still Titan weapons does come with a fairly puny amont of models at its base so rather than pulling models away and then releasing them as a paid for pack, just include the models in the first place, then in a month or so, crank out a weapons pack.
On the other hand, a giant jet turbine on a stick or torn up railroad signal pretty much defines the character rather than the other way around. You need (or at least I need) a fairly narrow concept to go with most of the weapon designs. So you mentally eliminate the ones that are way off concept and feel as though there's less options than the list shows.
I'm not saying this as some grand criticism or anything, just pointing out some issues of perception perhaps they didn't consider. -
Quote:But there was more. They just broke them out as a separate purchase.Objecting and saying "There should be more" without understanding why there isn't more is...shortsighted, let's say.
As others have noted, the "mistake" here may have been offering the booster immediately which makes it look like you're only getting offered half a plate for the basic price.
That and too many people can't read an opinion they don't like without dismissing it as "whining" to make themselves feel better (or try to shame the other guy into silence... or both) -
Quote:People can try to sell reasons why you only get six choices but, at the end of the day, it's still only six choices.Six skins. All of which are, as I said earlier in this thread, highly detailed models that require work on the order of an actual unique character more than a mere model of a weapon.
It doesn't really bother me but I can see why other people would object to getting six initial skins and the option to buy four more. -
The base power set comes with... 4(?) skins. That's less than the other power sets as other have pointed out. Even with the "booster", the options feel a little limited but I think that's a case of each piece being so distinctive that you mentally eliminate most right off the bat.
Quote:Venting and rage is half the battle. The other half is overblown hyperbole in calling every comment you dislike "Rage" (or hysteria, crying, screaming, etc.).It's the Internet Sam. Rage and vent is what people do here.
Quote:No their complaining that the devs are selling us stuff that we told them we'd gladly pay extra for if they'd just put it on the market.
Damn those dirty devs for listening to their customers and fulfilling their requests and suggestions!
Everyone loves analogies!
"Hey, Mr. Burger Man! This burger with large fries is great! Wish I could buy cheese sauce for my fries though..."
"Right ho! From now on, for the same price as before you can get a burger and small fries and for an extra dollar fifty, I'll give you a cup of cheese sauce!"
"I listened to my customer and fulfilled your request! Hooray!" -
The folks of the Hydra dimension were minding their own peacefully until the Rikti started yoinking them out of their world and into conscription on ours.
If we found a peaceful alternate plane, we'd be sending Statesman & Co in to take it over and claim its sweet, sweet resources.
Quote:Of course it was intended. It wasn't "a" veteran reward, it was broken into three or four veteran "rewards". You think it was an accident that the whole F2P/cash shop just happened to roll out with an exclusive and very distinctive VIP costume that required you to be at the top tier (good thing you can buy your way up) and then spend multiple tokens once you get there?That was *A* way to get it. I'm pretty sure that wasn't the intended way to get it since it was a Veteran Reward (and if it was then someone in the team or Marketing needs kneecapping for being that evil a money-grabbing *******)
Can you name another veteran reward costume set that required four different rewards to collect it all? Boxing set? Sleek tech?
I'm not even arguing right now whether it was right or wrong but there's a very valid argument to be made for including the Celestial set in a discussion of paid costume sets. -
I disagree there, at least on technicalities. The Celestial stuff was added expressly to get people to buy up "reward" tokens. If anything, it was probably expected to generate more revenue as a VIP set bought with multiple $15 tokens than as a basic "booster" style costume or else it would have been sold as a booster. The whole F2P conversion was to generate extra money after all.
Quote:Or maybe have a "Barbarian pack" with other themed parts that aren't already included via other sets. If we can already make armored barbarian women, why not a Barbarian pack with different styles of pieces?Except that that costume contains a grand total of ONE piece from the Barbarian pack. At that point, we might as well not have the Barbarian pack for the sake of the argument.
I think you had missed part of my point. -
Quote:Thank heavens that for every time the issues DOES come up, there's a vigilant Junior Mod guardian ready to throw a princess-hissy over the topic being raised.And putting a disclaimer at the top doesn't make this anything but the same old dead horse thread saying "All the good names are gone WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
God salute you, Good Sir. -
Quote:The beauty being that you're allowed to mix and match parts between sets.It doesn't undermine my point in the slightest.
Men got chest belts, barbarian fur-thing, metal plate glove things, stompy boots and that kind of thing.
What did women get?
That's not perfect (and it can't be due to CC limitations such as asymmetrical parts, skirt lengths or hair with helmets) but that took me all of two minutes to whip out. Going back to my earlier remarks, people act as though each costume set exists in a bubble or that they HAVE to use Eden tops under their corsets or something. I'm not against women models getting more armor bits and stuff but I don't feel that the complete argument is an honest one.
Edit: In retrospect and I'm not about to reopen CoH, but I should have used some semi-obscuring strappy leg option under her skirt to cover her exposed thighs rather than the default Bikini 1. Again, an option that was open to me even if I didn't think of doing it. -
Quote:"Option" being an important word here. People were crabbing about the Steampunk corsets and ignoring the fact that corsets are a chest detail. They're only revealing if you go out of your way to hide the mandatory top underneath them. Likewise, no one is forcing you to use a skirt with Bikini 1 underneath instead of putting one of the other myriad of leg options under it.which, if you looked at the overall breakdown of the costume sets, its not the case, fortunately. 4 packs had cheesecake as an option
Hit random a few dozen times and see how many costumes come out as overtly sexy. You actually have to intentionally set out to do it. It's not hard to do it, but it's not accidental either.
I'd rather see the designers try to hit a few marks (jackets, a pants option) in each pack assuming it holds to theme (we don't need an astronaut open jacket) but then treating each set as a separate entity. I'm in the minority on that though and it seems to be counter to the way things are moving. -
Quote:And yet Fabio-esque characters keep making the covers of pulp romance novels.The timing on this Shortpacked strip seems apropos, so I'll just leave it here.