Ah, yet another writer who doesn't know the meaning of "Decimate!"




Decimate: A Roman punishment for cowardice in the legions. Every tenth man in the unit of the man who showed cowardice was killed.

Thus, Decimate means "To reduce by 1/10th" - I'm pretty sure that I'd want to do far more than THAT to my enemies, titan weapons or not!

The word the writer is seeking for is "Devastate" - I blame the hordes of uneducated news reporters who have confused the two for decades...

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!




De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.




Deci - prefix, a defining form meaning "tenth" ie- deciliter would indicate ten liters

Mate - verb, to bring together for breeding purposes




And they used this to advertise Titan Weapons? Wow... Freudian...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by RedwoodTheElf View Post
Decimate: A Roman punishment for cowardice in the legions. Every tenth man in the unit of the man who showed cowardice was killed.
I think the last time anyone actually cared about using it in that manner was in ancient Rome

Ok, so Zwill's link says it was first used in 1660 but you get the jist.



The definition you're referring to is practically obsolete in modern English. Words evolve over time.

@Draeth Darkstar
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Didn't the word awful used to mean awesome once? I'm sure I read somewhere that it used to mean something that filled people with awe.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Didn't the word awful used to mean awesome once? I'm sure I read somewhere that it used to mean something that filled people with awe.
Well, phrases like 'awfully exciting' etc. Otherwise that'd seem a bit wierd, yeah.

And hey, OP, gimme my bilious sarcasm back! That's MY schtick! ¬¬

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

Deci - prefix, a defining form meaning "tenth" ie- deciliter would indicate ten liters

Mate - verb, to bring together for breeding purposes




And they used this to advertise Titan Weapons? Wow... Freudian...
WTH? I have to mate with every 10th man?!?!? I'm not that kinda guy...


But. then again, they /ARE/ Romans, right?





American Heritage usage note:

Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions. Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group. Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts this extension in the sentence The Jewish population of Germany was decimated by the war, even though it is common knowledge that the number of Jews killed was much greater than a tenth of the original population. However, when the meaning is further extended to include large-scale destruction other than killing, as in The supply of fresh produce was decimated by the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, only 26 percent of the Panel accepts the usage.
One out three experts still object to the broader meaning of "a large portion." And I'm sure the majority would object to its usage to mean "all were killed" as it was used here on the boards, unless you meant that using Titan Weapons would leave some of your foes unscathed?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
One out three experts still object to the broader meaning of "a large portion." And I'm sure the majority would object to its usage to mean "all were killed" as it was used here on the boards, unless you meant that using Titan Weapons would leave some of your foes unscathed?
Well, there is a cap on the AoE.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Just because "ain't" is in the dictionary doesn't mean I accept that, either.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Didn't the word awful used to mean awesome once? I'm sure I read somewhere that it used to mean something that filled people with awe.
Yes - an example is that upon completion of St. Paul's Cathedral, it was originally described as "awful" and "artificial" meaning, "full of awe" and "a creation of art". They've evolved drastically over time.


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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
One out three experts still object to the broader meaning of "a large portion."
When it's one out of ten, we can decimate them and it'll be problem solved.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Wait ... why do I need facebook integration on an online dictionary page? Its presence confuses me.
Facebook is your friend. What's best for Facebook is best for you. Facebook only wants what's best for you. Do not question Facebook.




Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions. Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group. Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts this extension in the sentence The Jewish population of Germany was decimated by the war, even though it is common knowledge that the number of Jews killed was much greater than a tenth of the original population. However, when the meaning is further extended to include large-scale destruction other than killing, as in The supply of fresh produce was decimated by the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, only 26 percent of the Panel accepts the usage.
If we decimate the dissenters those numbers'd be 76% and 36%.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by RedwoodTheElf View Post
Decimate: A Roman punishment for cowardice in the legions. Every tenth man in the unit of the man who showed cowardice was killed.

Thus, Decimate means "To reduce by 1/10th" - I'm pretty sure that I'd want to do far more than THAT to my enemies, titan weapons or not!

The word the writer is seeking for is "Devastate" - I blame the hordes of uneducated news reporters who have confused the two for decades...
Funny thing about words. They can have multiple meanings:


decimate [des-uh-meyt]  
Example Sentences Origin
dec·i·mate   [des-uh-meyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), -mat·ed, -mat·ing.
1. to destroy a great number or proportion of: The population was decimated by a plague.
2.to select by lot and kill every tenth person of.
3.Obsolete . to take a tenth of or from.

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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Just because "ain't" is in the dictionary doesn't mean I accept that, either.

Yes - an example is that upon completion of St. Paul's Cathedral, it was originally described as "awful" and "artificial" meaning, "full of awe" and "a creation of art". They've evolved drastically over time.

Hmm... "awful" and "artificial" relating to a house of worship...

What is it that my brain wishes me to type about that...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Just because "ain't" is in the dictionary doesn't mean I accept that, either.
No, but when we're talking common usage vs a nearly completely obsolete one, I'd say it's kinda silly not to accept it.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Serious question: Has the English language been decimated?
No, it's still expanding. Latest studies show that not only is it expanding, but the rate of expansion is actually accelerating. Some linguists have suggested a hypothetical force called 'Dark Etymology' to account for this phenomenon.




Every time you use the ability on an enemy, 1/10 of their friends die.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by RedwoodTheElf View Post
Decimate: A Roman punishment for cowardice in the legions. Every tenth man in the unit of the man who showed cowardice was killed.

Thus, Decimate means "To reduce by 1/10th" - I'm pretty sure that I'd want to do far more than THAT to my enemies, titan weapons or not!
I can't tell. Are you serious?

Edit: Just in case...

verb (used with object), -mat·ed, -mat·ing. 1. to destroy a great number or proportion of: The population was decimated by a plague.
2. to select by lot and kill every tenth person of.
3. Obsolete . to take a tenth of or from.

1 : to select by lot and kill every tenth man of
2 : to exact a tax of 10 percent from <poor as a decimated Cavalier — John Dryden>
3 a : to reduce drastically especially in number <cholera decimated the population>
3b : to cause great destruction or harm to <firebombs decimated the city> <an industry decimated by recession>

The Free (online) Dictionary
dec·i·mate (ds-mt)tr.v. dec·i·mat·ed, dec·i·mat·ing, dec·i·mates
1. To destroy or kill a large part of (a group).
2. Usage Problem
a. To inflict great destruction or damage on: The fawns decimated my rose bushes.
b. To reduce markedly in amount: a profligate heir who decimated his trust fund.
3. To select by lot and kill one in every ten of.

Usage Note: Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions. Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group. Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts this extension in the sentence The Jewish population of Germany was decimated by the war, even though it is common knowledge that the number of Jews killed was much greater than a tenth of the original population. However, when the meaning is further extended to include large-scale destruction other than killing, as in The supply of fresh produce was decimated by the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, only 26 percent of the Panel accepts the usage.
This isn't just something "that's in the dictionary". I'd say that the alternates are well accepted, and the OP's use is frequently denoted as obsolete. Contrast that with "ain't", which is usually denoted as informal or slang.

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Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
No, it's still expanding. Latest studies show that not only is it expanding, but the rate of expansion is actually accelerating. Some linguists have suggested a hypothetical force called 'Dark Etymology' to account for this phenomenon.

I am worried for the English language however; at least the spoken form, anyway. I (sadly) know people who will say out-loud "Ah I was just kidding, el-oh-el, jay-kay jay-kay."

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