Are there any *good* Alternate Universes in CoH?
They don't need to send Heroes to the alternate universes that aren't having troubles.
I mean, it's like being a marriage counselor; There are good, fully functional marriages out there, you just don't interact with people in them as much.
I always imagined that Portal Corps do find worlds like this, but they don't feel the need to tell the local freelance superhero community (ie the players) about them.
We're just called in for the dangerous parallels.
Plenty of those worlds were peaceful until you show up. Were the Paragon Protectors doing anything bad before you show up and beat them up? Now yes, they did kill every other thing in the world, but they were still peaceful after that.
I for one feel no compelling reason to visit Civilian NPC Earth which lacks even street crimes (let alone game mechanics that even permit such to occur).

NPC world is the most frightening of all. Your powers are worthless against them! They can push you around with ease. Truly we can only hope they never gain the technology to make it to Primal Earth or we'd all be doomed.
If we found a peaceful alternate plane, we'd be sending Statesman & Co in to take it over and claim its sweet, sweet resources.
There's a world ruled by Oranbegans who've forsworn violence.
The Rikti dimension was peaceful until forces from our world attacked them.
The Rikti dimension was peaceful until forces from our world attacked them.
Of course then Nemesis automatons of prominent superheroes attacked their homeworld. So the Rikti we mostly encounter in game are the military forces effectively stuck behind enemy lines and even then there's a group of them trying to reach a peaceful settlement.
I'm pretty sure I got that mostly right anyway, I haven't run many Rikti arcs in a while.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

The folks of the Hydra dimension were minding their own peacefully until the Rikti started yoinking them out of their world and into conscription on ours.
There are no good parallel universes. There are only hell-hole parallel universes and crapsaccharine parallel universes.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Also, Hydra earth is fairly peaceful except for raiding rikti... and your character coming along to pummel the crap out of everyone.
so that brings us to a total of three good universes.
Might be interesting to see or make more use of the good dimensions.
Like consulting the Good Oranbegans for magical advice, or asking the Hydra men... for something.
Or Rikti Traditionalists begin helping out to an extent in later story arcs. Maybe Vanguard crafting stations can start to include summoning drones or rikti Blasters?
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There's a high level Devouring Earth mission where you rescue an ambassador from an alternate world, no mention of them being dangerous.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Supposedly, the Hydra World is actually peaceful, but the only way we can communicate with them involves dipping our hands in goop and punching the Hell out of them.
They don't like that. They've asked us (repeatedly) to leave them alone.
They don't know anything about any badges, so stop asking them.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I think it's mentioned somewhere in the lore that an alternate universe was found that was identical to ours in every way except that stopsigns were green instead of red. Depending on how precisely you define 'alternate', you can get an infinite number of alternate universes, to the point where every single permutation of every single permutation to the nth degree exists somewhere in the multiverse.
If we found a peaceful alternate plane, we'd be sending Statesman & Co in to take it over and claim its sweet, sweet resources. |
-Jack Handy
Also on Steam
Like others have said, they don't send heroes to investigate nice places. If it's the world of Puppies and Rainbows and Ponies, you don't need Hyperman to go punch things in the face. It is mention, however, that Primal Earth and Praetorian Earth are two of the strongest versions of Earth in their particular corner of the multiverse.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
I don't really buy 'it's good, so there's nothing interesting to do there', since we are talking about a story setting with dimension hopping. We've got Cimerora being invaded by the 5th Column, and the Rikti poking their noses into other potentially dangerous dimensions.
Not really sure why we couldn't see a mission set into stopping something in a dimension that hasn't been conquered by a villain group. 'good' doesn't have to mean completely peaceful and pacified. just where one of the 'hero' groups has the majority.
Then again, we do have Grym, from a 'Furry' or at least more 'Fantasy' based universe, so, i guess that can slightly count, not that we're probably ever going to be visiting it.
Well not precisely evil, there's Michael Bay earth, in which all of our characters are poorly interpreted, all girls look like Megan Fox and guys look like Shea LeBouf, and the only way to get out of bed every morning if for an explosion to go off underneath your bed to to run up a stream of gatling gun fire from the helicopter that blew it up and karate kick the pilot and gunners, and then leaping out as the chopper inexplicably explodes, all before landing at your breakfast table to enjoy a KNIFE omelet, glass shard corn flakes, and a tall glass of nitroglycerine.
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Isn't there the "Good Circle of Thorns" earth? (although I think they turned good after wiping out everyone else way back when so that might be an YMMV thing) where the COT are pacifists?
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
They don't need to send Heroes to the alternate universes that aren't having troubles.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
Hrm... you know, with the "good" Oranbegans, and the recently available CoT costume set... there's some ideas there.
We rescue some humans from an alternate universe that turn out to be Trolls IIRC. I think they are from a good universe.
The problem with the whole alternate universe thing is it just turns into a tangled ball of mess very quickly.

Thelonious Monk
Hrm... you know, with the "good" Oranbegans, and the recently available CoT costume set... there's some ideas there.
Also, doesn't Tina Macintyre mention a world without heroes, and how unthinkable it is to have a world without heroes? *ahem*
Also, this:
Ok so my character furthest along has hit 40 and I'm starting into a lot of the portal corp missions and what not and we've got Praetoria knocking on Paragon's door and all that and so it got me thinking.
Are there any *good* alternate universes? So far all the ones I've seen or heard of are horrible. There's the council world, the 5th column world, the Devouring Earth world, the Psychic Clockwork King world, the Rikti world, the Circle of Thorns world, Praetoria, etc.
How come we haven't run into any alternate worlds where like, Freedom Corps took off in the right direction and the world is peaceful? Or the Freedom Phalanx snuffed out the last big bad. Or even a normal non-super world?
And then there's alternate timelines, like Recluse's Victory >>