1390 -
Just logged in to say, I had a great time over the years. I still play the character I first created in Beta all those eons ago and will miss her when she's gone.
Good luck to everyone. -
Quote:Cool thing about that is that it looks identical and the guy can move about comparitivily easily. Impressive.this.
Quote:I'd buy all those.
Except the Jabba the Hut beanbag. Eww -
Not a fan of Steam and my experience of Steam authentication on top of game authentication (UT3) has left me scarred. I start twitching just thinking about it.
So personally I'd rather CoX didn't appear in Steam. -
When I first heard Lucas was going to do "Clone Wars" I thought, "Great, lets clone Darth Maul and have loads of Sith warriors, loads of Darth Mauls."
Then they did what they did -
Quote:Its NOT an exclusive item. It was sold as part of the Collectors Edition and the Collectors Edition had some exclusive items like a Heroclick.Because it is an exclusive item.
It was sold as part of the Collector's Edition. Take the exclusive out of the collector's edition and everyone who bought it wasted their money and will feel gypped. Without the exclusive items it was overpriced at retail and on resale markets simply outrageous. I have a friend who paid $100 for hers.
It should stay exclusive.
Powerslide however was also sold in other sets. I bought mine from the Euro Deluxe set, which at the time of purchase was under £10.
Powerslide should DEFINITELY be sold in the market. But for less that 120 points, its not that great. -
Quote:Indeed. I'd love to know some of the stats behind Incarnate trials and whether or not they are worth the invested development time. I have my suspicions.
Before "raid" content was delivered I was quite happy to say there should be some content for everyone and if people wanted raid content then give them some. However when I look at the iTrials it seems clear to me that they are all just Task Force missions and I think they would work better with a cap of 8.
That doesn't mean I don't want them available for people that thing 24 is great, I just wish I could do them with 8. Or 6. -
Quote:Well the comics did it first, so they are using the source material.Peter instead will be a hero because of some dark secret of his CIA parents... yeah...
He is a couple of years older than Maguire was, but looks younger to my eye. -
Unfortunately the Ultimates version of the Avengers fought an invasion of Asgardian enemies. So I would not be that surprised if they followed that lead. However I am hoping that Loki has lead Skrulls to Earth.
I liked the look of this Hulk. I thought the 2008 one looked weird, oddly proportioned with funny skin. The 2003 one moved funny, which I blame entirely on Ang Lee doing the motion capture. Lets hope this time they have an actor doing the movements
Wow! I am away for the forum for a few days and My-Perfect-Thread-Subject is posted
Yes, I am a tea-nerd and can talk/bore on the subject for ages. Probably a good thing I missed it
Quick Tip: If you want to appear like you know what you are talking about just remember that orange pekoe doesn't taste of orange. -
Big Corporations 1 - Artists 0
In other news we report that the Sun rose this morning.
Quote:And I would rather it stays that way.Aside from determining the flavor text of our enhancements, Origins seem to have little or no purpose outside of Role-Playing in City of Heroes/City of Villains.
There are all sorts of problems with these ideas, the main one being that they only serve to limit what a particular Origin means. A quick look at your individual suggestions and my main character and I found nothing that I would consider appropriate. -
Found that the hardest choice!
What side do you pick more than others?
What play style do you prefer?
Tanks and Controller. So far Stalkers are the only AT I actually dislike.
What power set(s) do you favor?
Super Strength, based entirely on the greatness of "Footstomp"
What zones do you like the most?
No preference.
Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
It used to be 50/50 but its increasingly just female.
Views on Role Playing?
Great but rarely indulge myself. I just play the game while drinking and chatting with friends on Skype.
Freedom and Virtue. -
Quote:Funny you should mention the iTrials. The answer is "Quite well thankyouverymuch"So how well does a Tauntless Tanker do on stuff like pulling Anti-Matter to terminals in Keyes, or pulling Siege and Nightstar to the tennis courts in BAF, as well as alternating aggro with other Tankers due to the pulse hold thing, or pulling the Voids into Penelope Mayhem in MoM, along with the AV Bosses into Mother Mayhem? And what about the Underground, keeping the AVs facing away from 23 other people in the league? :3
Anyone that does BAFs frequently will have seen Siege lose interest when people do Taunt-Only-Pulls. Ranged attacks work so much better.
I have to admit I've only done the Underground once and a friend tanker was showing me round. When he planted I tanked the Avatar without losing aggro once until I traded back to him. Not sure for how long but at least half his health. This is hardly the event to prove Taunt is a requirement. Taunting here isn't difficult, staying alive is the problem.
You might have an case with Keyes. That's the one place in the game where you want to taunt without damage. -
Quote:Not at all but people are claiming the best tankers have to have Taunt which is pure BS. If you play with a high damage tanker you will find it far harder to strip aggro off them than someone with average damage and Taunt. That has been tested and proven by this very forum.Wow I guess you've got to be the best tanker in the game to never lose aggro or have the ability to snatch it back without a thought. My hat's off to you then.
So the starting supposition about using Taunt to regain aggro once lost is broken. You can maintain higher threat levels through damage than Taunt. Again, tested and proven by this forum. This is why some scrappers and brutes can pull mobs off tanks. If you want to be King of Aggro Control you have to have the highest threat rating and the key to that is Damage. -
So you are trying to sell Taunt on the basis that I've already lost aggro? Pfff.
Taunt is not the only ranged attack I have, and any ranged attack will grab back the aggro. A PBAoE will probably grab back the aggro and hold it better. However if I had been mixing enough damage with my own attacks the controller wouldn't have pulled away the aggro in the first place. -
Quote:* For a very narrow "taunt-based" definition of "tanker".NO ONE WITHOUT TAUNT WILL FIND THEMSELVES THE MOST CAPABLE TANKER* IN THIS GAME.
Its a pretty trivial exercise for most tank primaries to aggro a cap-worth of mobs without Taunt. Once you've hit the cap you only become more capable by killing/arresting mobs and Taunt doesn't help you do that.
Then there is the fact that damage + taunt beats Taunt. In my opinion this can make Taunt a crutch for lazy players. Spam Taunt a few times and everyone thinks you are doing your job? Not really.
I would happily see Taunt removed from the game. -
Quote:Actually I think you do. They need to be scheduled events to generate the foot traffic imo.Suggestion 3: Make these other areas accessible year-round. You don't really have to disable the ski chalet after the winter event; just disable the contacts and the candy cane vendor. Similarly, any other areas of Pocket D could also have time-restricted content which is disabled, leaving the areas themselves open for players to gather.
However I like the general idea -
Quote:From the title I was expecting something awful but instead got this
I know there have been nice additions and QoL improvements for 50's but I was thinking wouldn't be nice if your XP gain counter continued to click away. For every time you fill your 10 bulbs you would gain a "______" ( Reward merit, or some other nice thing). I would think the time spent wouldn't be worth the effort to farm but would be a nice reward.
/em thumbsup
ps: regarding the actual reward I wouldn't care what it was. I don't think it need be anything other than the level-up inspirations.