CoH on steam
I would love to see CoH go on steam for one i think it would help it A LOT and it be much easier to access idk its just steam is widely used so i think it would do it good and i my self would love for it to be on steam its an amazing MMO that deserves to be on it alot of MMO in F2P on steam just suck but CoH would probably be one of the popular ones and would be great to see on there (sorry if this sounds horrible like one of the first post ive ever made ona forum) just pretty much sayign i wish it would be on steam
Not sure what NCsoft would have to do to get it back up there, but i do agree that it would be an excellent move for them now that it has transitioned from Subscription only to the Hybrid model.
Well, as of Issue 22 there's now a steam_api.dll file in the main coh install directory. So take that for what you will I guess.
A Steam relaunch could be something they're planning as part of the 8th anniversary.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Strangely enough, it *was* on Steam... but that was before it went F2P.
Not sure what NCsoft would have to do to get it back up there, but i do agree that it would be an excellent move for them now that it has transitioned from Subscription only to the Hybrid model. |
I think this is correct. As time has gone on there have been quite a few games I've noticed taking issues with Steam's policies of taking a cut from the developers. I'm no Steam hater, and have quite a few games on it myself, but I do think that it's a good thing some companies are standing up to them and forming their own services (i.e. Origin) or opting out altogether. Competition is good for the consumer.
And this is an example of competition really sucking for the consumer. I want convenience, not a different game manager client for every software publisher in existence. That would be beyond useless.
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
I think this is correct. As time has gone on there have been quite a few games I've noticed taking issues with Steam's policies of taking a cut from the developers. I'm no Steam hater, and have quite a few games on it myself, but I do think that it's a good thing some companies are standing up to them and forming their own services (i.e. Origin) or opting out altogether. Competition is good for the consumer.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
I think this is correct. As time has gone on there have been quite a few games I've noticed taking issues with Steam's policies of taking a cut from the developers. I'm no Steam hater, and have quite a few games on it myself, but I do think that it's a good thing some companies are standing up to them and forming their own services (i.e. Origin) or opting out altogether. Competition is good for the consumer.
Just the other week, downloading the the demo for ME3 was done lickity-fast on Origin compared to what it would have taken on Steam, simply because it wasn't bogged down with people stealing bandwidth for other games.
Valve has made some...questionable decisions in the past few years. They're no longer the 'cool up and comer' anymore and as far as I'm concerned, they burned up a good amount of the gaming community's good will and support. I wonder if they even make games anymore or simply buy up small productions like L4D and Portal and regurgitate with a decent coat of paint at minimal cost, because they've certainly not been releasing Episode 3.
Still, when EA walked away from Steam, well it was easy to side with Valve, but now that others are doing it, it's clear there's been a shift. So far, Valve's response has been to stick its fingers it it's ears, chant 'la la la!' and pretend nothing's happening. Or, they've been chasing rainbows like their "Steam Boxes". Yeah, I'm sure it'll be a smash just like the Phantom.
Valve championed online distribution, the big guys scoffed at it, but it took off big time. Then Valve made them bend over and took a cut of their profits. Now they're going to get some serious competition from those same big guys and Valve wont be able to coast anymore with their hand in the cookie jar. So what happens next will be very interesting.
I don't think Valve is/was being quite realistic with thinking they could be the universal distributor for online publishing, especially since they can't or won't pony up the hardware required for something like that.
Just the other week, downloading the the demo for ME3 was done lickity-fast on Origin compared to what it would have taken on Steam, simply because it wasn't bogged down with people stealing bandwidth for other games. Valve has made some...questionable decisions in the past few years. They're no longer the 'cool up and comer' anymore and as far as I'm concerned, they burned up a good amount of the gaming community's good will and support. I wonder if they even make games anymore or simply buy up small productions like L4D and Portal and regurgitate with a decent coat of paint at minimal cost, because they've certainly not been releasing Episode 3. Still, when EA walked away from Steam, well it was easy to side with Valve, but now that others are doing it, it's clear there's been a shift. So far, Valve's response has been to stick its fingers it it's ears, chant 'la la la!' and pretend nothing's happening. Or, they've been chasing rainbows like their "Steam Boxes". Yeah, I'm sure it'll be a smash just like the Phantom. Valve championed online distribution, the big guys scoffed at it, but it took off big time. Then Valve made them bend over and took a cut of their profits. Now they're going to get some serious competition from those same big guys and Valve wont be able to coast anymore with their hand in the cookie jar. So what happens next will be very interesting. . |
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

Valve championed online distribution, the big guys scoffed at it, but it took off big time. Then Valve made them bend over and took a cut of their profits. Now they're going to get some serious competition from those same big guys and Valve wont be able to coast anymore with their hand in the cookie jar. So what happens next will be very interesting.
Best case, there would be multiple distribution systems like Origin, Steam and Impulse, that all have more or less the same content so that the consumer can pick whichever system offers the best, to him, service. That's the kind of competition that would be good for the end consumer. What EA is doing right now, however, isn't competition. They are just saying: "If you want to play EA games, you will use Origin. If you want to play something else, use whatever." If all the big publishers go that route, that would pretty much defeat the purpose of online distribution systems.
Of course, EA probably needs to be that heavy handed about it, if they want anyone to use Origin. Considering how long they take to fix known issues like the default language thing (three years and counting

Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
Not a fan of Steam and my experience of Steam authentication on top of game authentication (UT3) has left me scarred. I start twitching just thinking about it.
So personally I'd rather CoX didn't appear in Steam.
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
I think this is pretty accurate. I'm just worried that the end result will be any number of mutually exclusive distribution systems, because everyone wants a slice of the cake.
So I wouldn't worry too much. The Steam service, as it currently exists, WILL come to an end. It had its day in the sun and knocked down a number of barriers showing that moving away from physical media was viable. But time, and technology, marches on.
I bought GR on Steam when it was on sale ($5) and just log in via my main account anyway. It tosses up the NCS Launcher and then fires me into CoX. Works like a charm. Then again, aside from a certain recent game that requires another Distribution app, I have absolutely everything launched through Steam (and most are actually Steam apps).
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I would love to see CoH go on steam for one i think it would help it A LOT and it be much easier to access idk its just steam is widely used so i think it would do it good and i my self would love for it to be on steam its an amazing MMO that deserves to be on it alot of MMO in F2P on steam just suck but CoH would probably be one of the popular ones and would be great to see on there (sorry if this sounds horrible like one of the first post ive ever made ona forum) just pretty much sayign i wish it would be on steam