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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    And there is no reason why we should not expect the game to be canceled the same way as soon as it starts performing only marginally well. That's the main reason I will not give NCSoft any more money.
    To be honest with you if that's the way they want to do business they can.

    Just no one should expect that I should continue to support that way of the doing business.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Ok, here's the question:

    What would you like NCSoft to do to treat you better while still shutting down the studio and game? The 3 free months is not enough; I understand that part - is there anything else they can do for you directly?

    Pretty much done with NCSoft.

    Had enough experience with them over the years to know that they won't get better.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    If somebody keys my car and slashes all the tires, I don't send them a thank you card with $50 inside.

    Pretty much this.

    However for me its' a combination of me finding the overall game to be terrible.

    That combined with it being made by NCsoft is all I need to know to know that I'll never be spending money on GW2.

  4. The king of game developers. The camelot of development teams.

    You sir were and are a class act.

    I may not have agreed with everything you, and Jack before you did, but I appreciate the effort you put into it.

    And I'm impressed you never put ANYONE on ignore!

    Good Luck to you all where ever you are headed.

  5. Aura_Familia

    Boycott NCSoft

    Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
    No, Boycott ATARI.

    Atari holds the license to the City of Heroes engine. Contract expires, Atari refuses to negotiate with NCSoft, NCSoft is forced to shut down Paragon Studios.

    ATARI decided it would make more money from us as new subscribers to their games than from an ongoing license to a competitor's game.
    WOW. Then **** Atatri and NCSoft. **** them hard. That is all.

  6. Aura_Familia

    To all of you...

    Thanks sir!

    There will never be another game like City of Heroes.


  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I favor the compromise idea that they can sell a "version" of the portable workbench on the market as long as the badge-based version is somehow superior to it. For instance make the market version have the current hour recharge where the badge-based one could have a better 15 min recharge.

    I understand that selling things like the Roman and Vanguard costume sets were generally accepted by the playerbase. But as a badge-collector I just can't support fully trivializing badge oriented rewards like this by selling exact equivalents on the Market - the time it takes to run the ITF is just not equal to the time it takes to earn the Field Crafter badge. *shrugs*
    Completely disagree. The protable work bench is one reward, the badge is another.

    I'd be fine with them putting a lower powered one on the market. Or improving the one badgers get.

    Something being tied to a badge (no matter how the badge is gotten) SHOULD NOT ever block something from being put on the market that can make the game more money, which the devs can then pour into more development work.

    To do otherwise is not seeing the bigger picture.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
    Shouldn't cost more than an normal respec token honestly.
    With the amount of work the devs said it would require after they've already looked into I'd say this is incorrect.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I'm all for the Devs having their "coffee talks" to help spread useful information to the playerbase. But if they don't have enough information (that can be publicly released) to cover having one of these things every... single... week... then I don't see the need for them to go through the motions. Maybe they could switch to having coffee talks only when they've saved up enough new info to make each one of them that much more useful/interesting. *shrugs*
    Except that from what I understood the point of these is NOT ONLY to share NEW info.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    Ditto. I'll cheerfully lose all the levels on an existing character as long as I get to keep the badges.

    {souvenirs and other historical data too would be nice, but badges are the important thing}
    *evil grin*

    How much are you willing to pay for it?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    Player response, every thread:

    "But I want it!"
    My response if I were a dev: "Cool would you be willing to pay $50.00 every time you want to do it?"
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
  13. Aura_Familia

    Of TankMages

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Personally, I think both role and playstyle should be considered, but there should be enough inbuilt flexibility to allow variation.

    I quite like my "Retaliator" AT idea:

    Primary role: Tank, Secondary role: ranged damage

    Primary powerset: Defence
    Secondary powerset: Assault

    HP: Between Brute and Tanker, def/res values: as tank, but res capped at 85%. Ranged and melee damage mods: 0.75/0.75.

    Inherent: Retaliation. As the Retaliator is attacked, their "retaliation bar" fills. When it is full, they can activate the "Retaliation button". This causes attacks to do double damage (scrapper critical style) and gives a +25% to-hit bonus for 20 seconds.

    Inherent part 2: Assault-voke. All attacks proc a 5' radius taunt. Unlike punch-voke, this is coded in the same way as Interface, rather than hard-coded into attacks. When Retaliation is active, Assault-voke is turned off.
    I'd play it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    But how do you reconcile that with a Brute - who has a higher base damage mod - being able to generate a damage buff of over 100% consistently even at low levels? Honestly, that's not that hard. Hasn't been since I18. That's OK, but Defenders with a damage mod of 0.65 having 30% was too much?
    Seeing as how we spend a microsecond (exaggerating I know) below level 20 nowadays I'm not seeing an issue for Brutes. Nor if they raised it for Defenders. The defender would get to play with it for a day.

    Utterly and completely useless now since one can sneeze and get to 20.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Over-reliant? I'd say quite the opposite. It's the only way in game currently that other people besides the mission owner get a chance to see the, you know, story. Anyone on team can click to reach the mission text, but that damn dialog clears every time someone changes zones (even between two zones you're not in), making it horribly difficult to read it. Plus, you can't see the mission completion dialog, nor the arc completion dialog.

    It's such a bad situation that, wanting to actually have a chance to experience the story lines, I consider my only option to be soloing it. I soloed through all of First Ward and Night Ward to actually get to read the stuff and see what was going on.

    I'm quite glad that for the NPCs one person talks to in missions (which bring up the dialog box) that in newer content they'll 'say' a shorter version on the NPC dialog channel. Certainly a major improvement.

    As for the 'skipping was a day 1 addition for TOR'... well, duh. That was just a major bungling on the part of BioWare that most every other game has already done without issue, regardless of whether they're voiced or not (CoH still doesn't let you skip cut scenes... but the devs nearly never use them).

    It seems that people are saying that voice overs are bad because TOR got it wrong, not because voice overs are bad. I'd say STO also got it wrong, by only doing them randomly. The big important top military guy's mission brief isn't voiced over... but this random chump that wants some crappy side missions that is just filler is? Yeah, nice job screwing it up (maybe they get better in the late game... but honestly, free is too expensive for that game). If you're going to do them, do them throughout (which is why I don't like the voice overs in the new tutorial... I like them, but when 100% of the rest of the game has zero voice overs? It's simply misleading and confusing few new players).

    (I also wasn't asking/interested in technical challenges with voice overs, but why they're a bad fit from the player's perspective, and only on MMOs)
    If they were to add voice I'd want them to be 100% skippable.

    Hell I still want cut scenes to be skippable.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    You've posted that three times, yet it isn't anything anyone's suggesting. My only concrete suggestion was to *increase* the number of powersets that need to be paid for.

    If anything, making all the powersets for-pay, while giving VIPs the equivalent PP, would be revenue-neutral. It would just allow VIPs to skip paying for powersets they don't want, and apply those points to something they do.

    I'm done with this discussion, but let's not end it with ridiculous strawmen in bold and underline. If you need to misrepresent reality to make your point then you're not doing your own side any favors.
    So in other words powerset grow on trees and are made from thin air.

    Glad to see you're as rational as ever.

    no he/she really isn't.
  17. [QUOTE=Tutelary;4356636]
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post

    Not working then if you are yawning. Must be decaf.
    Nahh, coffee makes me actually sleepy. It has that effect on many folks. Think I'll go to bed now.

    also once again:

    Reducing the pay for powersets would cut off the increased funds the devs have to make more powersets. Full stop. Dropping back to only 1-2 free powersets a year would make the VIP option compeletely and utterly worthless trash compared to what we have now. This isn't rocket science.

    night night
  18. [QUOTE=Tutelary;4356634]
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post

    Get some coffee then.

    I have some.
  19. [QUOTE=Tutelary;4356631]
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post

    Taking a break is telling him to leave? Did you miss the part about telling him to come back? Did you miss the part about taking the feedback as constructive criticism? Yeah, thanks for proving my point. Confused indeed.


    Reducing the pay for powersets would cut off the increased funds the devs have to make more powersets. Full stop. Dropping back to only 1-2 free powersets a year would make the VIP option compeletely and utterly worthless trash compared to what we have now. This isn't rocket science.
  20. [QUOTE=Tutelary;4356627]Sorry you feel that way but I completely understand. My original friends left ages ago and also many years ago, I found that it was best to seriously curb my postings here since I don't say things players like either(even if it is a relatively tame critique of the game not a "this sucks" post). Just try to accept it as constructive criticism and ignore the overwhelming backlash against your idea. It is what you will typically get if you are not posting something positive. Take a break, forget about these forums(and the community here), come back and enjoy the in-game activities/discussions/etc. I find it a difference experience than here.

    Unfortunately, I don't have much more to offer because I'm on the other side and thoroughly enjoy being Premium.[/QUOTE]

    Soo you're telling remus to leave the game when there is a better option that you yourself use?


    And telling Remus that we LIKE the way VIP is, is just as viable as him/her saying they dislike it.

    Reducing the pay for powersets would cut off the increased funds the devs have to make more powersets. Full stop. Dropping back to only 1-2 free powersets a year would make the VIP option compeletely and utterly worthless trash compared to what we have now. This isn't rocket science.

    If Remus wants to continue to put his or her head in the sand, after being repeatedly told that, I have no sympathy for him or her, as that tells me they don't want the game to improve. Full stop.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I thought the goal was to get people to spend more money on the game.

    AKA, PWNT.

    Yeah Remus isn't going to get it. I think we should all just smile and head nod at this point.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    There's nothing wrong with wanting a new powerset as soon as it's released, or wanting to get other things with points which necessitate buying more than the stipend provides. That's what I do.

    Now, just complaining that it's not handed over because one does not have the points is ridiculous.
    Yes, but the devs give us PLENTY of lead time before a new pay for set arrives. In that time you could have save a long ways towards that.

    So for me it make the complaining even sillier.

    As you can tell I have a low tolerance for that sort of thing.

    I'll just bow out here as I've made my points. I agree with your overall idea though.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    The scary thing is one them will inevitably read that post, scratch their chin and say: "You say this like it would be a bad thing. I don't see the problem. This is how it actually SHOULD BE!!!" and never realize the ramifications of actually going through with that idea.
    You mean Paragon Studios going out of business and NCSoft shutting down the game faster than we can say rutebega?

    EDIT: I'm 110% fine with some sets being pay since it you know .. . allows the devs to create more sets for us FASTER.

    And technically speaking if you SAVE your points and don't spend like a drunken sailor, you can get EVERY set for free. I have paid for ONE set since COH Freedom launched. Every thing else has been by points.

    Now if one has the attention span of a gerbil in a spinning wheel or the patience of a terrible twos toddler . . . good luck to you.

    EDIT2: And the majority of people posting in this thread have posted that they feel VERY VIP and like the direction the devs are going in. I don't think a course correction that pisses off the majority of their players would be the way to go.

    The devs need to make money. *SHOCK*

    New powers, zone revamps, etc just don't magically appear out of the hands of the developer fairy.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    If we didn't have to pay for any of the new powersets, then, most likely, we wouldn't be getting them at the rate we are.

    By definition, things we don't get with our subscription are things that the devs (and or the marketing team) expect to be underwritten, at least partially, by direct purchases. Said more plainly, they can staff up or make other investments that allow them produce more stuff more quickly because we (or some of us) are paying extra to get it, over and above our monthly subscription fee. So if there was no extra money in it for them (by virtue of including all of it in our base subscription), then they wouldn't have that extra income to staff up or invest in better tools, etc., and they couldn't pump out new stuff as often.

    If they were not pumping stuff, such as new powersets, out at a rate higher than we saw before the model change, I think you'd have a fair point. But they are producing new things faster, while still giving VIPs "free" powersets at what looks to me like a higher rate than before.
    Best post of the thread. I never understood why some folks after 6+ years think that powers and new powersets just magically appear out of thin air.

  25. Aura_Familia


    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Awesome! I've two years left. Finally finished with "the basics", and from what I understand, it's smooth sailing from here on out. All the weed-out courses are finished, and now us poor engineering students get to rebuild our GPA in time for grad school.

    Still not sure if I want to do that, btw, but it's an option.
    Cool. Good luck in whatever you choose.