Scaling Inherent powers..say what??

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This might be known, and obvious to some peoples..but I had no idea. I was playing my new fender earlier, and chatting about the damage buff with a friend. 30%, minus 10 for each team member, to a min of 0%. Seems simple and fair enough.

Then, I was flashbacking an arc, that had me down to lvl 14. And I looked at the icon..13% damage buff. It was scaling with my level! I was not getting the advertised 30% unless I was actually lvl 20. How silly is that? Especially since fenders get attacks in pretty much the worst order for any AT.

So I wondered if it worked similar for other ATs. Almost totally sure Fury does not scale, for brutes. And scourge..not sure how to check that. Domination only does in the amount of mez prot it gives. (I think) Blasters get the same +damage from attacks, regardless of level to I assume.

Anyone know if this is WAI? And if so..why? It seems to make no sense.



I didn't realize this!! No wonder the damage from my Traps/DP was just horrible as I was levelin up. I was constantly forming 8 man teams because I love to team. It was fun but my damage just sucked. I guess if I'm going to roll a defender and team up I should stay with the support classed type defender.



If I remember correctly the devs felt that a 30% damage buff at low levels would be too good.



I recall hearing/reading somewhere a very long time ago that AT Damage values start out closer to the same number at level 1, and then eventually scale to their normal values at level 20.

Now, if that's correct then that means that Defenders start closer to the same damage as Blasters at level 1, so it makes sense that the Vigilance damage buff scales upward at a rate corresponding to that (relative) base damage decrease over time. If they got the full buff value at level 1, and started at closer to Blaster levels of damage, then for the very early game (solo) Defenders could possibly outdamage Blasters.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
If I remember correctly the devs felt that a 30% damage buff at low levels would be too good.
Oh, no! We must fix Fury immediately!

Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
I recall hearing/reading somewhere a very long time ago that AT Damage values start out closer to the same number at level 1, and then eventually scale to their normal values at level 20.
Some of them do. Damage buffs, for instance, do scale with level and most are pretty much the same value at level 1. Self damage buffs, however, do not scale with level and their value should therefore not alter as the character progresses through the levels.

My initial snark aside, I have a hard time seeing this as an intentional change. I've seen things scale when they should before, so I'm thinking this damage buff is taking something else into account.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Tbh Defenders have always been more about the support then damage.



When adding the Damage bonus to Vigilance, the scaling up from 1 to 20 was purposefully intended since low level foes are not big bags of HP nor do they have much in the way of Resistances to damage. Giving level 1 Defenders a 30% Damage boost was not necessary for their survival nor was it necessary to bridge the gap between Defenders and Corruptors, since Scourge was relatively inconsequential at low levels.

As to making that a situation where one must team up as a Defender, well, as mentioned above, Defenders are a support class and secondly, as I just mentioned, low level foes are not big bags of HP nor do they have much in the way of Resistances to damage... it's not that bad for a soloing low level Defender. And as you level up, your damage increases moreso than it ever did before up to level 20.

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But how do you reconcile that with a Brute - who has a higher base damage mod - being able to generate a damage buff of over 100% consistently even at low levels? Honestly, that's not that hard. Hasn't been since I18. That's OK, but Defenders with a damage mod of 0.65 having 30% was too much?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Well, for one thing, Defenders weren't built from the ground up with a Vigilance damage bonus in mind. That was a much later change, targeted at a specific problem, which does not necessarily include low-level soloing.

Also, Fury at low levels is pretty frickin' amazing. Low-level brutes significantly outperform pretty much everyone else of the same level, if they can keep Fury going. It isn't actually a very good example of a large low-level damage buff being well-balanced.

But, 100% is a lot larger than 30%. Would a full Vigilance buff for lowbie Defenders be particularly overpowering? Eh, not really. But is a not-full Vigilance buff for lowbie Defenders particularly detrimental? Eh, not really.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
But how do you reconcile that with a Brute - who has a higher base damage mod - being able to generate a damage buff of over 100% consistently even at low levels? Honestly, that's not that hard. Hasn't been since I18. That's OK, but Defenders with a damage mod of 0.65 having 30% was too much?
Seeing as how we spend a microsecond (exaggerating I know) below level 20 nowadays I'm not seeing an issue for Brutes. Nor if they raised it for Defenders. The defender would get to play with it for a day.

Utterly and completely useless now since one can sneeze and get to 20.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
But how do you reconcile that with a Brute - who has a higher base damage mod - being able to generate a damage buff of over 100% consistently even at low levels? Honestly, that's not that hard. Hasn't been since I18. That's OK, but Defenders with a damage mod of 0.65 having 30% was too much?
Defender damage isn't balanced to match Brute Damage.

The Defender damage buff in Vigilance was added to balance Defenders v. Corruptors during the time that everyone was saying that Defenders are dead now that we can roll Corruptors blueside -- why ever roll a Defender!!!?

As I said above, Scourge is a trivial damage buff at low levels because low level foes spend very little time with low health. And so Defender's damage buff is also low.

The other reason maybe not to give Defenders a flat 30% buff from level 1 is to give the Defender the psychological boost that they are growing in power as they level up. By they time they hit 20, their force multipliers have kicked in to provide further boosts.

OTOH, I wouldn't have any problem with Defenders getting a flat 30% from level 1 onward: Their attack powers are gated behind higher levels than Corrupters and their primary does little to no damage.

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Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
So I wondered if it worked similar for other ATs. Almost totally sure Fury does not scale, for brutes. And scourge..not sure how to check that. Domination only does in the amount of mez prot it gives. (I think) Blasters get the same +damage from attacks, regardless of level to I assume.
Anyone know if this is WAI? And if so..why? It seems to make no sense.
I wanted to address the above. Low level Blasters do get the same boost from Defiance as higher level - for pri/sec attacks that hit. Having levelled many a Blaster, I can tell you that the amount of time a level 10 (for example) Blaster has an appreciable boost from Defiance is really long fights (which typically happen only when teamed, since solo spawns are generally a lower number of opponents) or, after level 6 or whatever, when Build Up or one of its clones is up (for the 10 seconds that lasts).

I would assume that something similar happens for Fury for Brutes and Domination for Dominators, since those also count on successful hits to build up. It's been a while since I levelled a Brute, but I do recall getting excited when Domination finally charges enough to fire off on my Dominator, although it doesn't seem to happen at the most opportune times during a fight and I therefore find myself "saving" it and not activating, just in case I need it for the next fight. So Domination is also a "sometimes" inherent as well.

Contrast that to the constant 13% your Defender was getting. You always have that 13%, no matter whether attacks hit or there are gaps in time when your pri/sec attacks are recharging. Because the "always on" mechanic of Vigilance is not added in the same way as the successful hit-dependent Defiance, you really can't compare the two inherents. It's apples and oranges.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Another thing to consider is that damage mods do not fully take effect until level 20. So, at level 50, a brute deals 16% more base damage than a defender, but at level 10 the brute's base damage is only 6% higher.

At level 20 a blaster deals 1.73 times the base damage of a defender (ranged), but at level 10 the difference is only 1.29 times as much.

Don't get me wrong. I think defenders and corruptors should deal more damage than they do, but the 1-20 scaling of vigilance is not an issue (frankly, brute's damage buff should have always had a similar scaling).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Another thing to consider is that damage mods do not fully take effect until level 20. So, at level 50, a brute deals 16% more base damage than a defender, but at level 10 the brute's base damage is only 6% higher.

At level 20 a blaster deals 1.73 times the base damage of a defender (ranged), but at level 10 the difference is only 1.29 times as much.

Don't get me wrong. I think defenders and corruptors should deal more damage than they do, but the 1-20 scaling of vigilance is not an issue (frankly, brute's damage buff should have always had a similar scaling).
This is what I was meaning in my earlier post about damage values scaling, I just didn't know any of the specific numbers.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too