33 -
I've been looking at what is out thee, as far as another game to play, and I just don't see anything that great. Rift is ok but not great. WoW doesn't look to be doing anything much different. Tera isn't getting great reviews. What has happened to the gaming market. I used to have so many choices now it seems that here are very few great titles out there worth buying.
I turned level 50. So now what is the first thing I should go do next? I hear talk of incarnate stuff but have no clue how or what is the first step to incarnate material.
I didn't realize this!! No wonder the damage from my Traps/DP was just horrible as I was levelin up. I was constantly forming 8 man teams because I love to team. It was fun but my damage just sucked. I guess if I'm going to roll a defender and team up I should stay with the support classed type defender.
2000 Flushes...she shoots out toilet bowel cleaner.
Quote:I should of never left. I regret it.Hey UnderArmor
E's account is still active though he is rarely on.
ValueMan left along time ago never to return
Scraps account is currently free to play but his wife beats him silly if he gets on the computer
Goat left along time ago also, when his tank could no longer herd entire maps he became despondant and started LARPing
I rarely play anymore either -
Yeah the old model sucked. Everyone in my SG would basically wait for the next Issue and it when it would come out most of us were disappointed. Now I can hardley keep up with the content and the new powersets coming out more regularly. The game is much more fun than it used to be. The people making this game are doing all the right things in my opinion.
Im with most. Kick and Boxing are used when everything else is down. It would be nice if there were a better selection. It feels like your buying moldy bread to get to the real bread. Personally Im surprised these powers even exist in the game. You already have brawl if you want to punch something.
Why not make it cool and add new powers like "Head Butt" or "Elbow Smash". How do you go from Punch, Kick, to Tough,and Weave is confusing. Get rid of the two that don't match and match it up with two that do. -
Scrap Heap
These guys were from my original first SG on Victory server. These are the only ones I can remember anyways. Any of you guys still play anymore? -
I went Ninja/Force Field. I heard that ninjas were weak on defense which is why I went with FF. Im up to level 42 and so far I have been pleased. I still took heal other from the medicine pool though to heal my pets.
I've recently started playing COH again due to being bored with WOW. What is a better approach:
Get one guy to level 50 and max him/her out.
Slowly get 10-15 toons to level 50 and then work on maxing them out.
When is the point on your level 50 where you sit back and go.."I've done all I can possibly do to make this guy the best that I can." ? -
So I haven't play COH for a while now and I've noticed that when I'm looking for new players to join my mission team I keep getting "why type of mission team"? From my experience there is only been one type of mission...pretty much door missions. What other types of missions are there? obviously I am unaware of the other types.
I still feel that COH is the best Free-to-play out there. The only one I know of that you can go all the way to level 50..for free. I love being VIP though. It makes me feel special. lol
I hope the power pool upgrades are good. I'm a fan of powers you can use on any character but some of the power pool powers I just don't ever take or use on any of my toons.
I never took Tornado before. My teammates didn't like it that it would send the mobs flying..we liked to keep things together. It sounds like they have made changes though or a lot of people really like that power. I would rarely run solo on him. Solo just wasn't as popular back then as it is now and my teammates hated any power with knock back in it.
I would usually follow the tank in or throw PA in....flash..then use blind on the one or two that flash didn't hit..The next group same thing but with thunder clap because flash would still be recharging. Throw a heal up every now and then. I would have endurance problems though...so occasionally it was just..all out madness because waiting around for endurance is lame..but only every 4 or 5th group. Got to have some excitement every now and then anyways.
Phantom Army did a lot of damage back then... They nerfed them hard..... I was sad. -
I have a 48 Illusion/Storm and I was wondering why skip Flash? I just started after taking a very long time off, but I thought flash was a very strong power to take. Again it has been a long time since I've played and he has a lot of dust on him. I would use flash one group and then thunderclap the next. This was before IO's were around though.
I started back up again about a month ago and I'm Looking for a SG that has Teamspeak or Vent that plays late at night. 12am - 5am AZ time. I'm in my 30's so I prefer to play with other nerds around my age.
Welcome back. I just came back recently. There are a lot of cool changes. Trying to learn everything over again.
I think it is more about the changes/updates that are made to the game. You see some MMO's that just die because of some change that just makes the game worse..not better. I am more surprised that other companies haven't copied some of COH features that make it such an enjoyable MMO. I still haven't seen another MMO with a better character creator. Boggles my mind.
Where do I find out where the TF's are and what the level ranges are for them? It seems they have added or changed some over the years. These might be the next best pick up group type of experience to go with. I like the fast paced PUG experience so this might be the next most interesting option for good experience. Anyone know the best TF is to run?
I agree with Thirty seven that the game can be boring if you are..."a) fighting stuff far too low so that nothing is gained from the mission or b) fighting stuff waay too high so that it takes us like 5-10 minutes per group of purples." -
Im on Freedom server. DFB seems very quick. You just have to find a team or form a team. If you wait in the LFG feature it takes too long to form a team. I can run DFB for a couple hours and level a level 1 toon up to level 20 very easily. It seems I gain at least 2-3 levels each run.
I just came back to the game. So it has been a while and there are a lot of changes. DFB and then DIB seem to be good places to team and level up quickly to about level 25 or so. What is the fastest way to level after that besides being farmed?