Freedom Super Groups
* Supergroup Name:
The Sonic All-Stars
* Website (if any):
The Sonic All-Stars
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
SonicPrime is our leader
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
Ingame email - you may be asked to team with the SG before being invited. (You can also PM me for more information on these forums.)
* Guild Description:
Using the power of team defense and properly applied offense will drive the forces of villainy from this City of Heroes.
* Requirements:
# Defender or Blaster Arch Type. Originally we only allowed defenders, but we were being too selective that we only had 7 regular members.
# Sonic as a primary or secondary power. For defenders, we would like a mix of primary powers.
# Wear uniform while with other Super Group members.
# Leadership/Tactics by level 38. Earlier is better. Remember you must have Maneuvers or Assault before you can pick Tactics.
# Be prepared for FAST missions. We move through missions very quickly, and you'll want to be running Sprint the whole time.
* Supergroup Name:
The Apostles of RO
* Website (if any):
Repeat Offenders forums
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Rev Brimstone and Ash Wednesday
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
Ingame email, or PM me on these forums. You can also send us a shout-out on our global chat channel - Repeat Offenders.
* Guild Description:
The Apostles were created as a means to support the Repeat Offender coalition in CoH (Pinball Wizards, Perfect Storms, and Bubblelicious).
* Requirements:
This SG has 3 main purposes. First, to provide a home to any Defenders interested in the RO experience that don't fall into the membership requirements for the other SGs. Second, as a place for current RO members to try out non-Defender alts to participate in RO teams. Third, for any non-RO folks that don't play Defenders but want to join in the fun!
* Supergroup Name: Perfect Storms
* Website: Repeat Offenders Forum
* Leader: Tormentoso (Storm/Energy)
* Preferred Method of contact: Forum PM, or join the global channel Repeat Offenders
* Guild Description: Everyone in the Supergroup is a wielder of Storm. Either Storm Summoning Defendes, or Controllers with Storm Summoning secondary. We team with other defender themed SG so be ready to dish out the damage. We are PvP light. We have some heavy PvP folks, but generally we hit the PvP zones just for fun. Base is functional but no real interest in raiding as of writting this.

SG : The J-Force
website: Yer Mom's House
Founder: The Legendary J-Man
Leaders: Mr. Trix, Sparta, Cycosis7
How ta Contact: @legendaryj-man & @mr trix is @yer moms house
Supergroup Description: We is better then you. Really we is. If ya don't think so then come find us. n00b.
Supergroup Name: Freedom Reborn
* Website: Freedom Reborn
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Kid Dynamo, Darkhart, Tortuga, Marmeille, Count Valdros, Mighty Magician, Ms Knockout, Super Hero USA, Kid Apostate, and Dash Cosmic.
* Preferred Method of contact: In-game e-mail.
* Guild Description: Freedom Reborn has been together since closed COH beta. We're a group of mature players who like to play hard but have fun.
No PLing, no exploits, no cheats.
Only original characters need apply and a level 10 security clearance is needed to for recruitment.
Most members own COV as well and we have a sister villain group, The Imperium, which you will be given access to when invited.
When you join Freedom Reborn you become part of a community of players, not just a Supergroup.
Our base is fully functional with telepads, medical, workshops, and mission computer.
We share a Teamspeak server with our close allies, The Babes of War.
* Supergroup Name:
The Babes of War
* Website (if any):
The Babes of War
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Leadership By Quorum:
High Beam @High Beam
Wind Wench @Windy Babe
TigerTank @TheCatFanatic
Rockin Casbah @Rockin Casbah
Libbyator @Libbyator
* Preferred Method of contact:
Web Site has details for formal application. Chatting up a member is a bonus.
* Guild Description:
Established July 28th 2004 we are a group for skilled players, habitual Icon goers, chatters and fun people. 2005 Heroes Choice Award for Favorite Supergroup on Freedom.
* Requirements:
- Must be a Female toon (male players welcome)
- No Powerlevelers. No Farming.
- Minimum Level to Apply 15.
- Maximum Level (on toon applying) 40.
- Exceptions made based on Leadership Decision.
We maintain one Main squad, two alt squads (non recruiting), one squad for retired level 50 toons (non recruiting), a squad for Male alts (non recruiting) as well as 1 main and 1 alt squad on the villain side.
Weekly meetings, multiple scheduled events, Task Forces and badge hunting events. Fully functional base with all the amenities.
High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!
Supergroup Name: Fated / Fated Heroes
Leader & Recruiting Officer: @Linna, @PwyllT
Preferred Method of contact: in-game e-mail, SG forum
Fated are originally a SWG guild. We escaped to CoV when the NGE was announced in November 2005. By now, we have a solid CoV/CoH membership and a full CoV base. We're still working on the CoH side base, but we're getting there.
Traditionally, Fated are a mixed guild, supporting both PVE and PVP. Whatever you like playing, go for it, as long as you're having fun. The guild is there to help you do it. Please note that the guild leader and several of her cronies are hardcore pvpers, and WILL try to seduce you to the dark side...
Evil Transcendant (all 3 guilds)
Gorath's Most Wanted
Seven Deadly Sins
All new Fated have a 2 week probation period. During this period we will determine whether or not they fit in. Usually this is no more than a formality, so don't worry about it.
Our rules are very simple, but I do expect them to be obeyed:
- no griefing or harassing. That means no stuff like intentionally teleporting people into drones or mobs, training mobs on people or teleporting new players to inaccessible places. Use your common sense. There is no need to deliberately spoil someone else's playtime.
- no scamming or exploiting. Meaning serious, gamebreaking stuff like speed hacking, and intentionally defrauding other players.
- no trashtalking, either in spatial, tells or forum. Thinks like 'I pwn yoo' are childish and reflect badly on the guild. Taunting people for no other reason than that they are on the other side or in a certain super group, will only create unnecessary bad feelings. Swearing at people, or insulting their parentage or sexuality is not just heavily frowned upon by me, but CAN get you banned by NCSoft. /ignore is your friend, as is /petition. Creative insults in PVP are ok, but keep it both creative and clean.
- don't simply stop logging in without warning. Apart from the fact that I am a worrywart, the SG limit of 75 toons means I will have to kick you eventually to make room, unless you've given advance notice of absence.
- this is not a democracy. I value input from everyone, but the final say is mine.
- Problems with other SGs can and WILL be solved in game. If any action needs to be taken in the forums, I will be the one doing it, followed by my officers. If anything happens in-game that needs dealing with, you tell me, and we will find a way of dealing with it. THERE WILL BE NO RETALIATIONS UNLESS I GIVE THE GO-AHEAD. It is VERY important that SG leadership knows exactly what is going on and why.
- If you have a problem with another guild member, work it out in private. Don't drag guild business or personal conflicts out into public forums.
Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, I WILL kick you out of Fated if you break these rules.
I am quite frequently in tell hell, because I get asked stuff from all sides at once. There is no way this can be prevented for other-SG contacts, but please, fated, don't contribute to the problem. If it can wait, mail a question. If it can't wait, ask in guild chat. The last thing I need when pvping or fighting mobs is tells.
We have none. Fated are both on the Villain side and on the Hero side. We will fight our own in pvp, and switch to whichever side offers the most fun at the time (whichever side has the fewest, in most cases).
I don't hold with promoting on the basis of prestige earned, if only because it discriminates against people who join at high level and people who temporarily switch to another SG for raids. Those guild members who play a lot and help out other members, risk getting the right to tag up other people. Other than that, it's entirely a matter of my whims.
Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the �equivalent� powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.
* Supergroup Name: Bubblelicious
* Website: Repeat Offenders Forum
* Leaders: Tesla Shield and Grape Sphere
* Preferred Method of contact: Forum PM, ingame tell to @OtterCub, or join the global channel Repeat Offenders.
* Guild Description: Everyone in the Supergroup is a bubble or ring protector - Defenders with FF or Sonic as a primary, or Controllers with either of those as a secondary. We team with other defender-themed SGs including the Pinball Wizards, Perfect Storms and Apostles of RO, so be ready to dish out the damage.
For more information, just send me a PM in this forum.
* Supergroup Name:
The Sonic All-Stars
* Website (if any):
The Sonic All-Stars
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
SonicPrime is our leader
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
Ingame email - you may be asked to team with the SG before being invited. (You can also PM me for more information on these forums.)
* Guild Description:
Using the power of team defense and properly applied offense will drive the forces of villainy from this City of Heroes.
* Requirements:
# Defender or Blaster Arch Type. Originally we only allowed defenders, but we were being too selective that we only had 7 regular members.
# Sonic as a primary or secondary power. For defenders, we would like a mix of primary powers.
# Wear uniform while with other Super Group members.
# Leadership/Tactics by level 38. Earlier is better. Remember you must have Maneuvers or Assault before you can pick Tactics.
# Be prepared for FAST missions. We move through missions very quickly, and you'll want to be running Sprint the whole time.
[/ QUOTE ]
U guys ripped me and my friends anew one in Warburg, thought about going all PvP sg? I really think you'd be something with all those buffs. And the dmg non-stop stacking -dmg resistance was just crazy.
* Supergroup Name:
Faithful Friends of Fallout
* Website (if any): repeat offenders
* Leaders and/or Recruiting Officers: @evilrat, @explosive rage, @WarrenBayroar, @vengineer,
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
in game thru /tells (be warned some of us DO have residences on other severs), thru the forum always works, heck even ingame emails. the RO site(see above), the ingame Repeat Offenders channel,
this thread
* Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group.
Motto: varies by day
requirements: only that you be a rad/* defender. might start to open up to */rad trollers soon (if not the other Repeat Offender sgs can help you there.)
OH and you have to have mutate/vengence/fallout! the heal that comes in the rad primary is optional. (you want a heal? here let me rez you)
Supergroup Name: Doom Supremacy
* Website:
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: @Swift Lightning
* Preferred Method of contact: If you are interested just drop us a line on our forums.
* Guild Description:
The Legions of Doom, later renamed The Doom Supremacy, was established 6/7/2004. It is a semi-roleplaying SG. We are known by Freedom for its vast collection of movies and also as one of the most popular and cohesive SG. We are an online family for mature adults only. We are a part of the DS Central MMORPG Family located at
We are only accepting applications for new recruits from the 1st through the 10th of each month. For more details on requirements and information on our group check out this link.
Supergroup Name:
Team Omega
Website (if any):
Team Omega Homepage
Leader or Recruiting Officers:
@Omega Medic
@Lady Digitalis
@Lord Solscream
Recruiting Officers
Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
(1) Check out the team website Team Omega and there is information regarding the application process.
(2) Contact one of the recruiting officers in-game to setup a time for interview or, if they're free, conduct one on the spot.
(3) Leave a forum post on the site with your name and basic information (details in the homepage instruction thread)
Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group.)
Right now the theme of the group is based on our uniform colors Black & Gold. We're not a big RP group though we do offer cross CoX content RPs with our kin VG Sins of Omega.
The atmosphere in-game is always fun-loving with a purpose. We joke around and are active friends but when it comes to game time, we're all business. Prestige competitions and other games promote a healthy competitive environment for all the members as well.
We do PvP and currently some of our members are working directly with the Death SG, participating in their raids and events as well as ours. With a fully functional base and a blaster heavy membership, we're ready to go in PvP and are looking for more experienced players to game with.
The current membership is mostly mid to high level characters from 35 - 50, but SK's and exemps are always welcome for assistance and general help. We also have a good amoun of badge-[youknowwhat] members that would kill for that one extra badge =)
Oh by the way, powerlevelers need not apply. In order to preserve a good, experienced player base, we do require that PLing be strictly outlawed by any of our members. This ensures that the member plays their character through their levels and learns along the way.
I think that's it for the general info!
If you have any questions regarding our group, gaining access to the site or for any other queries, please feel free to contact me in-game @Omega Medic.
I have just started a Super Group called Homeless Shelter. This is theme based and your hero needs to look like a homeless person or something similar. If interested please contact thru in-game email Victim of Society and I will arrange a meeting time so I can see your hero. I will need to visually verify your toon's looks. So if you want to be one of the first Homeless then apply now. Sorry but bread lines are not included/
* Supergroup Name:
Celestial Dragons/ Jr. Dragons
* Website (if any):;TabID=484298
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Leader: Brooke Lynn @I'cisse
Recruiters: CelticClaw @CelticMan
IrishPretender @BigStoneHands
Pa-Chuco @DirtyDirty
* Preferred Method of contact: In game e-mails to any of those listed above or in-game tells work as well
* Guild Description: It's all about the Zen!
We are a role-playing sg (non-rpers are more than welcome to join). We have no min/max level to join. No power-leveling within the SG. We will not tolerate griefing/harassing of any of our members or those in other sgs. 1 main/2 alts permitted in CD, any others that you wish to tie to the Dragons will go in JD.
Full set of Guidlines is on the web-site listed above.
As RPers, we have a section for story-lines, back stories, etc. on the site.
Supergroup Name: S.W.A.T.
Commanding Officer: Jack Johnston (Global: @Electro Shox)
Recruiting Officers: Jack Johnston, Control This, Nurse Maria
Method of contact: Either in game via tell or on website
Guild Description: Paragon City Police S.W.A.T. Team. You don't have to be a police based character, but it is our main theme. I just thought it would be cool. Our goal is to have fun and enjoy the game.
* Supergroup Name:
Pinball Wizards
* Website (if any):
Repeat Offenders forums
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Power Charger, Drain Da Monkey, Ilr, Satan's Spawn, Akari, Radical Flux, Gottlieb, Li Lou
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
Our global chat channel - Repeat Offenders
Also the SG website or PM myself at @Tharkun Tholuxe
* Guild Description:
All Kinetic SG, either controller or defender. We are part of the Repeat Offender SG network and its founding member. Join us to see what all defender/controller super teams are like. We are active and mentor extensively.
* Requirements:
Kinetics Primary or Secondary. For a more complete list follow this link So you want to be a Pinball Wizard
Name: 9th Dimension Wolfpack Vanguard
Founder: Rockin Stone, leaders vary by Branch
Player Type: Casual to Power Gamer
RolePlay?: Not required but some do
Membership levels: 1-50 depending on branch
SuperGroup Colours: Branch specific varies by server
Normal time of Gameplay: Evenings, and weekends anytime during the day
Other information: We are a Global supergroup and have branches on every server. Our requirements are simple, for example sg mode until lvl 25, sg costume at lvl 20, and have fun, try to respect others.
Recruiting?: As we are building branches on the various servers we are actively looking for new members
Super Group Name:
Rising Order of Phoenix
Website: (Currently in Works)
Jack Phoenix
Prefered Method of Contact:
In Game
Soon to be Forum
Guild Description:
Simple enough, we don't do blind invites like a lot of the SGs I've seen. We're family oriented so language is an issue. We're planning on being a very active SG. Any other issues can be brought up in game. Other than that have fun most of all.
Supergroup Name: Oblivion Guard & Dark Oblivion
* Website:
* Leader: @Nurse Phantasm
* Recruiting Officers: @Destiny-Morna , @Jungle Sniper
* Preferred Method of contact: If you are interested send global tell to BOTH recruiting officers and register and drop us a line on our forums!
* Guild Description:
Oblivion Guard, was established March 2004, during the COH Close Beta days. Created by Rodan later handed down to Nurse Phantasm. We have been known throughout Freedom for over 2 years now, and have a vast member roster of many original and old time players. Most of us range in age from late teens to thirties and mature content is discussed. We are active in all aspects of the game from lowbie pve to nightly end game hami raids and hami global channel, to pvp and base raids and all in between. We also have schedualed event and teaming nights, even badge hunting!
Most of us enjoy using TeamSpeak and it is encouraged. We also fully utilize global chat. Our member roster has fluctuated over the years but we remain a medium to (at times)a larger sg with dedicated players signing on daily/nightly. We have memebrs from all different times zones, US, Canada and France.
We have Main and alt sgs on Heros and Villians and have fully working elaborate bases on both with all the base perks. Teleporters ftw!
We are only accepting applications for new recruits that are serious and active players. Members must play and team in sg mode to earn prestige for our bases.
For more information on our AWSOME and tight-nit sg and to register for our forums check out our website!
Thanks for your interest !
Hope to see you in OG colors soon!
Supergroup Name:
X Syndicate
Frost ( @Frost ) Not going to list the recruiting officers in case that changes. Check our website for the most up to date information
Perfered Method Of Contact:
Please post on our recruitment forums, or contact someone through a PM/in game tell if you have questions
X Syndicate is an established mid to large sized Hero and Villain supergroup which has been around since CoH Beta. We enjoy running missions including scheduled Task/Strike Forces, Trials and badge hunting events. Our goal is to promote long-lasting friendships between members that arent forgotten when the game is over. And have a really good time doing it while were at it.
While some of our members enjoy PvP, the hardcore PvP following in X is pretty small. Theres currently only one or two members who really spend any great amount of time in PvP zones outside of badge hunting. As such, while the occasional PvP event may happen, PvP is not our focus and at the current time I cant foresee being heavy into the Item of Power base raiding scene. Some instant raids might happen from time to time though later down the line. Most of our members spend a majority of their time on PvE content though. Just being honest
We have few rules and a very relaxed organizational structure. The most important rule being that we request that if you join X, you move all of your alts into our group as well. Were trying to avoid attracting members who have 8 different characters in 8 different supergroups.
Were looking to add a few new players who are interested in creating friendships with a sense of humor who realize that its just a game that were playing and to not take things too seriously. We are not looking for players who spend a significant amount of time power leveling, nor are we looking for players who join up and never say a word on our global channel or forums. Theres no level limits for recruitment purposes. The enjoyment of nachos is a plus. However, muffins will work too in a pinch.
For more information, check out our website. Theres a large post in the recruitment forum explaining more about the group and how to submit your application.
Supergroup name: The Dark Angels
Leaders and Recruiting Officers:
Listed by Global Chat Handles
@Rand Al' Thor
Recruiting Captains:
@Tempest Shocker
@sweet sensation
Preferred Method of Contact:
Visit our website,
Send an email to ,
Send an in game /global tell to any of us,
Post in the "Access to Forums" section of our forum
Any of these methods are cool!
Description: We are a medium sized SG/VG that have been around since CoH beta. We have a hero and villain faction. There are no requirements to join. We are not a PvP or RP group, although we do not discourage either. We generally just like to team up, have fun and form friendships. We run SG events like Alt night, Dark Angels of the month, ect. and eventually base raids. Come check us out!
Bad Karma
SG/VG on Freedom & Pinnacle (modest little renta-forum)
We have no leaders or positions. There are full members and trial members. All full members are equals, and decisions are made by popular vote.
While we are not active recruiters, anyone with Teamspeak, maturity and a sense of humor is welcome. Speak to any member, drop me a PM per this forum or leave a message on our forum. My global is @FuzzyOne.
We are a collection of on-line friends. We are mature and loosely organized. We meet on our Teamspeak server each day after work or college, and then we form teams or plan for task forces/trials from there. Some of our veterans have been around since beta, and still others are former members of Excessive Force.
Global: @FuzzyOne
Find me playing these servers: Champion, Justice, Freedom, Virtue and Pinnacle
The Sister's of Virtue and Violence at its core is a theme SG with light roleplaying. The theme centers around the concept of a super-powered Nun that fights crime, a Battle Nun.
This SG is looking for any player that wishes to join, whether you want to make a Battle Nun or just participate with a new growing SG.
Come check us out at
In-game contact: @dethbert or @BattleNun
ingame e-mail: Abby Battle Nun
X-Syndicate is secksey.
Time to start a new thread, as I don't think the original one is returning anytime soon.
Please use this thread to post details regarding your Supergroup (CoH) on the Freedom server.
Include the following information:
* Supergroup Name:
* Website (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
* Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group.