So after 4 years of playing, I've finally got a lvl 50. What now?
What do you want to do?
If you want to start on the incarnate path that's one option. Talk to Mender Ramiel to unlock your Alpha slot and then go to DA to do some trials or story arcs (depending on your preferences). Even if you don't want to focus on Incarnate content, I'd run Ramiel's arc so you earn shard in regular content, you'll eventually be able to make an Alpha slot boost that way.
Alternatively you could start IO'ing your character and make him more powerful that way.
Or you could just run old content, plenty of stuff to do there.
Yeah someone else mentioned the alpha slot. I don't know much about it, but it sounds like a good idea.
Well if you want to give it a go the wiki has a lot of good info:
Mender Ramiel for sure, and then you can start running Incarnate Trials with the rest of the folks. (Actually you can start any time after 50, but it's quickest to get the alpha slot out of the way with Mender Ramiel's arc. Also, the mission explains some important lore things, which is a nice change from a lot of the content.)
But you really should IO your character. Get some regular SO's slotted, then post some ideas on the appropriate AT forum. It'll really help with the incarnate content, which can be hard. Making your toon tougher with well chosen IO Sets is a great help.
How good are the standard store bought enhancements compared to the expensive ones people are always talking about?
How good are the standard store bought enhancements compared to the expensive ones people are always talking about?
Also I'd strongly recommend making your build in mids and getting someone to critique it before you buy any. It's annoying enough having to redo a build that you spend play-money on, it'll be even worse with real money

That being said a decent IO build is a lot more affordable for Inf than you may think. A lot of good IOs are relatively inexpensive (if you avoid purples and such) and farming A-Merits is a good way to get inf quickly.
What is your character?
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
When I said standard store, I meant the the in-game stores. The kinda that take your play-money.
I just meant like the kind you can buy in any regular lvl 50 zone as opposed to crafting and auction house stuff.
My character's a Brute/Regen with Super jump, leadership and energy mastery.
Originally Posted by gameboy1234
But you really should IO your character. . . . Making your toon tougher with well chosen IO Sets is a great.
Once you get alpha unlocked, get on a baf trial. Most likely, other players will have destiny powers, so being on SOs is ok just to get a preview. Since your 50 is a melee, I strongly suggest getting an io build for survivability.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
So do I need to craft the decent enhancements/get them off the auction house or are the the ones in the lvl 50 zone stores any good?
I tend to hear how you need lots of money to make a good set, so always figured the cheaper store bought ones wouldn't be as good.
So do I need to craft the decent enhancements/get them off the auction house or are the the ones in the lvl 50 zone stores any good?
The answer to your question is a little tricky. A well build character using good IO slotting will be quite a bit more powerful than a one build using SOs that you get from the standard stores (which are in fact identical to the enhancements that you used while leveling up).
However that being said a SO'd character is fine on iTrials so it really depends on what you want. Do you want to spend the time and effort required to make your character as good as he can be or are you fine with his current performance? If you're fine then simply replacing your current SOs with new ones will maintain his performance and you'll be fine. IOs are mostly useful if you want to really crank up the difficulty while soloing.
Well, I wouldn't mind pvping one day. So whatever works there.
PvPing is a different beast. From what I understand you do need a pretty high-end IO build to do well there. Also most PvE builds aren't really suitable for PvP which has different requirements.
I had heard as much. Anyway I don't mind spending some in-game cash to get some of the decent enhancements. Where should I start though?
A great place to start is by familiarising yourself with the I'Os on option. Once again the Paragon Wiki comes to the rescue with that info -
Half a billion will get you a very good build from the AH. Don't forget that recipes drop in game also and TF's/SF's earn merits by which you can purchase recipes from the merit vendor. Earn more inf by crafting many recipes and selling on the AH.
Just to clarify, as I think you didn't mean this literally, or everyone might be misreading.....
Have to really leveled all the way up with NO enhancements at all?
If so, I'd heartily recommend that getting some is a great first step. SOs would be the easiest place to start, but generic IOs aren't much harder to come by, and don't cost much more, but will get ya more bang. And they're a great way to get your feet wet in the invention system, without being any more complex a system to learn than SOs (slotting wise, I mean. Obviously they do need to be crafted first, unless you buy precrafted ones at Wentworths).
If you go with SOs, they can be bought in the RWZ, or in the Midnighters Club. RWZ is nice since it doesn't need to be unlocked. Midnighters is nice, as most folks unlock it by 50 anyhow. The other lvl 50 SO stores need to be unlocked with a mission first.
If you go with generic IOs, you can buy these at any invention table, but lvl 50 ones can be had a good deal cheaper at WWs with some patience.
Just to clarify, as I think you didn't mean this literally, or everyone might be misreading.....
Have to really leveled all the way up with NO enhancements at all? |

I've heard of people trying "no enhancement" builds just as sort of an experiment. Obviously it makes things harder but clearly the OP didn't mind if they've been having fun with the game regardless. I hope he/she decides to explore what the -rest- of the game has to offer.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Grats! to you! Hope you had a fun ride.
Now that your 50 keep having fun that is all.
there is lots to do, but do what you want. It took 4 years to get your first 50 your not in a rush for anything it seems so keep on keeping on.,,.
I had heard as much. Anyway I don't mind spending some in-game cash to get some of the decent enhancements. Where should I start though?
This will allow you to mockup your build before you start buying enhancements. You may also want to search the forums for people who have already posted builds using your powersets. You will probably not want to use them exactly but they will probably give you a good idea of where to start.
Once you have a build you liek post it in the AT forum for critique (or the PvP forum if you're doing a PvP build), there are a lot of easy mistakes to make when you first start IO'ing a character so it's good to get some advice.
Yes, I literally used no enhancements all the way to 50. I'd been playing a long time and use to slot stuff every couple of levels like one would usually do, but in the last year or so I just decided to stop as you scrap many of your older enhancements in the future and decided to wait til 50 for all my newest characters including this one. I played on and off so it took a few days.
Yes, I literally used no enhancements all the way to 50. I'd been playing a long time and use to slot stuff every couple of levels like one would usually do, but in the last year or so I just decided to stop as you scrap many of your older enhancements in the future and decided to wait til 50 for all my newest characters including this one. I played on and off so it took a few days.
Delete it and start again, you can do better than that.
Then get to Dark Astoria and hop on some iTrials. Pretty basic plan, all in all.
I dunno anything about 50+ content as I've always been making new toons over the last 4 years and never leveling them all the way up.
I've not slotted any enhancements either, as I wanted to wait til 50.
What should I do next?