So im back




So after a very long and extensive break i am finally back to CoH. Been wanting to pick up my WS again for some time but unfortunately i respec'd him before my sub ended and he is currently just sitting there with no IO's or SO's or anything Any WS's still active on Freedom?



Lol thanks for the link, thats my SG. I created it with the help of Digs



Welcome back dude. We're gfriends right?



Lol im not sure what you mean by gfriends but ill say yes? Lol i think you may remember me by the next thing im gonna tell you. I was that guy who had a shirt made for the All Kheldian Keyes Trial that was held some time ago lol :P



Welcome back dood! I just came back from a break too. It seems as though egad is a little inactive these days, or at least the couple times I've logged on. But yeah were still around.



Originally Posted by Psychic Repentance View Post
Lol im not sure what you mean by gfriends but ill say yes? Lol i think you may remember me by the next thing im gonna tell you. I was that guy who had a shirt made for the All Kheldian Keyes Trial that was held some time ago lol :P
Global friends. Don't patronize me or I'll delete you.

Hahaha, holy ****, that guy. You're my hero.

Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
Welcome back dood! I just came back from a break too. It seems as though egad is a little inactive these days, or at least the couple times I've logged on. But yeah were still around.

Doom you just came back after a bit too, why don't you get your own thread?



Originally Posted by Psychic Repentance View Post
...i am finally back to CoH.
Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
Welcome back dood! I just came back from a break too.
Other ATs come and go but my Kheldians stay eternal.


Welcome back.



I played so much COH with T-Shirt guy tonight. What an awesome welcome back present! (Spending time with me being the present, of course.)



Welcome back. I just came back recently. There are a lot of cool changes. Trying to learn everything over again.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I played so much COH with T-Shirt guy tonight. What an awesome welcome back present! (Spending time with me being the present, of course.)
LMFAO not to mention your squishy *** wannabe farmer blaster lol all jokes aside though it was fun playing with ya. We should do some accolade work later on today if you're not too busy.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post

Doom you just came back after a bit too, why don't you get your own thread?
yeah, I almost made one called "yeah I'm back too" but instead decided to post uselessly in threads during ridiculous debates. I feel like it somehow served a purpose...



Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
yeah, I almost made one called "yeah I'm back too" but instead decided to post uselessly in threads during ridiculous debates. I feel like it somehow served a purpose...
I felt your argument was strong, though next time I will need comedic pictures to solidify your point.



Originally Posted by Psychic Repentance View Post
LMFAO not to mention your squishy *** wannabe farmer blaster lol all jokes aside though it was fun playing with ya. We should do some accolade work later on today if you're not too busy.
We're doing Manti tonight, probably around 8 est if you wanna join.



Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
This is all I see when you talk now



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
This is all I see when you talk now

Now look at this tool. What a dummy. This will be all you see when I talk now...



Originally Posted by doomrider View Post

Now look at this tool. What a dummy. This will be all you see when I talk now...
Hahaha, that's funny as hell. What are you doing dood? Get online