Giving Origins Purpose
Origins originally did have purpose, way back in the game's Alpha stages. Then it was dropped, and never touched on again. Every now and again folks do pop up with ideas for Origins, some good and some bad, but Origins will always remain how they are. Just a little something to flesh out a character's backstory more.
I like pretty much nothing from the OP when tied to an origin.
I like pretty much everything from the OP if it were perks/disads that one could pick from at will.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I think I could live with one, minor perk per origin without getting stressed that the change had invalidated my original choices. Disadvantages could create a lot of bad feeling though if they contradict character concept or change the way a character plays.
It would really suck if you chose a specific origin because of your backstory and then they introduced something that breaks your character badly when applied to that powerset.
I like my origin like it is, thanks. I don't want to feel like I have to make every character a specific origin because it has the best selection of bonuses to it. There will be a consensus reached as to which origin has the best set of bonuses in it, and you will rarely see a character of any other origin afterward.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
What Claws said. Much like costumes, Origins are better without mechanical effects applied to them. It's taking something nice and uncomplicated and making it an unwanted problem.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Aside from determining the flavor text of our enhancements, Origins seem to have little or no purpose outside of Role-Playing in City of Heroes/City of Villains.
There are all sorts of problems with these ideas, the main one being that they only serve to limit what a particular Origin means. A quick look at your individual suggestions and my main character and I found nothing that I would consider appropriate.
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
The best thing they could possibly do is make the Origin Attack Powers actually scale with your Level, so they don't become completely useless after Level 10. At present, the only reason to pick ANY specific Origin is when playing Trick Arrow ... since you need to have Energy or Fire Damage to light the Oil Slick, and only the Magic and Tech Origin Attack Powers deliver that for you.
If the Origin Attack Powers scaled with your Level, then Origins (might!) "mean something" in terms of rounding out your attack chain (sometimes).

After quickly searching through the Suggestions/Ideas threads, I have found none that address the lack of reason for selecting an Origin. Feel free to leave any constructive comments or criticism and/or discuss what I am posting now.personal Mutation.

As others have said the impact/effect of Origins have evolved over the history of this game. Like Jagged said individual players will always have their own interpretations of what the Origins mean to their specific characters. This is why trying to assign specific in-game advantages and disadvantages like yours has been actively (and wisely) avoided by the Devs.
The only way ideas like yours would ever be acceptable is if the Devs allowed for Origin respecs. Frankly I'd hate to have new effects retroactively imposed on my characters without my ability to choose. It might work (like Aggelakis said) if they gave us a system where we could choose from any of these effects without being locked in by a specific Origin, but after almost 8 years that kind of thing seems doubtful.
Bottomline Origins should only really be considered as a guide to roleplay or character concepts.
Locking new in-game effects to them would likely only upset as many people as it would help.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
i would kinda like to see the option to pick a strength and weakness to certain damage types, and perhaps to other origins.
but again, some people would hate that. also, origins dont exist in AE [unless it has a default origin?], so that might be a problem. and then enemy groups would have to be assigned origins [which might be easy]... but idk
I think the only place origins make a difference these days are with the bonus damage from the vet blackwand/nem staff, and the ability to get early SOs from Yin in Faultline (I think they are limited to tech origin).
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Ok. Maybe I was looking at the DO's. I saved her father and all I could see were tech which I couldn't use on my mutation brute.
I'll go back and look again.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
I think most of my toons are either science or mutation... And my spider being natural... I know the science SOs better than like natural, tech, magic and better than mutation. But that's just me..
I'm glad they didnt go the route of having perks to a certain origin over the other cause of those douches that like to do the "fotm" BS and try to OP it n crap as much as possible.

Ok. Maybe I was looking at the DO's. I saved her father and all I could see were tech which I couldn't use on my mutation brute.
I'll go back and look again. |
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Absolutely not, at this stage of the game.
When it comes to "purpose," I'd like to see origin-related (and specific) story arcs, sure. But mechanical/stat dis/advantages? No.
You've got 8 years of player characters, millions of characters, sitting out there created with origins meaning nothing. Now you'll just slap advantages/disadvantages on them? End result: annoying the playerbase.
Besides, your descriptions are off. My peacebringers, for instance - forced to be natural - are not the way they are from "strict personal training," but from merging with an energy-based alien lifeform. And who says my mutants have "problems with self control?"
Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.
There will be a consensus reached as to which origin has the best set of bonuses in it, and you will rarely see a character of any other origin afterward.
I agree with all the others here: making origins have more impact on your character is not just unnecessary, it's actively bad. My Magic-origin Norse Frost giant doesn't perform rituals, nor drain mystical opponents. My Mutation hero brute doesn't have self-control problems, and isn't undergoing further mutation. There's not much at all you can do to the origins we already have without screwing up a lot of existing concepts.
I don't think changing the mechanical abilities of character to reflect origins will go over well, for many of the reasons noted here, and probably more.
I wouldn't mind if powersets had additional alternate animations reflecting the various origins. That's a huge amount of dev work though -- so much I couldn't bring myself to actually advocate for it.
Especially if applied retroactively.
It would really suck if you chose a specific origin because of your backstory and then they introduced something that breaks your character badly when applied to that powerset. I like my origin like it is, thanks. I don't want to feel like I have to make every character a specific origin because it has the best selection of bonuses to it. There will be a consensus reached as to which origin has the best set of bonuses in it, and you will rarely see a character of any other origin afterward. |
Making Origins "matter" has always been a capital mistake in my eyes, on the level of making costume pieces matter. It's not necessary, and it just gets in the way of creative writing. It also runs into the problems of loose definition and retroactive fitting.
Origins, as they stand now, are very loosely defined, and players have interpreted them even more loosely. As far as I'm aware, it is physically impossible to corral all the characters ever made of one specific origin around one specific interpretation of it.
Take the definition of Magic the OP seems to be using. It mentions magic words, magic artefacts, rituals and trinkets, all of which would be of no bearing in the slightest to my own Spirit of Light, who is simply a possessed suit of armour with no external power source. It's a soul inside a suit, and a soul of a fighter, not a mage. He doesn't use magic gear, he doesn't cast magic, he doesn't even wear clothing. He's a poltergeist, essentially. Yes, it's somewhat sideways of the traditional magic user, but that's the point - the loosely defined Origin allowed me to take my creativity farther afield, and I'm happy for it.
Origins have also existed with no real benefit to characters for over seven years... In fact, we're coming on eight soon. In this time, many characters have been made, and many people have gone to great lengths to min-max them. Many others have gone to great lengths to pick the origin which best fits the concept. Retrofitting benefits into origins just makes people feel cheated with no way to fix that. Origins can't be respecced, and a T4 everything Incarnate with 1000+ badges is not something you want to reroll because your origin sucks all of a sudden. Moreover, it sucks when I HAVE to reroll a character into an origin different that doesn't fit his concept just to get a mechanical benefit.
I should never be put in a position of having to choose between performance and cosmetics. That's one of the key selling points of City of Heroes. Origins don't matter in the same way costumes don't matter, and that's the point. It's so you can pick the one you LIKE, as opposed to the one you NEED.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
It might have been a good idea in 2004, its waaay too late now and coding an origins "respec" is a waste of dev time and resources. Also, people will *hate* this if it has any negative impact after the character was already made based on the current rules of the game at time of creation.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

Considering our history, I want to take every opportunity I can to agree with Claws where I can, and here I agree wholeheartedly.]
Take the definition of Magic the OP seems to be using. It mentions magic words, magic artefacts, rituals and trinkets, all of which would be of no bearing in the slightest to my own Spirit of Light, who is simply a possessed suit of armour with no external power source. It's a soul inside a suit, and a soul of a fighter, not a mage. He doesn't use magic gear, he doesn't cast magic, he doesn't even wear clothing. He's a poltergeist, essentially. Yes, it's somewhat sideways of the traditional magic user, but that's the point - the loosely defined Origin allowed me to take my creativity farther afield, and I'm happy for it. |
My Magic origin scrapper is just a dude who happened to acquire a demonic soul-sucking sword (expressed as a Broadsword/Dark Armor scrapper), without the sword, he's just a dude.
My Main character is Science origin, even though Tech would fit somewhat better. He's a cyborg, but he invented his cybernetics himself. He was forced to use those cybernetics when there was an "accident" at his lab that made his own limbs unusable. His powers came from his own skill as a scientist.
There are many more than that, those are just samples. The point is, if I were suddenly forced to have incantations and magic rituals involved with my BS/DA scrapper, I would be highly annoyed, because the sword is the source of all of his powers. He's not a magician.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
My Main character is Science origin, even though Tech would fit somewhat better. He's a cyborg, but he invented his cybernetics himself. He was forced to use those cybernetics when there was an "accident" at his lab that made his own limbs unusable. His powers came from his own skill as a scientist.
If, on the other hand, Origins were given a purpose and meaning and it turns out my definition of Science was "correct," then it's no longer fun and games. All of a sudden, your character is "wrong" and he's forced have a lot to do with uncontrollable mutation by scientific experiment, which isn't what you had in mind. That would be bad for you because it ruins your character concept, and it would be bad for me because it would make me into an ******* for having argued the point to begin with.
Precisely. Loose Origins give room for creativity, creativity that people have used, abused and run away with over the past coming on eight years. Not only is that kind of creativity better for the game than even more min/maxing, but changing it now after all this time would be a catastrophe for people whose Origins were chosen on purpose.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Making Origins "matter" has always been a capital mistake in my eyes, on the level of making costume pieces matter. It's not necessary, and it just gets in the way of creative writing. It also runs into the problems of loose definition and retroactive fitting.
There are many more than that, those are just samples. The point is, if I were suddenly forced to have incantations and magic rituals involved with my BS/DA scrapper, I would be highly annoyed, because the sword is the source of all of his powers. He's not a magician. |
How (if at all) would you assess origins?
What design goals would you aim for with your new/improved/expanded system?
What are some possible creations one can achieve with this system over what we currently can create?

I think this would suck for players who had characters already made, or who had a concept that fit one origin but preferred the benefits from a different origin.
After quickly searching through the Suggestions/Ideas threads, I have found none that address the lack of reason for selecting an Origin. Feel free to leave any constructive comments or criticism and/or discuss what I am posting now.
Aside from determining the flavor text of our enhancements, Origins seem to have little or no purpose outside of Role-Playing in City of Heroes/City of Villains. I believe that the following ideas are or are the basis of a good way of making Origins serve a purpose. I will do my best to explain why I believe each bonus/penalty fits with each Origin.
- Increased Experience Gain
Natural Heroes/Villains have become super-powerful through strict personal training. As such, they know how to get the best results from any workout. More experience is earned from all experience earning activities
-Reduced Endurance Cost / Increased max Endurance
Repeated use of powers during training leaves a Natural Heros/Villains body used to the energy it takes to use such powers. All powers cost less endurance to use and/or the hero/villain has a larger reserve of Endurance
-Gradual Power Growth
Through trial and error, Natural Heroes/Villains learn how to properly use and direct their powers, increasing the magnitude of their effects. Each use of their powers slightly increases the effect and accuracy of the power
- Increased Effect
New technologies can be exceptionally effective. However, such power usually comes with faults and flaws. Technology Heros/Villains powers are more effective than those of other origins.
- Overheat / Overcharge
Repeated use of a single device can cause it to heat up, increasing the effect of the device with each use and moving it towards overheating. When a device crosses into overheating, it can be used once more with greatly increased effect before going into a long cooldown. Multiple different powers can come from a single device.
- Malfunction
A working prototype will likely have a number of reoccurring bugs, often causing the prototype to stop working. Through vigorous testing most of these bugs can be removed completely. Technology powers have a chance of failing and going into a lengthened cooldown. Repeated use of the power reduces the malfunction chance.
- Invention
Any invention can be improved with another invention. By gathering the right parts, a Technology Hero/Villain can upgrade their prototypes in various ways. (Could give a large EXP bonus, improve powers, or give powers new effects.)
- Channeling
Heroes/Villains who get their power from magical sources can find ways to flow their magical energies into allies and enemies, strengthening or weakening/damaging them respectively.
- Rituals
Through the right combination of magic words, motions, scrolls, runes, magical items, and sometimes the bodies of the defeated, a Magic Hero/Villain can give themselves and their allies a long-lasting improvement.
- Enchantment
Magic Heroes/Villains can use certain clothing and trinkets to strengthen themselves, and can make or improve magical items by draining the energies from other magical items and/or combine them through certain rituals and methods of crafting.
- Drain opponent
After defeating an opposing magic-wielder, Heroes/Villains can take away some of their power and add it to their own or steal/confiscate sources of magical knowledge. (Could give a large EXP bonus, improve powers, or give powers new effects.)
- Self Control and Outrage
Mutated Heroes/Villains often have problems with self control, usually either due to changes to certain parts of their brains or the effects of social stigma and mental breakdowns after serious physical changes. As a Mutated Hero/Villain loses more control of themselves they lose awareness of their own fatigue and focus less on the consequences of their actions. (Reduced Endurance Cost of powers, reduced attack power secondary effect, and increasing chance for powers to backfire.)
- Physical Change.
Mutation can cause massive changes to a Heroes/Villains body, making them more or less resistant to certain types of damage and secondary effects. Increased resistance to one type of damage often means reduced resistance to the opposite damage type.
By finding or creating more of the mutagen that caused their original mutation, a Mutated Hero/Villain can further mutate them self, increasing the effects of their powers and Physical Changes. They can also create new mutagens or improve the formula of the original mutagen to cause different mutations or reduce/counteract the negative effects of mutation. (Could give a large EXP bonus, improve powers, or give powers new effects.)
I could not think of any exact purposes for the Science Origin, as Science would most likely classify as either a Technological advancement or a personal Mutation. Please leave feedback, and thank you for your time.