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  1. I've been watching Babylon 5 with my daughter in honor of its 20yr anniversary. About halfway through the series we are introduced to a Ranger named Marcus Cole.
  2. Game concepts and mechanics that could be mastered and enjoyed by players from 7 to 70 years old. I was always amazed and delighted by the broad range of players that called CoH home.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
    OK, I admit it.

    I'm really Bill Murray.
    I suppose you're just pretending to be a zombie?
  4. Suspicious_Pkg

    False Hope

    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    If you're falling off a mountain, you may as well try to fly.
    Isn't that a quote from Captain Elizabeth Lochley on Babylon 5?
  5. Those presale CD's were HUGE!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    It will work but only while the toggle is turned on (Mariner's comment about working for 120 seconds after you turn it off used to be correct but they changed it a while back).

    Personally I tend to stick my stealth IO in Sprint.
    I do this as well. I also have the vet sprints, so I can selectively activate stealth depending on which sprint I have active. This is useful when you have to lead a hostage out and they keep losing you.
  7. Stripes:
    The name's Francis Soyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys, call me Francis, and I'll kill ya.

    Princess Bride:

    Army of Darkness:
    First you want to kill me. Now you want to kiss me.
    It's a trick...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    But seriously...if Zwill sticks to his word they said they'd give a week's warning before Water Blast is <24 hours counts for a week's notice....
    Maybe Zwil meant they'd give a WEAK warning. 24 hours or less is pretty weak.
  9. So are the power amplifier hours game time or clock time? If I fire up the 8 hour amp and log after 5 hours, do I have 3 hours left when I log on the next day?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Uhhhhh what?
    First after two rednames.
    Next time go with 'first after redname, twice!'. The acronym will be better.
  11. I turned my DVD subscription back on with Netflix and have been (re)watching B5 with my daughter. We're just about through with season 1.

    I was reading some of the B5 wiki pages and was reminded there is a B5 ranger named Marcus Cole! I wonder why CoH never got in trouble for using that name?
  12. When the enemy debuffs your defense by 1.88%?
  13. ...and that's what happens when a bearded man drools while drinking Nair.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
    Just when I thought this game was the more serious superhero MMO out there.
    Not just more serious. Super serial!
  15. Maybe the zombie apocalypse has started after all. Here's another:
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    It also suggested an additional reason why more conservative individuals might not want him as head of a major public school...
    I also heard he held down Lucious Malfoy and cut his hair when they were younger.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
    Probably not Wonder Woman. Definitely not Supes or Bats. I'm thinking Martian MAN-hunter. Get it? MAN-hunter. Get it? You see, he hunts MEN...
    Why not Wonder Woman? Seems to me a tribe of Amazons living in a secluded location would find a way to make do.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I own and love Ninja Run- how does Beast Run compare?

    If it's equally cool and functional I wouldn't mind picking it up for my animal-themed characters.
    I wish they would come up with one of these pseudo travel powers where you ball yourself up and roll. That would especially be good when they release the mecha set.
  19. I agree with Hyperstrike. If your system is somehow incorrectly reporting a resolution of 19200x10800 then your apps my be trying to render at that resolution.

    Uninstall/clean and reinstall you video drivers and see if that helps.

    *edit - whew! changed "you're" to "your" before the grammar police caught me!
  20. I paired my FF def with Elec. It makes for a decent sapper. You build it with high enough defense and recharge that you can just put yourself on follow to the main tank and keep firing off short circuit and ball lightning. I can drain most everything with two hits of short cicuit. With power boost, I can sap them in one. If enemies have no endurance, they don't attack.

    Caveat -- this build kind of sucks soloing due to elec blasts' relatively low damage output.
  21. The toggle is an interesting idea. You could make it like a dead-man's switch. In addition to setting it off intentionally, if you die or move too far out of range, the bomb explodes.
  22. I'm an optimist and always hope something has changed or my new combination of powers will work on a new alt, so I typically take it, use it, and promptly respec out of it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Despite your interesting "Freudian dyslexia" I think it's probably safe to say that "Nova butt tether" and "Nova butt leather" are both phrases that have probably never been written in the English language until this thread.
    Doubtful. I'll bet the latter phrase popped up more than once in response to the final scenes of the original Planet of the Apes movie.