Let's make Pocket D a real social hub
Would make training for those ski badges easier.
I got my gold badges on my 3rd season, just after someone said it took them 5 years!
Yeah, it would be nice to see some more use for Pocket D.. change the music up a bit too.. hearing the same song for 3 years is a bit.. well.. u know the word.
Great idea, Devs, please look in to this.
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Not to be picky but...AE access for prea? Considering how much ae (and now DFB) are abused to level up fast, is that really a good plan?
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Put everything in 1 zone and while it would be handy, it only makes the issue that most other zones are already dead worse.
In many respects I agree that Pocket D should become more of a co-op social hub. AE & Market access would help a lot for that, so would a "Trial Assembly Room". I would love to see more co-op mission arcs and contacts based out of Pocket D all year round as well and not just for holiday events.
On the other hand, I can see closing the winter ski slopes seasonally, but I do think their current season is way too short.
I agree that an AE building in RWZ is kinda out of place, on nice, active, still used building amongst destruction. ... one in Pocket makes more sense.
Agreed, The skii slopes should have a similar season to other skii slopes. 3-4 months.
You know what would be awesome ... make a VIP room in pocket D. LOL That could be the iTrial forming room.
I definitely support this. Especially the beach idea. Let me tell you why...
(flashback waves ripple through the air as everyone bemoans "No, not again!")
Long ago, Crey Industries Hero Threat Database was one of my favorite websites to visit. I would read hero profiles and analysis, see pictures and updates, and I would do this for hours. It was like facebook if facebook was actually interesting.
Of the many profiles I would read, I would see costume sets that had different situations: Summer costumes, winter costumes, evil costumes, good costumes, civilian clothes, undercover clothes, swimsuits, the works! From seeing these, many years later when the Mac version was released and I started playing the game, I still made my character's outfits based on that model. The primary outfit, their alignment flipped outfit, their civilian wear, their summer wear, then their extra costume based on whatever themes I felt I could add. I have, on each of my characters, a slot dedicated to swimsuits and beachwear.
Problem is, I could never use it. It would always stand out as odd in nearly every occasion. The only excuse I could ever use them for was during Hamidon Raids, where I would joke about how it'll take four showers just to get the cytoplasm out of their hair. It became a bit of a gag where people would joke about how I would show up without wearing any pants.
So a beach resort in Pocket D would be awesome, if only I can relive that vague idea that I had in my head of the game all those years ago.
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I loved Crey's Hero database, so much I'm still using the pages in my sig.
I'm all for turning the D into a proper hub.
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One thing that will help a lot in my opinion...make the actual nightclub look better. The whole decked out warehouse look is pretty common in real clubs, but in a game where you have the resources to create anything you want in a floating dimension...I think it could look much cooler. I wasn't all that impressed with the Studio in Praetoria either. Just check out a few of these examples, which have financial limitations, structural limitations, and other issues that may restrict their creativity, safety codes, laws, electricity/power. You could make Pocket D look so much cooler than one of these.
Put one of those big tesla coils on the ceiling, or a giant plasma ball that will occasionally attract to your character.
Also a balcony that circles around the dance floor and has an interesting look/shape.
Examples of cool clubs:
Things to put in Pocket D:
A touch responsive dance floor would be awesome. A subtle electric effect constantly running through it, but once you step on it, the beams attract to your characters location.
A plasma ball or tesla coil hanging from the ceiling, out in the open, with the beams occasionally pulsing out to characters.
Anything that is interactive will definitely be more interesting. Not to mention, more variety in music, a dj booth would be cool if you could walk up to it and select the music that you want to hear. Even if it only changes for you and not everyone else. Or just have it on a default shuffle.
These are just a couple ideas off the top of my head. And I am sure that the developement team has bigger things on their plate right now. But I want to throw those out there for future reference. Lighting effects, professional magic shows, concerts, theater, there are loads of places to get good inspiration for clubs.
Be sure to drink your

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
/Signed for the OP's points. All of them make sense.
And, please for [Pancakes] sake, can we get some new music? That one, dirge like beat is getting so very old ><
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I don't think I've ever been in a club that has remained the same for so long. PD definitely needs a makeover (and if it's really so secret, new access points) and change the bloody music already!!!!

Thelonious Monk
they could have a simon says/dance dance revolution style mini games for temporary cosmetic rewards
Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.
A few thoughts...
1) Don't add too many new areas. Having a beach area for the summer and a ski area for the winter and, I dunno, a corn maze or something for the fall, that would be a cool idea. Having three or four new areas stapled onto Pocket D would spread out the clubbers to the point where it would start to feel deserted a lot more often, though. Best to keep the crowds concentrated in a few areas, like they are now.
2) Do add some more things to do, however. Pocket D would be an excellent place to add in a few mini-games. There are a lot of times when I just want a quick break from standard MMO mob-bashing, and having a few mini-games (arrow key based DDR, mouse-based rail shooter, maybe some standard arcade games like a 2D top-down flier or a Space Invaders clone) in Pocket D would do really well, as well as giving me something to do at Pocket D besides just talk to people, something that often ends in disappointment when it turns out that literally everyone is just looking to hook up.
3) Definitely get some more music. A wide variety of different tracks that switch up every 10-15 minutes would be ideal.
as well as giving me something to do at Pocket D besides just talk to people, something that often ends in disappointment when it turns out that literally everyone is just looking to hook up. ---snip--- |
Maybe have a hero stalker in the club that keeps hitting on heroes. LOL
Go go dancers plz.
Some great ideas here. New music and beach would be major cool!
Giving Praetorians access to AE would also be a great benefit. Moving the RWZ AE to Pocket D makes good sense to me.
A trial staging area also makes sense, if the staging room were limited to toons who were actually able to be in incarnate trails it would save a lot of grief for League Leaders who have to boot non-qualified toons before they can get started. People outside the room would still be able to join via the Que so they wouldn't HAVE to be there of course.
Having vendors and a Market spot also makes good sense to me.
One idea kicking around in my head would require more contacts and mission arcs run from Pocket D. Pocket D "Merits" (D Bucks? Or seasonally themed and named thingies like Candy Hearts, Chocolate Rabbit Eggs or Firecrackers ect. . .) or something of that nature, made equal too and interchangeable with Candy Canes, used the same way to purchase costume parts or unique invention sets like the Winter Travel Power set.
Suggestion 3: Make these other areas accessible year-round. You don't really have to disable the ski chalet after the winter event; just disable the contacts and the candy cane vendor. Similarly, any other areas of Pocket D could also have time-restricted content which is disabled, leaving the areas themselves open for players to gather.
However I like the general idea

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
I don't think I've ever been in a club that has remained the same for so long. PD definitely needs a makeover (and if it's really so secret, new access points) and change the bloody music already!!!! |
Also /signed on the idea of a "summer zone", as long as it's done right.
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"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667
How about remodelling one of the existing areas to give it more of a sports bar feel? Some flat screen TVs up on the walls, those little trivia consoles on the bars. The section above the Money Fight Club might make the most sense, but the redside bar could certainly use a facelift too.
How about a "deck" area that is open either year 'round, or at least during the northern hemisphere summer? Only thing is, I'm not sure how you'd keep people from flying over to the chalet.
As for the warehouse layout, the advantage to that is is open enough for flying characters to get around without constantly getting snagged on things, or running into other players.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
You know what's really funny is that all of the things asked here for improving Pocket D already exist for the myriad of virtual nightclubs that exist on Second Life...
...at least during the month I explored it... >.>
how about a trivia mini game? base it around game lore and history
Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.
Okay, so we have this extradimensional floating nightclub that's open to heroes, villains, and Praetorians alike. It's a terrific concept, it really is. But I still don't think it's living up to its full potential. I mean, DJ Zero can create anything he wants to there, and all we have is 1 dancefloor, an arena, a little tiki room, and occasionally a ski chalet. There's definitely room for improvement.
Suggestion 1: Add an AE interface of some sort. Doesn't matter if it's a little room off to the side of the main building or an actual AE building floating out on a rock. This would give Praetorian characters access to the Mission Architect before level 20 and create another reason aside from iTrials and roleplaying for people to be there. You could even remove the AE from the RWZ, as it's not really the best place to have such a complex, and because it would encourage use of the Pocket D AE.
Suggestion 2: Create more unique areas like the ski chalet. How about a tropical beach? Maybe a giant park. Or a big Zen garden, perhaps. There are tons of different areas that could be placed out in the void, accessible by portals. And in many cases, existing assets can be recycled to at least partially create these areas.
Suggestion 3: Make these other areas accessible year-round. You don't really have to disable the ski chalet after the winter event; just disable the contacts and the candy cane vendor. Similarly, any other areas of Pocket D could also have time-restricted content which is disabled, leaving the areas themselves open for players to gather.
There are other things that could be done to really make Pocket D a social hub for all characters, but these three suggestions are what I'd personally like to see done.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."