371 -
Quote:Aerial fighting before suppression was very... ineffective. It used to be flying gave you a massive -acc, while no other travel power did. Then they gave all the travel powers -acc, but people complained because they forgot to turn them off. Then they got rid of that and switched it to supression. Honestly, I never really bought the explanations for any of it. Supposedly the original -acc in fly as supposed to combat hover sniping? or to give hover a real purpose? and then the whole jousting thing, which is still ery easy to do with suppression....I really used to enjoy the combat mechanics pre-travel suppression. Aerial combat while flying, jousting, kiting, running while attacking, etc.......these were very unique models for many years. When COH devs decided to enforce rooted combat, the game lost the only part of combat I actually enjoyed. Thereafter, it just became a Napoleonic infantry formation affair....stupid and mindless for any ranged combatant. I switched to melee thereafter.
Since creating Storm Goblin, my Storm/elec defender on virtue back in may of 2004 I have(just my main's stats):
Gone on patrol 1032 times
Spent 1015 hours on patrol
Healed others 4,430,060 points of damage
taken 8,015,720 points of damage
earned 775 badges(and counting)
collected 61 souveniers
collected 222,995,008(and counting) influence
collected 664,080 prestige
Spent 8.63 hours mezzed
paid off at least 1,000,000 points of debt
spent at least 24 hours mentoring other players
worked with 60 contacts
Completed the contact bar with 49 contacts -
can you get radio missions there? cause if you can you can probably get other players in with you via the tp to mission power.
I lost interest in the MA when i found out you didnt get to make maps.
I prefer the council to the 5th column,
I never respecd my main after stamina became inherent, because it was more of a pain to respec him than the extra power pics were worth to me. -
In no particular order:
Doms, Corrs, Deff, controllers and MM's. No other game has control/buff/pet classes quite like these. Most control powers are very limited. Most buff powers are limited in variety and most pet classes only get 1 pet. Here you get a completely differnt experience within the same AT based on your power sets.
Costumes. Most games character design is irrelevant. Here it is paramount and varied
Character Creation. Most games you are X, just like everyone else of the same class/race. Here you could be anything, with your class and powers just being a rough outline.
Modern/non-traditional fantasy setting. Not many games have pumkin men and mech cyborg soldiers and steam autonamatons at all, here we have them all in one game.
Badges. Other games have them, But I like how CoH does em best. Nothin quite like opening your character info and seeing a wall of badges. -
Muad'dib was killed
Malibu barbi died in a car accident -
WoW and CO. I have a lifetime sub in CO so i dont have to spend money there, and a few friends in WoWland.
I remember, Its so sad that this game is going after so long, and yet way before its time.
I go to thinking, that I really want a robot pet like the robot masterminds on my laser rifle/traps defender. So my original thought was a new App. But then I figured this might be better, since it would fit lore wise and would be equally viable for heroes and villains.
So the basic power setup for patrons goes something like:
soft control
hard control
ranged single target
ranged aoe
Soft control
ranged single target
Going off the vanguard temp power list, we could change this to:
flashbang grenade
Psionic Shield
Sleep grenade
Vanguard heavy power core
flashbang grenade
Psionic Shield
Vanguard heavy power core
assault rifle(single shot)
glue grenade
assault rifle (cone attack)
Vanguard heavy power core
Plasma Blast
Sniper Rifle
Sleep Grenade(or flashbang)
Vanguard heavy power core
As for the Rikti, you could swap out most of the rikti rifle attacks with mental attacks, but dont we already have a mental app? I could be wrong.
Mesmerize(single target)
Psionic Shield or body armor clone
Rikti blade attack
1/2 rikti drones
Rikti Rifle
Rikti Rifle cone attack(laser rifle cone clone)
1/2 rikti drones
Rikti Pistol
Psionic Shield or body armor clone
Rikti Rifle cone attack(laser rifle cone clone)
2/3 rikti monkeys
Rikti Rifle single target attack
Rikti Rifle snipe
1/2 rikti drones -
An idea im sure has been suggested a million times.... Something like last years halloween head where its a empty tank... only instead of an empty tank have it a mini cockpit with either an alien(little green man/ slime blob) a mouse with an abnormally large head or something. Basicaly I want a piece that would make it look like the body is a mecha controlled by the small creature in the head. Maybe have an option fo closed or open cockpit.
Have worm hole do 1 pt of damage to all foes that it effets. That way we can slot the kb->kd proc into it.
Well this kinda sucks. I was really only interested in it for tornado and bonfire. Turned one situational power into a great power and one almost useless power into a great power. Owell, at least tornado still does damage and disorient.
they need to hurry up and add the new episodes to netflix
I think one thing that has gotten worse is that the devs have gotten a little lazy when placing certain art elements. IE the tunnel system portals just sitting out there and the portals to praetoria for first ward.
Also im not a fan of the new tutorial. -
the amount of fx in general is way to high, especially at the end game.
I dont get why Freebie friday starts on thursday and ends friday afternoon. Why not have it start friday morning and run to saturday morning?
Id settle for a choice of all preexisting screens. SO CoH classic, Cov, praetorian, Statesman punches a clockwork, statescrotch or the new crappy one.
Id like to see more outdoor SMALL events. Something I can do solo or with a partner.
Quote:Heh. Nice points, but I dunno. I grew up in an era where a nothing show that completely was hated by the establishment aired in all sorts of random ways, spread by word of mouth, became a cult hit and eventually spawned hit movies.
It was Monty Python. And this was in the seventies. Some shows, regardless of how they're presented, how they're treated by their parent company, and even regardless of when it's aired, get over because people want to see more of it. It's that intangible thing that seperates Star Trek from other sci-fi, for instance. And Star Trek was pretty much buried by Paramount until the fans got behind it, big time.
It's one of those things where the fans will embrace something just on its quality, no matter what the Powers That Be will do to it.
There was like 3 channels in the 70s and no internet. Nowadays I wont watch primetime TV cause id rather watch it later on hulu with less commercials. And later may be more than a year or two. -
Quote:When I say event, I really mean something like lots and lots of mini events. THings meant to be done solo or in small groups. Like if you see mobs breaking into a skylight, defeating them awards a mini mission entering through the skylight to stop their friends. That sort of thing.Backwards IMO.
If you add the zone event messages to your chat tab you'll see one tends to start within minutes of the previous one ending so there's almost always something rolling. Having only one going at a time blue and one going on red focuses your players who are looking for events to the same place. If there were a dozen mini zone events you would basically have to solo them outside of Virtue/Freedom during prime time, and even on an Virtue in the evening it's rare to see more than three show up in my most recent experiences.
Besides, that we have too few is a reason we SHOULD have more, not a reason to ignore them as a possibility for expanding what people do outside instances.