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  1. Michelle, I hope you have some inkling of how much your amazing talents have enriched this game and the community. I can honestly say that one of my proudest moments in-game was finally getting a character into one of your videos. Good luck -- I know you'll do well in whatever creative pursuits lie in your future.
  2. JKCarrier


    I didn't like the Incarnate Trials, and finally quit playing them on live. But I always made a point to test them on Beta, in the hopes that my ineptitude would influence the data mining and result in more nerfs.
  3. Fantastic work, guys. Thanks for including Mekanikron in the festivities.
  4. Thanks for giving us a little peek behind the scenes, Scorpion. I can only imagine how much "fun" it was, trying to duct tape new features onto that legacy code. Which is yet another reason it's a shame that COH2 never got off the ground...I would love to see what kind of systems you guys could come up with, building from the ground up with 8 years of hindsight.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    For me, the problem is how much stuff there is. I mean, we have.. What? Super stats? Other super stats? Characteristics? Skills? Advantages? Gear? Mods? Specializations? Second specializations? Making sense of character building in CO is just, like I said earlier, a very convoluted process.
    Yeah, this is my biggest gripe. Every time a piece of gear drops, I'm like "Well, this gizmo gives me certain stat bonuses, but if I equip it, I'll lose some of the bonuses to other stats that the other gadget gave me. Is the trade-off worth it? Darned if I know." I'm sure the min-maxers love it, but for me it's way too much number-crunching.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
    I'm not going gently into this not-so-good-night...
    A wise man once said:
  7. JKCarrier


    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    I always miss-read "Entrusted with a Secret" as "Encrusted with a Secret" when I get the badge...
    The real secret of Ouroborus is how Silos makes his pies so light and flaky!
  8. Dr. Aeon for "Who Will Die?", and Viridian for "Pandora's Box". With the Incarnate Trials grabbing so much attention, it was great to see these arcs that were big and epic, but reasonably solo-friendly. Loved the emphasis on exploring the lore, and all the custom maps and clever technical tricks used throughout.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    Why does everyone hate DCUO?
    It looks great, and I get a kick out of fighting alongside/against the DC characters. But the combo-based combat is too difficult for my aging brain and reflexes.

    CO has gotten a lot better since launch, but they have a bad habit of not warning you when a mission has special requirements. I started the "Nighthawk" storyline and got most of the way through it, only to find out that I had to have a team to do the last mission. Another time, I started the "Resistance" storyline, which involves a lonnnng series of missions on a Praetoria-ish alternate Earth. I didn't have time to finish the whole thing, so I logged off in the middle, and when I came back the next day, I was all the way back at the beginning. WTF?
  10. I vaguely recall that you had to talk to DJ Zero before the Valentine tips would start dropping.
  11. To Zwillinger! A man with the patience of a saint, the attention span of a mayfly, the sense of humor of Henny Youngman, and more hats than a Team Fortress server.
    Godspeed, Mr. Belford.
  12. Looks good so far! And most importantly, I can see Mekanikron there on the extreme left at the very beginning.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
    A well designed billboard shouldn't take more than a second or two to read, in either the virtual or real world. If we're flying and leaping past billboards too fast to read them, does that mean that the billboards that line the US freeways are a waste of time, too? Most cars in my state are moving along at close to the Super Jump speed, even though it's over the speed limit here.
    On a highway, your movement is restricted, and the billboards are placed so that they will be in your field of vision for quite a while as you approach them. That's hard to do in a game where you have complete freedom of movement in 3 dimensions (not to mention teleporters!). As someone said upthread, they might have been able to force more views by putting them in areas like Wentworth's or Pocket D, where people tend to stand around longer (a billboard in the reactor room of the Terra Volta trial would be the most valuable ad space of all! ). But even then, there's no guarantee that it would generate a ton of money, so I can see why they decided that the hassle and potential loss of player goodwill wasn't worth it.
  14. Ironically, the F2P archetypes "fixed" my biggest gripe about CO -- that the character creation system was entirely too complicated. I am not a number-cruncher at all, and when I played in beta I found the game entirely too difficult for the (no doubt horribly gimped) characters I was coming up with. I reinstalled the game a few days ago, rolled up a Behemoth, and it's going much better. Blocking is still pretty annoying, though.
  15. JKCarrier


    I've been known to rage-delete characters when a mission went particularly badly...as if it were somehow their fault I can't play worth a crap. Almost did it again this afternoon, when my Earth/Earth Dom got pwnd by a bunch of Praetorian Clockwork.
  16. If you're in the U.S., http://www.usps.com has information on international mailing, and a price calculator to give you an idea what the cost will be.
  17. JKCarrier

    Not Goodbye

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    On the subject of graphical glitches, there was a glitch on beta I was experiencing which I did not get around to troubleshooting yet. It caused NPCs to get distorted when they were a certain distance from me. Up close, it was fine. Very far away, fine. But as you approached them, there was an intermediate range where it seemed the model got deformed. What happened was, essentially, they got pinheads and their torsos were stretched.
    I get this if I have my graphics options turned way down.
  18. My first character and my first 50, Cassiopella (Invuln/SS Tanker) in her "casual" and "retro Silver Age" outfits:

  19. Matt (and the rest of the Paragon crew):

    Thanks for all you've done for this wonderful game, this amazing sandbox you built for us to stomp around in. And thanks for always being accessible, coming on the forums to talk straight with us, even when you were saying things we didn't want to hear.

    I have no doubt that some smart studio will snatch you guys up ASAP. And if they're *really* smart, their next game will have a banner headline on the box reading "FROM THE PEOPLE WHO BROUGHT YOU CITY OF HEROES, THE BEST F***ING MMO IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE!"

    Thanks, and good luck.
  20. JKCarrier


    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    My eyes water up. I'm not cryin'... no. I'm a MAN dammit. I will NOT DO IT.
    Some friendly advice from Rosey Grier:

  21. Got one to work on my first try, even at this late hour. Thanks, Paragon!
  22. I like the coffee talks, even when they're a little light on "breaking news". Zwill is personable and funny, and it's nice to be able to put a face to some of the rednames, and hear them talk a little bit about work process and design philosophy.

    If you're only watching them for the big reveals, then yeah, I can see where all the tangents and vamping and goofing around would be annoying. I guess your best bet would be to just skip them...the important info usually hits the forums and official website pretty soon after anyway.
  23. I'm surprised Star Trek: The Motion Picture isn't on there. We called it "the Motionless Picture" at the time, since it was two hours of crewmembers sitting on the bridge staring in awe at things.
  24. Well, I enjoyed it, anyway. Nothing fancy or complicated, just a giant pile of heroes pounding on a giant pile of bad guys. Big stupid fun. Not something I'd want to do every day, but a nice break from the routine. And I enjoyed the corny banter in the Admin channel too. For something that was thrown together on short notice with limited resources, I thought it was fine. Thanks, Community Team.
  25. I haven't spent any extra $$$ yet -- all my store purchases have been covered by my VIP stipend. About the only things I buy are costumes and powersets, and I tend to wait for those to go on sale.