Discussion: Captain Mako Week Events!
I notice a couple of servers are not mentioned, will they be added later or not part of the event?
Uh...ya...I notice Protector being absent from the list.
no love for protector! goes off to cry in a corner
Hey guys, we'll make sure Protector & Infinity get on the schedule. As soon as the schedule is updated, we'll make sure everyone is made aware.
Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios
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Will Infinity get some of that Protector love also?
in-game @Gibraltar
Karatena - MA/Regen (50 #1)
26 more 50's - 9 scraps, 3 tanks, 4 trollers, 4 fenders, 3 blasters, 1 WS, 1 corr, 1 SoA
...and lowbies everywhere!
Y'know, Freitag, you're kinda messing with my zen here.
I had a plan for a Captain Mako video done to "Beast" by KMFDM. But apparently that is just way too grim and dark for him. Maybe I should plan to use "Under the Sea" instead.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I can't believe you forgot Protector!
....we always knew you didn't really love us. *sobs*
Infinity looks like it's missing, too.
Y'know, Freitag, you're kinda messing with my zen here.
I had a plan for a Captain Mako video done to "Beast" by KMFDM. But apparently that is just way too grim and dark for him. Maybe I should plan to use "Under the Sea" instead. Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |
Badges? Account wide? Per character? Other yummies?
Three hours only need to plan a little.
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
Feeling kinda noobish. Captain Mako is a villain on CoV, I got that. So is he a random NPC walking around the shore or is he a dev playing his Toon Captain Mako? Sorry I had to ask and put myself out there, but it's driving me crazy
Great! During the week of Gen Con. So sad.
Yeah, what exactly is going to happen in the event besides just random prizes?
3 hours? Some event.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
hope the stuff is account wide, I'm sure a lot of folks are going to be at the meet and greet at GenCon while the virtue event is happening
Brawling Humiliator will be on Pinnacle during the specified hours. Let's dance, Mako. Bring it.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
So, is this a scripted zone invasion or not?
We need better language to distinguish dev-run events of a foe that invades that happens once per server over the course of a weekend from a invasion of foes that consistently repeats throughout a weekend run by a script.
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Freitag says we're going to get Suntan Lotion and Beach Chair emotes!!
South Park for avatars
Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF
Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)
I just want to say, how awesome is it that the Developers of this game put in an event, that a fan put forward as a joke during another event.
Our Developers are the greatest Developers on earth and deserve Cake and Beer.
hi, one simple question.
"Freedom: Thursday, August 16th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)"
What means in BST?
The CEST time of Vigilance and Zukunft are wrong. It should be
Vigilance: Friday, August 17th, 12pm PDT (21:00 CEST) - 3pm PDT (00:00 CEST) Zukunft: Friday, August 17th, 12pm PDT (21:00 CEST) - 3pm PDT (00:00 CEST) |

Actually, it doesn't really matter : there is no people left on these servers.
Dark Damor Chevalier Noir
Le chemin de la r�demption commence en Enfers...
Nindyn vel'uss kyorl nind ratha thalra elghinnn dal lil alust...
How do you feel about bunnies of the sea? Do you think Sharks are just the cutest, cuddliest, most adorable Chordata around? Well, have we got the right thing for you! We're presenting each and every one of you with the unique opportunity to give a shark a big, loving hug!
Join us between August 13th and August 18th as we bring everyone's favorite shark, Captain Mako, to each and every server! Remember to get your suntan lotion and beach chairs out for when he visits the shores around Paragon City and the Rogue Isles! Check the schedule below to find out when our adorable friend is coming to see YOU!
Champion: Tuesday, August 14th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Defiant: Monday, August 13th, 12pm PDT (8pm BST) - 3pm PDT (11pm BST)
Exalted: Monday, August 13th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT: 11pm EDT) AND Monday, August 20th, 12pm PDT (3pm EDT) - 3pm PDT (6pm EDT)
Freedom: Thursday, August 16th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Infinity: Wednesday, August 15th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Guardian: Friday, August 17th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Justice: Friday, August 17th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Liberty: Monday, August 13th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Pinnacle: Tuesday, August 14th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Protector: Monday, August 20, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Triumph: Wednesday, August 15th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Union: Wednesday, August 15th, 12pm PDT (8pm BST) - 3pm PDT (11pm BST)
Victory: Thursday, August 16th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Vigilance: Friday, August 17th, 12pm PDT (09:00 CEST) - 3pm PDT (00:00 CEST)
Virtue: Monday, August 20th, 5pm PDT (8pm EDT) - 8pm PDT (11pm EDT)
Zukunft: Friday, August 17th, 12pm PDT (09:00 CEST) - 3pm PDT (00:00 CEST)
We'll also be giving away prizes and a temporary title during the last part of the events, so make sure to stick around!
See you then!
Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios