970 -
Happy Birthday! May you get better presents than the one NCSoft gave you.
I already hit you on Facebook, so I will do the same here.
Happy Birthday Trick. -
Ravenstorm (though all the BP in Stirga might be a turn off.)
Bobcat's dancers from Studio 55. Hello boys!
Lars Hansen -
Quote:Yup. We don't care enough to buy them buy them dinner last night! I believe that over $1,000 was raised by this community in about 90mins for the dinner.Why would a community do that? They care about the game. Not the dev team, which should really make any creative person sad.
Yup we don't care at all.
and now here is a llink -
I cought you on Facebook but I will also say it here. Happy Birthday Abe!
I see n00bs!
This is great Mind. Thanks for sharing. -
Quote:What's the PvP and end game like in this game?New MMO Concepts Specifically Tailored for CoH players
The game: Paragon Studios Online- The concept: players control game developers working in an MMO studio
- What we keep: sense of superiority
- What we lose: excuses
- What we add: hats, vending machines, cubicles
- Why it would be like City of Heroes: we'd just be cutting to the chase.
- The Downside: cosmic justice dictates the actual devs would control NPC MMO players in the game
- Why I would play this: I'd subscribe just to watch the devs get their revenge. Also, I've been beta testing this for eight and a half years already.
Comments, suggestions, counter-proposals welcome. -
Here is a link to the original story from WARCRY from back in June 2005. In case you haven't seen it.
Not sure about the current adoption status of Cimarron. -
Quote:Also the $15 would be your monthy subscription fee.If I offered the services of my sewing shop Hourglass Nights to make child-sized satin capes for $15 + $2.00 shipping, would people want to take advantage of that? I'm US-based, so I would ship them directly to the US offices with your return address on them. If people are interested, I can set up a Save COH Cape on my Etsy shop. (I'd love to be able to make and mail them for free, but fabric costs money. You're basically buying the fabric for me at that price - I normally charge $40 for a kid's satin cape.) I've seen a lot of folks from across the pond wondering about shipping and costs - This might help folks save some money on shipping AND get their capes to NCSoft faster. Feel free to send me a PM if you want - I'll send you a picture of the finished cape and print out any personalized message you want to include in the package as well.
OK here goes. . . It will feel good to get this out.
Those times I left your group because I said "My Supergroup needs me." were a lie.
I just didn't like teaming with you.
Yes I know I am a bad person. -
Just exactly how did Null the gull get into Pocket D?
I make happy air sounds at you! -
Time to run off to make a new alt "Loregasm"
Quote:I think that we are the only one. I have never seen other posts like "The Protector Card Excange" on the other server boards.Does anyone know if any other servers ever did something similar, or were we the only ones to have a good ole fashioned holiday card exchange?
What? You mean I am the only one who ever checked?
Also might want to PM Zill to get this "Stickied". I know that he still has his mod powers. -
Some of the bugs I got hit with:
Falling through the bridge in Talos. I could see everything above me. Need to have a GM come and TP me to out.
I also got hit with a bugged Newspaper Mission in Sharkhead. It was a level 23 Mission to recover "Forumla 9" or something. Well the mission spawned level 40+ Crey Paragon Protectors. I held on to that mission for years, helping people get the Infiltrator Badge to unlock Viridian. -
Quote:I am glad to see you are with us in the end.The goat is doing well by the way. I hear he finally won that law suit and set himself up with a nice place on the beach.
Badge on the other hand. . . . I am still waiting to hear back from the last hit squad I sent after him. Time will tell.
Who would ever think that we would look to Ish as a ray of hope? -
Also for those new folks who haven't done this before, if time and money are tight you can always send e-mail cards.
No need to break the bank of cards and postage. Though this has never stopped Stalemate before. I have a feeling he will be in the dog house most of December! -
WOW! The stuff in the last video is a game changer! It would have been great to see.
Thanks BABs. . . errr Tic
It's good to know that nothing was done to deliberately scuttle the game. . . Well except what has been done.
First After Fromer Red Name! ! ! -