PWE Licencing Corruption Is Bunk!




My STO thread got posted, got moved, got merged, got confirmation that it is complete and utter tosh and that confirmation is here:

No need to boycott PWE or Cryptic people! If anything they are looking to give the devs a new home.

Frankie says it best.



Well, it's a data point. I still think it deserves a grain of salt, because I can't think of too many companies where the community manager of a subsidiary is intimately familiar with everything that corporate legal is doing.

Also, I don't see anything in there about getting the devs a new home.

Finally, Lootboxes are a pretty good reason to hate PWE all on their own.



Later in the thread...

I wish everyone on the Paragon team the best in a speedy hiring. I can assure you the first thing I did when I heard, was to forward the link to our recruiter. I hope we can snag a few of the talented team, and hope the rest get picked up quickly elsewhere.

Frankie says it best.



Would like to point out that PAX was this weekend, and we (Cryptic) are showing Neverwinter Online. So a lot of people have been out of the office (and out of state) while that's going on. I can tell you the news spread rippled through the halls of Cryptic like a cold, shocking wind. And there was a lot of solemn reminincing from both people who'd worked on it, and people who'd simply played it.

Not sure where Jack was, but he he wasn't in Friday. I sent him a link to the announcement as did dozens of others I'm sure. I'd be very surprised if we didn't have a meeting about it when everyone's back in office.

I'd also be very surprised if the idea of trying to reaquire CoH isn't brought up at some point, but based on personal experience with NetDevil and Auto Assault, that's an unlikely prospect. The IP is probably worth more to them than any small bit of cash they could pick up selling it off. Plus, god forbid someone buy the game from you and turn it into something more successful than what you had.

As for rumors about licensing and IPs, it would be the first I've heard of it. Not saying it's impossible, I'm pretty sure the IP was handed over and that the engine was 'licensed'...but I wasn't aware of a 5-year term. All I can say is I haven't heard a peep. No mention at company meetings about impending plans to sink NCSoft and rid the world of a competing product. What people dont' realize is that Cryptic, as a whole, moved on from CoH a long, long time ago. They've put out two games since Paragon took over the reigns and are working on finishing a third. They've had a half-dozen game concepts, been aquired by a publisher, sold off, and aquired by another publisher. There's no animosity towards CoH, but it's like a distant, faded memory.

Even in our regular meetings when we get an update about Champions Online, it's never been 'Here's how Champs is doing stacked up against CoH or's always just simply, here's how Champs is doing and here's some awesome stuff we're putting into it for our players'.

So in short, while something like this is possible...I haven't heard a whisper suggesting it's true. Ultimately, this was NCSoft's decision and it's completely in line with what they've done with other games/studios in NA.

Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"



Thanks BABs. . . errr Tic

It's good to know that nothing was done to deliberately scuttle the game. . . Well except what has been done.

First After Fromer Red Name! ! !



Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
Plus, god forbid someone buy the game from you and turn it into something more successful than what you had.
That's useful information; I will try to make it clear to NCsoft that after they sell us the IP and code base, we will do our diligent best to run it into the ground.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



To reiterate all that has been said in this thread and what I said in another thread:

This rumor is nothing more than that. A rumor.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Good. If it were true there'd basically be no hope whatsoever.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To reiterate all that has been said in this thread and what I said in another thread:

This rumor is nothing more than that. A rumor.
Dunno why people keep assuming this rumor is true. Everyone on both sides (Paragon and Cryptic) have debunked it.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
To reiterate all that has been said in this thread and what I said in another thread:

This rumor is nothing more than that. A rumor.
Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Good. If it were true there'd basically be no hope whatsoever.
Well, he didn't say it was false. He said it was a rumor. That's pretty much an information-free statement.

Isn't every scenario of why this happened a rumor?

As far as I can recall the only thing that has been commented on is the licensing scenario, regarding which BAB/TicToc has said (twice) that he hadn't heard anything about that, and Z has said (twice) is a rumor.

You might care to draw some conclusion from the fact that this is the only theory drawing comments from past and present Paragoners. Then again, I'm not sure that there's any other theory that's coherent enough to comment on.

Originally Posted by Risko_Vinsheen View Post
Dunno why people keep assuming this rumor is true. Everyone on both sides (Paragon and Cryptic) have debunked it.
I believe "everyone" is two people. And I'd be really happy if you could point me to anything where someone (who should actually know) comes out and says this is not true. So far, there's been no debunking.



I believe "everyone" is two people. And I'd be really happy if you could point me to anything where someone (who should actually know) comes out and says this is not true. So far, there's been no debunking.
Then again, that seems to be two more reliable sources than are supporting the rumor, at least from what I've seen.

At this point, it sounds like pointing at a random person on the street and screaming, "Alien!"

And then demanding scientific proof to debunk it.


Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
I believe "everyone" is two people. And I'd be really happy if you could point me to anything where someone (who should actually know) comes out and says this is not true. So far, there's been no debunking.
Since nobody seems to actually be clicking the link in the OP, I'll just quote it. Color highlighting inserted by me:

Excerpt from Star Trek Online forums
Originally Posted by Brandon Felczer
Hi Captains,

I'm still at PAX, actually on the floor as I write this, but I had to stop by to check in on this thread with a few comments.

First and foremost, our (PWE and Cryptic) thoughts go out to the entire team at Paragon and everyone who is/ was involved with CoH/ CoV. We really wish the best for the team and hope to see their work again on other projects very, very soon. Much of the Cryptic team was actually involved with the project originally; we are all truly and deeply saddened to hear this news.

Second, the rumor that we were involved in anyway in this decision is just insane. I'm not sure where the rumor originated from but I can confirm that it completely false. Hope that clears that up.


Brandon =/\=
Brandon "BranFlakes" Felczer | Community Manager
Follow us on Twitter: @trekonlinegame | "Like" us on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter: @PWE_BranFlakes
If you wish to speak to someone on the community team, file a "Forums and Website" support ticket here, as we are not able to respond to PMs.
Now, you can argue that if BaBs/TicToc isn't willing to say 100% without checking that some community manager can't be 100% sure either and there's no way for anyone out here to say yea or nay to that. However, it's clear that the employees of Cryptic are not aware of any such policy. Unless someone can show some evidence instead of just speculation, it's time to put this rumor to bed. So far, there has been no evidence offered that the license is even up for renewal, let alone denied or price-gouged to the point of de facto denial.

The general rule for something like this should be "I will believe it when I have reasonable confirmation", not "I will believe until someone with enough authority to convince me otherwise denies it."



So if members of Cryptic and Paragon are debunking the rumor, why are people pressing on with it?

Can it still be true after 3 people on the inside of both ends are debunking it?

Can't be.



This is an important thread, and I deeply thank Tic for coming back to share his view.




Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
Would like to point out that PAX was this weekend, and we (Cryptic) are showing Neverwinter Online.
I keep forgetting that this game is in the works...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Many thanks for sharing this, and for Babs to come on back and clarify everything.



The reason people won't let go of this rumor is that they want someone to pin this on and Cryptic has long been a target of derision since they left CoH.



I admit to not so much 'holding on' to this rumor, as to not ruling it out until now.

The more truth comes out, the more that it helps amend things toward this, and I'm greatly appreciative of BaBs, and the STO Community Manager for speaking out. Jumping on with one of their games just rose very far up the list with me.

Now all that's left is for someone on NCSoft's side (paging Mr. Lincoln Davis, hello?) to explain exactly why COH fell out of favor with their business plan, it's undoubtedly something we wont like to hear, but it's better than 'realignment of company focus'.

Otherwise, the rumors will just spread - because, rightfully, some of us want straight answers, and without those answers, only speculation can be produced.




I'm still a skeptic here. Jack was missing Friday? Why?

I love you BaBs, but where is still Jack stepping up and stating he had nothing to do with it. Until NcSoft and Jack BOTH debunk this I am not convinced. It may still be a rumor, but after years of listening to Jack state that things weren't in his "Vision" for the game I'm unconvinced until he steps forward and states something for the record.

Yes, I'm hurt, but we still have no clear answers. Until then I won't touch Champions or give Cryptic any money. Am I reading too much into an absence, maybe, but I just want to be cautious with someone, that in the past, created a lot of animosity with the player base.



The more I think about this theory the less credible it becomes. If NCsoft had been forced to shut down City by PWE they'd have no reason not to shout that fact from the rooftops. It'd make them look good, it'd make PWE look terrible.

Even if all concerned kept quiet about it (can't imagine why NCsoft would but...) it'd come out eventually, at which point a large part of the CoH playerbase would become irevocably hostile to PWE. Some people will be willing to forgive NCsoft if it is just a business decision, but less people would, I think, be willing to forgive PWE for actively conspiring to kill CoH.

Why plot to take down a competitor if by doing so you'd likely alienate a lot of the customers you presumably hoped to win over to your game?



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
I'm still a skeptic here. Jack was missing Friday? Why?

I love you BaBs, but where is still Jack stepping up and stating he had nothing to do with it. Until NcSoft and Jack BOTH debunk this I am not convinced. It may still be a rumor, but after years of listening to Jack state that things weren't in his "Vision" for the game I'm unconvinced until he steps forward and states something for the record.

Yes, I'm hurt, but we still have no clear answers. Until then I won't touch Champions or give Cryptic any money. Am I reading too much into an absence, maybe, but I just want to be cautious with someone, that in the past, created a lot of animosity with the player base.
This is kind of a stretch. Jack isn't probably wanting to comment on everything as it comes out, and even if he did deny the licensing claims, there would still be people out there claiming that he was lying.

If ol' Statesman still didn't like us, he sure didn't tell anyone, as Tic had said.

I think it's time to let this one go, Lady G.

NCSoft holds the remaining answers, and hopefully they will take more accountability for what they have just done.




Unless I have veritable proof, as I stated before, I will not play a Cryptic backed CoH under his "Vision". For years he told us no and the wonderful people here told us yes after he left. BaBs I respect but there is much left to the unknown here, still. I'm just not willing to forgive Jack without him, at the very least, stepping forward, for the record.

At this point, since the efforts to save the game have hit a newsworthy level, the truth will come out one way or the other. I just want our Devs to be the ones in control one way or the other.



I know for sure that Cryptic/PW had nothing to do with shutting down the game, but is it true they still hold the licence? I've heard unanimous agreement about that and that would be a factor if the game gets sold...

Also, I've still heard ideas that there was a renewal upcoming. Is that debunked too...?

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Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
Would like to point out that PAX was this weekend, and we (Cryptic) are showing Neverwinter Online. So a lot of people have been out of the office (and out of state) while that's going on. I can tell you the news spread rippled through the halls of Cryptic like a cold, shocking wind. And there was a lot of solemn reminincing from both people who'd worked on it, and people who'd simply played it.

Not sure where Jack was, but he he wasn't in Friday. I sent him a link to the announcement as did dozens of others I'm sure. I'd be very surprised if we didn't have a meeting about it when everyone's back in office.

I'd also be very surprised if the idea of trying to reaquire CoH isn't brought up at some point, but based on personal experience with NetDevil and Auto Assault, that's an unlikely prospect. The IP is probably worth more to them than any small bit of cash they could pick up selling it off. Plus, god forbid someone buy the game from you and turn it into something more successful than what you had.

As for rumors about licensing and IPs, it would be the first I've heard of it. Not saying it's impossible, I'm pretty sure the IP was handed over and that the engine was 'licensed'...but I wasn't aware of a 5-year term. All I can say is I haven't heard a peep. No mention at company meetings about impending plans to sink NCSoft and rid the world of a competing product. What people dont' realize is that Cryptic, as a whole, moved on from CoH a long, long time ago. They've put out two games since Paragon took over the reigns and are working on finishing a third. They've had a half-dozen game concepts, been aquired by a publisher, sold off, and aquired by another publisher. There's no animosity towards CoH, but it's like a distant, faded memory.

Even in our regular meetings when we get an update about Champions Online, it's never been 'Here's how Champs is doing stacked up against CoH or's always just simply, here's how Champs is doing and here's some awesome stuff we're putting into it for our players'.

So in short, while something like this is possible...I haven't heard a whisper suggesting it's true. Ultimately, this was NCSoft's decision and it's completely in line with what they've done with other games/studios in NA.
Ironically, Champions Online celebrated its 3rd year anniversary today and we had a quick company-wide meeting that where last Friday's bombshell about City of Heroes/Paragon came up.

During Q&A time with Jack, I pont-blank asked him if there was any truth to the rumors about expired licensing agreement with Cryptic's COH engine. He was taken aback about this, unaware of such rumors going around. His response was that NCSoft has the license to use the CoH engine "in perpituity" for both "City of Heroes/City of Villains" as well as a 2nd game.

I asked him if there was going to be any official response to this rumor concerning Cryptic/PWE and it's not something we plan on doing. We obviously can't be aware of or comment on every rumor floating around on the internet he wasn't sure of what they could say about this particular scenario if they wanted to.

So whatever reasons NCSoft had for shuttering Paragon, it had absolutely nothing to do with the IP, which they own, or the engine, which they had a license to use indefinitely.

That's about all I can do to quell this rumor. Take it as you will.

Again, thoughts go out to all my friends, former co-workers, and recent friendly rivals who've been released into the wild. I hope to see many of them here in the halls of Cryptic very soon. :P

Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"