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Ironically, Champions Online celebrated its 3rd year anniversary today and we had a quick company-wide meeting that where last Friday's bombshell about City of Heroes/Paragon came up.
During Q&A time with Jack, I pont-blank asked him if there was any truth to the rumors about expired licensing agreement with Cryptic's COH engine. He was taken aback about this, unaware of such rumors going around. His response was that NCSoft has the license to use the CoH engine "in perpituity" for both "City of Heroes/City of Villains" as well as a 2nd game.
I asked him if there was going to be any official response to this rumor concerning Cryptic/PWE and it's not something we plan on doing. We obviously can't be aware of or comment on every rumor floating around on the internet he wasn't sure of what they could say about this particular scenario if they wanted to.
So whatever reasons NCSoft had for shuttering Paragon, it had absolutely nothing to do with the IP, which they own, or the engine, which they had a license to use indefinitely.
That's about all I can do to quell this rumor. Take it as you will.
Again, thoughts go out to all my friends, former co-workers, and recent friendly rivals who've been released into the wild. I hope to see many of them here in the halls of Cryptic very soon. :P -
Quote:Ironically, Champions Online celebrated its 3rd year anniversary today and we had a quick company-wide meeting that where last Friday's bombshell about City of Heroes/Paragon came up.Would like to point out that PAX was this weekend, and we (Cryptic) are showing Neverwinter Online. So a lot of people have been out of the office (and out of state) while that's going on. I can tell you the news spread rippled through the halls of Cryptic like a cold, shocking wind. And there was a lot of solemn reminincing from both people who'd worked on it, and people who'd simply played it.
Not sure where Jack was, but he he wasn't in Friday. I sent him a link to the announcement as did dozens of others I'm sure. I'd be very surprised if we didn't have a meeting about it when everyone's back in office.
I'd also be very surprised if the idea of trying to reaquire CoH isn't brought up at some point, but based on personal experience with NetDevil and Auto Assault, that's an unlikely prospect. The IP is probably worth more to them than any small bit of cash they could pick up selling it off. Plus, god forbid someone buy the game from you and turn it into something more successful than what you had.
As for rumors about licensing and IPs, it would be the first I've heard of it. Not saying it's impossible, I'm pretty sure the IP was handed over and that the engine was 'licensed'...but I wasn't aware of a 5-year term. All I can say is I haven't heard a peep. No mention at company meetings about impending plans to sink NCSoft and rid the world of a competing product. What people dont' realize is that Cryptic, as a whole, moved on from CoH a long, long time ago. They've put out two games since Paragon took over the reigns and are working on finishing a third. They've had a half-dozen game concepts, been aquired by a publisher, sold off, and aquired by another publisher. There's no animosity towards CoH, but it's like a distant, faded memory.
Even in our regular meetings when we get an update about Champions Online, it's never been 'Here's how Champs is doing stacked up against CoH or DCU...it's always just simply, here's how Champs is doing and here's some awesome stuff we're putting into it for our players'.
So in short, while something like this is possible...I haven't heard a whisper suggesting it's true. Ultimately, this was NCSoft's decision and it's completely in line with what they've done with other games/studios in NA.
During Q&A time with Jack, I pont-blank asked him if there was any truth to the rumors about expired licensing agreement with Cryptic's COH engine. He was taken aback about this, unaware of such rumors going around. His response was that NCSoft has the license to use the CoH engine "in perpituity" for both "City of Heroes/City of Villains" as well as a 2nd game.
I asked him if there was going to be any official response to this rumor concerning Cryptic/PWE and it's not something we plan on doing. We obviously can't be aware of or comment on every rumor floating around on the internet he wasn't sure of what they could say about this particular scenario if they wanted to.
So whatever reasons NCSoft had for shuttering Paragon, it had absolutely nothing to do with the IP, which they own, or the engine, which they had a license to use indefinitely.
That's about all I can do to quell this rumor. Take it as you will.
Again, thoughts go out to all my friends, former co-workers, and recent friendly rivals who've been released into the wild. I hope to see many of them here in the halls of Cryptic very soon. :P -
Quote:That was always my arguement, but that's something you can't point to in a spreadsheet and justify in front of a bunch of suits and bean-countersThanks for the info, BaBs. Good to have you peeling back the curtain.
Edit - I should add, that while Power Customization may not have made new money, it sure kept me playing longer. So, NC probably got several hundred dollars extra from us, due to being able to realize so many more characters. -
Quote:Again, as someone who was working on Auto Assault during it's final year of development and was there when it launched, they did not keep all of the devs on. NetDevil had to lay off a lot of people post-launch and scrambled to find other projects from other publishers to keep their doors open. When AA was shut down, that was pretty much the end of the partnership between NetDevil and NCSoft...and NetDevil was not owned by NCSoft like Paragon was.What I find puzzling is the way that they are kicking everyone out the door.
When Auto Assault shut down, they kept the studio in charge until the last day.
When Tabula Rasa shut down, they didn't just keep the devs running it, they had a big end of the world event that fit the theme of the game perfectly and made for a truly legendary ending.
With City of Heroes, they shuttered the studio and are, apparently, putting the game on bare maintenance until a pre-ordained shutoff date. At this moment, at least, it looks like we won't even get Issue 24, let alone any kind of an end of the world final battle.
It feels like someone deliberately went out of their way to kill the game, not just shut it down for performance reasons. -
Would like to point out that PAX was this weekend, and we (Cryptic) are showing Neverwinter Online. So a lot of people have been out of the office (and out of state) while that's going on. I can tell you the news spread rippled through the halls of Cryptic like a cold, shocking wind. And there was a lot of solemn reminincing from both people who'd worked on it, and people who'd simply played it.
Not sure where Jack was, but he he wasn't in Friday. I sent him a link to the announcement as did dozens of others I'm sure. I'd be very surprised if we didn't have a meeting about it when everyone's back in office.
I'd also be very surprised if the idea of trying to reaquire CoH isn't brought up at some point, but based on personal experience with NetDevil and Auto Assault, that's an unlikely prospect. The IP is probably worth more to them than any small bit of cash they could pick up selling it off. Plus, god forbid someone buy the game from you and turn it into something more successful than what you had.
As for rumors about licensing and IPs, it would be the first I've heard of it. Not saying it's impossible, I'm pretty sure the IP was handed over and that the engine was 'licensed'...but I wasn't aware of a 5-year term. All I can say is I haven't heard a peep. No mention at company meetings about impending plans to sink NCSoft and rid the world of a competing product. What people dont' realize is that Cryptic, as a whole, moved on from CoH a long, long time ago. They've put out two games since Paragon took over the reigns and are working on finishing a third. They've had a half-dozen game concepts, been aquired by a publisher, sold off, and aquired by another publisher. There's no animosity towards CoH, but it's like a distant, faded memory.
Even in our regular meetings when we get an update about Champions Online, it's never been 'Here's how Champs is doing stacked up against CoH or DCU...it's always just simply, here's how Champs is doing and here's some awesome stuff we're putting into it for our players'.
So in short, while something like this is possible...I haven't heard a whisper suggesting it's true. Ultimately, this was NCSoft's decision and it's completely in line with what they've done with other games/studios in NA. -
Quote:As the person who got power customization implemented in CoH, this post is full of crap.I will never play CoH under Cryptic or any company that owns them. Jack made a point to tell this community, over and over on these forums, things like Side Switching and Power Customization were not possible, and more to the point, not part of his "vision."
The devs at Paragon never trumped out the Vision statement. They treated us with respect and became part of us. They even did what Jack, now that it's apparent, refused to do because he viewed the game as his playground and not the players. The problem with that is the players "are" the heart of the game. Ignore them and you get what's happening with other games.
No, if Cryptic sabotaged the game I will never forgive them, especially Mr. Vision. So, as a favor to all of us, and I do appreciate all the efforts to save the game, but if Cryptic/PW had anything to do with this I do not want them in charge. I would rather be left with the good memories I have of a team that loved us rather than the potential jerks that didn't.
Jack never said nuffin about power-customization. It was probably me that said something about it and probably before the switch from working for Cryptic to working for Paragon (or shortly after). At the time, it was impossible. We didn't have the code to support it and it would require rebuilding every single player power effect, something that just wasn't feasible for one person who was the sole animator and VFX artist on the project at the time.
I did manage to get weapon customization in, because that was something we did have a way of doing.
Fast-forward a couple of years and Paragon's humming along, Champs is on the horizon trumpeting 'power customization' as a huge selling point and I, in a competitive spirit that I'm sure Jack would appreciate, decided we were going to beat them to the punch.
So I pushed for the feature. I came up with a way to do it. Wrote out a detailed process so one of the programmers could write a python script to do most of the heavy lifting. Then I and Keetsie (Tunnel Rat)--mostly Keetsie if memory serves--put a lot of time and work into tweaking a few values in every single player power particle and FX script. The UI interface was designed, implemented, code was written.
In short, it was a metric ****-ton of work. It was crazily expensive to implement, took a long time, and involved a lot of work from many people...which did not result in any real measurable gains for the game or studio. New player didn't flock to the game. Current players didnt' throw buckets of money at out feet. You guys playing at the time enjoyed it and appreciated it...but from a business perspective, it was a recklessly stupid thing to do. I'm honestly shocked it happened.
It's still one of my proudest accomplishments.
People talk a lot about Jack's vision this and Jack's vision that, but reality is that by the time CoH was being offered to NCSoft, Jack's "vision" was focused on other projects at Cryptic. Cryptic needed those other projects to keep it's doors open. So when Jack would say X wasn't possible, it was because little Timmy, who was actually working with X, told Jack, "X is probably not possible, and here's why..."
In reality, practically nothing is really impossible, but if it's going to take a dozen people 6 months to implement and probably not be a net gain for the business, then it's "impossible".
Side-switching was another one of those things. Technically, very possible. It's a couple of flags to flip on a character. BAM. Your Tank is a villain. Problem is, you've got no contacts, no way to get new missions, no story explanation as to why it happened, nothing organic about the process, etc. Again, I was involved in a lot of those conversations about 'Going Rogue' and it was a TON of work from multiple people to get implemented.
Nowadays, Jack is the CEO at Cryptic. He has very little to do with games. Other people have stepped in and provided 'visions' because no game, NO GAME, gets done without someone having a vision for it. And no one person's vision is going to match every single player's vision. Hell, it won't even match half the developers vision.
As for rumors of Cryptic/PWE sabotaging CoH. There's one company and one company alone responsible for this. NCSoft. It was their decision to pull the plug on this, and it's perfectly in line with things they've done to other games and studios in the past.
FYI, I worked on Auto Assault, I worked for Cryptic on CoH, then Paragon on CoH, and I'm now back at Cryptic on something not CoH. Friday's news went through cryptic like a cold ripple. We were as shocked and dismayed as many of you. While many people who originally worked on CoH have moved on to other things, some to Paragon, some to other ventures entirely, there are still a lot of people at Cryptic who put love and care into this game that has so profoundaly touched all of our lives.
God, it's nice to not be a redname anymore. I can say things like metric ****-ton! -
Again...I am working at Cryptic as we speak, and I have not heard the slightest peep about this. To be honest, little is said about CoH these days other than to marvel over some new piece of tech and comment 'Didn't we have this in the CoH engine like 8 years ago?'
It would be very unfair to go on some sort of anti-Cryptic or anti-Champions Online campaign based on unsubstantiated rumors. NCSoft chose to end this game we all love, shutter Paragon Studios, and release their dedicated team of talented people into the wild. I have no idea why, but as far as I know it has nothing to do with Cryptic/Perfect World. -
Quote:Never forget that I remade Sonic VFX just for you...There'll be a lot of these, I'm sure.
I don't see myself moving to another MMO. Tried them. They just don't stick.
I left COH once, annoyed... and came back not long later. COH is a jewel, and all the team - past and current - can be proud of it.
I'm not sure how much I'll be in game. I've tried to just go in and get screenshots, and can't do that at the moment.
So, at the moment, I'm posting a list of characters - "all of me," as it were. No bragging, I'm an altaholic, I know it. But something to think on - most MMOs don't really encourage this. You end up as "Fighter #8907234" or "Mage #987987432" or whatnot, just a few standards, and personally I can't get into them. But this list... even the characters that repeat names (different servers, taken from my CIT list) - each is different. Different reasons for being. They're all *individuals,* in a way. Some aren't fleshed out much, some have long, complicated backstories. Some are soloists, some have long interactions with friends and other characters. But I haven't been able - or *interested* - in doing this in any other game, not even those that let you have more than a very few characters. Each has been an adventure, no matter what level they're at - either a logn one, or one with much promise of what's to come, to see how THEY perform, what stories THEY could tell.
Each one's a thank you for this unique gift that was COH.
And so, thank you and goodbye from them all... and those missing, and the couple duplicates from server hops and the like. -
Quote:I don't believe this is accurate. As far as I know, NCSoft wholely owns the CoH IP. There was a license agreement for the engine in place, ie. Cryptic still owns the engine and licensed it to NCSoft/Paragon...but I wasn't aware of any 5 year term on that.I did some digging and I think I found out why the game is being shut down. This is all based on prior public knowledge and some conjecture, so I apologize if this is inaccurate.
Cryptic Studios kept the original rights and engine when they separated from NCSoft and sold a 5-year licence to the company. Those 5 years are now up, and since that time Cryptic Studios has developed Champions Online, been bought out by Atari, which was itself bought out by Perfect World. Seeing how Perfect World is another Korean Developer with a Super Hero MMO of its own, it clearly doesn't want competition. Therefore, they will not sell the renewal licence to NCSoft or have made the licence fees too high for profitability.
Now that this is out of the way, I want to thank everyone I have ever had the pleasure of playing with in City of Heroes. I grew up with the game and matured greatly because of your support. You defined much of who I am today. I hope you all find happiness down the road and never stop believing in your Justice.
I may be misinformed, but I only work here...I'll ask Jack about it next time I see him. -
Quote:Will this work?Whoa! BaBs was Tic-Toc all along!?
Can someone post an appropriate gif for this situation?
http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/Tic-Toc_inactive -
Quote:Seeing as how I was laid off 2 years ago, posting as a redname wasn't possible. This is my player account from May, 2004 where I put thousands and thousands of hours into CoH on Justice.Are you guys all only allowed to post from your own game accounts now? Why no redname posts since the announcement? Sad to see you guys relegated to your alter-egos at a time like this.
For those that are curious, I was re-assimilated by Cryptic Studios almost 2 years ago. Right now I'm working on Neverwinter Online. The news has spread around here and while many of the original developers on CoH have moved on (some to Paragon, many to other ventures), there are still a lot of people here who put blood, sweat, and tears into this game and the news today was a shock. -
Quote:You guys are without a doubt the best in the business! I can't tell you how sad I am for you. You don't deserve this. I want you to know that your efforts are more than appreciated, they are cherished.
City of Heroes has been a lifeline for me during some really rough times over the last 8 years. It's a place to play, unwind, argue with Math Smarties, and have fun. This game is the best of its kind. Good luck, and please post on your blogs, linkedIn pages and elsewhere where you wind up. If you're on the game, I'll know it's quality!
BABs here. Thanks EG. CoH had a profound impact on my life and being a player and dev for a game that I had so much love for was a part of my life I will always cherish. There were times when my entire working and waking day revolved around working on, playing, or just thinking about this game. It's bittersweet to hear that things are coming to an end.
My thoughts go out to all the people at Paragon affected by this news as well as the hundreds of thousands of players that have come and gone and stayed with CoH over it's long history.
It's a sad, sad day. -
RIP Lucas, you will be missed. (How I remember that raid, ya glorious bastards)
Hey Sin, it's me...BABs. (Yes, the worst kept secret on Justice was true.)
Just wanted to pop in and let you know, message received. I'm sending the link over to Jill as well so she can check it out. Sadly, I don't have any way to contact Niviene.
Congrats on the comic. I'm perusing it right now and it looks great. Warms my hear to hear I helped give you a bit of inspiration.
Hope all my former Justice peeps and CoH forum dwellers are well.
Cheers. -
I received word through the grapevine that BABs is working with Cryptic again. (Seem his error in properly updating his linked in profile actually ended up being prophetic.)
He sends his regards for all of the well wishes from the forums and CoH community as well as appologies for not being able to offer a more formal farewell.
I also have word that one of the Sr. Programmers let go from Paragon is now working for NVidia. -
Quote:I'm up for this.Quick Question: Would anyone be up for meeting on a server tonight, going to Galaxy City, and hanging out as a way of paying homage to Back Alley Brawler?
The fun part is, it'd be Galaxy City. That's how you know that everyone there is there for the ceremony.
My recommended details:
Justice server, 7:15 PM (Pacific Time) -
Quote:Best of luck with this.Hello my fellow Justice friends,
I hope to see you all there.
FYI, this is why I originally created Justice For All; to try and assemble a rapidly fracturing community into neutral territory that could benefit every player on Justice.
I got flak for it at the time, pretty sure some of it was from Chrome Support...who took at as a personal attack against them trying to take ownership of the Rikti Ship mothership raids under their own mantle. Even though I gave operator status to some of those same people in JFA, I was still blasted for being on a power trip, having an ego, etc...so much that I removed myself from operator status immediately after creating the channel and completely handed the reigns off. Maybe I went about it wrong, maybe it was just the wrong time, who knows. It was a very shocking realization to think that you were generally well-liked and respected on the server only to find out that there were quite a number of people who outright didn't like you and apparently hadn't for a while.
I don't hold any ill will towards any particular person or groups, with the exception of only two people that I would say I actually disliked. One was a repeat griefer of Hami raids (who shall remain nameless) from ages ago, and the other was someone who's name I've honestly forgotten (I think they quit a long time ago). That person caused me hours of grief every time I logged in because of the drama centered around them in the Justice Badges channel.
I think Justice For All was the breaking point for me. That's the first time where I really felt isolated from the Justice community and cast doubt on my intentions up to that point. I don't think I ever really recovered from that. I no longer felt that I had a role in the server community, especially when the flashback system and event messages were added to chat making the need for a heavily moderated badge channel kind of moot. RL stepped in shortly after wards demanding more and more of my time. So, maybe it was all for the best. (sorry for not responding to your PMs of late Chrome)
So again, and I say this with all sincerity, best of luck to you guys. -
[Justice-Badges]Tic-Toc: MOTD (2007-12-14 19:23:09): Welcome to Justice-Badges, the largest global channel for all badge related topics on the Justice Server. Rare monster spawns, badge mission announcements, badge farm recuriting, Task Force/Strike Force/Trials, any and all badge related content for CoH & CoV. Please refrain from off-topic chat, profanity, and arguements. Report abuse to @Tic-Toc or other channel operators (who will appear in the member list with a star next to their name).
[Justice-Badges]Tic-Toc: MOTD (2009-09-16 02:18:35): Welcome to Justice-Badges, the global channel for all badge related topics on the Justice Server. Report abuse to @Tic-Toc or other channel operators. Visit http://www.badge-hunter.com/
You'd think that after a year, it would switch to being the MOTY -
Quote:Hi!Well for those that don't know me my main on Justice is Kelcius, and I just wanted to say thank you to all my friends on the justcie server.
I'm mostly a lurker but I do appreciate all the hard work/fun that you guys do and I continue to look forward to teaming with those both new and old and enjoying the metamorphisis of the game with I16 and Going Rogue