Favourite Protector Memories
Protector's Day of Vigilance - one of the coolest events I've ever been involved in!
The Player Auction. I was surprised I went for as much inf as I did. I still am. I think Rasta won me and I don't remember if he ever got his task force.
Representing the server for the PvPEC and then PERC.
Meeting those of you I met in person, either because you visited me or because we met at a con or a get-together - you're all fabulous folks.
Grey accidentally inviting his global friends list to an unknown little global channel called "Boarderline Insanity" - and inadvertently introducing me to my best friends and online "family".
The most important memory I have of Protector is thanking everything good I logged in "one more time" and met Steampunk Charlie ingame. I don't know where either of us would be today if we hadn't met that night and despite everything I am still so very, very grateful we did.
Oh, Protector. In the end, the server I picked at random became my home. I never left, even when I kind of wanted to, and I'm so glad I didn't.
Too many to list River.
The world first MSTF that I got to be a part of. I think that eveyone had a clutch moment on that TF to get the badge, I know I did. (This is arguable that it was the first, but it certainly was the first reported to Badge-Hunter as verified by Janlee.)
Any Badge event.
Badge, Ish and the goat.
All of the folks who took a powerset and made it theirs. (Looking at you Tricky and you Rasta.)
Most of all it was all of you folks that made this server home.
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
The first couple of weeks COH was released on my first account.
Street hunting Indy Port along the back wall/street with people I just met.....who would all become part of Dark Fallen SG and some would become very good friends. Here are some of the core names....been awhile...forgot some of the other
Chaos Nex - Fire/fire blaster (me)
Blizzardo - Ice/cold blaster
Evil Eye - Emp/Rad defender
Lost Knight - Invuln/Axe tank
I remember a TDC hide and seek event. I was on Lou in an orange jumpsuit style outfit hiding amongst some prisoners in Bricks. I don't remember if I was found or not, but it doesn't matter. I had fun just being part of the group.
For someone like me, who at the time had mood swing issues and serious bouts of depression, the feeling of inclusiveness made me very happy indeed.
I still battle with depression, but for a long time this game helped me, and the lessons I learned I'll be able to take with me.
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...
The costume Hami raids were awesome, and we should do that again somehow.
The Robot Rampages, who could live without seeing 6 Babbages and 8 Pallys just waiting to be taken down?
Discovering the radio stations dedicated to the game, hanging out with djs and dancers alike.
Armorshot. Where is he? I haven't heard from him since the last time he randomly logged on, and I was a bit distressed about what he said his condition was, so... anyone with links or info would be welcome.
Ish. Badge. ... "the goat". yes. Ya hadda bring that up.
Fish jokes.
April Fools gags.
Yeah, pretty much everything.
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OMG Saint. You "jogged" a memory for me.....thank you!
Think it was prior to COV but unsure. There was a race from Atlas to Peregrine Island Portal Corps.....lvl 1s only.....no powers or insps could be used except sprint. You had to follow a specific path via map gates and there were "spotters" to protect against cheaters or outside buffers.
It was just a cool feeling to be with a group of people....then to watch some people take an alternate route, never to show back up again....then to watch one by one as people would aggro groups and get taken out.
I can still remember running down the street in PI, clinging to the walls of buildings hoping not to get sniped....and there was someone a building or two behind me so it was a close race.
Happy to remember that I won that race but also the fun of it...with my toon Super Groovy (sneakers, high socks, short shorts, affro, wristbands, big "G" on my shirt).
Hahah I remember being a bit miffed that the scrappers with whatever specific power set would run faster than anyone else. I finished that race, but MAN it was hard!!
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
A long list of things
* Seeing Riverdancer, Rebirth, and Chibbi hanging out at the launch of Pocket D and thinking "Wow!" I was still a n00b so it was like seeing celebrities.
* Teaming with Rebirth, Chibbi and Sam Granite on a Citidel TF, and thinking "Wow it's like sitting with the cool kids in the lunch room."
* Being humbled when Lohr was in awe of seeing Nylonus for the first time.
* Teaming with Mystery Hunter in the Hollows. She(?) could be fighting off Trolls and recruiting to a team all at the same time.
* The 2nd Year anniversity TDC Hide-n-Seek game. I was stationed in Brickstown.
* Rasta's "Hellion Home Run Durby" in Perez Park. The player who could knockback a Hellion the furthest over the park wall won.
* The Team Corruptor runs as Pie Man. Blue aggroing 2 rooms of spawns and Vorac TPing him back to us.
* Spots rezing Ny in Hammi Raids only to faceplant seconds later.
* Cross server invasions.
* Kicking a$$ in the "Hurt & Heal Server" forum game.
* Take after take after take of jumping from the War Walls for Badge's movie. Because Sooner kept over jumping her mark.
* Badge trying to "confuse" Lusca into hitting herself.
* Badge trying to "confuse" the Arachnos patrons into fighting each other in the STF. What is it with that man and confuse?
* Sooner's forum "debates".
* Ura holding open a mission that my TAD could not finish, so I could log in with Ny and finish it up for my archer.
* The hero who was offering up infulence in Steel. He game Nylonus enough infulence to slot some SO's. That one act alone saved Ny from the delete button.
* Pie Man in the Fusion base raid. How many Assisian Strikes did I get hit with that day?
* Giving Trickshooter a hard time in and out of game. Who could forget "Cupcake Lad"?
* The party for CuppaJo's last day.
I will add more as I think of them.
So so many memories
So much kindness and such good people.
When Zero Sum helped out a hopeless NOOB Psi/Ment Blaster named Black Leather Angel. Thank you I never got to see you again but I never forgot your kindness.
When I joined my first SG the hero Voice Guild. Thank you for inviting me Mittens Christian.
When Blaze Rocker decided that an obnoxious opinionated old woman would make a good moderator for protector TFs. I am still surprised anyone would want me trying to stop arguments instead of starting them.
Joining Chef Inferno's channel "The Kitchen" it wasn't where I met most of my friends but it was where we gathered and had some of the best times. Where else would anyone organize all stalker, mastermind you name the at ITFS,STFS, Lady Grey's.
Participating with Impyre's MoSTF crew. I met Imp, Jen, Jessie all there, I was so amazed you would bring a blaster along on those and what's more could keep me alive through them. I still remember when we met on Imp's all rad team and he invited my brand new Rad/Archery Defender to join them on the insane spree. Still a little upset we didn't finish the +5 positron we started.
Layla and Stone's wonderful events there was never a time when these didn't spell fun.
Watching Major T and Jello Shooters crew go to all the trouble organizing Hamidon Raids/Itrials/you name it, so everyone on the server could benefit.
Gaming with the Veat Madness regulars, Stone, Zaloopa, Omega, Karlik Chef everyone. I was always so happy you enjoyed my little events and so pleased you kept returning for them.
When Kyo and her SG stepped up and started running Hami Raids again. Just a magnificent effort.
The time spent with Black Phoenix speeding through TFs to get merits. I miss you much. You were such a joy to play with. 45 minutes or less to do a posi classic with you no deaths and none of this of this you get to keep 6 additional levels of power when exemped business.
Geming with Panzerwaffen and the Terra Legion. Panz, Omen, Miranda, Hippy. Just another great group of people. Was always hoping I would see you all again your stuff is safe in the dead parrot society kept it safe and kept the rent paid.
Just so many good times and great people.
Hrm... My favorite moments...
I think that would be Rasta realizing I played Tankers without Taunt... We were testing the MoSTF before it was released, and they had me tank Recluse.
Yeah... At least back then I was using Granite... Of course, back then, Granite was a necessity for AV fighting...
Other fun moments were the Robot Rumble (damn, that was a blast...) and killing a Kronos with the Backdraft.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I prefer to play solo, but I remember having fun on the Corruptor Crew (although, I couldn't get that name to stick for that event).
Meeting and getting to know--and snarking around with--some of the players, like Yce (What's up, Frosty?) and Tricky (fond memories of that burlap bag--it's somewhere in the base, I think). [More name dropping: The few times running with Stalemate, Cassiopia (BFG Girl) and their SG mates; Badge mission call outs with JAnlee (I hope you're all right, wherever you are); Zek's elf project (that was pretty neat).]
My own little meta-game of trying to out-inform Stargeek when people had questions about the game.
The few times that Badge asked me to be Targeter (as Rinto the flying rhino--watch out for rhino bombs!) for the old Hami Raid--and the one time that he died inside me.
The drama, the melodrama, watching (and ocassionally being one of) the kvetching people on the forums and in broadcast.
The radio station that insulted Protector during that one dev event and how the people here stood up for each other--defending 'the little server that DOES'.
While I have many quibbles about the decisions that the devs made concerning the game, it has been an enjoyable diversion.
I'll admit it: I'll miss this place.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |
Oh god we've got to clean out the Couch.
You do NOT want to give that thing away. Because we know what's happened on, under, behind, inside, and near that Couch.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
My All-Blaster Positron Task Force
Getting to know Kyo, Stalemate, Cassieopia, BamaHulkers and BamaWolfie, Grey, Saint and Snowkitty, Arch, and everyone else.
The support and encouragement you all gave me 2 years ago when I was at the darkest point in my life... I'll be honest, you all literally saved my life. There were several nights where I had the bottle of pills in my hand, but you helped me weather the storm.
There are many more things to say, but I'm finally starting to break.
I love you all. Keep in touch!
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot
Zek - Armorshot was spotted last night.
There're so many memories it'd probably mean that I'll be writing a novel. Maybe I will, of course I will and then post the thing when I'm not being uber sappy. The short is that the past 8 years have been amazing, and I'm proud to have made the Little Server That Could my home.
Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."
"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."
Running around the Rikti WarZone with Rush. and Techno Wonder for months when I was first leveling up as Hyperstrike.
Impyre's MOSTF runs were great. Especially once my internet connection problems worked themselves out.
Every Rikti raid.
I only tangentaly brushed with Badge during one anniversary event. IMPRESSION MADE!
Teleport ski teams with Knowmad
RTR every Wednesday. I didn't always make it, but it was always on my calendar.
Endless iTrials with all of you.
Hami Raids with Major T.
Every one of you I met in person at various M&Gs.
Every one of you I've gotten to know over the last four years.
Crap. I have to go to work. So I'm going to stop here before I start blubbering again.
So many Task Forces (literally thousands)!
From that very first 7 hour Positron in 2004 when only 2 of us remained at the end, wondering how in the world we managed to pull it off, to the very first LRSF with no Brutes or Corruptors, to the Master runs that succeeded as if by magic when they should have failed many times, to the Krazy Katies fighting a +7 Mary Macomber. Heck, we even fought GM class Shadow Cysts in the sewers at level 6. WTF were we thinking.
My global list is full of insane people who refuse to quit when the going gets impossible. The journey was uphill both ways and I loved it.
FUSION raids, meeting some of the nicest people in my life. Too many good memories. Hami raids always good, and some of the dance parties were awesome.
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com
The Shadow Shard invasion back at issue 1, in AP and all the screaming over broadcast about biting eyeballs.
My roommate at the time and I duoing Posi with his Ice and Rad alt and my Ele/Ele when everyone else bailed after the first mission. That is when I found out that after starting a TF you could drop below the minimum characters to start it.
Having folks tell me that my AR/Dev should be deleted since that pair was super gimped. Then getting PL'd the last 5 levels to 50 since no one would team with a AR/Dev.
Meeting/seeing all the forumites in the game, even now I get excited to see ya folks. Kinda like seeing a celebrity for me still.
Watching the Hollows get tanked and pulled to the AP entrance so folks could PL off the huge spawn. Just being a independent Taxi-bot for the hollows was a amazing experience for me.
My first Hami raid and then taking Lohr and her friend to theirs and then answering their question. Felt like a vet then.
Playing my MC/FF troller on one of Sooner's Manti TFs and rushing off in PFF when the mission was kicking our butts and clicking the glowie to complete it and her yelling at me to stop because I was going to aggro the last 3 rooms.
The first Card exchange.
So many more to recalled, like Vyx's said it would be a novel just writing them all down.
Another one, the first Winter Lord event and all the PLing off the WLs that first time.
I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.
lol Yeah I accidentally powerleveled one of my characters in that first Winter Lord event. It was funny I totally didn't intend to, and wound up several levels higher than any of the content I was trying to do. The ice lakes however, were well worth that.
I got on COH just as the first Shard stuff was ending, but I remember one of my early toons, Karen Kenobi (yes, that Kenobi) climbing up a fire escape in Kings Row and being followed by the massive eyeballs, and thinking WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?
When they opened the Hollows, before they'd established any sort of perimeter and safe area, and people would train all the trolls and outcasts past the level 5 nubs standing outside the entrance - we were all fighting like mad, healing going off as much as anyone could manage, and *surviving* the onslaught of hundreds of trolls!
... Some day I will have to finish my elves for you all. I still have the forms, though some are confusing because the host for the form was broken. The Protector Holt is still the largest of the elfin habitations on my world, even only about half-way through the forms.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Lots of favorite memories...
- Everyone's stories here on the forum...great tales!
- Chasing out all the men from Arena chat one day when that was one of the only global channels as we ladies talked about pregnancy
- Badge;'s ideas...still waiting on the finished movie
- This forum
- JS, Prot. Vig. & all the other channels that kept me entertained while playing
- The Wolf-Pack...miss y'all
- Bama's 'rainbow warrior'...and Wolfies alts (along w/our talks - be safe my friends, I hope you read this...I miss y'all)
- The first time I flew...and the 15 min it took using hover to cross Perez, I could get food & other things done while getting to the mission...good times
- First time I saw the Rularuu...lvl 7 in Steel & their invasion hit...splat & debt...lol
- Introducing my best friend to this game...learning all the new stuff later on from her as I had rl grab me away...
May the road rise to meet thee, may the wind be at thy back, and may the Hero that lies within thee stay strong where ever life leads.
If you take time to help others, you help yourself grow.
If you take time to help yourself, you realize how far you have to go.
If you take time for chocolate . . . you've discovered the secret to a happy life

GL & be safe in game & real life!
All the wonderful stories.
The fact I could get on at almost anytime and find someelse on as well.
Saturday night marathons with my Pax.
The Misfits Freedom Phalanx TF marathon.
Shadow Shard Marathons.
All the neat stuiff I found on the forums when I finally got around to looking at them.
Beware the attack cat
Ish. Badge. ... "the goat". yes. Ya hadda bring that up. |
Badge on the other hand. . . . I am still waiting to hear back from the last hit squad I sent after him. Time will tell.
The goat is doing well by the way. I hear he finally won that law suit and set himself up with a nice place on the beach.
Badge on the other hand. . . . I am still waiting to hear back from the last hit squad I sent after him. Time will tell. |
Who would ever think that we would look to Ish as a ray of hope?
Ive been here since Aug, 04. I have a lot of great memories of this place and I expect you do to.
Let's share them here.
Costume themed Hami Raids- the time Thirsty copied my costume and there were two of me!
I have more, but it's your turn now!