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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post

    Ish. Badge. ... "the goat". yes. Ya hadda bring that up.
    The goat is doing well by the way. I hear he finally won that law suit and set himself up with a nice place on the beach.

    Badge on the other hand. . . . I am still waiting to hear back from the last hit squad I sent after him. Time will tell.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ura Hero View Post
    Absolutely. I expect new players to make mistakes. When you have the 42+ month veteran badge, I expect you to at least have a clue.
    Is it okay after the 63 month point if I lose my clue again? Consider it gaming alzheimers. By the time I get to my 80 month point I will be wearing diapers and drooling on myself.

    Well . . . to be fair, I will be doing it involuntarily then, rather than by choice.

    I don't actually have anything to contribute to this conversation. I love everyone equally.

    (read: I don't team enough anymore for any of the listed annoyances to be a regular problem and usually view them as amusing novelties. Of course, I am pretty sure that I am guilty of many of the listed things too. . . . hmmmm)
  3. That would be a big no. I am fairly certain that no money has been shucked into the fund in about a year, at which time we had almost 3 months left of ownership. If my math is right, and it never is, our cat was reposessed sometime last winter.

    I guess it is for the best. Who really wants to take a 200lb cat out for a walk in -20 degree temps anyway?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Korith View Post
    ...which does not fulfill the logical constraint.

    Thus, there is no Ishmael.

    Yay! I don't exists! Which means I can do whatever I like with no consequenses. I will show Bill Murray what to really do with Groundhog Day!

    How many hookers do you think you can cram into a cheap hotel room at one time? And do you think you can get more if they are alive or dead?

    Let's find out! These and other exciting experiments coming soon on another episode of Don't call me Ishmael!
  5. . . . with being chained to this dead elephant. It really isn't funny any more Badge. He is starting to smell.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Don_Dada View Post
    After hearing so much about Ish for all these years... I actually saw (0.o) him logging off last night from Jello Shooters.
    I am sure that probably isn't true. After all, I keep hearing that I don't exist.

    Well, I think I heard it. . . . mabe I imagined that and I really do exists.

    So confused!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    OK! I managed to get a hold of someone today (9/9/08 at 5:26 1726 military time) And she said they hadn't recieved anything in some time. Cimmeron is a he. (Didnt know if that was widely known or not)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmmm. I think there may be some tomfoolery afoot with this statement. Not sure where wires got crossed or maybe it was dresses that got crossed, but if you click the link in my sig you will clearly see Cimarron refered to as female.

    I think there needs to be some bottom sorting on this one! I would do it, but you know, it is 1 in the morning, I am lazy, and really, what does it matter? The senseless conjecture is always more fun anyway.
  8. I wanted to let everyone know, just in case there is still interest in this particular project, that our time with our dear sweet kitten is about to expire.

    At the initial rush of influe. . . . cash collection for Cimmy we gathered up enough to keep her in catnip and porcupine steaks for 3 years. Afterwards we had thrown a very little bit into it. But we are now approaching the date when we can no longer claim our own puma.

    So, in case anyone is interested in contributing to keep our Cimarron where she belongs the contact info is still the same.

    Call (509) 238-4126 with a credit card number or send them a check, etc., and just let them know it is for the City of Heroes Protector Forum, and we can keep her for a little while longer. Otherwise, some other server might be able to take her from us!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't chatter behind closed doors or on private channels. I'll come right out and say it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    that is in fact not true, its been told to me of several occasions you have chosen to bash me, as one example, (like I care) in chat channels I am not on. The most recent being only several days after a civil chat we had. I am known for my sharp teeth on occasion, but at least mine never bite in the back.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay, guys . . . this is neither helping, nor on topic. Don't make me report you!!!!!!!

    So here is the thing as I see it, we just need to be a bit more conscious of what is going on around us in a thread. That is all there is to it. The click theory, vendetta theory, tourette's theory all of that is pointless. Why a person hits the notify mod button we will never know. What we can know, is how often we our selves do it.

    I wish to combine two view points and try and make it a definitive answer without having to label every thread we make as to whether I can post silliness in it. So, as per Aerones and Sooner, here is what I have:

    1. If someone asks you to stop with rampant threadjacking, please be considerate enough to do so. Whether it is the OP or not doesn't matter.

    2. If you are asking someone to stop threadjacking, do it NICELY! A gentle "Hey guys, can we get back on topic here? WHy yes Hami IS really big and purple. . . ." is all you need. That is it. No need to insult the threadjackers, call them names or belittle their fun. Just a gentle nudge.

    and 3. Lay off the notify mod button. There is no reason to continually have threads butchered because one post early on was deleted and everyone just hit Quick Reply after that. If you see a flagrant breaking of the rules that offends your very being, by all means, report it. But if someone is making another joke about my butt, which happens, let it go. You don't have to enjoy it, you don't have to like the poster or the subject, but you CAN keep yourself from reporting it.

    I don't want this forum to turn into a police state. I am pretty sure that no one else does either. And the only way to keep the authorities from rushing in is to keep them from knowing what is going on. So shhhhhhhhhhh!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I will ask one more time.

    This is really all I ask.

    Its this simple:

    If someone asks that a particular thread NOT be jacked, can we all agree to leave that one alone?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the best we can do for the most part is give it a shot at not thread jacking. But, really, where does that line start? How far off topic do you go before it becomes a thread jack and not just a tangent?

    I will admit now before I go any further that I haven't read this whole thread. 8 pages in 2 days on this topic brings to mind far more drama than I want to wade through in a sitting. But I read the beginning, and I read the end (just like Great Expectations ) so I am going to pipe in and pretty much fully agree with Aerones. I am one of those people he mentioned who used to post here all the time, multiple posts daily. Now, I am lucky if I even bother to look at the Protector section. Why is that? Not because posts are being threadjacked. That has happened as long as I have been here. It is because of the reactions that people are having to them.

    There seem to be two camps. Both camps jack threads as much as the other, both have their inside jokes, private laughs etc. And if a person from camp 1 jacks a thread from camp 1, no reaction. Things go on as per usual. If a person from camp 1 jacks a thread of camp 2, then all the camp 2 people pipe up and complain about the threadjacking.

    I submit that this isn't an issue about staying on topic. This has very little to do with whether or not a thread has any relevant information to be delved from it. It is just that some people don't meld well and those people are big posters. Is there a solution that you or I can instill to make things better? No, there isn't. Each person has to do it themselves.

    So, the best advice I can offer to everyone is to look at what you post before you post it. Type it out, wait 15 seconds, if it still seems relevant, post it. You will be amazed at how many times you just hit the back button instead. And then, while reading the forums, if something comes off as snarky, or offensive, or just irritating . . . ignore it. Life is too short to spend it pissing and moaning about how a thread like "True facts of Protector", which was nonsense from the start, has become a different form of nonsense and therefor no good.

    So, to quote my new favorite forum poster.
    [ QUOTE ]
    My solution is just to "Live and Let Live."

    [/ QUOTE ]
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Why don't we set up a Paypal for Cimmie?

    Someone buy some catnip! Large catnip!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There isn't really any need to. If you want to donate to the Team Debt Cat, all you need to do is call 509-238-4126, talk to the very nice lady on the other end and give her some green. They take checks or credit cards. Simple, easy, and direct.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Has anyone found out how Cimmie is doing for feeding lately? If not I could call to find are we willing to get a few other cats? Just in case they are in need?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Last I checked no one had contributed past the original drive. So we had her for approximately 3 years from our point of adoption, which should be up some time next year.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Nah... Just Blitzen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gotta do something with the slow learners.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    thats pretty cool. $600..WOW. That will buy lots of kitty litter.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    $6oo was only the start, we are up over $1,800 now. It is amazing what a few folks with a little money, alot of heart and plenty of spare time can do.
  15. Ishmael_NA

    MySpace home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks to all the board vets that helped puch us over.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why, you are very welcome.

    Oh, you weren't talking to me? Nevermind then.
  16. Ishmael_NA

    MySpace home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I've actually really started to get into this myspace crap... like the whole blog and stuff. I know. Be afraid.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, I am, don't you worry about that.
  17. Ishmael_NA

    MySpace home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I see how it is, you can't show a little server unity. Can't stand with your CoX brethren. We may not have twinkies, but if you look in the right places on MySpace you CAN find the porn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You had me at porn!

    And then you lost me when I looked back and associated the porn with CoX brethren.
  18. Ishmael_NA

    MySpace home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    If anyone cares, we are now the second biggest, server specific CoX group on MySpace. Only Freedom outnumbers us, by a measly 12 members. Help our "low population" server stand out. Show the other servers that the reason that Protector is the most fun because of the community that is growing here. (That was motivational, wasn't it?)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was! So motivational it makes me want to run right out and start a MySpace account!

    But I am not going to.
  19. Why not treat them like a seperate line of progressive contacts? Have Kalinda point you to the first one, and then once you have completed that arc or outlvl'd that contact, have them introduce you to the next one. This keeps them unluckable, but also ties them all together so you can actually find them.

    I does spoil some of the fun of stumbling across a contact you had previously never heard of, but as many pointed out, the chances of finding many of these guys on your own is pretty slim. I have taken 2 seperate brutes to 40 already playing mostly solo, finishing every mission I had available from lvl 15 onward, and still only stumbled on Doc Buzzsaw once. And that was several lvls after I had passed her missions.
  20. Ishmael_NA

    MySpace home.

    I got stuck in traffic. I had a flat tire. I had to walk my grandmother. My dog needed to get her hair done. I forgot about daylight savings time. I was "distracted" by a hostage I had rescued earlier. I was deemed too drunk to fly and I didn't want to get a ticket. They wouldn't let me out of the hospital because my health insurance ran out. I was practicing my faceplant for the Paragon Olympics.

    Yeah, pretty much, I forgot. I still have the stick though. One of these days. . . .
  21. Ishmael_NA

    MySpace home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tonight at 9pm EST in Atlas Park, I am trying to organize a meet & greet for the MySpace group. I will be under Atlas as "Protector of MySpace". I encourage all Protectorites to join or at least to come laugh at me!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will be sure and bring a sharp pointy stick. After all, it is only polite to return the favor, right?
  22. Ishmael_NA

    MySpace home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ahh, but wait, there will be too much B.S. in being Celebrity. Paparazzi, the 3 day coke binges, the transvestite hookers, the "buy solid gold toilets"...that's alot to have to deal with. Do you Lege...Celebrities think you can handle that kind of pressure? I mean, I know Ish can handle it, not that I'm suggesting transvestite hookers Ish. I just worry about the rest of you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ::sigh:: I remember the good old days of a respectable weekend coke binge. These days all you kinds are into your designer drugs like sniffing glue and rap music. I say it is time to get back in touch with your roots, bring on the 8-balls!

    I think I would also recommend the solid-gold toilet seat if I had any actual experience with it. Badge still won't let me have my own bathroom and Sapph won't let me use hers since I couldn't keep my hands off her hair brush and lipstick. So I have to keep running across the street to Arby's.

    And the transvestite ******. . . . . I don't want to talk about it. ::sniff:: She loved me like no woman ever did.
  23. Ishmael_NA

    MySpace home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Two board legends in no time!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh now lets not go and swell any heads here. I checked with the forum FAQ and it clearly states that you have to have 1600 posts before you become a legend. Now Rebirth and Mini are all fine and good, and I love them like they were my own neighbors with a very high barbed wire fence between us, but legend is a little premature. Give them some time I am sure and they will get there. But for the moment, they are simply forum Rookie and Super-Powered respectively.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The devs are hiding from the conspiracy nuts. Just to mess with their minds. Those zany devs...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You've unraveled our nefarious plot. I, personally, have been using the extra time to work on my villainous laugh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh great! Just as we were about to get some really good wild speculation going, you just have to pipe in with a simple and perfectly believable explanation. Another perfectly good possible forum game down the tubes.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I generally play a En/Rad Corruptor.

    CoH characters include an AR/Fire Blaster and a Claws/Invul Scrapper.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Holy crap! I thought I was the only claw/invul scrapper around. Well, that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy like.