Ura Hero

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  1. Steam: Ura_Hero
    G+: Richard Palmer
    FaceBook: Richard Palmer, Gainesville, GA
    Most other forums & youtube: rlp122 or just look for the bunny with a pancake avatar
  2. Happy birthday Miss Kyo!!! I hope it is a good one.
  3. Ura Hero

    Thank you

    The thread title pretty much says it all.

    Thank you all for being such a great community over the past seven years. I have greatly enjoyed it and I have some wonderful memories to hold onto.

    Thanks for the friendship, the nuttiness, the thread jacking, the crazy Badge ideas, the Hami raids, Janlee's user stories, Ish's pantless poetry, the arguments, the task forces, the strike forces, getting to join the RSF regulars on occasion, the comfy couch, the weekly mothership raids, Task Force Tuesdays, and all of the other stuff that I can't remember off of the top of my head.

    And I can't forget to thank my arch-nemesis, Golden Ace. You sir brought me a lot of enjoyment with your stories. Thank you so much for letting me play along.

    Most of all, a very special thank you to all of the friends that I have made through this wonderful game. Most of you are linked to me on Facebook so we can keep in touch. I appreciate each and every one of you more than you could possibly know.

    Now I am getting misty. Sorry for the sappy post, but I needed to say it before the forums go dark.

    Off into the sunset wearing my duster and gun. To seek the tower that holds the end of my days.
  4. Looking forward to one last fun filled mailbox!
  5. Not much for me. Relatives in town till after Christmas I am afraid.
  6. Figures that I have to go pick up my relatives that weekend.
  7. Oklahoma Joe's is about as good as it gets. Love me some ribs!
  8. Ura Hero

    RUSH the RIKTI!!

    I am not blaming you BLA, nor am I blaming Jane Denton. I am certainly not blaming Drake, I appreciate how hard it is to do these things and I bow down to him keeping the faith with running these things every week. Who I am blaming is the person who shot off their mouth and started the whole thing.

    It was a regular who made the comments and that person shouldn't have been making you feel bad about having the star. I am more aggravated about the comments about how you weren't intended to have the star that prompted the whole thing than I am about being level 45.

    Basically, the whole thing was unnecessary and unneeded. It really doesn't make a **** who has the star on a raid as long as they are appropriate level.
  9. Ura Hero

    RUSH the RIKTI!!

    I want to start of by thanking Drake for running these weekly. It is a huge investment to show up week after week and put up with the non-sense that occurs. What I am about to say below has absolutely nothing to do with the raid leadership as they had their hands full with Ukon Grai as this was occurring.

    Now that I have said that, I am going to rant a bit about what happened on team two last night.

    Last night would have been great except for someone complaining that "Jane" was speaking for "Jane" so the "Jane" that was leading the team gave the star to the other "Jane" because "she" thought "she" was not supposed to have it. This led to the entire team being exemplared down to level 45 for the remainder of the raid. I didn't notice it until the raid was nearly over.

    -9 to the bad guys is not a good level to fight a raid at. The unfortunate side effect of this situation was that the entire team and the raid suffered due to no one on our team being able to fight effectively.

    TLDR, if you don't know what you are talking about, keep your mouth shut. I am a bit ticked off that the XP and merits weren't there last night due to someone embarrassing the team leader into giving up the star to someone who should have never had it in the first place.
  10. Happy Birthday MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I have a couple of toons that could use lot 14 and lot 15. @ura hero
  12. Ura Hero


    All of my characters are tanks. Even my empath. If it takes you more than 20 seconds to decide how to tackle a group, I'll go ahead and decide for you. That's what purples are for. It used to drive me nuts when I started playing. The tank would pull up to the next group and spend two minutes describing in agonizing detail how we should proceed. Here's how we proceed. We jump in and things die. Next!

    I used to stand off in Siren's Call when dueling was popular and dimension shift whoever was losing the duel or heal them. Or gank one or the other of them. Or teleport foe as high as I could reach with three range SO's. *sigh* Those were fun filled, nerd rage ridden days.

    I didn't do either of these things to be a jerk,I just have a low tolerance for idling around waiting for someone to figure out which end is up and for folks that think that a PvP zone is for anything else.
  13. Ura Hero


    Originally Posted by Man_From_AUNTIE View Post
    Which Ura is it? I have seen Ura Kid at the university like last weekend or the weekend before that when I was on one of my alts. Maybe we could team up on sunday or monday afternoon/morning.
    Kid is actually well... My kid.

    Ura Hero is the one that I need to work on. I accidentally moved him off server which led me to recreate him since I didn't have any free moves left. Oops. I am enjoying him as WillPower much more than Regen since they had nerfed it into the dirt.

    He is currently sitting at 36. So far I have 320 badges, so I am moving along. I really need to bust him the rest of the way to 50. It's been slow going so far. I am hoping that I can get some time Saturday during the day and Sunday to push things along.

    Saturday night is being taken up by tabletop, which I am excited about seeing what happens. Our last session had me stealing a police cruiser and leaving the folks who "owned" it sitting in a space station with no communications and just enough food to make it till their relief showed up.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    I remember when the Master of Statesman Task Force Badge came out and my Trick Arrow Defender was one of the first 8 people to get and register the badge on badge hunter. I mean, not only did my team accomplish it, and most likely as one of the first to do it on Live, but they did it with ME. On a TA. I mean, come on.

    Oh, and I remember also taking Lighthouse (remember that guy?) on his first Statesman Task Force. And waiting for like an hour for him to slot up his DevPL'd AR Blaster.

    That MoSTF was epic Tricky. Trick Arrow is so under-rated by the majority of players. It rocks the socks with the right build and the right person behind it.

    The funny thing for me on that first MoSTF run was that I did it on my non-badge character. I didn't even really like playing the Grav/Kin I brought. Not to say I wasn't good at playing him, I just never did enjoy SB'ing every two minutes. Thank god for macros and my G15 timer.

    Everyone on that team had a clutch moment I think.

    Mine was a heal that luckily landed on Ghost Widow at the same time she punched the tank in the face with her big attack right after mezzing him. God I hate Kinetic heals and their need to hit. I looked and I was thinking; "OMG we have failed", since I couldn't see his health bar. Two seconds later my screen updated and I saw that my heal had hit. Pshhew... Way too close.

    Definitely my proudest moment in the game.
  15. Ura Hero


    Ura needs a boatload of badges. I need to get him back to 50 first though. Here's to hoping that I feel better this weekend and can get some play time in.

    Good luck getting your badges Kultie! If I can help just let me know.
  16. Unfortunately the store is not allowing any purchases at this time. One would hope that that decision changes, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  17. One other reason that has not been mentioned yet is that the Dev's actually communicated with us as a community instead of just throwing stuff at us. (Yes that has happened, but overall they have been incredibly more communicative than any other mmo I have ever experienced.)

    If we could point out how something was broken with statistics, they would fix it or at least attempt to. Not to mention they have incorporated a whole boatload of things into the game that we as a community have requested over the years.

    So it isn't just the players that have made an awesome community, it is the developers and community managers (Cuppa, Zwill, Avatea, etc) as well.

    A decent idea if there were to be value added for the new account type.


    This flopped horribly. Advertisers don't/can't see the benefit. Not to mention it is a "captive" audience who has a way to shut it off if they don't want to see it.


    Probably won't have much impact. I seriously doubt that the individual "servers" or shards are truly physically separate. They might be, but in this day and age it is doubtful. Most stuff of this sort is virtualized so that one physical server is doing multiple duty.


    Something that should have been done with the big hitters, the invention system in particular. Small fee's $5-$10 would have helped offset operating costs significantly. You can't do it for every little thing, but for more major content like incarnates it would have worked.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    I don't think ANYONE wants to see the results of you, kimchee and the runs.
    *grabs brain bleach and dumps over head*

    Aaaiiiiigghhheeeeeeeee!!!!! The googles! They don't work!
  20. I played the original by Infocom back when it was available for the Atari systems.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
    So your all saying its up to me to put on Spandex and walk to downtown Seoul next weekend to the NCSOFT dark tower?
    Hmm... International arrest warrant for provoking an incident. I haven't had one of those yet...
  22. I am sure that I could do it. Janlee probably could as well.
  23. I remember what a powerhouse F.U.S.I.O.N. was. If you were teamed with a F.U.S.I.O.N. member, you knew that they would bring it. The base was something to behold. More so if you were on the opposing base raid team.

    You brought a lot to Protector Chris. Thank you for that.