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  1. "ir0x" "2" " ir0x0r, slow" "(null)"

    a 2?!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    FYI, boxed wine stacks better
    And tastes the same. (Nice collection though)
  3. That's so awesome to hear! Congrats you two!
  4. Finishing up with 1397 on a villain. Now I will have no new badges to look forward to
  5. MP, if you need any extra inf to give away before the end, I think I still have a couple billion. Let me know if you want it.
  6. I may be able to make it to just park a toon. Have plans 30 mins before then.
  7. Setting a reminder on my phone now!

    I'll bring my cold if debuff is needed or r0x if damage is needed.
  8. Add me to the maybe list. I might be able to make this. Since I got it on r0x, I will bring my cold def to help out. @ir0x0r
  9. Pimping the flying carpet!
  10. I'll be leaving work at 7pm EST, so won't be able to make the practice run
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    MANDATORY for the run(s) are the following:
    • +3 character, that means alpha, lore, destiny are all tier 3 or 4
    • a slotted interface and judgement (priority is on diamagnetic and any proc dmg)
    • tier 3 or 4 CORE longbow or cimeroran lore (preference on longbow tier 4)
    • at least 7 ultimates
    • large or super reds
    • rebirth or ageless destiny (a few people can have barrier, but those are best)
    • Slotted Hybrid (Support or Assault preferred)
    Optional but very helpful:
    • team inspirations (esp acc/dmg)
    • large or super awakens
    I picked up Longbow t4 pets, rebirth t4, diamagnetic t4, 7 ultimates and the rest super reds/few super wakes. Already had Assault t4 Hybrid slotted.

    IT'S GO TIME! wait, it's tomorrow
  12. too early for me If another run goes after 8est. I'll sign up, ir0x0r fire/fire dom.
  13. Heading home now. @ir0x0r fire/fire dom.
  14. Well damn, grats MP and MMP! I didn't know

    I say a girl, just because everyone else is saying boy. (Also because MP is awesome and needs a mini MP)
  15. Bah! Happy belated birthday Masque! Hope it was a good one man!
  16. So early!

    I'll be on later that night to get in on the new trial action.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    All 31 level 50's are now at +3.
    I can appreciate this.
  18. ir0x0r

    New Contest

    I still need to get a few costume pieces and have already bought 25 of them. If they continue to add different items, pets, badges?, then I will continue to buy them, but feel that the insps/temps/etc aren't that awesome. They are cheap though, so it's not that bad if you buy them as one offs.
  19. ir0x0r

    New Contest

    Almost got all of the costumes, missing 3. I got the wolf, so that's awesome.
  20. Best raid(s) ever. DC would be proud. We should do it that way more often