i21 Media Blitz VIP beta starting!

Chad Gulzow-Man




It's not quite as jaw-dropping as i20.5 was for me, but there are some interesting additions and changes being made in i21.5.

Keyes will be getting a LOT easier! ... unless you're going for Avoids the Green Stuff, which doesn't look to have changed. You now only have to power up SIX terminals at any reactor, though they've reduced the delay before Antimatter's arrival from 120 seconds to 90 seconds to compensate. Additionally, the reactors' Antimatter Pulses' damage will be dropped from 50% to 20% of your health bar, and have a maximum damage (raised through damaging the AV) of 35% as opposed to the current 100%. Finally, his Disintegration ability will max at taking 80% of your life instead of 99%, and surviving will only give you a 50% endurance penalty instead of 100%.

As far as the bad stuff, BAF and Lambda will no longer award Empyrean Merits once you've unlocked the Lore and Destiny slots, respectively.

To counteract this, the new TPN trial will award 2 Empyrean Merits upon first daily completion and then one Empyrean for each subsequent completion (rather than switching to Astrals on subsequent completions as existing trials do).

I'm not really "wowed" by any of the new Incarnate abilities, but I do like that they're offering more choices.


Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I knew they were going to nerf Keyes... thanks, whiners!


Wow, and I totally missed this:

As far as the bad stuff, BAF and Lambda will no longer award Empyrean Merits once you've unlocked the Lore and Destiny slots, respectively.
That sucks.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I knew they were going to nerf Keyes... thanks, whiners!
Well, I'll agree they made too many changes all in one direction. But they tend to do that (I remember Issue 13 well...). In any case, it'll certainly be a lot more accessible than Keyes is currently, and they've got some room to cut back on the nerfs a bit.

For some reason, I think it's hilarious that they're nerfing established NPCs instead of players for a change, though... >_>

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



There's a lot of things I like in this but I'm an oddball who likes seeing lots of fixes and improvements as opposed to being blinded by flash.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
As far as the bad stuff, BAF and Lambda will no longer award Empyrean Merits once you've unlocked the Lore and Destiny slots, respectively.
I like this from a not-grinding-so-much perspective, but it's unfortunately going to make it harder for those trying to unlock the slots to find one of the easier trials. So instead you'll have more people less well-equipped doing the harder trials, which means more failures.

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Originally Posted by Ineffable_Bob View Post
I like this from a not-grinding-so-much perspective, but it's unfortunately going to make it harder for those trying to unlock the slots to find one of the easier trials. So instead you'll have more people less well-equipped doing the harder trials, which means more failures.
One part I hadn't read yet was that the two new Trials have repeatable Emp rewards. You get two the first time, but during the 20 hour cooldown you still get one Emp out of them.

Obviously I have no idea how long these two new ones are, but I predict people grinding them just as hard as BAF and Lambda now, especially since the new Incarnate powers are 15 Emps each (Not sure if this is a toon or account unlock... for 15 Emps I'd hope account).

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
One part I hadn't read yet was that the two new Trials have repeatable Emp rewards. You get two the first time, but during the 20 hour cooldown you still get one Emp out of them.

Obviously I have no idea how long these two new ones are, but I predict people grinding them just as hard as BAF and Lambda now, especially since the new Incarnate powers are 15 Emps each (Not sure if this is a toon or account unlock... for 15 Emps I'd hope account).
I read that part about going to the NPCs to buy them.....I don't think I care for that. BUT....and I haven't checked, what are the costs to make the parts? Additional components? If it were a straight 15 Emp cost to unlock AND make (pick and choose), I'm sold..... per character. If not, for what I read about them, I'm really not interested in most regardless. But that Vorpal one sounds pretty cool. The more iTrials they implement, the less time I have to play other characters, and the less interest I have in Incarnifying characters I don't play. Adding giant costs to stuff I'm not interested in completely puts me off of bothering with them.

Since the two new iTrials only give one type of iXP, I would think they'd have to be on par with BAF/Lambda in terms of ease/teammates/time spent. With Keyes being juiced to be more appealing (in theory), and UGT not being hard at all and both giving great iXP for *both* types at once, they do seem to be the better bet. I'm not talking about badges here, that's a whole different story; I still need two Keyes badges and hope I can get those before the new shinies show up

I'll certainly see how they go. The "here's stuff that should have been in I21 anyway and fixing stuff we already broke" half update doesn't really have me stoked right now. And I'm still wanting more actual TFs for higher levels; not nearly as involved as iTrials, but something 8 man teams can still tackle and have fun with.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
I read that part about going to the NPCs to buy them.....I don't think I care for that. BUT....and I haven't checked, what are the costs to make the parts? Additional components? If it were a straight 15 Emp cost to unlock AND make (pick and choose), I'm sold..... per character.
According to the notes, that won't be the case:

Visit Empyrean Michael to unlock the new trees, then craft your new powers with the appropriate Incarnate salvage!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
According to the notes, that won't be the case:
Yep, but I don't know if it will follow the current structure for crafting. I'm sure it will, which is disappointing. Thus leading to the "per character" thing a big turn off for me. If it kept the same structure but only cost X Emps to unlock for the account, then it'd be far more appealing to me.

I was wishful nudgenudge thinking outloud. Maybe "soon" they'll rethink their approach to keeping status quo on things that are generally overblown / cumbersome / not necessary out of the gate.

..... ha ha.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Yeah. No. I think I need to be reminded what the benefits of being a VIP are.

The bug fixes, I like. They really need to do more of them......

A new trial. Good.

15 empyrean merits per power per toon to enable more enhancement choices. Combined with the fact that I will have fewer ways to get said merits. Thanks, but no thanks. I already did my grinding to get the iXP to unlock said slots and then more grinding to get the salvage needed to craft the enhancements to go in those slots. Using this progression, pretty soon I'll have to do a trial to get iXP to be allowed to carry certain salvage and then I'll have to pay 30 astral merits be able to craft the salvage into enhancements....for each category of enhancement.

This seems like a sub-set of the model that they are using for power sets. You can play the game but if you want these powers, you must pay. Even if you are VIP.....

***Note to the fanbois before they get their little pink panties in a bunch.
Yes, I do realize that I don't *have* to unlock these new powers on each toon. However, gating these things behind a payment and then reducing the ways to get the currency needed for them to essentially force the player base to play what and how the Dev's feel they should, is a bad decision.

****Further Note- Yes, I have the right to criticize decisions/changes that are made in this game. Just like others have the right to wear extra lip gloss and thick knee pads...

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Flux, I'd like my old room back in Doomopolis™, please.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



... hope that the new trials will be FAST compared to UGT.
Not looking forward to losing a 20 minute trial in favor of a 60 minute trial. Nuh-uh.
At least we can now farm Keyes. I actually enjoy that trial.

AE: Please go Cold Turkey, stop dwindling it. Then we can all rage at once, instead of raging every new issue because some fix to the exp rate is made.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Flux, I'd like my old room back in Doomopolis™, please.
Sure dude. No problem. Hell, even the rent has stayed the same.

Unfortunately, to actually keep your clothes in your room, you will need to do some task a few times to build up clothing credit. Once you get to a certain point, you can actually store clothing in your room. However, you will then need to buy the clothing. You will also get a token for successfully completing the task. Save those tokens, they could be important.

Don't worry, you'll only have to do this for shirts, shoes, pants, underwear, and hats.

Once you finish that, we will talk about those tokens and what you will need to do about the various sub sets of apparel. i.e. T-shirts vs dress shirts vs coats, boots vs tennis shoes vs dress shoes, jeans vs slacks vs sweat pants, etc.

Welcome to Doomopolis™. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post

AE: Please go Cold Turkey, stop dwindling it. Then we can all rage at once, instead of raging every new issue because some nerf to try and stop/slow farming/PL'ing is made.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Most of the changes sound perfectly nice, though of course there are saddening things. AE continues to receive adjustments to its rewards, rather than tools to make it better to tell stories... or to fix its bugs.

The Lambda and BAF change... I can only hope they decide to remove that. There are howls in the beta forums over it already, and there deserve to be. It's a terrible idea, and completely unnecessary, considering they are increasing rewards and making the newer (and I would say not quite as good as they are on Live) trials. Silly, silly.

As I said on the beta forums, they are adding more things to spend incarnate emps and salvage on, and they are pulling out the rug on playing two of their trials? They ONLY have 5 when 21.5 goes live. Silly.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Are they on drugs.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
AE continues to receive adjustments to its rewards, rather than tools to make it better to tell stories... or to fix its bugs.
You and your dirty logic offends me.



The BAF and Lambda changes are going to stay, regardless of how people complain. Hardly anyone was doing other trials and they needed a way to get you slugs to do it. Atleast they aren't taking Emps away altogether from the trial.

Glad Keyes is getting a bit easier. Should make getting people who don't pay attention not as big a deal as it was before.

If you don't like spending 15 Emps to unlock new Incarnate powers for slots you probably already have stuff in, then don't...

I agree that AE needs to be Story Buffed and not Farm Nerfed, but that would take effort, and effort is not allowed.

From what I have read on the beta forums TPN will require some attention paying, but seems to be pretty easy to deal with, and may well become the new BAF while MOM becomes the new Lambda (or vice versa not sure how the iXP works in the old trials anymore)

I still think that they need to make an "Incarnate Trial Comprehension Check" or ITCC for short. Something that forces players to check their bars, watch chat for orders, and pay attention to big red letters on the screen. A quick 2 minute test the first time a person goes into a trial would be nice, and if you fail you cannot iTrial until you pass. Something that rotates the correct options so that you can't just memorize where the correct answers are, and you ACTUALLY have to KNOW what you are doing. That would make my day.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
You and your dirty logic offends me.
*snerk* Like your signature, too. I also find it funny that they are nerfing having too many subsequent ambushes in an AE mission, when that seems to be the mantra for new dev content.

I realize those were being somewhat abused, but seriously... they added MARTy, they've nerfed most of the outliers in AE. Was this really needed? It's a fair amount of risk for reward with a lot of ambushes, unless they still have issues with making too weak of mobs worth high xp.

I don't really care as much or have the time for PvP or bases, but AE is in the same boat as them, and I like it more (being a storyteller myself). I was constantly thinking I needed to write some more arcs before mine became busted do their busted language filter. Why put in the time for a broken system?

I really do hate how the devs can toss out some great ideas and not follow through well. Heck, even the proposed BAF, Lambda, and emp costs for new incarnate powers things strikes me in the same light.

Originally Posted by NT_Flamer View Post
The BAF and Lambda changes are going to stay, regardless of how people complain. Hardly anyone was doing other trials and they needed a way to get you slugs to do it. Atleast they aren't taking Emps away altogether from the trial.

If you don't like spending 15 Emps to unlock new Incarnate powers for slots you probably already have stuff in, then don't...
Just picking these out. Beta is the best time to be heard from the devs, and the most likely time for changes to occur. Once it goes Live, it's much more likely to be put on the back burner that AE and other things are on. Speak now, and even if it stays in, at least you acted when you had the best chance.

The BAF and Lambda changes make no sense, as is pointed out continuously. Emps are the safety net to bad luck with drops on Trials, so removing them from two of only five trials is asinine. If those two trials are not strong enough, make people exemp down, do not lower the rewards. I don't personally see the need to do so (I could once we get more powers), but that's the most of what they should do. Reworking the time length of UGT and Keyes is far better, etc., as well.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



"Hey, who cares if they change the auction house fee to 1 billion inf per transaction. No one is forcing you to use the auction house."

Currently listening to the White Stripes' the White Stripes

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
"Hey, who cares if they change the auction house fee to 1 billion inf per transaction. No one is forcing you to use the auction house."

Currently listening to the White Stripes' the White Stripes

I am frightened. Your logic actually makes sense to me... and I think I agree with you... assuming of course you did mean it in the snarky, tongue in cheek way I took it.

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
I am frightened. Your logic actually makes sense to me... and I think I agree with you... assuming of course you did mean it in the snarky, tongue in cheek way I took it.
What, SatHam be snarky? That like, never happens!

I do agree with him and his snark as well. The idea is a bad one, and I can only hope the hugely negative response (and reasoned, I might add) will change their minds.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
"Hey, who cares if they change the auction house fee to 1 billion inf per transaction. No one is forcing you to use the auction house."

Currently listening to the White Stripes' the White Stripes
This is something that I have come to expect of you, even in game. Your example however is flawed. There is no ingame content that is similar to the AH, where as there are already established Alphas, Destinies, and Interfaces.

But if a billion inf per transaction fee were put on the AH, you bet I wouldn't use it.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
What, SatHam be snarky? That like, never happens!

I do agree with him and his snark as well. The idea is a bad one, and I can only hope the hugely negative response (and reasoned, I might add) will change their minds.
I doubt it will change their minds. Game Developers are notorious for sitting on their hands for longer than they should than admit they made a mistake.

I feel the change is good and will get people to do different stuff. You all may think that it is shoe horning you into doing whatever content the devs want you to do, but Drop the Emp Rewards does NOT force you to STOP doing BAFs and Lams, just makes it so you have to do other trials to get the good rewards.



I'm not sure if this guy is a troll or one of legion that believes that the developers are never wrong and to question or disagree with them is sacrilege.

If troll, you need to work on your game. Be more inflammatory, use more rhetoric!

And really, this decision is foolish. Charge us for the new options or take away the empyrean merits for those trials. Don't do both. I don't like either option but together it seems very punitive and manipulative.

Honestly, one of the major selling points of being a VIP (for long term vets) is the incarnate system. Pissing people off by making these types of changes isn't the smartest business decision.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
I'm not sure if this guy is a troll or one of legion that believes that the developers are never wrong and to question or disagree with them is sacrilege.

If troll, you need to work on your game. Be more inflammatory, use more rhetoric!

And really, this decision is foolish. Charge us for the new options or take away the empyrean merits for those trials. Don't do both. I don't like either option but together it seems very punitive and manipulative.

Honestly, one of the major selling points of being a VIP (for long term vets) is the incarnate system. Pissing people off by making these types of changes isn't the smartest business decision.
Did you even read my last comment? Developers make mistakes all the time, and to take anything they say at face value is to invite disappointment and rage. Disagreeing with Devs also comes with every game, not just this one.

I agree that the 15 merit cost should be reduced, and Trials like UGT should give better rewards than common salvage and 2 emp merits, but taking away the BAF and Lam merits after earning the Lore and Destiny slots isn't that big of a deal.

As I've said in game, I bet not even a 1/4 of the people complaining about this change have tested TPN or MOM.

And just because I'm a member of the Legion doesn't mean I need to side with anyone on any particular subject. It's a title with a responsibility of respect towards other players, not a statement of "We hate the Devs"