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  1. I just want to make a quick point about my participation for this year's event, as sort of an FYI:

    Due to my condition (Vahzilok Wasting Plague, I curse you!!!), there's pretty much no way I can do 4 hours straight. If I did, you'd have zombie-DC by the end of it. So whoever does end up purchasing my time, we'll have to work out various days to do 1-2 hours at a time.

    Also, to quickly point out strengths and weaknesses: TF's are my friends. I'm very good at speed Synapses or old Posi's, if you're interested in those. I enjoy running just about all of them, even Q on a very off day (though, with the 4 hour struggle, we'd either have to split it up or you get zombie-DC) On the other side, I'm no good at PL'ing. I have no idea what the active interest is in AE, and my idea of farming is running Borea in RWZ, which can get boring. Yes I have a fire/kin, but she's going to sit on the sideline.

    Finally, PVP. In the past I would have said 'no' straight away. However, it has come to my attention that PVP will not be removed from this game any time soon, so.. oh well. I am horrible at it, and my own personal opinion is that hopping around like a rabbit to get 2 shots off in 10 minutes is a waste of time, but I will do it if that's what is decided. List of slotted 50s available on request for that.

    Anyway, apart from all that, I just want to say a big 'Thank You' to MP for putting this on again this year. It's great fun watching the bids and the silly amounts of cash that we Victorians love to throw around. And hey, half of it all goes to the PERC fund, which means more gifts/toys for other events, like the Hami raid costumes or other contests.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Was there a theme for tonight's raid?

    I believe it was something along the lines of "A Day At the Zoo", or close to it. Don't quote me on it, though.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    Also, to Voo, thunderous blast doesn't crash. Just saps 40 end in addition to the cost.

    FYI, the above is false. TB has a full end crash, just like most of the rest of the blaster nukes. I've run a tri-elec blaster for almost 5 years, it's always had a full crash.

    Yes, the power description says it is only -40 end to self when firing. Yes, that is a lie. I just tested it ingame on some level 40 rikti in FF. When from 112 endurance, with no powers running, all the way down to zero after the nuke fired.
  4. Hami raid less than 30 minutes from monster clearing to jello shooters. Gratz to all who won at the theme contest. Next week's theme to be determined later.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    From the start of the hunt to the end of the entire raid, it took 25 minutes. That's awesome for 53 merits!!!!!

    I will not be at the raid next week (going to Florida!) but Arky will be here to run the raid!

    The theme is:

    Monster Mash
    A reminder, this hami raid is in roughly 45 minutes. See everyone there.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    This is the second week in a row we skipped the 1/4 phase. Last week we did it as well as a spontaneous idea (I blame me for that one). Had more deaths that time because the tanks weren't completely ready, but it ended up working anyway.
    I imagine it'll become the norm as long as the teams don't suck in general.
    I guess I'd prefer that we didn't skip the last wave, simply because we would be ignoring 18 more shots at shards if we did. However, whatever decision FMP chooses regarding rushing or not, the yellow taunt team will be prepared.

    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    How does the tank team taunt things? One for Hami while others try to taunt the yellows? Or are they all on Hami while they have healers on the team? Haven't heard about that part, so I'd like to know.
    The basic idea is that, really, there's two 'taunting' teams. One is the 'Hami Taunters', which is one tank, supported by emps, kins, pains, and so on. That tank wants a ton of regen, with the recharge boosting powers going to the emp/pains/whatever to recharge their regen boosting powers. Since the tank couldn't hold as many EoEs as may sometimes be needed for a full raid (20 plus 20 in e-mail, 40 minutes, that's kinda cutting it close maybe), when a tank's regen gets to about cap, he can withstand some direct shots without an EoE popped.

    The second taunting team is the 'Yellow Taunters', or whatever the hell we're calling it (I lead the team and I don't even remember what we call it). That team's made up with as many taunting tanks/brutes as I can find at the raid. Each tank takes a yellow mito, pops an EoE before a wave, and taunts while Ele and the 'Yellow Strike' team hacks and slashes their way around Hami.

    As for by-passing the 1/4 bloom, as we saw the first time we did it, when the tanks stayed and kept fighting Hami for additional damage, the yellow mitos, undistracted by a taunting tank, took some pot shots at some folks. So, when we do the rush job at the end, tanks get their hits in till we get to 1/4 health, then pull back to their assigned mitos (like all other blooms), and just taunt the yellows till Hami dies.
  7. Thanks for the thread, MP

    And thanks to all for the birthday wishes.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    If that's correct, I find that to be.... Frightening.
    Well, to put it in perspective:

    Let's say you just made a Spiritual Radial (rech/heal), and that you now have no shards or components. (I doubt it'll come out that evenly, but that's neither here nor there for this example)

    Now, on to the various assumptions:

    - It takes 1 Uncommon Boost, along with common and uncommon components to make a Rare Boost. (not unreasonable to assume, just don't know how many)

    -Assume, looking at the tree on the website, that 2 of the Rares will require one type of Uncommon, and that the other 2 require the other type of Uncommon.

    -Assume, looking at the [Any 2 Rares] bit in brackets on the website, that for the Very Rare, it will take any of the 4 Rares, so that you could make two seperate Rares, using two seperate Uncommons. (now we start to stretch a bit)

    Assuming all that... just in terms of shards: 12 shards to make another common. 20 to convert that to the other uncommon. Then perhaps... 2 uncommon components and 1 common to make a Rare? So that's 4+8+4+8+4 = 28 shards (again, shard counting only). That's 28 shards for one Rare.. then another 28 shards for the other Rare.

    Next, to convert the two Rares to One Very Rare. Perhaps.. 3 uncommon components? 4+8+4+8+4+8 = 36 shards.

    That would bring your total cost to 12+20+28+28+36 = 124 shards required. (Again, you already started with 1 uncommon boost)

    Now, that's a LOT of assuming. If i20 introduces rare components, could get even more interesting. However, I think it's safe to conclude, if you're being given the choice of merits or components: components, components, components.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    I still don't see where it says that

    If you hover your mouse over any of the very rares (say the Core Paragon, since the link goes straight to the endurance tree), the pop up window gives the description (45% end, blah blah blah, 2/3rds ignore ED, blah blah blah, level shift, yada yada..) but at the very bottom it says in brackets:

    [Ability Cost: Any 2 Rare]

    Which I would take to assume that you need 2 Rares to make a Very Rare. This statement would seem, however, to indicate that any two Rares work, not just specific ones that are above the tree you see in the link.

    Now, this tree is different than the tree you see in-game: ingame, there's a bridge linking all 4 Rare species, which made me originally think that you needed all 4 Rares before you could make Very Rares. However, looking back at the tree in the link provided above, perhaps that is how the devs wanted to illustrate, ingame, that you need 2 of 'any' of the 4 Rares to make a Very Rare.

    Now, assuming the Rares work like the Uncommons, you'll need to convert your Uncommon into a Rare, which means you lose your Uncommon. Meaning you'd have to make a 2nd Uncommon to make the other Rare that you want (going off of the ingame tree), before you could take those 2 Rares and turn them into a Very Rare.

    Assuming this is true, what you 'could' do right now is make the other Uncommon in a tree (so you'd have both of them), so that when i20 hits, you could convert those 2 into two Rares (assuming you have sufficient shards and components, along with depending on the requirements of the Rares), then convert those two Rares into a Very Rare right away. Yes, that takes a definite gamble based on the requirements for the Rares and Very Rares, which we don't know about yet.
  10. Thanks to all for the Augustine and the 3rd respec we ran after. Special thanks to Avatea for being such a good sport with all of our suggestions/comments about the TF and other game items.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    Or... um.. Numina? For the same reasons? :/
    There were thoughts about Numina, as well as Faathim. However, Faathim would probably run beyond the 2 hour time that Avatea is required to be around me. As for Numina, for me it eventually came down to 'more gripes with Augustine than Numina'.

    Numina's plot that requires you to do all the grey hunting actually makes a small amount of sense, if you read the plot (magic lay lines and so on, clockwise and counterclockwise around the city for the spell). Augustine's plot, on the other hand, is simply "go there and secure the area". Repeat, a dozen times. Also, Numina has more standard/normal door missions than Augustine, and travel time is not hampered by the Shard.
  12. Do you think grey hunting for 85% of Augustine is not fun?

    Do you think the plot of Augustine is worse than Planet 9 from Outer Space and should be changed?

    Do you think the named bosses of the CoT in Augustine should be EBs or AVs?

    If so, come on down and make your case to redname Avatea while running this mindnumbing TF!

    On Saturday, December 4 at 5pm Eastern, join me and Avatea on an Augustine TF. 44+ to join on blueside. 42 merits.

    Why should I run Augustine? There's Alpha stuff to do!

    Ah, but there will be a few missions where you fight actual level 50 enemies, so there's a few shots at getting shards.

    Now granted, Avatea is NOT a dev. However, she is higher on the totem pole around here than the rest of us. Devs > Avatea/Ocho > Arcanaville > rest of us.

    Team roster:

    1. DC
    2. Avatea
    3. Satanic Hamster
    4. Kobolt Thunder
    5. Cheapman
    6. Necrotech
    7. (temporarily reserved)
    8. (temporarily reserved)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    Shards -> Components -> Boosts -> (specific boost) Spiritual Radial Boost, etc.
    That's what I'll be using, anyway.
    I was trying to describe the alpha slot and all its math (without using math) to someone last night, and found myself using 'shards', 'salvage', and then 'enhancements'. I like components a bit more than salvage, since we already have like 20 types of salvage.. but I'll probably stick with 'enhancement', personally. Or, the (insert rarity) (insert end/dmg/acc/rech) Alpha-O.

    As for last night, got the slot unlocked on two guys and was able to slot a common End Redux Alpha-O in DC. But then I ended up just badging the night away.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    As I long have maintained, the devs biggest mistake was the creation of a second/separated player base with CoV. I18 did a lot to eliminate that but then added the barrier of gold side. Now with I19, we have another barrier to teaming being built; incarnates vs. everyone else.

    Oh for frell's sake, people. It's two task forces that prefer an Alpha enhancement (enh in the alpha slot), not 7 new whole ZONES.

    You have to run one story arc. Set it to -1/1 No AVs and bring some shivies if you're that concerned. Or team up. Not like we've never seen folks ask for assistance taking out an EB/AV in a story arc before.

    The task force doesn't require the alpha slot enh. yes, you will be nerfed heavily, but I just bet you within a month or 3 there will be a team of folks that run the newer TFs without an Alpha enhancement and do just fine.

    As for slotting the Alpha Slot, won't take that long. 3, maybe 4 nights? Run a LGTF, ITF, States, LRSF or buy a component with vanguard merits from the weekly ship raid.

    As for the move to more of a 'grind' or 'hardcore' end game... really? We're going to base these Doom(tm) chants based on two task forces? We have NO idea what the future issues will bring. For all we know, i20 will have not only the rest of Alpha and the start of the 2nd slot, but also some other content that does not require/prefer the alpha slot. Until we do know, any chants of doom and whatnot are pointless and unneeded.

    As for hamster's point about which alpha to take itself, it depends on how you slot. If you were going, for example, with a S/L def cap build, you may use some kinetic combats. Nice, decent, good S/L at 4 slots. Depending on the rest of your build, you may not have a 5th slot available for a damage IO, so this allows you to take the damage Alpha Enh and round out your attacks. Furthermore, considering an increasing percentage ignores ED as you go from common to very rare, even if your powers themselves are pushing the ED boundaries in terms of End, Rech, Acc, or Dam, even more that ignores ED can only HELP you. Easier to reach perma-hasten, more damage you can pound out, make damn sure you hit stuff (or you could switch Set IO pieces since you don't need that Acc piece as much), or, thinking for a Dark Armor scrapper... actually have endurance for once.

    Long rant, point is: enough with the blasted doom. Time for that later.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    This is going to sound either 'odd' or 'omg look at me' but honestly I don't know what I bought yesterday.

    I know I definately bought: Viv; Philly; some sig thing; and maybe hippy.
    Masque, I'm showing in my records that you are correct. You bought Viv, Hippy, Philly, one of the Forum Sigs, and you attempted to buy the other. (No, I did not keep track of who bid on things, just who bought whom/what. I only remember masque trying to get both sigs b/c somebody mentioned it in broadcast.)
  16. This is an UNOFFICIAL list and should be treated as such; I just tried to keep track as things went along for the hell of it. FMP can correct/change this.

    List is made up of who/what was auctioned, and how much he/she/it went for.

    (M = millions)
    VoodooGirl - 225M
    Toxic Striker - 65M
    Neo Shadowdream - 150M
    Cannonfodder - 260M
    Terminal Velocity - 100M
    Vivace - 700M (bumped later to 710M)
    Cylert - 220M
    Irish Girl - 500M
    Ice Knight - 700M
    Eric Nelson (SGS) - 400M
    Anabel Lee - 256M
    Chant - 700M
    3Dev - 400M
    Des - 450M
    The Hippy - 210M
    Masque - 2.2B (yes, B as in Billion)
    Adrenal Static - 216M
    Eagle Eyez - 450M
    Gris/Bambi - 650M
    Novamaiden - 650M
    Little O's - 250M
    DHK - 275M
    Tal'anor Ja - 271M
    MMP - 375M
    DC - 750M
    FMP - 1.25B

    MSTF - 400M, 420M, 455M
    MLRSF - 600M, 310M, 400M
    MITF - 76M
    MLGTF - 600M
    MBSF - 590M
    MKTF - 400M, 300M, 125M/125M

    Red Names:
    Avatea - 780M
    Ocho - 2B

    Other Items that were auctioned:
    Mystery Prize - 405M
    Hami-O's - 751M
    Character Build Design - 350M
    PvPIO's - 1.1B
    Forum Signature - 300M
    Forum Signature - 210M
    Unique IO's - 900M? (can't read my own writing, 400 or 900)
    Scooter's Art - 521M

    As was already posted, Tamaki bought Ocho. As for Avatea? I bought her.

    Note that this does NOT include any of the random raffle prizes that were handed out, such as:
    • a set of all the Pet Proc IOs,
    • a full set of Javelin Volley's,
    • the costume codes/emote packs,
    • a numina +/+,
    • regen tissue +regen,
    • respec recipe
    • multiple 100M prizes
    • LoTG +rech
    • Fury of the Gladiator Quad IO
    • Jackpot Prizes at the end of the night. (winner of the 45% jackpot received 3 BILLION)
    All in all it was a great night, if a bit long. Lot of fun watching folks interact and watching the rich folks fight each other for a few people. Thanks for doing all the hard work getting this together, PERC!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Locking out is a moot point as NO ONE does it now. At least with a badge there would be SOME incentive.
    Yes, but what would be the incentive 2-3 months from implementation? We'd all have the badges on the characters we cared about, and would, I would guess, have less incentive to do a rather annoying task again?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Have it give two merits.

    DC, as it is, NO ONE takes down the dropships anyways.
    2 merits? You think you're going to attract 30-45 folks to destroy a drop ship for 2 merits? Hell, Lusca gives 2 merits, and about 90% of the time I go to/from the boat in Indy He/She/It is up there in that far NW corner.

    (and before anybody goes back to the 'this is why it should be a badge' argument, see my previous post).

    The point of even being able to take down a dropship is just so that you can say to yourself 'cool, i helped take down a dropship'. that's it. Some sort of 'cool' explosion goes along with it, and that's all.

    I'm all for people taking down the dropships, I just feel that 2 merits isn't going to be much of an incentive (and if you crank it to say 20 per, then that could lead to farming since you see what, 2-4 dropships per raid?), and a badge can lead to 'locking out' of newer folks because of the large number of folks required to participate.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    That's an even greater argument for a badge.
    No, that's an argument against a badge, because of one very simple reason: as we have all seen, once folks get the badges on the characters they care about, they don't pay attention to the event again (see fires, raves, lusca, ghost ship, etc). You do not want to create a situation that requires a large amount of people, who, once they have completed it, are unlikely to run it again, effectively 'locking' the badge for newer folks who may have missed out on the previous runs.

    It's one thing to be a newer person and ask for a team to come Lusca hunting. You're asking 6-10 other folks (ish) to come help. It's a completely different thing to ask for 40 folks to come help do something for a reward they already have (ship raids being different because the merits continue to have value and can be used on the hvas pets, etc).
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    People ignore it as it is. They already have a lot of low to no reward zone events that people ignore and they give badges, so what's one more?

    No other zone event, however, requires 3-4 teams to complete (save the ship raid, and that was designed as an end-game raid). Not even Lusca, since you can take him/her/it down with 1 decent team.

    The drop ships, however, need more. I think there were what, 40-50 folks that did it the first time on Test? And that was when you could affect the ships with slow powers. Since the devs made the ships invulnerable to -speed powers, would be even more difficult.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Hmmmm. ToT'ing tonite or screw it / do that on your own time?

    Screw it - do that on your own time*.

    *note, considering I'm not technically in the SG this go-round, I probably don't have a vote. Unfortunately.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Ok, just fair warning, I'm buying DC for a pvp event.

    (Ok maybe not, but that would be fun).
    *sigh* I'm going to end up mailing 2-3 billion to Mental, then... Snaptooth > PVP.