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  1. And the final broadcast has been posted. Thanks Hitstreak!
  2. Can the final Twitch TV Broadcast be posted ASAP then?
  3. One of the first Christmas Events involved a Longbow character sending you on a mission through a helicopter. I remember because that particular mission was a way to gain an Oportal once Ourboros was created.
  4. My plan after shutdown is to move at least some of my stories here to They do have a game section, including City of Heroes.

    Wanted to toss that out as an option to those of you who may not have given the matter much thought as yet.
  5. Thank you for all your hard work videos. If nothing else remains, I am sure that your videos will be there to remind us of City's greatness for years to come.
  6. Eight years.

    Eight years. More than one hundred characters. . Approximately 70 50s. More than half a dozen stories ... one or two of novella length.

    And I'm not ready for the game to go.

    Eight years ago, I was coming off the most self destructive relationship I had ever been in. To say that I was depressed is to say that Nemesis has a plot or two.

    I badly needed a distraction.

    A friend had told me about this game, but I hadn't really planned on trying it. (Pay a MONTHLY fee to play a game? Were they KIDDING?) But I had told some friends of mine I was in a Role Play by Email Game with and they said they wanted to try it.

    And I did.

    In May of 2004 Blue Battler made his first appearance in Paragon City, and he never left.

    Through relationship woes, health scares, family issues, and job stress, I always had a home in Paragon City. A few hours of Going, Finding, Killing (er, ARRESTING) Skullz, and I was often able to turn a lousy day into at least a bearable one.

    I met awesome people here and got to know other people I already knew better. And when I had thought that I would never write again, a certain King of broken brass and scattered thoughts whispered to me that he had a story to tell ...

    The day we found out that City was going, I was as stunned and saddened as everyone else. I couldn't concentrate on my job. All I could do was read the countless posts, trying to understand why ...

    I am not ready for the game to go.

    There will never be another City of Heroes. Never another game that just feels so right to me.

    But ... I will play other games. I have found much to enjoy in Champions Online. I have taken a fresh look at DC Online, and even WOW. And there may yet be something that comes out in the next year or two that proves to be a blast as well.

    And I will try to take what made City of Heroes special to me with me. We have all read comments from so many people on how special our community is, how helpful it is. Those of us who are moving onto other games have a responsibility to carry on the best part of what made City great to the other games that we play.

    Be a helpful player. Be fair. Be kind. Be the kind of player that makes other communities say, "Man, that game must have been something ..."

    Eight years.

    Eight years, and I'm still not ready.
  7. If it's a choice between no game at all or starting fresh, I'd be perfectly willing to start all over and I'd like to think a fair number of other people would be as well.
  8. BlueBattler


    So anything get said on the last chat of interest?
  9. I'd love to see someone do a Science Fiction MMO that worked more like Classic Star Trek than Star Trek Online did when I last played it.

    Have a ship for transportation from world to world, but the actual story takes place on the ground. That could be awesome.

    I think Matt may not be saying a lot about his MMO design theories or preferences right now because he's trying to land a job and doesn't want to poison the well.
  10. BlueBattler

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
    Seems to me that she actually took the numbers someone else was throwing around, actually.

    By that, I mean someone within the studio handed them to her.
    So how much profit was COH making? I mean, given the probable salaries of the Paragon Studios staff they'd have to have been making SOME kind of profit or they would have been shut down well before this.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Clearly I can't wake up those like you who are too busy with their head in the clouds to understand the reality of the situation. CoH is dying. Plan Z is going to fail. You will never play your characters again. It sucks. Move on and deal with it.

    It's kinda funny, but most of the arguments I see coming from folks like you can be boiled down to a series of asterisks. Really shows the quality of your arguments, and their origins. Pure, raw emotion straight from the "anger" side of the five stages of grief.
    And you care what other people think or feel about it because--?

    How does it serve you to attempt to crush the feelings of people who trying to preserve something that matters to them? Sure, they may fail-- and the odds may favor failure-- but how does it make your life better to tell them this?

    For myself, I nearly left COH a few years ago. What kept me here was that I made some new friends who brought new life to the game for me. So I'm doing my best to convince my friends to try other games with me.

    Will it hurt when COH closes and I lose characters that I've had for over 8 years? Characters that I spent thousands of hours on?

    Of course it will.

    But I will remake my characters in other places. DC Online and Champions Online now. Quite possibly other games to come in the future.

    I am grateful for the time I got to spend in COH. I am grateful for the friends that I made in this game. I am grateful that many of the Devs who made the game that I enjoyed so much have been able to move on and find employment. I am hopeful that those who haven't done so yet will do so in the future.

    And even if the Project Z people fail to pull off a game, they may learn skills or make contacts that allow them to go on as future developers to make games that I WILL enjoy.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    They aren't snakes. They don't swallow their food whole...
    They also haven't shown the ability to break bones in half either.

    I'd say that trying to stuff 150 pounds or so of meat and bone into the stomach of something of a similar mass would result in much more than a distended stomach.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    By not caring if the "food" pushes itself all the way through? There's no sensation of "full" to them.
    Then show a leg or arm sticking out of that stomach.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Fire yourself, mate. You suck at marketing. This nonsensical statement alone is proof of that.

    "We won't win, but we sure as hell won't lose!" Either a game gets built or it doesn't. Design is a binary thing. It works or it doesn't. There is no "sorta".
    Sure there is.

    Plan Z could never get anything even to beta. Plan Z could get something to beta that never gets out of beta. Plan Z could get a working game published that fails to find an audience.

    Or they make a game that attracts a small audience.

    Or they make a game that exceeds all their expectations and wildest hopes.

    Real life is not binary.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    I'm sure they are. They're human. If I had an idea and wanted to work on a project, but everyone told me it was a stupid idea and I was wasting my time, I'd have second thoughts on it.
    You're not helping your point here.

    There are MANY projects that conventional wisdom held were doomed to failure. They still succeeded.

    Of course, quite a few more failed than succeeded, but if no one tried anything that seemed destined for failure mankind would never have gotten as far as the wheel.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Trying and failing, because then I can mercilessly mock them for being pie-in-the-sky idiots. Again, Plan Z doesn't have a chance. Not even an infinitesimal one. The best they could create is a 2-D java CoH.
    And I'm sure they are TERRIBLY wounded by your lack of faith in them.

  17. I doubt that even the Plan Z folks expect to make a game that's going to attract the same size audience that COX had ... or that they'll have a game with the same level of complexity or lore that COH had right off the bat.

    On the other hand, what do they have to lose? The worst that happens is they fail ... what's worse? Trying and failing-- or doing nothing?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    It would make sense, actually. I had never heard of this Lackey chick before everyone said "omg! Mercedes Lackey wants CoH saved!" But now I'm aware of her existence. And I'm sure a lot of goodwill will be going towards her after CoH dies, and that may just translate to higher book sales. It's a good marketing scheme, if true.

    I've read enough of the Titan Forums to know that Ms. Lackey's love of COH is genuine. And it's not like there are so many COH fans that'd be worth faking it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kederren View Post
    Previews gave some hints that Carol might still be alive. And the Talking Dead confirmed that Lori became a walkers "Last meal".
    And NOT looking forward to the Merle/Darryl family reunion.
    Um, just how can one Walker manage to eat an entire adult body-- bones and all-- by itself?
  20. BlueBattler

    Devs moving on

    It is good to know that so many have landed on their feet.
  21. As others have said, there really is no way that COH can be restored at this point. If someone DOES buy it, they'd have to assemble a new team of Devs, they'd have their own vision for the game, and there's no guarantee that enough people would come back to make it a profitable game.

    That being said, I do hold out hope that the best part of COH will live on after the game is gone. I've made friends in this game and had some awesome times. Devs have worked on this game and learned a lot from it.

    Perhaps even now there's a gaming company out there-- perhaps one of those who tried to buy COH-- going, "Okay. There's a dedicated fan base out there for a game like COX-- let's see if we can make a product that they'll love."
  22. The more I play Champions the more I enjoy it.

    However, I have to say that the AT versions that FTP gets are much less fun than the freeforms a sub gets or at least have been so far.

    And their market is VERY expensive.

    That being said, I am enjoying the powers, the costume options, the various travel powers, and the instanced missions. The instanced missions are fairly short which is nice as I find it easier to do that "one more mission" before bedtime thing there. (Though my highest toon there is just 19 and they missions may take longer once you level up.)

    No, it's not COH. If you play it expecting it to BE COH, you are going to be disappointed.

    But in of itself, it's a fun little game.

    I enjoy DC Online too-- their super speed travel is awesome-- you can run on water or up the sides of buildings. The world is visually stunning and the voice acting is great. (No surprise as they used professional actors.)

    The downside to DC Online is that the controls work best with a joystick and their attack sets as a rule don't feel very super heroic to me.
  23. At this point, what we do know is that there were several interested buyers in the game besides the Ex Paragon Studio Devs. I can certainly see the Devs be so attached to the game they'd try to buy it even if it didn't make long term financial sense, but the fact that several other bidders were out there-- and Valve was one of them-- suggests that at least someone in the industry thought there was still money to be made.

    The amount of positive-- and free!-- PR that NCSoft could have made from selling the game would have been considerable.

    That they didn't sell the game suggests to me they are expecting a CONSIDERABLE tax write off from selling the game.

    Well, that or they are now so emotionally invested in their original decision that they will stubbornly cut off their nose to spite their face even if it cost them buckets of money.
  24. I gotta say that being a real or virtual parental figure to Carl is starting to look like a guarantee that he'll be the one to put you down.

    Maybe that'll be how the show ends: Carl putting down Zombie Rick.