For safety sake, I'm posting this here
I have no problem with people thinking about "what if" scenarios based on established franchises. I just think Lucas has a big enough ego without hinting that his "creation" had anything to do with being the foundation of human life on Earth.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
At least there's no midi-chlorians to account for.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
This is incredibly offensive on so many levels creatively, mythologically, scientifically, and philosophically... please run far away before someone finds it necessary to make you listen to ICP's "Miracles" on continuous loop for a month.
Your story included midichlorians. Get out. The door is that way.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Whaaat's all this CReligious talk there buddy...creep fest !!!!
CoX for life !!

So wait, are you saying that the omnipotent creator is really only responsible and interested in earth? Mind you, this would work great with oWoD lore which interprets the God of the Covenant as the Earth Avatar... but that's where it ends. I know this thread should and will get locked anyway, but you're a ******* crackpot, not a geek.
You can't bloody take the bible literally, if you take it at all. No matter what people believe, it was written by men. Fallible men with very naive ideas about the world. The bible basically assumes that earth is flat, the sun rotates around it (even the catholic church admitted sometimes in the 1990s that this was not the case, mind you) and the stars are just tiny lights on a sky that is a dome over said flat earth. Or rather, the people writing it assumed that. The geocentric world view came into being because people couldn't conceive of anything beyond what they knew. Since Brahe, Keppler, Copernicus and Galilei we very definitely know however that all of this is wrong.
On a more metaphorical level, the geneses are to be read as the God of the Covenant creating the entirety of the universe. Which makes your idea moot. Never mind that Zecharia Sitchin already wrote it in a way, with the tentative omission of any metaphysical creators.
In brief: Shockingly enough, I agree with Durakken.
Winston Churchill
I'm not upset. I'm as ambivalent on divinities as I am on morality. But your story hook suggests that these force sensitives have to come to earth to make contact with the God of the Covenant. Which implies that it's somehow not feasible on, say, Hoth. Which in turn implies that this creator IS earth-centric, recalling the geocentric world view dominant during the times the bible was written.
I'm actually going after this with a relatively neutral mindset, I'd like to think. The perceived hostility is just my natural way of going about things, no worries. It's not personal, above and beyond you presumably being human. I certainly detest your sig more than your post.
Another issue I have is that outside contamination by 'aliens' would suggest interference with the master plan. I mean, God is omniscient, yes? It's anybody's guess that he planned for the serpent to come into Eden and seduce one of the pair. It's conceivable that his praise of Abel was a scheme to get rid of both him and Cain in a not very overt way. An omniscient being would know the course and final result of all its actions, no? And an omnipotent creator would have made its creation force-sensitive if that was what it wanted.
I've long suspected that the God of the Covenant himself planned the attempted usurpation at the hands of the Star of the Morning so that once he removed himself and left man to its free will, there'd be a counterweight, an alternative for people to choose from. Not that selfsame creator ever really took that whole free will thing seriously. Sure, you guys have free will, but if it isn't co-aligned with what I've intended for you...
...well, let's see: Tongues of fire, flaming writing, rain of fire and brimstone... maybe something without fire? Oh, deluge! Also, turning people into pillars of salt.
This isn't the kind of guy who'd take lightly to squatters from another creation a few parsecs over.
Winston Churchill
I am Perfect.
Scientifically speaking I am the only result of the machinations of the universe that lead to me existing as I am. While i may grow and change that does not mean that the present me could be any better than I currently am and as such I am unquestioningly perfect.
Theologically speaking if you believing in a perfect god and an omnipotent god then that god could do nothing but make perfect beings. Even a "flawed" being would still be perfectly crafted into being perfectly flawed and further with the power of an omnipotent god I could never go against its will and thus anything I would do would have to be according to its will which is perfect which makes me perfect.
Now as to your comment back to mine.
It's uncreative. Not only is it uncreative but you are using a hack story as a basis. Yes, Star Wars is uncreative and a hack story. Why would you ever use it for the basis of anything.
Theologically it shows a lack of understanding of the subject matter and is insulting in saying that, that the judeo-christian god somehow came first when it is demonstrably based on a jealous backlash of Babylonian civilization and then just assimilated other religions into itself, but even when they were snaking their way into other religions they at least had the intelligence to say that Zeus = El and Genesis happened after Ragnarök.
It's just purely wrong scientifically or sci-fi-ishly and philosophically for reasons not going into.
Also I realize this is an attempt to say "hey guys what do you think about this idea?!" thread, but it should have been quickly stopped when you started listing off christianity. As much as it is unfair and asinine to say talking Thor is ok, but El is not because one has billions of believers and the other has a few hundred that probably don't read this site. It's mainly to keep you safe from looking like an idiot, me calling you an idiot, and all out flames from people you have offended that take what you just said as blasphemy.
and btw...this all comes from a guy who is working on a story where the god of the bible, El, is a vampire and a rapist that has been cloned and came from another planet. So if you think I'm taking offense to the fact that its' religious...boy you sure don't want to go there.
Well, this thread truly crashed and burned.
You win, Durakken.
I am Perfect.
Scientifically speaking I am the only result of the machinations of the universe that lead to me existing as I am. While i may grow and change that does not mean that the present me could be any better than I currently am and as such I am unquestioningly perfect. Theologically speaking if you believing in a perfect god and an omnipotent god then that god could do nothing but make perfect beings. Even a "flawed" being would still be perfectly crafted into being perfectly flawed and further with the power of an omnipotent god I could never go against its will and thus anything I would do would have to be according to its will which is perfect which makes me perfect. Now as to your comment back to mine. It's uncreative. Not only is it uncreative but you are using a hack story as a basis. Yes, Star Wars is uncreative and a hack story. Why would you ever use it for the basis of anything. Theologically it shows a lack of understanding of the subject matter and is insulting in saying that, that the judeo-christian god somehow came first when it is demonstrably based on a jealous backlash of Babylonian civilization and then just assimilated other religions into itself, but even when they were snaking their way into other religions they at least had the intelligence to say that Zeus = El and Genesis happened after Ragnarök. It's just purely wrong scientifically or sci-fi-ishly and philosophically for reasons not going into. Also I realize this is an attempt to say "hey guys what do you think about this idea?!" thread, but it should have been quickly stopped when you started listing off christianity. As much as it is unfair and asinine to say talking Thor is ok, but El is not because one has billions of believers and the other has a few hundred that probably don't read this site. It's mainly to keep you safe from looking like an idiot, me calling you an idiot, and all out flames from people you have offended that take what you just said as blasphemy. and btw...this all comes from a guy who is working on a story where the god of the bible, El, is a vampire and a rapist that has been cloned and came from another planet. So if you think I'm taking offense to the fact that its' religious...boy you sure don't want to go there. |
As for your writings(if that is an ACTUAL story your working on), hey, my beliefs are my own, your beliefs are your own. I'm not here to judge.
As far as "new"?
Something else my mom always said; "these days, there is nothing new under the sun".
Not even your story.
I could be wrong.
This is why you don't take the brown acid.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
I brought the BEER!...what? Dang late to the party again.
So, on a busy day for me I noticed this topic before a mod did.
How bout that new show that was screened recently. Wasn't the lead actor great.
Hey mods, why even bother leaving this here after all that pruning?
Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2