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  1. Thank you devs, past and present, for this wonderful game.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
    King Kong dies!
    More than that - he was really Bruce Willis *the whole time*!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    An invisible planet-sized anvil-shaped starship hovering closer to the sun than Mercury and which doesn't perturb the orbit of Mercury.

    We don't know that Mercury's orbit isn't perturbed! Maybe it's just very stoic! Didn't think about that, now did ya!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    Interesting article but it takes the fun out of it when they say its a known effect of the photographic enhancement process and its where Mercury was yesterday.
    Well, of course, that's what 'they' are gonna say! Everybody who knows about these things knows it's actually lens flare caused by swamp gas from Venus, but will 'they' ever come out and admit it? NO.
  5. Gotta be the guys that saved us from that brown dwarf star!
  6. Flarstux

    Journey to Mars

    In that second trailer, believe I saw... Woola. For some reason that produced the following effect:

  7. Flarstux

    Chuck Norris

    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    a pug pet
    A pug pet!?! On your avatar?!?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    2011 art assets
    Even in the newest of zones this game's 'art assets' don't feel very 2011 when it is not uncommon for MMO 'toons' these days to have hands with fingers instead of ham hocks at the ends of their arms. Hair that moves is not unheard of, either. Nor are faces that are capable of expressing various emotional states. Oh, and more than a few MMO 'toons' can wear robes. Scandalous. If they really want to update the art assets, that's the place to start. That's the current weakest link. All this other stuff... who cares if you can see your toon's reflection in a window when that reflection has the same 2004 body/face/limitations as it had in 2004?

    I'll express my opinion once again: all Dark Astoria needed was a series of story arcs and a TF or two to put it on par with Croatoa and Striga. Much less work involved futzing with 'art assets', and with the time/effort saved they could have worked on a whole new 50+ co-op Incarnate zone. Fans of the old Dark Astoria: happy! People who want 50+ co-op Incarnate content: happy! Everybody's happy!

    Or not.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Because the old content doesn't hold up any more and leaving it where people can see it is just an embarrassment.
    I wonder how well all this inferentially non-embarrassing replacement content will hold up seven years hence...
  10. A series of story arcs and a TF or two. That's *all* Dark Astoria needed to put it on par with Croatoa and Striga. No changes to the actual zone necessary.

    Instead, the devs choose to continue dismantling the game. Piece by piece, taking the things that have kept me, at least, coming back again and again since I first logged in back in October of 2005. At this point, they should just go ahead and change the name of the game.

    My 'City of Heroes' is gone.

    "It's not gone - it's in Ouroboros!"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    It will be a 50+ zone for Incarnate use
    A little late to the party here, but... damn. Incarnate ...stuff... in Dark Astoria? Why, devs? Why would you do this? Well, hell. There's just no coming back from this one. The Fork Incarnate has been well and truly stuck.

  12. Flarstux

    The Walking Dead

    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    Why wouldn't he just say that, then? o.O
    I blame Shakespeare.

    "And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and zombies all over the place. Game over, man. Game over."
  13. Flarstux

    The Walking Dead

    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    "domesticated" zombies
    The ultimate in domestic bliss?

  14. Flarstux

    The Walking Dead

    Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
    It would take the doc all of 5 minutes to check someone's blood type, assuming his vet stuff is all in the house.
    Recently had some blood work done, and I asked my doc if he could have them check my blood type, because I have no idea what it is and have always wondered. He marked it on the order thing. When I went in to get the blood drawn, the lady looked at it kinda funny like, then asked another lady, "What's this?" The other lady said, "Oh, blood type." She looked at me. "You know that's $100 extra, right?" I said, "Uh, no, I didn't know that." "Still want it?"

    /e Darth Vader

    She said, "Next time there's a blood drive, donate, and they'll tell you what it is for free."
  15. Action Comics #3
    Detective Comics #3
    Metal Men #1

    Okay, that last one is just wishful thinking at this point but if it was real I'd get it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    Is that working for them?
    Well, I'm reading Aquaman now.

    But I mourn the loss of (say it with me) Power Girl and Stephanie Brown as Batgirl.

    If only they'd brought back the Metal Men...

    Let's see. Pre-reboot, I was getting:

    Power Girl
    Brave and Bold
    Justice League


    Justice League
    Action Comics
    Detective Comics
    Legion Lost
    Wonder Woman
    Green Lantern

  17. I'll go along with the missing part. No other game frustrates me as much with the continual barrage of misses.

    And I say this having played an energy/energy blaster with the /energy attacks slotted with two accuracy enhancements - it was damned amazing how often those attacks missed - and a Widow with a Nerve Total Radial Revamp slotted while keeping accuracy enhancements slotted in individual attack powers.

    Sometimes when my tinfoil hat is in need of repair I even suspect that certain characters are marked at birth, so to speak, to be chronic missers. That electric/electric scrapper I rolled a year or two ago - I finally just gave up and stopped playing him. (Right about that same time, my MA/Regen scrapper was a HIT machine.) Right now I'm not particularly thrilled with my new StJ/WP scrapper, even after getting her into the SO level range. It's almost a certainty that every third attack will miss.

    So, I dunno. Real or imagined, no other game frustrates me as much with the constant barrage of misses.
  18. I have seen fingers, individual fingers, and hair that moves. Animated faces. Robes that my characters can wear while fighting, riding, swimming, jumping, climbing. I have seen a character use an attack very similar to fire breath, but if that character was surrounded she could simply turn about and that attack would strike all within range. I have seen underwater combat, and water that looked real enough to engender thirst. I have seen mass quantities of characters converge spontaneously to deal with an immediate threat, and have seen characters leave in the midst of it all and be replaced by newcomers. I've seen fire and I've seen rain. And snow. And boobies.

    But no other game has this:

    And stuff like this is pretty cool:

    And where else can you hover over a graveyard while juggling balls of energy?

    Plus, Tankers are fun!

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    Super speed? Really? Forget the middle man!

    There are probably millions heroes in Paragon with the ability to directly manifest electricity from nothing when you consider all of the folks running around with Electric Armor, Assault, Blast, Control, Manipulation, Melee, Mastery, Mu Mastery, and et cetera. Why, Electric Blast, Electric Control, and Storm Summoning can even create other independent entities which continually spew forth raw electricity!

    Plus, there's all those folks with Radiation and Energy based powers.
    Inspirations... are POWERS!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    For all we know, Anti-Matter's reactors run on [really horrible thing I don't care to make the effort to think of].
    Facebook 'copy this to your status' chain letter SPAM.

    Well. That, or mayonnaise and tuna cookies.
  21. "Galaxy City - Reborn!"

    5-part solo story arc for Hero characters of level 1-10, in which characters clear the way - by moving debris or rousting bad guys - for Galaxy City to be rebuilt, with origin-specific variations of each mission. Characters who complete the entire arc can then visit a fully restored Galaxy City where there will be several new/old contacts with missions/story arcs for characters of levels 10 to 50. And pie.

    What's that? You prefer playing a Villain and feel left out? No worries! Villainous characters can participate as well while keeping their villainous reputations intact thanks to brand new ground-breaking tech called... the Incognito System!

    The Incognito System: "No one will know it's you!"
  22. Flarstux

    The Walking Dead

    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Poor Otis. I saw it coming, but... poor Otis.
    Dead and gone, left me here to sing his song
    Pretty little girl with the red dress on
    Poor Otis, dead and gone