New Comics Day Nov 2, 2011




Action Comics #3
Detective Comics #3
Metal Men #1

Okay, that last one is just wishful thinking at this point but if it was real I'd get it.



Fear Itself 7.1. Not a big fan of Fear Itself but if you like Cap and Bucky you will not want to miss this issue. That is all I will say to avoid any spoilers. Probably the pick of the week in my opinion.

Amazing Spiderman 673 the epilogue for Spider Island was also a good read. I really liked this story line and can't wait to see what the future holds for Kaine.

I bought Uncanny X-men and X-men and I wish I hadn't. I don't really care much for the direction of the X-men right now.

I almost forgot New Mutants which is probably my favorite X-book right now. Todays issue was kind of ok and not much action, which is alright because I am looking forward to the teams next mission.

Wasn't a DC comics week for me. I should have picked up Action Comics #3 but avoided it due to not really liking the Superman comics in the new 52.



Justice League International #3
The team splits up into pairs to investigate the alien/robot giants that have mysteriously appeared, and we get a few character bits as they get to know each other a little better. Their handlers/managers, meanwhile, are freaking out over how recent events will impact the team's image and their career more than anything else, and Guy heads into orbit to investigate what appears to be the mastermind behind all of this.

Action Comics #3
Clark gets a few memory dream glimpses of Krypton that suggest what Brainiac has in store, and deals with the fallout of a smear campaign against Superman. Also, he seems to have a mysterious anonymous source/benefactor? Hmm...

Animal Man #3
This comic continues to straddle the line between mainstream DC superheroing and old school Vertigo trippiness. And me likey. There may also be hints of a potential crossover with Swamp Thing as there's talk of the Red and the Green (the forces of animal and plant life, respectively) needing to war against some sort of corrupting influence.

Shade #1 (of 12)
Missed this the first time it came out, so I picked up the second printing. I was a big fan of Robinson's Starman series, and this looks to continue following the lives of that title's supporting characters and setting. We all know the Shade is an awesome character. Also, (SPOILERS!!!) Deathstroke shows up at the end. Not entirely sold on his bulky new look still (with his nigh-Final Fantasy-esque sword), but at least they didn't spend his appearance telling the reader how badass he is. Like in his own book.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Action #3
Stormwatch #3
Batwing #3 (this is the BEST title DC has right now!)



Detective Comics #3. Also need to catch up on Spidey.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183




Exalted server
Red Pendragon-FM/SD Scrapper 50+3
Softcapped 45% defence, 247 DPS no pets, 447 DPS with pets



Action Comics #3: I'm enjoying seeing this different take on the character.

Red Lanterns #3: In my opinion one of the pleasant surprises of the New 52, though it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I've enjoyed the existential musings of Atrocitus and the conflict in philosophies we now have.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



I'm almost to the good DC stuff... Reading all the DC titles every week is blagh



So here's the updated ratings of all the DCnU comics from me ^.^
So far the top two titles are Batman and Swamp Thing
Week 3 is probably the best week for DCnU in my opinion

Batgirl = F- > D
Men of War = A+ > B > C
Green Arrow = D > C > C
Static Shock = B > C- > C+
Batwing = D > C > C
Animal Man = B > B > A-
Swamp Thing = A+ > A+ > A+
Stormwatch = F+ > D > F
Justice League International = B > C+ > C+
OMAC = C- > C > D
Hawk and Dove = C > D > C-
Action Comics = F > B+ > B
Detective Comics = B+ > C > C

Resurrection Man = A > B
Demon Knights = C > C+
Mister Terrific = F-- > F-
Suicide Squad = C- > B
Green Lantern = C > C
Deathstroke = B > C-
Red Lanterns = B > C+ > C
Superboy = B- > C+
Legion Lost = C- > B
Grifter = B- >B
Frakenstein, Agent of SHADE = C- > D
Batwoman = B- > B

Batman and Robin = D- > D
Blue Beetle = B > C
Wonder Woman = D > C-
LoSH = F- > D-
Supergirl = A+ > B+
Captain Atom = C- > C-
Green Lantern Corps = C > C
DC Universe Presents = A+ > A
Catwoman = C+ > C
Red Hood and the Outlaws = C > D
Nightwing = B > D-
Birds of Prey = B- > C
Batman = A+ > A+

Aquaman = A > D
The Flash = C+ > C-
Voodoo = A+ > A+
All-Star Western = B/A > A+
I, Vampire = D- > D-
The Savage Hawkman = C > F
Superman = F----- > F
Teen Titans = B+ > C
Justice League Dark = D+ > D
GL: New Guardians = C+ > B
Firestorm = B+ > C+
Blackhawks = B+ > A+
BtDK = B- > C



This week's a light one for me, only Marksmen #4

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
Deathstroke shows up at the end. Not entirely sold on his bulky new look still (with his nigh-Final Fantasy-esque sword), but at least they didn't spend his appearance telling the reader how badass he is. Like in his own book.
Nah. In Deathstroke's book they spent half of Issue One and pretty much all of Issue Two showing how badass and ruthless he is. I'm not sold on his bulky look either.

Wait. I take that back. I know that we're supposed to see how badass a dude Slade is, but it really came off half as good as it should have. Half of the opponents just looked lame. He took out a dozen other 'specialized' and gimmicky bounty hunters in the bar way too easily, and the ones on motorcycles were pretty much just cannon fodder. Then there was the guy who was on the cover - Road Rage, who I think was supposed to be the 'big threat' of the issue, but ended up being just another gimmicky guy that Slade uses to kill the guy who hired him in Issue One, and prove a point to his agent. A lot of time was used to make Deathstroke look like a huge, serious threat in the DCnU, but I think it fell rather flat.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Red Hood and the Outlaws = C > D
I really want someone to explain this one to me. This book was the worst thing ever in its first issue. Then Durakken rated issue 2 as a D, and now it's up to C. Can someone tell me how it's pulling away from the awfulness it started out being?

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Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I really want someone to explain this one to me. This book was the worst thing ever in its first issue. Then Durakken rated issue 2 as a D, and now it's up to C. Can someone tell me how it's pulling away from the awfulness it started out being?
Well, I will say that issue 2 managed to avoid the "Starfire as mindless sex doll" subject. (Though the flight attendant hitting on Jason... yeah.) It's still pretty bad so far.

But I've learned to accept that Durakken has different opinions than I on many things and to take his ratings with a grain of salt.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I really want someone to explain this one to me. This book was the worst thing ever in its first issue. Then Durakken rated issue 2 as a D, and now it's up to C. Can someone tell me how it's pulling away from the awfulness it started out being?
I think you are reading that wrong...
Redhood #1 = C
Redhood #2 = D

While Redhood #1 had something really stupid in it with Starfire it's no more stupid than a number of other things in the DCnU and it is more or less an average book if you get past the hate about Starfire, Roy, and Jason not acting like those characters. I consider Wonder Girl's change from being a regular kid that has to deal with being the daughter of a god to a thief who happened to steal artifacts that gave her powers as a more egregious change.

Why is Issue 2 worse than issue 1? Consider that while #1 had some things wrong with it from a fan's point of view, it really wasn't bad from the point of view of not knowing anything about these characters... #2 has established characters and a story that we're supposed to be following from #1. And in that story there are ton of things that are badly done and unnecessary and likewise, Starfire, even though she acts better now acts completely out of character from what we saw before.



I think Jason Todd is the only good thing about Red Hood and the Outlaws. If the comic had more Red Hood and no Outlaws I would keep up with this comic.

Durakken - Are you a fan of the old Wildstorm WildC.A.T.s? I see that Grifter and Voodoo got decent ratings and wondered what your thoughts are on the characters transition into the DCnU? I haven't read their comics but have thought about checking them out.



Originally Posted by HYBRID_Z View Post
I think Jason Todd is the only good thing about Red Hood and the Outlaws. If the comic had more Red Hood and no Outlaws I would keep up with this comic.

Durakken - Are you a fan of the old Wildstorm WildC.A.T.s? I see that Grifter and Voodoo got decent ratings and wondered what your thoughts are on the characters transition into the DCnU? I haven't read their comics but have thought about checking them out.
I don't have thoughts on that as I've never read WildC.A.T.s.