So We Have 'Who WIll Die?' Now, What Do You Want After?




I was thinking that once this current signature story arc is over, it'd be cool to have a 'major character switches sides' arc. Sure, we have Maelstrom and Desdemona, but they were kinda MADE for switching sides, really. It'd be more shocking seeing one of the Freedom Phalanx and one of the heads of Arachnos switching to villain/hero. I know it'd be expected, but I think I'd like to see Ghost Widow switch sides.

*Ghost Widow Arc Spoilers*

I always felt bad that you had to betray her when she was trying to become human again. I think if they maybe did this in the arc, and she was free from being attached to Arachnos, but still somehow possessed her powers, she might have a change of heart because of the hero (your character) that helped her become human again.

*End Ghost Widow Arc Spoilers*

Hero side, I'm not sure who would become a villain. It'd have to be done in a way not to make them seem too much like their Praetorian counterpart.

Anyways, any story arc involving the signature characters that you would like to see?

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Who Will Live?

Lord Recluse is sick of his lieutenants being idiots and decides to make them degrade themselves for his amusement. Also, to kill all of them except one. The "winner" will be forced to do all the stupid missions the Destined Ones once were stuck with, like Willy Wheeler's crap and Hardcase, leaving the people who can get things done (the PCs) free to get things done.

Since the villains can see the benefit of getting rid of three out of four morons, they gladly enter the fray to make sure that the least powerful and most useless of Recluse's goons gets out on top.

Meanwhile, heroes all go "the Rogue Isles still exist?" and continue preparing to fight the Coming Storm, as if nothing has happened.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



"Galaxy City - Reborn!"

5-part solo story arc for Hero characters of level 1-10, in which characters clear the way - by moving debris or rousting bad guys - for Galaxy City to be rebuilt, with origin-specific variations of each mission. Characters who complete the entire arc can then visit a fully restored Galaxy City where there will be several new/old contacts with missions/story arcs for characters of levels 10 to 50. And pie.

What's that? You prefer playing a Villain and feel left out? No worries! Villainous characters can participate as well while keeping their villainous reputations intact thanks to brand new ground-breaking tech called... the Incognito System!

The Incognito System: "No one will know it's you!"