Demo editing help!




First off, I know this isn't the right section for this but the multi-media section is dead and I could really use some help. The last several posts there went unanswered so here I am.

So I've taken dozens and dozens of demo recordings in the game today and I am frustrated and puzzled.

I'm looking for a good MOV of a character's reaction to getting hit. So either there head knocked back or their gut goes back or at least SOMETHING, although I could use them all.

When ingame, I record attacking enemies on the street and while recording, they do their reaction. However when its time to look at the demo and replay it, the reaction is gone. So the game REFUSES to demo record the exact MOV code I need.

Can anyone tell me what these MOVs are or how to capture them while demo recording ingame??? Please???

PS> Anyone know the puking MOV where the character holds their stomach?

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Not in a position to look at this now, but I'll try to take a look when I get home, assuming a more expert demoeditor doesn't get here first.

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I'm working off somewhat dusty memories here, but I believe that the rag doll physics of the hit reaction isn't recorded with MOV - but with another item in the demorecord. EntRagdoll maybe? But don't count on that being correct

Samuraiko (Dark_Respite on the CoH forums) may know more - she's far more up-to-date on demo recording than anyone else I can think of.

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
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Ragdoll only occurs for knockback. All other hits have some kind of animation to indicate that it landed. I guess these aren't currently getting recorded?



I'm at work at the moment, but can answer this relatively fast.

Killing NPCs gets the ragdoll thing (a LOOOONG stretch of code with ENTRAGDOLL). If all you want are the REACTS to the hit (like when you see two Hellions slugging it out and one is constantly rocking back on his heels), go to Scuzzbopper's Codex and search "REACT" or "HIT" (IIRC).

Note: Ragdoll code does NOT always work with PC models. Dunno why, but there it is.

Re: the vomit emote, if you can't find it on Scuzz's website, head into Pocket D and run around til you hear the guy losing his lunch. Then demorecord him.


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I'm not talking about the ragdoll stuff at all.

I'm talking about MOVs where you punch and you knock the enemies head back for a moment and then they keep on fighting.
Or, the main one I need right now, if you punch or hit an enemy in the stomach and they arc forward from the hit and then keep on fighting. I know its an MOV. I've used it before. But for some reason 30+ demo recordings refuse to capture it, whether its myself getting hit or an NPC.

I've been checking under HIT and REACT and nothing. I've had the codex open all day, also. I'm getting very angry at this game and its coding. ><

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MOV ENC_BARF_A ----> Character grabs stomach and covers mouth.
MOV ENC_BARF_B ----> Character vomits.
MOV RUMBLE_B ------> Character takes a swing then has head snap backwards then to one side.

The link to Scuzzbopper's demo site . Unfortunately it hasn't been updated for several years. Hope this helps Sin!

Sparky - mutant elec/elec/elec blaster



Thank you and everyone else who's helped or attempted to. Its greatly appreciated.

This all helps but I still am lacking an MOV of someone reacts when getting hit in the stomach. Its not super strong either, just a react to a punch that knocks the wind out of ya.

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I think the ENC_BARF_A animation might be the closest you will get to the gut punch reaction you are looking for. If you let the animation run for a bit the character holds one hand to their gut then bends over and vomits then straightens slight while holding both hands to their gut. After a few seconds they lean over again and vomit. The animation with then loop. So if you are looking to get a screenshot without the vomiting it will be a matter of timing.

I think there is an animation where a character is doubled over slightly from a shotgun blast but I can't seem to find it. Others might know what it is.

Sparky - mutant elec/elec/elec blaster



Originally Posted by _Sparky_ View Post
I think the ENC_BARF_A animation might be the closest you will get to the gut punch reaction you are looking for. If you let the animation run for a bit the character holds one hand to their gut then bends over and vomits then straightens slight while holding both hands to their gut. After a few seconds they lean over again and vomit. The animation with then loop. So if you are looking to get a screenshot without the vomiting it will be a matter of timing.

I think there is an animation where a character is doubled over slightly from a shotgun blast but I can't seem to find it. Others might know what it is.
Yeah, if I can't get the mov I want, that'll be my back up but I know it exists.

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Hoping that isn't it on the help front.
I'm still needing the MOV command of a character getting hit in the gut.

Its now the only thing left before I have all the shots I need and can start putting them all together to make Stalktress issue 3.

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I just had a thought...

You've seen the guy punching someone in the stomach who's lying on the ground, and they're doing that flopflopflop animation. I don't know how well it might work with the person standing up (you'd have to mess with the PYR, perhaps)...

Or how about the out of breath emote, where the person is wheezing and is bent over, hands on knees?


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Tried the out of breath, the person is too bent over.

Do you know where ingame I can find the code for the person on the ground? I've been messing with the PYR ALOT for this issue so its no problem. Hopefully it works. The only place I've seen that MOV was in the Breakout which I don't think exists anymore.

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Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
Tried the out of breath, the person is too bent over.

Do you know where ingame I can find the code for the person on the ground? I've been messing with the PYR ALOT for this issue so its no problem. Hopefully it works. The only place I've seen that MOV was in the Breakout which I don't think exists anymore.
You could try using the AE where you can set starting emotes for various critters in custom missions.

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It's been a long time since I've worked with demorecord files so take this worth a grain of salt. But here it is...

Is it possible that the reaction you're looking for isn't a MOV command, but part of an FX definition, like part of what happens when the model is the target of a power? I can't check this right now because I'm not at home, but it might help.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
It's been a long time since I've worked with demorecord files so take this worth a grain of salt. But here it is...

Is it possible that the reaction you're looking for isn't a MOV command, but part of an FX definition, like part of what happens when the model is the target of a power? I can't check this right now because I'm not at home, but it might help.
Based on some experiments I did last night, that actually seems to be the case: there's always a ragdoll directive and an FX directive when hitting critters with attacks, but they don't always seem to initiate a MOV themselves. Actually, they rarely initiate a MOV themselves. Mostly, I tend to see BLOCK_X moves if anything.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
Tried the out of breath, the person is too bent over.

Do you know where ingame I can find the code for the person on the ground? I've been messing with the PYR ALOT for this issue so its no problem. Hopefully it works. The only place I've seen that MOV was in the Breakout which I don't think exists anymore.
I'm pretty sure the guy on the ground is doing a fall emote.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Based on some experiments I did last night, that actually seems to be the case: there's always a ragdoll directive and an FX directive when hitting critters with attacks, but they don't always seem to initiate a MOV themselves. Actually, they rarely initiate a MOV themselves. Mostly, I tend to see BLOCK_X moves if anything.
That still doesn't explain why the demo recordings refuse to capture it.

I have demo recorded dozens upon dozens of times now the exact thing I want. If I replay it, even untouched, the demo file does not have the enemies do the same motion. It should at least have it replayed...

So whatever it is, I need, whether it be an FX, an MOV or something else. I can edit and alter it for my own needs but I need whatever information causes their reaction. Weird thing is I've seen it as an MOV before. Maybe it changed, maybe not but I still need whatever it is.

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