~Artz gone F2P?~
I can't help with your question but....Ouch! I hope you are fully recovered.
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
I know I've gone premium, and that would certianly be a factor in only having page views go up but not having any discussion: after all, premiums can't post in any section that isn't ALL ACCESS.
Alex (as in imagesbyalex) has tried doing a weekly sketch thing that is updated every so often in this section of the boards so that all players have the chance to partake in the fun.
Also, I hope you're getting recovered. Both legs broken has to hurt... a character of mine could sympathize. :P
I have also dropped down to Premium as I've been spending most of my time on my new web site. I still keep an eye on the art section, but of course can't post. Also, the FArt battle is being hosted on this forum for the main fact that premiums can participate, so that draws a little more attention away from the Art forum.
how did you break your legs?

Alex has an on again off again thread w/art (like his sketches before) in ... think it's this section - specifically for the Free/Premiums not being able to post elsewhere.
Thanks, I should clarify, one leg has multiple breaks
the other has a sprained ankle and strained tendons.
The latest x-rays are looking good so I won't need surgery
or metal pins, it's mostly a waiting/rehabbing game at this point.
Knew DD was going to post vote threads here since
beginning of the year but I didn't know Alex was back and
posting a sketch thread in the all access area. I'll have to go check it out.
wearing a straightjacket) but alas it involved helping my parents with their spring cleaning and a staircase.

Hey when people drop to free2play can they still send PM's to anyone?
No, they cannot. In addition, their PM storage also becomes zero.
......................My last contest had art from the talented Baquitania as the prize,
results for it should be going up in a few days time...... |

Yeah not sure what the goal is with that... would anyone re-sub just to send a PM?
So I was away for a few months (broken legs) and upon my return I noticed it was pretty quiet in the,
usually busy, Art section of the forums. Pageviews are still happening but not much talking.
I'm wondering, did a bunch of people drop down to free play? Leave to try other stuff?
Do new players even know there is a section for player made/commissioned art?
I (and several others there) do contests from time to time and give away
free art of the winners characters as prizes and I'm considering having another
as soon I am better recovered but I'm wondering if there will be enough interest in that?
My last contest had art from the talented Baquitania as the prize,
results for it should be going up in a few days time.
One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!
I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris