that was embarassing




ran the Laura Lockhart arc with a team, my missions. In one mission there is a computer terminal. The other said it said the team leader needed to talk to it. So I clicked on it, got nothing. We could not complete the mission. That mission cannot be dropped.

I tried again solo after it reset. Same problem.

I petitioned and logged. This was a week + ago

Today my other character could not complete a Marauder mission in PI. Cleared the map but it said I needed to defeat all villains. Swept it several times - no villains. Mission cannot be dropped. Filed a petition.

Went back to my other character. Filed a new petition on the stuck mission. A GM contacted me, we went into the mission. The mission text says to find Laura. I clicked on the computer - still nothing. The GM told me to click on the body on the ground. I clicked on it - it was Laura. That let me click on the computer and get through the mission.

I wasn't doing it right. In my defense, there are a ton of bodies in that mission and the rest do nothing and they all look the same. But it worked. I was just doing it wrong.

Now I'm wondering if I missed something in the Marauder mission.



I had to call for a GMs help to get past that part of Lockhart's mission as well.



Heh, the old prone NPC trick. I've occasionally had trouble noticing NPCs like that before. Never had to call a GM before though, as eventually I do notice the prone character (and immediately facepalm for not seeing them sooner).



Several years ago I called a GM for a defeat all mission on an Oranbega map. I have most CoH maps pretty well memorized, and I'm very good at running through a mission and hitting tab to target anything in sight, and I'd been over the map several times and I was absolutely convinced that there were no more enemies to be found anywhere on the map.

Turned out at the entrance to one room, there was a double archway entrance with alcoves to the right and left between the two arches, and I'd run straight through several times without looking to either side.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I've had to seek assistance getting out of a room I got myself into. It's on an Oranbega map too, I'd got all turned around when I entered it and couldn't recall going through a darkened tunnel. When I looked there later I just saw it as a dead end. The GM must have chuckled when they pointed it out to me. That was embarrassing.

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



I spent a few mins trying to find what to do also. Found her because the body stays..a big clue.

Still, could use some other indication.



I was playing through WWD#7 with a friend when we get to the mission with the spiral of ships. We get to the pulse bit fine and we defeat the ambushes... But the pulse didn't stop. Obviously something had gone wrong so I called the GM. An hour later, and a whole levels-worth of EXP debt from the GM trying to make us (i.e. teleporting us into the middle of mobs to either be killed by them or Wade's nuke) clear the map whilst the nuke was going off, the GM decided to just auto-complete the mission for us.

More embarrassing for the GM than us.

I've also had a problem with an Oranbega map. Can't remember which one it was but I could see that there was a room adjacent to the one I was in and I just couldn't figure out how to get there. Turns out there was a small alcove in the corner of a different room that I kept on missing. I called for a GM on that one too.



so I ran through the Marauder mission again, same result.

I petitioned, a GM appeared. Let me say how cool it is that they appear as police drones.

GM hunted around - I had no idea that 2 of the giant doors in the room opened. They don't really go anywhere, each just has a tiny room with one spawn.

mission complete.

Now both my characters are unstuck - very happy with the GM's help. But unhappy that when you file a petition it does not say that you should wait online for a response.



The floating-ships stage in WWD 1.7 is very prone, in my experience, to having the series of ambushes/waves broken by common ways of getting back to the safety of the one ship and its bubble. I've done it twice, and both times people had to fly up (timing their excursions between pulses as best as possible) to kill and/or pull spawns to "un-stick" the rest of the mission.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



On the other hand, there's a common bug that I've run across 3-5 times where a hostage can take damage, and if the enemy guarding them had AoE attacks, they can kill the hostage while you're trying to rescue them. Then you're stuck because you haven't rescued the hostage yet, or you were supposed to lead them somewhere but they're dead.

The last time I had this happen, I'd seen it several times before and knew exactly what was happening. I called a GM and tried to explain what had happened. "You haven't cleared the map," he said. "No, I don't have to clear the map, I just have to rescue this hostage but I can't because he was flagged to take damage and the enemy killed him by accident." I think I explained it in detail about 3-4 times, and the GM just didn't get it. I finally said, "The mission's broke. I can't advance," and he auto-completed it for me.

Sometimes trying to explain WHY it broke just confuses them.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Here's a weird one I had once. It was a defeat all mission on an oranbega map. At one point I opened a door and saw the entryway for the portal room. Knowing that there are no regular mob spawns in there and that the portals don't count for a defeat all I immediately turned around and continued exploring the rest of the map.

Eventually I had cleared out everything and it still didn't end. I went over every nook and cranny of the map about 15 times. I was about to send in a petition when I thought, "well, I didn't check the portal room, maybe a hostage or something spawned in there, I should go check" so I headed down there. As soon as I enter the room, BAM!, the mission ends. Apparently I had to enter the room in order for it to acknowledge that there were no enemies in there.