Avenger Take 3rd in All-time Grossed Films
And to think Avengers has yet to open in some countries.
And over on IMDB and some other boards Batman fans are still claiming that Dark Knight Rises will destroy Avengers box office records.
Of course these are the same people who were claiming that the only reason the Avengers opening weekend was so huge was because everybody was going to see the Dark Knight preview.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
These lists really need to be adjusted for inflation or something. Comparing movies today (when tickets cost in the realm of 12-15 bucks a pop) to movies back during the "Gone With the Wind" era (when tickets cost much, much, MUCH less) just isn't valid.
Of course newer movies are going to make more and more money, since ticket prices have doubled in the last decade.. Which makes stuff like Titanic's number 2 position even that much more impressive, as it probably sold more actual tickets than Avatar.
Regardless, I'm glad to see Avengers is doing well.
and I like how the first 4 digits are "1,337" lmao
These lists really need to be adjusted for inflation or something. Comparing movies today (when tickets cost in the realm of 12-15 bucks a pop) to movies back during the "Gone With the Wind" era (when tickets cost much, much, MUCH less) just isn't valid.
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Funny you should mention Gone With the Wind: Box office adjusted for inflation. Avengers is #35. For now.
#35 is still quite impressive, especially since most the stuff above it are pure classics.. and it isn't done earning yet!
Funny you should mention Gone With the Wind: Box office adjusted for inflation. Avengers is #35. For now.
I look forward to seeing Avengers surpass Titanic
And over on IMDB and some other boards Batman fans are still claiming that Dark Knight Rises will destroy Avengers box office records.
Of course these are the same people who were claiming that the only reason the Avengers opening weekend was so huge was because everybody was going to see the Dark Knight preview. |
And he's not in Dark Knight Rises, for obvious reasons.

10. Alice in Wonderland (2010) |
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These lists really need to be adjusted for inflation or something. Comparing movies today (when tickets cost in the realm of 12-15 bucks a pop) to movies back during the "Gone With the Wind" era (when tickets cost much, much, MUCH less) just isn't valid.
Still, props to Avengers for raking in so much so quickly!
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My City Was Gone
I finally got to see The Avengers for the 2nd time yesterday (first time seeing it for my dad).
Feels weird because one of the prequel Star Wars movies (I think III) I saw 3 times, once with co-workers, once w/ my dad and then once w/ my brother (one of those, "we can't all get together, so let's just see it individually" ).
By the third time I was like, "ugh....this 2 hour movie is loooongg..."
Love The Avengers movie but don't like seeing movies by myself...
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And over on IMDB and some other boards Batman fans are still claiming that Dark Knight Rises will destroy Avengers box office records.
Of course these are the same people who were claiming that the only reason the Avengers opening weekend was so huge was because everybody was going to see the Dark Knight preview. |
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It's not likely that any movie will ever again beat the adjusted gross of the big hits from Titanic and before. GWTW came from a time when there wasn't any television. Movies and plays were the main entertainment. People would go to the movies every weekend and often see the same movie many times.
But the real hit to people going to movies has been big screen hd televisions and blu-ray discs. A lot of people don't even go to the movies any more except on special occasions because a home theater is just as good as a movie theater unless the movie is visually spectacular. In fact I would most times rather see a movie at home because I don't have to deal with people talking or texting or walking back and forth in front of me.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
I'm not sure what would amaze me more: the amount of stupid required to believe this, or the amount of stupid required to believe one could convince other people of this.

Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
I have no idea what country you live in but there was in my theater.
But since we're talking world-wide gross, it's a silly assumption to make, that such a preview, in whatever theatre, would be the cause of it.
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
Actually, adjusted for inflation, The Dark Knight is still ahead of The Avengers. I think the Avengers will surpass it, but not by much. Essentially though, as of right now, more people went to see The Dark Knight than have seen The Avengers.
I do believe that The Dark Knight Rises will sell more tickets than The Avengers. I don't think it will be by a massive margin, but I think it will end up making more money. It doesn't matter either way, really--it's not as if how much money a film makes determines it's worth and they're both great films, but just for speculation's sake I'm gonna say that the Dark Knight Rises ends up selling more tickets.
And as for me personally, I think The Dark Knight Rises will end up being an infinitely better film than The Avengers. The Avengers was alot of fun, but God, some of the dialogue was painfully stupid. Nolan, in my opinion is just a much better writer/director than Joss Whedon.
We'll find out in a little over a month I guess.
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They've both been given comicbook properties that suit their separate styles, and they've both made successful movies because of it.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
That's a Whedon trademark - but it didn't really damage the Avengers, because it wasn't trying to be a totally serious movie - so while a Whedon Batman would be getting into "Batman and Robin" territory, a Nolan Avengers really wouldn't be much better.
They've both been given comicbook properties that suit their separate styles, and they've both made successful movies because of it. |
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The Avengers beats Harry Potter for 3rd place of all time movie sales!
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